"Then you can release the news again. I'm going out on a mission. I believe they will be hooked."

Tian Yu smiled.

"That's all right, but what about your safety? Use yourself as a bait. What if something goes wrong?"

Tsunade would rather not choose someone from Anbu than let Tianyu have an accident.

Otherwise, he really doesn't know what to do.

"Relax, I'll be fine, you have to believe me, then this matter is settled as it is, mute, and leave the holiday news to you."

Tian Yu nodded.

"it is good!"

Nod silently.

After Tianyu and Tsunade discussed how to deal with the matter.

Soon Tsunade gave the order.

Afterwards, the selected Anbu appeared in the office one by one.

There are twelve people on the list.

These people are almost all of civilian origin, and their strength is Shangnin.

"Very well, I announce that you have passed the selection of Anbu this time, and will become the exclusive unit of Hokage in the future, but before you truly become a member of Anbu, there is a task that I will take you to deal with that is Go and kill those at the root."

Chapter 319 Mantis Catching Cicadas

"Now that Danzo has died Konoha, everything is waiting to be done. The rest of the people at the root are hidden in the dark and cause us a little trouble from time to time. Although this is not a big deal, it is still a bit difficult to handle, so this time , our goal is to kill them completely, do you understand?"

Tian Yu looked at the twelve people and said slowly.


Everyone nodded together.

"Very well, then..."

Tian Yu was halfway through speaking, and then he saw a familiar face in the crowd.

Walking up to that person, sure enough, that person is Yamato.

If you guessed correctly, Yamato was the one who was sent by Sarutobi Hiizan to go undercover.

Speaking of which, Sarutobi Hiizan and Shimura Danzo are really the same raccoon dog.

Anbu and Genbu can also be regarded as having me in you and you in me.

There is really a set of sending spies to each other.

"grown ups!"

Yamato bowed his head and bowed to Tian Yu.

"Well, let's go."

Tian Yu ignored Yamato, turned around and left the Hokage office.

Then the twelve people followed Tian Yu and left the office.

For Tian Yu, even if this spy is Yamato, it doesn't matter.

Although Yamato also has the cells between the thousand-hand pillars, he can use the wood escape.

But his Mu Dun and Qianshouzhu, that is really not the same thing.

His Mu Dun, at most, could be able to build a house for Konoha.

And the one in the Thousand Hands Pillars, but the ability to grow a forest in the desert in an instant.

It is clear at a glance which is stronger or weaker than the two.

Yamato was a little flustered at the moment.

After Sarutobi was beheaded, he was forced to leave Anbu.

After that, he was classified as a jungin with a class and went to the ninja school.

It's just that this is undoubtedly a kind of torture for Yamato who often appeared on the battlefield before.

Later, Konoha finally started to select Anbu.

He ended up being one of those 12.

It's just that Lord Tianyu looked at him before leaving the office, which made him panic a little.

He didn't want to be brushed off.

It seems that in this mission, he has to work hard.

at the same time.

After hearing Tian Yu's order, these spies hidden in Anbu moved in their hearts.

Remove roots.

This also means that apart from these people, Tian Yu is acting alone at this time.

That just happened to be the best chance to get rid of him.

Therefore, after leaving Konoha, the spy hidden among these twelve people quietly sent this information to his companions.


An underground cave in the border of the Fire Nation.

This cave is a secret base for Danzo. Basically, when Danzo wants to intervene in other countries' affairs, he will come here to issue orders.

It is also not recorded here.

So when other strongholds of the roots were checked, only this one remained.

And this is where the rest of the roots gather.

"Very good, we heard news from the people in Konoha that Tianyu brought a dozen people and wanted to get rid of us. There are members of the Anbu team who are being selected. Apart from them, Konoha has no one to follow. Tianyu has acted together, and for us, this is a perfect opportunity!"

A person at the root couldn't help but said after receiving the news.

Ever since Danzo died, they escaped Konoha and have been waiting for the chance to kill Tianyu.

Today, kung fu is not afraid of hard-working people.

They finally waited for this opportunity.

Now is a good time to take revenge for Danzo.

