"Why do you do this? I'm just a betrayal. Even if I leave the Akatsuki organization, my identity will not return to the past. Even if I can go back, how will my relationship with Sasuke get along? There are those people in the village."

"They have always regarded me as the executioner who killed their own people. When I go back, how will they get along with me?"

Uchiha Itachi knew that if he wanted to leave today, he would have to pay a certain price.

It was just the pain in his body that darkened his eyes.

In terms of his body, no matter what, he couldn't withstand the common attack of these three people.

It should be said that even if his body is intact, he cannot withstand Tian Yu's attack.

"I don't think so!"

Tian Yu walked to Uchiha Itachi.

He looked down at Uchiha Itachi, like a **** above, and like a mortal, giving his mercy.

"You are just lost on the road. As long as you return to Konoha, you will become the person you were before. Your nature is not bad, but you are affected by Danzo and Sarutobi Hizen, and become pessimistic. As for I don't think you need to worry about your relationship with other people in the village."

"The village has long since rehabilitated the Uchiha family, and your status in everyone's heart has also changed from a betrayal to a humiliating undercover agent. Everyone will only respect you, not prejudice."

"And even your father expects you to go back to Konoha, even Sasuke thinks so."

"You are Sasuke's last relative in this world, so go back!"

Tian Yu looked at Uchiha Itachi and persuaded.

This is his first and last time to persuade Uchiha Itachi.

If he still refuses, then Tian Yu will not say it again.

After all, a stubborn person is of little value to Tian Yu.

Even if he is Uchiha Itachi.


When Tianyu mentioned Sasuke, Itachi closed his eyes in pain.

He recalled the scenes of getting along with Sasuke when he was a child.

"elder brother!"

I don't know when Sasuke has appeared behind Tian Yu.

He looked at Itachi very calmly.


Itachi saw Sasuke and was stunned.

Then subconsciously, he wanted to hide.

After all the truth happened, Itachi faced Sasuke with great guilt in his heart.

So he didn't dare to look at Sasuke.

"What are you afraid of?"

Sasuke stepped forward.

"Back then, in order to protect the village, you even killed your parents, and you didn't even spare your favorite person. Why don't you even have the courage to look at me today, brother, you have sacrificed a lot for the village, and now it's time to come back ."


Itachi looked at Sasuke.


"Lord Tianyu, I will go back to Konoha with you, but please remove the illusion in front of you. I know you want to use Sasuke to persuade me to go back, but it's not necessary!"

Itachi is a master at illusion.

In addition, Tian Yu didn't want to hide, so it was obvious that Sasuke who appeared in front of them was just an illusion.

But this is still quite useful for Uchiha Itachi.

He has promised.

It's just that Uchiha Itachi doesn't know that.

Although Tian Yu used illusion, but not completely.

Because after removing the illusion.

Sasuke appeared in front of everyone.

As early as after Tian Yu arrived in the country of Tian, ​​he had already left a secret message to Sasuke.

And Sasuke also found the mark left by Tianyu.

Followed to find it.

"Sasuke, you..."

Itachi opened his eyes.

Somewhat overwhelmed.

"My parents said he doesn't blame you, so I won't blame you either. Go back to Konoha."

Sasuke gave Itachi a deep look.

In the end, he persuaded him to return to Konoha.

"it is good,"

Weasel nodded.

"Thank you, Lord Tianyu, thank you for getting him back, but recently I'm researching a new ninjutsu, and I can't go back for the time being, so please go back first, but if you run into Naruto , please help me inform Naruto that if his strength regresses, then I will not admit him as my friend."

Sasuke looked at Tian Yudao.

Obviously, whether it's Sasuke or Itachi, they can't face each other now.

"Okay, but don't worry, that guy Naruto knows about the bet between Orochimaru and Jiraiya, and is working hard now, and you, I'm also very relieved!"

Tian Yu smiled.

Chapter 329 The Beauty of Konoha

After hearing Tianyu's words,

Sasuke was a little stunned.

After a while, he nodded slowly,

Then he whispered to Tian Yu:

"Lord Tianyu, I understand, thank you."

After simply saying these words,

After Sasuke and Tenyu said goodbye, they left there.

Now time is very important for Sasuke, he will try his best to become stronger.

Not only because of the bet between Orochimaru and Jiraiya, but also because of the pride of not wanting to lose to Naruto.

After Sasuke left,

Tian Yu looked at the dry persimmon shark and Uchiha Itachi who were beside him, and told them:

"Then let's go too, it's time to go back to Konoha."

"Yes, Lord Tianyu."

Dried Persimmon Oni and Uchiha Itachi said in unison.


Three people turned into three black shadows,

He quickly disappeared in place and ran towards Konoha.

Whether it is Dried Persimmon Ghost Shark, Uchiha Itachi, or Tian Yu, the strength of the three of them is already at the top of the world, and they are first-class masters.

Their speed is naturally not comparable to ordinary ninjas.

It takes a normal person three days to get back to Konoha,

And they only spent less than half a day,

It has already arrived at the gate of Konoha Village,

For Tianyu,

This is of course quite simple.

For the dried persimmon ghost shark, who has always used physical strength as a strength, such physical consumption is nothing.

Among the three, it was Uchiha Itachi who looked the most embarrassed at this time.

The Uchiha clan, who are famous all over the world for their fire ninjutsu, illusion, and pupil techniques, have always been at the level of ordinary people in terms of physical strength.

At this time, Uchiha Itachi's body was already very poor.

Therefore, such a long journey will consume a huge amount of his physical strength.

At this time, his complexion was pale, his lips were pale, and there was a lot of sweat on his forehead, and his face showed a little tiredness.

"You are already like this, and you have been trying to be brave before. It seems that you really don't hit the south wall and don't look back." Tian Yu said jokingly Uchiha Itachi.

"Lord Tianyu..."

Uchiha Itachi had a helpless, wry smile on his face.

"You know, I have my troubles too."

"My life, in my opinion, is just a very trivial matter, even if I die, it doesn't matter, as long as I can achieve my dream."

"Do not."

Tian Yu shook his head.

"In my opinion, your life is not trivial, but very important."

"People can only talk about dreams when they are alive. If they can't even live, what dreams can they talk about? I should have told you this before, right?"

Uchiha Itachi knew that he was wrong and was speechless.

He had indeed said this before.

And it was many years ago.

that time,

Uchiha Itachi, he is also a ninja of Konoha Anbu,

He is a spy caught between the Uchiha clan and the top officials of Konoha.

Just when Uchiha Shisui's death came to his ears, he went to find Tianyu, who was only a child at the time.

Although Tian Yu was only a few years old at that time.

But his eyes were very firm.

He said to himself,

Only by living can you achieve your goals.

If you die, there is nothing left.

Uchiha Itachi and Dried Persimmon Ghost Shark followed Tian Yu and walked into Konoha together.

Konoha at this time is very different from when he left.

The economy in Konoha has become more prosperous.

On the street, you can see all kinds of shops, restaurants, pubs, etc. everywhere, and there are many small merchants and hawkers in the streets and alleys.

The women on the street chatted and laughed and laughed,

The children on the street were running around and having a great time.

Occasionally on the eaves, ninjas wearing army green vests can be seen flashing by,

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