"Well, your strength is really good, just act according to what you said, and leave the scope of the team to you."

Tian Yu nodded.

Since Yamato is willing to take all the drudgery on himself, Tianyu will naturally not refuse.

And at this time, I am afraid that the prey has already taken the bait.

Then it's time to wait for the prey to show its feet.


When the team intends to move on after a break.

One of the members walked directly to Tian Yu with a broken kunai.

"Lord Tianyu, this was discovered by the exploration team on the road ahead. It looks like a kunai with the characteristics of its roots. There are still faint chakra residues on the Hokage, which should have been left a few hours ago. If If we can follow the traces left, we will definitely be able to find the remaining roots and wipe them out."

The man looked at Tian Yu and said uncontrollably.

Tian Yu took over the Kunai after hearing this, and sure enough, there was still a faint chakra residue on it.

It seems that the other party has indeed arranged a good show.

Now that the trap has begun, he wants to see who will fall into the trap.

"Okay, thank you for your hard work, tell the exploration team to follow this trace, and when all the people at the root are eradicated, I will personally celebrate for you and send you to Anbu."

Tian Yu looked at everyone and said.


The crowd cheered when they heard this.

After all, if they can be remembered in front of Tian Yu, they are likely to become the direct guards of Hokage in the future.

In this way, their status can also be significantly improved.

The scout team started tracking.

Tian Yu walked at the end of the team.

He has found the spies in the team.

That person did it very covertly, releasing some faint chakra remnants every time when the clues were almost disappearing.

And these faint chakra remnants look like they were left a long time ago, they were all in very secret places, and they happened to be discovered by them.

Such little tricks are often used by Roots to get rid of tracing.

If it was the official members of Anbu who acted with Tianyu this time, they would never be deceived by such a trick.

But this time, those who followed Tian Yu were ordinary ninjas who had not been trained.

Therefore, it is understandable that they did not notice it.

"My lord, our people found a stronghold. The stronghold is very secret and seems to be hidden underground. We also found signs of ninja activities at the door, and according to their habits, it should be the remnants of the roots."

The probing ninja reported to Tianyu after returning.

"Oh, it seems that we are lucky, we found their stronghold at once!"

Tian Yu sneered.

"This, my lord, isn't that bad?"

Yamato looked at Tian Yu with a sneer, and was stunned for a moment.

"No, it's not bad, it just feels too smooth, but maybe it's our luck today."

Tian Yu smiled.

Tian Yu also noticed that when he said that sentence, there was a nervous man beside him.

"Well, there must be no problem with Lord Tianyu by our side."

The crowd couldn't help nodding their heads.

"Let's go then."

Everyone went to the base together.

Sure enough, they found many traces of chakra along the way.

And Tian Yu and the others were also brought to the stronghold.

"This should be where the people at the roots live now. Let me lead the way down to find out the news. If I don't come back in half an hour, then you can go down."

The man looked at Tian Yudao.

His purpose is to completely divide the manpower brought by Tianyu.

In this way, Tian Yu will lose the help of his teammates, and he will surely die.

"No need!"

Tian Yu looked around.

There seems to be no one around here, but in fact, a huge detonating talisman has been laid around.

As long as Tianyu and the others walk into the trap, all the detonating charms will be ignited.

And then think of the sky-high explosion.

When the explosion ended, of course none of them survived.

After all, not everyone has the Uchiha family's Shakers, and not everyone uses Izanagi.

"Lord Tianyu, if we start a strong attack now, it is very likely that we will be shocked by the grass, so I think it is still up to..."

Before the man could finish speaking, Tian Yu grabbed his neck.

Chapter 321

"Lord Tianyu, why!"

The man was taken aback and wanted to resist, but he found that he couldn't resist Zhu Tianyu at all.

"Why, you should have a good idea in your own mind. This is actually a trap, the purpose is to bring us in, and then kill them all in one go, in order to avenge your Danzo-sama."

"It's just a pity that we already knew that someone was involved in the Anbu selection this time, so the news you received this time was just a fake order. I didn't even know where the root base was, but you took a step. Step by step led me to this trap."

"This makes me sure that the spy in Anbu is you. Now it's time to close the net. You say, how can I let your fish run right in front of me?"

Tian Yu smiled.

Hearing Tian Yu's words, the man realized that everything he had done in the team had already been seen by Tian Yu.

The reason why I didn't dismantle it was because I wanted to find a stronghold through him.

Here they plan to lead Tian Yu to the stronghold, and use the detonating charm to directly kill him.

But Tian Yu was also ready to catch them all.

this wave.

If they are on the fifth floor, then Tianyu is in the atmosphere.

"You, how did you know, my experience was seamless."

The man was almost out of breath, but before dying, he still had to ask.

Otherwise he will never be reconciled.

Tian Yu looked at the man in front of him.

Some people said with disdain: "There is nothing seamless in this world, if you want people to not know, you have to do it yourself, but unfortunately, you don't understand this truth at all, and in the end you can only end up with a tragic death. already."

"I hope that when you are reincarnated in the next life, you can change to a smarter mind, and then use your eyes to see clearly, don't choose the wrong owner again, otherwise, you will end up like this."

Tian Yu sneered and killed the man at random.

He threw his corpse into the stronghold.

There was a rumbling explosion all around.

The fire blazed into the sky.

Almost instantly, the surroundings turned into a sea of ​​flames.

However, because Tian Yu and the others did not step into the stronghold at all, the sea of ​​​​fire burned.

But nothing happened to them.


Those people at the root, at the moment when the fire light appeared, also killed from all around.

They wanted to take this opportunity to kill Tian Yu.

But when they saw that Tian Yu and Anbu behind him were not swept away by the sea of ​​​​fire, they were all stunned.

"what happened?"

The captain was a little surprised.

Because in their imagination, Tian Yu should have already died at this moment.

In other words, even if he didn't die, he should have been seriously injured and fell into the sea of ​​​​fire.

"Your plan has failed!"

Tian Yu looked at them with a smile.

And when he heard this, the captain's face changed instantly, he did not hesitate to face the root, and the rest of the people shouted.

"Leave quickly, retreat!"

After saying this, the captain quickly withdrew from the scene.

There was only regret in his heart at this moment.

He was regretting himself, why didn't he listen to the captain's words at that time and had to bring everyone to ambush Tianyu.

Obviously that squad leader was right, this is simply a trap set by Tian Yu, who wants to catch them all in one go.

It's just a pity that he was too conceited at the time and failed to listen to this sentence.

That's what led to today's end.

If he could be given another chance, he would definitely listen to that person and would not come.

It's just a pity that there is no regret medicine in this world.

"Have you left?"

Tian Yu sneered and waved with Tian Yu.

The Anbu behind him rushed forward and started chasing.

And Yamato is very hardworking.

Although his Mu Dun can't show any strength when fighting against a really powerful opponent.

But it's more than enough to deal with these miscellaneous soldiers.

Tian Yu didn't make a move this time.

Ninjutsu of various colors began to be displayed around.

Flames, lightning, frost, and different colors of light composed of various ninjutsu began to dash through the forest.

The surrounding fire was blazing into the sky, and the sound of explosions continued to sound.

Along with it, there were the screams of the people at the root.

They were really careless and didn't realize that this was a trap set by Tian Yu.

So even though they were already fighting these Anbu with all their strength, in the end, only the leader of the root was left in their squad.

Tian Yu walked in front of the captain.

Disdain in his eyes.

"you win!"

The captain looked at Tian Yu with fear in his eyes.

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