Check out all of Konoha.

"Okay, let's not talk about this. I heard from Orochimaru that you seem to have some problems recently. What's going on, tell me well."

Tian Yu took Sasuke to the side chair, and after sitting down, Tian Yu asked Sasuke.

"Recently, I can often feel the fluctuations of Chakra during training. That person should have deliberately hidden his breath, so I can't tell who he is. He doesn't seem to be hostile to me, but such a Chakra It has troubled me!"

"And I can still feel that I have fallen into an illusion in my sleep. He reminds me a lot of the past!"

Sasuke's face paled when he said this.

Obviously, the past events in his sleep were related to Uchiha's family raiding and extermination.

That incident was a scar in Sasuke's heart after all.

Even though the scar is healed now, it still hurts every time I think about it.

"and after?"

Tian Yu knew that Sasuke should have recognized that person.

Otherwise, I wouldn't say such a thing.

And dreams like that, and illusions.

It was enough for Sasuke to deduce who the person beside him was.

"Later, when I appeared again in this Chakra, I chased after it, but unfortunately, my strength was not enough after all, and I couldn't find that person, but I hope that he can take the initiative to come out to see me, no matter what happens. Whatever, he is my last relative in the Uchiha clan, and now the truth has been announced."

"I don't blame him, I just hope he doesn't use this method again!"

Of course Sasuke understood what Itachi did.

All hope that his strength can become stronger.

Sasuke will continue to grow stronger.

But he no longer wants Uchiha Itachi to use such means to achieve his goals.

Because every time when he thinks back to that night.

His heart will be very painful, very painful.

"I'm sure he'll come to see you, but he's not ready yet."

Tian Yu smiled and comforted Sasuke for a while.

"Hope it!"

Sasuke nodded.

"By the way, what happened to Naruto?"

Sasuke looked at Tian Yu and asked about Naruto's situation.

After all, in the entire village now, Naruto is the one with the best relationship with Sasuke.

"It's still the same as before, and I'm practicing with Jiraiya, but now he has become a lot stronger. If you can see it, you will be amazed at the change in his strength!"

Tian Yu smiled.

Chapter 326 The Trace of Itachi

"Really, since that's the case, then I can't fall behind."

Sasuke's fighting spirit seemed to be inspired when he heard this.

No longer hesitate.

Go straight to training.

Looking at Sasuke's back, Tian Yu sighed silently.

Then back to Konoha.

"Lord Tianyu!"

Tianyu wanted to talk to Orochimaru about Sasuke's situation.

After all, Uchiha Itachi may have left Sasuke's side now.

went elsewhere.

But without waiting for Tianyu to find Orochimaru, the dried persimmon ghost shark walked to Tianyu's side.

"Is something wrong? Ghost shark!"

Tian Yu looked at the dried persimmon ghost shark.

Since the dried persimmon ghost shark took refuge in Konoha, he has also done several missions.

Tsunade was later released from prison.

The current dry persimmon ghost can also be regarded as a Konoha ninja, but because of his strong strength, he often goes out to perform tasks alone.

Now in Konoha it's pretty good too.

At least it's much better than the Akatsuki organization.

"I want to ask, about Itachi, hasn't Uchiha Itachi been found yet?"

When the dry persimmon ghost was in Akatsuki's organization, he and Uchiha Itachi could be regarded as partners.

The relationship between the two of them is okay.

Get along ok.

In addition, Uchiha Itachi is very strong.

Now when I know that Uchiha Itachi is actually the undercover agent of Konoha sent to Xiao organization.

He still wanted to find the weasel.

After all, there is still a battle between the two of them.

Dry persimmon has always wondered whether he was able to win the battle or whether Uchiha Itachi was stronger.

"No news yet!"

Tian Yu shook his head.

"Hey, I still remember when Uchiha Itachi and I were still in the Akatsuki organization, because both of us were people who had killed our own race. At that time, I felt a bit similar to him, and I was still asking him to kill himself. How do you feel about your own people?"

"Because at that time, the reason why I killed my own people was because they wanted to betray the village, but I found out later that the village was not the village I imagined, so I left the village and joined Akatsuki. organize."

