After all, Danzo died in the hands of Tian Yu, and he died in a very tragic way.

That look, he will never forget in this life.

"Win, you can only use this word as an opponent, and you are like an ant in front of me and can be crushed to death by me at any time. Are you worthy of using this word?"

Tian Yu looked at the man and sneered.

If it weren't for the troublesome roots of the Konoha who were looking for trouble.

Even if they appeared in front of Tian Yu, he would not look at them directly.

After all, the status between the two is very different.

"Haha, yes, how can we possibly be your opponent, Lord Tianyu, even Lord Danzo has died in your hands."

After the man heard Tian Yu's words, he laughed at himself.

"I failed, take me back to Konoha."

The squad leader put down his weapon.

Because he knew that even if he continued to resist, he could not escape.

It would be better to suffer less from the pain of flesh and blood, and was detained back to Konoha. Although he lost his freedom, he was able to live anyway.

If I can get Hokage's gift in the future, I might be able to come out.

"Take you back, no need, but you're just wasting Konoha's prison resources by going back. Our ninjas are very busy and don't have the time to watch you specifically, so it's better to rectify your Fa on the spot. In this way, Your corpse can also become the nourishment to nourish this forest, killing two birds with one stone."

Tian Yu smiled.

"No, Lord Tianyu, you can't kill me, I still have something to say, we..."

After the man heard Dao Tianyu's words, he suddenly became flustered.

He didn't expect Tian Yu to really want to kill him, so he was in a hurry.

Began eager to tell some information to survive.

It's just a pity that Tian Yu didn't want to listen to what Tian Yu said to him.


Chapter 322 The Lost Dog

next moment.

Yamato's wooden dung directly pierced the captain's body.

The captain's body fell backwards and died instantly.

"Clean up the battle marks here and go back."

Tian Yu looked at the people around him and said.


Everyone listened to the order and began to clean the surroundings.

far away.

A spy watched this scene. Shocked in my heart.

He is the person sent by the team leader who did not agree with the team leader who came from the root.

Originally, the team captain sent him here just in case, but he didn't expect to be confirmed by their captain.

What happened this time is really a fake news released by Tianyu, the purpose is to catch them all.

Fortunately, in the end, they didn't really follow the captain together.

Otherwise, it is them who are dead now, and the roots will disappear completely.

While heaving a sigh of relief, the man also planned to inform the captain of the news as soon as he went back.

Then they left quickly.

Now, with their own strength, there is no way to avenge Danzang anymore, and they can only rely on the strength of other countries.

The man left quietly.

At this moment, Tian Yu turned to look at the direction the man was leaving, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

The man thought his concealment ability was flawless.

But he didn't know that Tian Yu had discovered him as early as the first moment he appeared.

The reason why I don't do it is to get rid of it just to put a long line to catch big fish.

After all, Tian Yu also knew that the people they killed this time weren't all at all.

only part of it.

"Yawa, come here!"

Tian Yu looked at Yamato and waved.

"Lord Tianyu, what are your orders?"

Yamato watched Tian Yu quickly walk in front of Tian Yu.

"I want you to spy on a person, that person just left along this road, and is the remnant of the roots, remember not to scare the snake, don't act rashly when I don't tell me, and pass their news to me It's fine, just remember the details."

Tian Yu said.


Yamato nodded.

Leave directly in the direction that Tian Yu pointed.

After the others cleaned up the battlefield, Tian Yu returned to Konoha with everyone.

Konoha, Naruto Office.

"How's it going?"

Tsunade saw Tian Yu and the others coming back and asked immediately.

"It's all resolved, and the traitors of Anbu have also been caught. Now these people are loyal to Konoha, and after this battle, I can see their ability to cooperate, and they can enter Anbu. "

Tian Yu said.

"Thank you, Lord Tianyu."

Hearing this, they immediately fell to one knee.

Thank you Tianyu.

"You don't have to thank me, you have to thank yourself."

Tian Yu shook his head.

"Well, it looks like Feng Tori is a spy, sigh, why did Yamato disappear. Could it be that he is also a spy?"

Mute glanced at the remaining dark parts.


At this time, she already knew that Feng was a spy.

Speaking of which, I still feel a little regretful.

After all, Feng Tou's strength is very powerful, and he is passive, and his hands and feet experience is also very complete.

Mute never imagined that he would be the last spy.

Looking around, the man didn't see Yamato either.

After being stunned for a moment, he asked.

"No, he was sent by me to perform other tasks."

Tian Yu explained.

"That's good!"

Tsunade nodded.

After all, Yamato is considered to be a person who successfully integrated the first Hokage and the cells of the Thousand Hands.

How to say his strength is not as strong as others, but as an experiment.

The cells in his body are still worth studying.

Of course, the research mentioned here is only to periodically test Yamato's blood for his cells.

It's not a human experiment.

"Well, now that the matter has been resolved, I will go back first. I promised these days that Tian Tian and Hinata will give them special training. Now they should still be waiting for me on the training ground!"

Tian Yu smiled.


Tsunade nodded.


At the same time in the forest.

After the man returned, he immediately reported the situation in the forest to the captain.

"As expected, it's a pity for our teammates. If he didn't listen to me, those people wouldn't have to die."

The squad leader sighed after hearing the words of the probing ninja.

"It's useless to say this now, people are already dead, and our top priority now is to withdraw from the Fire Country as soon as possible, otherwise, our whereabouts have been exposed, and we will face the risk of extinction at any time!"

Another man said.

"That's right, but where should we go now? The land of fire has no place for us, the land of wind, Sand Ninja Village, now we are about to wear a pair of trousers with Konoha, and it is impossible to accept us, The country of water, Mist Ninja Village, although their village has lifted the blood fog method, but their strength is not strong."

"If we go there, maybe the Mist Ninja Village will send us back to Konoha, and over there, the old man Tuying is absolutely unwilling to take the whole village to risk, so we can't go to the land of the land. , now our destination is only Yunren Village, the land of thunder."

"The fourth generation of Raikage, ambitious, wanting to start a war, sick other ninja villages, so if we want to invest, we should go to Yunnin Village, we brought the information of Konoha, I believe they will definitely We are very welcome."

Another man looked at the crowd and said.

"Well, then go to Yunren Village. No matter what, we have to avenge Lord Danzo and kill Tianyu."

When the squad leader said this sentence, there was a strong killing intent in his eyes.

"Yes, kill Tian Yu and avenge the Danzo-sama!"

The others also shouted loudly.

They have long been brainwashed by Danzo, and they are extremely loyal to Danzo.

These people will become trouble for Konoha.

Yamato hid in the dark and listened to everything they said.

"No wonder Lord Tianyu asked me to monitor them. It turns out that Lord Tianyu had expected them to be restless."

But their ideas will eventually fail.

Wanting to deal with Konoha, he killed Tianyu.

unless you have absolute power.

Otherwise, everything in front of Tian Yu is just a trick.

Yamato sneered.

Then he wrote the news he learned into a scroll.

Then it was given to Tian Yu with a secret technique.

After receiving the news from Yamato, Tian Yu did not let Yamato act rashly, but let him continue to monitor them.

"Cloud Ninja Village!"

Tian Yu muttered to himself.

"It's getting cold, this village shouldn't need it anymore!"

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