"That's great, then I'll assemble the team. Tianyu wants to wipe us out completely, so this time I want to see if he killed us or if we got his head to pay homage to Lord Danzang. "

When the other root heard Tian Yu, he couldn't help gnashing his teeth.

After all, if it wasn't for Tian Yu, they could still be in Konoha now.

to be admired.

Where can I have a home and can't go back like now, I can only become a wandering ninja, drifting everywhere.

Maybe die in an attack one day.

Become a poor person who doesn't even have a name.

"Okay, then let's just give him one, please enter the urn, doesn't he want to annihilate us? Then we just spread the news of this stronghold, and then attract Tianyu to the trap here, and then we will wipe them all out. In this way, Konoha, who has lost Tianyu, will also become confused."

"And we can also take this opportunity to join other big countries to attack Konoha. When Konoha is completely destroyed, we can also avenge Danzo-sama."

After another root person heard the news.

He even came up with the idea of ​​asking you to enter the urn directly.

"Okay, then do it!"

A person who looked like a squad leader nodded in agreement immediately after hearing this.


But before they were happy for long, another person in the team raised the opposite opinion.

"I think what happened this time is likely to be a trap. Tianyu is very likely to set up this fake news that wants to wipe us all out. What we have to do now is to hold our ground, otherwise if we really hit the opponent's border If we do, we will most likely be wiped out.”

The captain of the other squad has some brains.

After all, there is a problem with this.

Jiraiya has always been responsible for eradicating the roots of Konoha.

Tian Yu has never intervened in such a thing.

But this time, Tian Yu took it directly, and the twelve people who had not yet become Anbu came to exterminate the root.

There is something weird about this in itself.

Much like a trap.

So it's better to be cautious.

Otherwise, when you really fall into the trap of the other party, it will be too late to regret it.

"What are you talking about, are you giving up such a good opportunity? And what are you talking about is a trap set by the other party, I think you are afraid of being beaten by Tianyu, I admit that the guy's strength is indeed very strong, We will never be his opponents in a single fight, but this time it is all of us, and he has our people on his side."

"Disintegrating from the inside, we will definitely be able to kill Tianyu. If we miss this opportunity, we don't know how long we will have to wait. Do you still want to live in this stronghold forever? According to the search of those ninjas in Konoha , they will find this area sooner or later, and then we will all be hunted by others."

"We'll be fish on the chopping board, and we'll be left to others."

The captain became even more irritable after hearing the opposite words.

Chapter 320

"That's not what I meant, I just think that everyone has left Konoha now, and is also wanted by Konoha, so everything must be careful, after all, we..."

"No after all, I'll take the team to prepare, and I'm going to kill Tianyu, and if you don't want to go, you can leave. There are no cowards in my team. If you're afraid, leave as soon as possible."

The other guy doesn't want to listen to this man?

decision directly.


The man wanted to say something else, but the root people around him had already stood by the captain's side.

Apparently they all thought it was him who backed away.

Seeing this, the man had no choice but to nod his head.

Going to go with you.

"Very good, then let's start setting traps now, just right, there are 100,000 detonating charms left from Konoha, so they will be placed in this place, and the 100,000 detonating symbols will be detonated together, and the power will be enough. Sending him to the Pure Land, coupled with these formations we set up, is foolproof."

The captain looked at their arrangement and was satisfied.

After all, with such an arrangement, even a shadow-level powerhouse cannot escape once he is hit.

They were full of confidence and felt that with this, they would definitely be able to kill Tian Yu.

Then they just have to wait here.

Waiting for the moment when the prey reaches the trap.

But the man who had been worried all the time quietly left the base with some people who supported him.

He firmly believed that the news this time was just fake news released by Tian Yu in order to catch them all.

So he chose to take people away.

Anyway, if they really kill Tian Yu, then he will bring people back, but if this time is really a bait, then they are the last people at the root.

At the same time, Tian Yu is here.

"Sir, where are we going next? I'm good at Wood Dun, which can be used as a defense, and please rest assured, Lord Tianyu, my strength is also in Shangnin, and I will definitely not hold you back."

Yamato walked up to Tian Yu and said.

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