"I also want to know what Uchiha Itachi thinks, but at that time he just looked at me fixedly and didn't say a word. At that time, I thought he just didn't want to talk about this topic, but now I think about it, he should be in my heart. be in pain."

"In the end, I can't understand him after all, but if this kind of thing happens to you, Lord Tianyu, what should you do?"

The dried persimmon ghost shark looked at Tian Yu curiously and asked.

"If it were me, I would probably leave with my family. I wouldn't kill my parents, but after all, I haven't experienced such a thing, and it's hard to say, maybe I'll choose his approach. Woolen cloth."

Tian Yu smiled.

"Perhaps, but I think that if it is Lord Tianyu, you may really have the best of both worlds. Today, I have said so much to Lord Tianyu, which is far more than before. I am very grateful to you for giving me this opportunity to let If I can stay in Konoha, then I'll take my leave."

The dried persimmon ghost shark turned and left.

Tian Yu looked at the back of the dried persimmon ghost shark, and the next moment he received a message from Zhishui.

"Find Uchiha Itachi!"

Only six words were written on the letter, and their location was attached to the back.

After seeing this, Tian Yu called out the dried persimmon ghost shark.

"Follow me when I have work to do!"


The dry persimmon ghost shark looked stunned, probably not knowing that there could be something for the two of them to go together.

"Don't you want to compete with Uchiha Itachi? I've got his news now, and I can bring you with me, but whether Uchiha Itachi is willing to compete with you is up to you."

Tian Yu looked at him and said.

"Thank you, Lord Tianyu."

Dried Persimmon Ghost Shark never thought that his long-cherished wish would actually come true one day.

He didn't even care about going back to his home on the spot, so he followed Tian Yu directly.

Uchiha Itachi's location is on the border of the land of the land.

It seems that he planned to leave after being discovered by Sasuke, and then the stop water that followed him was blocked.

Tian Yu took the dried persimmon ghost shark and used the technique of flying thunder gods to come to the country of Tian, ​​and then continued to drive.

This is the border of the country of Tian.

That's right here.

Tian Yu saw Uchiha Itachi after a long absence.

The clothes on Uchiha Itachi at this time are no longer the red cloud robe of the Akatsuki organization.

Instead, it is an ordinary piece of clothing, just like a businessman walking around the world.

He also has a hat on his head.

Covered his face.

There is no sign of the Uchiha clan behind him either.

It doesn't look like it's going to be recognized.

"Itachi, now that the grievances of the Uchiha family have been clarified, the Uchiha family is no longer a rebellious family, but framed, so when you return to Konoha now, everyone will not regard you as a betrayal, On the contrary, he will respect you as before, and even entrust you with reuse."

"So, Itachi, come back with me!"

Shishui looked at Uchiha Itachi and couldn't help but persuade.

He knew Itachi's grievances.

Because of him in the beginning. After knowing the situation of the family, I also went to Danzo.

At that time, if it wasn't for Tian Yu's shot, maybe his eyes would have been taken away by Danzo.

Where can there be today.

He understood Itachi's choice very well.

But now that Sarutobi was killed, Danzo was also dead, and everything was settled.

The current Konoha is no longer the rotten Konoha it used to be.

Everything is going well.

Konoha even subsidized their framed families.

All the houses belonging to the Uchiha family have been brought back.

Especially Sasuke, who was also accepted as a disciple by Orochimaru, one of the three ninjas.

Everything is going well, and now Konoha is also thriving.

There's no reason why itachi didn't go back.

"Brother Zhishui, I'm very happy that you are still alive, but I can't go back. When I was organized by Xiao, I saw too much darkness in this world, and I even had some thoughts about the Moon Eye plan they said. I agree, but when they want to attack the village, I am in a dilemma."

"One is the village, the younger brother, and the other is the Xiao organization. I don't know what I can do. Later, I left the Xiao organization and wandered around!"

"During the time I was away, I traveled almost all over the five countries.

But all I see is misery.

Many ninja families were wiped out just because of a word from the person in power.

Many people died tragically and were even wronged.

It is also caused by the darkness of the human heart.

Chapter 327 The Trace of Uchiha Itachi

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