A cold look flashed in Tian Yu's eyes.

Chapter 323 A good show

Tian Yu is an extremely protective person, for some people.

Although it didn't move before, it was because the village was still unstable.

But if they dare to attack Konoha, Tianyu will definitely pay back a hundredfold.

Yun Ren Village, since he is interested in the white eyes of the Hyuga clan.

Also caught Hinata.

Then let them pay with their lives.


Three days later!

on the training ground.

"Tiantian, you can cast the Kuunai faster, and then you must land steadily and quickly, so that you can avoid most of the attacks in the air, and at the same time maximize the power of the ninja gear!"

"Hina, Shouhe's attack ability is wind and sand, plus your white eyes is definitely a great help, it can make your strength even better, when you practice, you must give up your usual Get used to it, control the power of the sand."

Tian Yu guides Tian Tian and Hinata on the training ground.

Both are working hard.

Especially Hinata, after becoming a one-tailed person pillar force.

Hinata felt that his chakra had been greatly enhanced, and his strength had begun to change further.

But she still can't adapt to these changes, she can only take it slowly.

But fortunately, after these days of training, she has been able to initially control the sand.

I believe that over time, she will definitely help the gods.


Tian Tian and Hinata nodded.

The two started training again according to what Tian Yu said.

With the continuous fall of sweat.

They believe that their efforts will eventually succeed one day.

"It looks like you have the talent to be a teacher!"

Orochimaru stood aside, watching Tian Yu teach Tian Tian and Hinata with a smile.

Tian Yu turned to look at Orochimaru.

"You're a rare visitor. You came out when you didn't stay in the laboratory. What? Did the experiment have results?"

Tian Yu looked at Orochimaru and joked.

After all, Orochimaru was born for experiments, and even Senju Tobirama would occasionally come out and talk to others.

But Orochimaru seems to have grown up in the experiment, no matter what he does, it will not come out.

Especially after Tian Yu brought the sample of Samsara Eye to Orochimaru, he intensified.

Therefore, today, Orochimaru actually appeared in front of him, so Tian Yu was indeed a little surprised.

"Of course I came out to find you something. The experiment is still going on. Although no results have been found, I believe my results will not be far away."

Orochimaru looked at Tian Yu and said with a smile.

"Okay, then tell me, what's the matter with me? If you want me to continue to find samples of Samsara Eye for you, then forget it. It was a bit of a coincidence that it was successful the previous time. If you go, I am afraid there will be no results.”

Tian Yu smiled.

"Of course not. I came here this time to invite you to a good show."

Orochimaru laughed.

"Good show?"

Tian Yu was a little puzzled.

"Let's go quickly, or the good show is about to start, and I'm afraid we won't be able to see it by then!"

After Orochimaru said this, he looked at Tian Yu.

Listening to Orochimaru's words, Tian Yu was also very interested.

After saying hello to Tianyu and Hinata, Tianyu left Konoha with Orochimaru.

"It seems that this good show should be very exciting, otherwise you won't take me away from Konoha."

Tian Yu smiled.

"Yes, it's really exciting, you'll understand when you see it."

Orochimaru also smiled.

The two of them set off all the way to the Tiandi Bridge.

The two of them were extremely fast along the way.

Soon came to the Tiandi Bridge.

There was no one around here at this time.

"Is this a good show you said? There's no one around here!"

Tian Yu was a little surprised.

"Don't worry, it seems that we came a little early, just wait here for a while!"

Orochimaru smiled.

Immediately afterwards, Tian Yu saw that there seemed to be a person on the other side of the Tiandi Bridge.

Look again.

Tian Yu found out that the person was the Scorpion of the Red Sand in Xiao's organization.

The puppet of the red sand scorpion, after the amber was broken by him, the red sand scorpion never used a human puppet again, and always maintained its true appearance.

Appears here at this time.

It also reminded Tian Yu of what happened after they caught Orochimaru in the original book.

In this way, even if some things have changed, some things will not change.

"How long do you want me to wait!"

The scorpion of red sand looked at the man walking slowly on the other side of the bridge, and said in a bad tone.

