"When a person dies, his relatives and family want to avenge him, and the people on the other side want to avenge him."

"This will fall into an infinite loop that cannot end. I am grateful for everything Konoha has done for the Uchiha family, and I am also grateful to Lord Tianyu for his love for Sasuke, but I can't go back, because I can no longer integrate into that kind of thing. surroundings."

"Everyone sees peace, but I see danger in peace."

Uchiha Itachi looked at Shisui and said expressionlessly.

After all, if it had been two years ago, he would have been able to leave the organization and return to Konoha.

He will be very happy and will explain everything to Sasuke.

But now his mind has changed, and because of this he can't go back.

"What are you talking about, there are so many tragic things happen in this world, but we have to look on the bright side after all, and I also believe that Lord Hokage and Lord Tianyu can end everything, if we start from now on If we start working hard for a truly peaceful future, our descendants will sooner or later enjoy such a world."

"So, if we don't work hard, what's the point of talking about peace."

Shishui looked at Weasel.

He didn't understand what Itachi had learned at Akatsuki.

Why are the people in that organization so crazy.

"you do not understand!"

Uchiha Itachi shook his head.

"I don't understand, but I also know that since I found you now, it is absolutely impossible to let you leave, even if it is tied, I will take you back!"

Shishui looked at Itachi and began to get serious.

He also knows now.

With the method of persuasion, it seems that there is no way to bring Itachi back to Konoha.

Then there is only one option left.

Only after defeating Itachi, took him back.

Thinking of this, Zhishui no longer hesitated, and his gaze towards Itachi became extraordinarily firm.

"Itachi, I was your guide back then. You treated me like a brother, and I also regarded you as my dearest brother, but now I have to take action against you and take you back, I hope you don't mind."

Shishui looked at Uchiha Itachi and said slowly.

"Where, Shishui, after so many years, let me see how far your strength has grown."

Uchiha Itachi's face did not change.

The next moment, an orange light appeared on Uchiha Itachi's body.

In an instant, there was a giant skeleton elephant on the ground.

And this is the very first stage of Susanoo.

The current Uchiha Itachi body should have long been unable to bear it.

To use Susanoo, every cell in the body is suffering from severe pain all the time.

It's very likely that the weasel won't be able to hold on.


Shisui looked at Uchiha Itachi's movements.

A look of helplessness appeared in his eyes.

The next moment, a green skeleton giant also appeared on his body.

This is the ability of the kaleidoscope writing wheel exclusive to the water stop.

"Come on then."

The two roared.

The two skeleton arms collided instantly.

This collision made the surrounding earth tremble violently.

The surrounding trees also fell to the ground because of their actions.

Countless birds in the forest fled for their lives toward the sky.

The chakra power they radiated also caused many beasts to flee outside.


with every collision.

Sweat oozes from the forehead of Shishui.

It was obvious that Susanoo had a heavy load on the two of them.

Almost unbearable.

And using it too many times can cause blindness in both eyes.

Tian Yu and the dry persimmon ghost shark have been watching the battle between the two of them in the grass.

That day, when Yu saw Shisui and Uchiha Itachi manipulating Susanoo.

If the two of them have been given a part of the thousand-handed cells, the time of their kaleidoscope writing wheel blindness should be greatly slowed down. After returning to Konoha, I will find Orochimaru to do an experiment. If possible, Just implant the cells of Senju Hashima for the people of the Uchiha clan.

Tian Yu secretly had an idea in his heart.

Although not all the Uchiha clan can grow into Uchiha Madara and Uchiha Obito.

But the strength of the still alive Uchiha clan is no joke.

Once the two of them really want to move, even Tian Yu should be careful.

Otherwise, it is very likely that the ship will capsize in the gutter and let yourself fail.

"Itachi's ability is still very strong. Compared with him, I am not an opponent."

After watching the battle between Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Shisui for a while, Dried Persimmon Ghost Shark resolutely admitted his inadequacies.

"Oh, I thought you couldn't wait to rush up after watching the two of them fighting."

Tian Yu looked at the dried persimmon ghost shark and said with a smile.