"Hey, please forgive me. After all, you also know that Lord Orochimaru is not a person to fool. As his assistant, I naturally have to be by my side at all times, otherwise it will arouse suspicion. It's easy to find an opportunity to meet you out!"

"However, your appearance seems to have changed completely from a few months ago. It seems that you have a new puppet. Congratulations to you here."

The man who spoke slowly walked to the Scorpion of Red Sand and replied with a smile.

Tian Yu looked at the man, he was the pharmacist pocket.

Tian Yu was not surprised by the appearance of the pharmacist's pocket.

After all, this kid has been a spy since childhood.

He was a spy of Orochimaru in Konoha before, and later he was a spy next to Orochimaru in the Xiao organization.

I'm afraid he can't tell the true identity of this kid.

"You don't look surprised!"

When Orochimaru saw that Tian Yu didn't ask about his situation, he asked in surprise.

"Of course I'm not surprised. If the spies around you are among the five Yinnin or other people, I may be a little surprised, because they are loyal to you, and they can betray you. What about the characters?"

"But if that person is the pharmacist, it's nothing to be surprised. Isn't that how the kid came here since he was a child?"

Tian Yu sneered.

"Yeah, you're right!"

When Orochimaru heard this, he also showed a somewhat sinister smile.

"Tell me about it, you sent this kind of thing, or did he really betray you?"

Tian Yu held his arms and looked at Orochimaru and asked.

After all, the pharmacist has been with Orochimaru for many years, and the concept of Orochimaru is even more respected.

If Orochimaru turned the pharmacist back, it was not impossible.

"Of course he betrayed me. Junmalu's body has recently recovered under Tsunade's treatment, but his body no longer meets the needs of my reincarnation vessel. Although Sasuke is very suitable, it is a pity that he can't. So I was looking for a new container recently, and that's when I noticed something I didn't care about."

Chapter 324 Putting Long Lines and Catching Big Fish

"It was only later that I found out that this guy from Yao Shidou had already betrayed me, and I still feel that he is my confidant, but also, those guys in Xiao's organization are all amazing people."

"You have disintegrated their plans several times. It can be said that in their hearts now, you should be regarded as the number one enemy, and I betrayed the Xiao organization before, which is also a traitor. They also want to kill me, so It seems that we two are really troubled brothers."

Orochimaru smiled disdainfully.

Orochimaru doesn't care about the loyalty of his subordinates.

Because to him, it was just a tool.

If you are betrayed, kill it and find a new one.

Just a pity.

The pharmacist's pocket is the one that is easier to use.

The side room would indeed make him feel a little distressed.

"As long as you study the organization well, it will never do anything to you."

When Tian Yu heard this, he gave him a sideways glance and said.

"Haha, it really is you, then continue to watch the show!"

Orochimaru smiled when he heard Tian Yu's assurance.

Immediately, the two continued to focus their attention on the Red Sand Scorpion and the Medicine Master Pocket.

"Has there been any results of what Orochimaru researched at Konoha recently?"

The Red Sand Scorpion no longer talks nonsense, but goes straight to the point.

"Yes, the reincarnation eye sample that Tian Yu brought back last time has already made Master Orochimaru into a scroll of life, which can be resurrected, and this time it happened to be used on Gaara of Sand Ninja Village, obviously the effect What about the group?"

The pharmacist replied.

"So it is!"

The Red Sand Scorpion was stunned for a moment and then nodded.

He said why the spies he sent to Sand Ninja Village got the news that Gaara was still alive.

It turned out to be the scroll of life.

In this way, if that Scroll of Life could resurrect the dead.

So is it possible for his parents to be resurrected as well?

If you can get it, maybe...

Thinking of this, Chisha Scorpion hurriedly returned to his senses.

The matter of the Scroll of Life will be discussed later, and the most important thing now is the news of the tailed beast.

"So where was Shouhe sealed after being brought back by Tianyu?"

The Red Sand Scorpion continued to ask.

After all, keeping the crane is his and Deidara's task.

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