"If I was still in the Xiao organization, I would have done it, but now I really want to obey your orders, and I think you don't want a disobedient subordinate either, right?"

The dried persimmon ghost shark also turned to look at Tian Yu and said with a smile.

The one with eight shark teeth.

Looking at the smile of the dried persimmon ghost shark, Tian Yu was a little helpless.

I should really be glad that the dried persimmon ghost shark did not learn to say the words of youth and youth with Matekai.

Otherwise, Tian Yu would really have a headache now.

"You really understand what I'm thinking."

Tian Yu sneered when he heard this.

Over there, the battle between Uchiha Shisui and Uchiha Itachi continues.

The battle between the two of them made the earth cave in.

The surrounding forest was destroyed by them.


Uchiha Itachi's eyes released black Amaterasu flames.

In this black Amaterasu, the flames attached to it in an instant, and Susanoo, who stopped the water, was on.

The hot light made Shishui have to temporarily delay the attack.

Do your best to deal with Amaterasu.

And it was such a gap that allowed Uchiha Itachi to get out of the battlefield.

"Brother Zhishui, thank you for coming to persuade me, but we have different positions now, I want to pursue my own things, if you can see Tianyu, thank him for me, thank you He takes good care of Sasuke, I'll go first."

After Uchiha Itachi said these words, his body quickly moved away.

Obviously, I want to take this opportunity to get out of here quickly.


Shisui saw Uchiha Itachi's movements and wanted to chase.

But Amaterasu has not solved his lack of avatars.

But just when Shisui thought Uchiha Itachi would escape, the next moment.


The sound of falling trees sounded.

In order to avoid this attack, Uchiha Itachi was forced to return to the battle scene again.

"Mr. Itachi, long time no see!"

The dried persimmon ghost shark stood in front of him with the shark in his hand.

Chapter 328 Return to Konoha

"Dried persimmon ghost shark!"

Uchiha Itachi looked at the man in the Konoha uniform in front of him.

He was in a trance for a moment.

After all, in the past, the dried persimmon sharks he saw were wearing red cloud robes.

At the moment, the dry persimmon ghost is standing in front of him in the uniform of Konoha, which makes Uchiha Itachi feel unreal.

"Why are you here?"

Uchiha Itachi frowned and looked around.

The news of the dried persimmon ghost shark's betrayal of Konoha has long since passed.

But Uchiha Itachi never believed it.

After all, the loyalty of the dry persimmon ghost to Uchiha Obito has always been trusted.

What he didn't expect was that the dried persimmon ghost shark actually left the Xiao organization and joined Konoha.

"Of course he came to bring you back to Konoha, to be honest. Mr. Itachi, if you return to Konoha, your status and treatment will definitely be much better than mine, the orphan of the Uchiha clan. Such an identity may be directly Let you enter the high level of Konoha and become an elder."

"And I'm different, I can only be a Jōnin to do some tasks, and occasionally be monitored by others, so why don't you go back, how can your body support the wind and rain outside? Can you stand it?"

Dried persimmon ghost shark and Uchiha Itachi have been partners for several years, and he knows nothing about Uchiha Itachi's physical condition.

It is estimated that Uchiha Itachi's eyes could not see clearly at this moment.

The body is even more weakened due to the perennial pain.

Every movement of Chakra caused a great burden to his body.

If it were an ordinary person, with such a body, I am afraid that he would have fallen to the ground and could not get up.

But Uchiha Itachi can still stand alive in front of them, and even fight with Susanoo.

This is truly remarkable.

But that's about it.

"Itachi, come back with me."

At this moment, Zhishui also got rid of the threat of Amaterasu's flame.

He walked to Uchiha Itachi.

Uchiha Itachi didn't speak, he was thinking about which side to break through to be safer.

"Don't think about it, if you escape from my hands today, then I have no face to stay in Konoha."

Tian Yu slowly walked out of the grass and completely blocked the last road that Uchiha Itachi wanted to leave.

After seeing Tian Yu coming out, Itachi sighed even more.

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