The whole Konoha is very peaceful and prosperous.

It really is like a fairyland.

The current Konoha,

Only then is true peace won.

As an absolute strength, because of the existence of Tianyu, it can directly crush Konoha of other Shinobi villages.

No one dared to come to challenge for some reason.

It seems that Lord Tianyu, he really did it.

These things that happened over the years have also proved to Uchiha Itachi,

What Tian Yu said at the beginning was right, only those who survived are qualified to talk about their dreams.

Maybe all along

It's really your thinking that's wrong.

If I could survive... that would be really nice.

Just as Uchiha Itachi looked at the peaceful, happy, and prosperous Konoha in front of him,

He suddenly felt a **** breath coming from his mouth.


And the next second,

Before he even had time to react,

A stream of bright red blood vomited up along his chest, sprayed out from his mouth, and stained the land in front of him.

His body also knelt directly on his knees, and the whole person knelt on the ground.

But... damn...

Uchiha Itachi still wanted to support his body reluctantly, and tried to stand up from the ground,

Uchiha Itachi, who has always been so proud,

He didn't want to fall down in front of everyone at such a time.

It's just that the disease in his body is more serious than he imagined.

Finally, his perseverance was still unable to resist the strong rejection in his body. He only felt that his eyes were black, and the next second he fell directly to the ground unconscious.

In the last second of waking up,

He felt in his ears and heard the voices of many people.

"Ahhh! Someone fell!"

"Quick, come and help! What's the matter with him?"

"Hey hey, Itachi, what's the matter with you guy? You're not trying to scare me on purpose, are you?"

"Oops, Uchiha Itachi's body is worse than I expected!"

"Quick, go to the medical room, go to Tsunade-sama! Except for Hokage-sama, I am afraid that no one else can do anything about his illness!"

In Konoha's medical room,

Tsunade has blond hair and two ponytails hanging down in front of him.

She had just been called by Tian Yu from Hokage's office, and she didn't even have time to take off the Yushen robe, so she rushed over to check on Uchiha Itachi's body.

After ten minutes,

Tsunade walked out of the medical room,

The expression on his face was very solemn.

"Uchiha Itachi's body, how's it going?" Tian Yu came up at this time and asked Tsunade.

Tsunade let out a long sigh and said,

"To be honest, I've been a medical ninja for so many years, and I've seen people who are dead, but I've never seen someone who doesn't take their own body seriously!"

"This kind of patient is really the kind of person I hate the most as a doctor!" Tsunade said rudely with his waist on his back.

Chapter 330

"What kind of disease?"

Tian Yu asked Tsunade curiously.

In the original book, there is very little description of this passage.

The early Uchiha Itachi, as the target of Uchiha Sasuke's revenge, has always acted as a big villain in the eyes of readers.

And only when the two brothers Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Sasuke fought for the last time,

Everyone finally realized that Uchiha Itachi was not a powerful villain.

He was carrying a lot of unknown pain.

his fate,

It is so saddened by so many people.

At that time, everyone knew

It turns out that Uchiha Itachi planned for so long,

It's all because I know I'm terminally ill,

So I want to become a stepping stone for my younger brother Sasuke Uchiha and make Sasuke stronger.

"It's an overdraft of bodily functions."

Tsunade gave Tianyu the answer,

"In fact, this disease is very common, and we can even see it often in our daily life."

"For example, in normal injuries, some wounds are not treated in time, and it is easy to form some dark wounds. On the surface, they seem to have healed, but in fact, the wounds have not fully recovered at all.

Generally, this kind of wound will become more troublesome.

Not only will it take more methods to treat, but the treatment time will also be longer,

Some wounds that originally only took a week or two to heal, because the recovery is not good, it finally takes five or ten years to completely eradicate. "

After listening to Tsunade's explanation,

Tian Yu was thoughtful in his heart, nodded and said,

"So, Uchiha Itachi is because he didn't deal with the wound properly when he was injured before, which caused his body to be depleted?"

Tsunade nodded and continued,

"Not only that, the kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes in his body are originally a pair of very powerful eyes, and every use will cause a great burden on the body.

Every time he uses the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, he consumes a lot of bodily functions,

After putting a lot of burden on his body, he never got a good rest.

In the long run, even if it is a good body, after such repeated torture, will there be no problems? "

Tsunade is a doctor,

Obviously, such a patient is very headache.

"If you don't take your own body seriously, you will have to bear the consequences after all."

Tian Yu nodded.

As Konoha's undercover agent in Akatsuki's organization,

There is also Uchiha Madara disguised as Uchiha Obito who is watching him secretly, Uchiha Itachi certainly did not dare to reveal any handle or weakness in Akatsuki's organization.

In a state of intense mental and physical tension,

How can a body that has used Shakern's eyes have time and opportunity to take a good rest?

Although he understands Uchiha Itachi's approach, he also has his unspeakable difficulties.

However, he did not agree.

For Tianyu,

Your body, of course, is more important.

Those things that Uchiha Itachi valued, in Tianyu's view,

In fact, it wasn't worth his life for them at all.

"Okay, let's not talk about those things." Tian Yu waved his hand, and then asked Tsunade, "The top priority now is to treat his body. Regarding this, Tsunade, are you sure?"

In the face of Tian Yu's question,

Tsunade was silent for a moment, but did not answer immediately.

"What's the matter, do you even find it difficult?" Tian Yu frowned slightly and asked softly.

Tsunade nodded earnestly, then sighed softly:

"To be honest, I can only say do my best... Uchiha Itachi's body can only be described with the words terminally ill. Even my medical ninjutsu is only 30% sure that it can cure him. This is still under the circumstances of his full cooperation..."

"Three percent..."

Tian Yu fell into a moment of contemplation,

Then he raised his head and nodded towards Tsunade,

"Okay, the probability of 30% is enough. Tsunade, I trust you. You can use your medical ninjutsu to treat him with confidence. Even if it fails, it doesn't matter."

"It doesn't doesn't matter?" Tsunade's green pupils suddenly enlarged, with a bit of surprise in his eyes, looking at Tian Yu.

"Have you forgotten the art of reincarnation...?"

A smile appeared on Tian Yu's mouth.

He waved at Tsunade with a smile and said,

"The big deal, I can only use that ninjutsu to summon the dead Uchiha Itachi again."

" bastard!!"

Blue veins burst out on Tsunade's forehead,

She turned her fists and wanted to punch in the direction of Tian Yu.

"You bastard, don't blaspheme the dead like this in front of me as a doctor, bastard!!"

Tsunade's fist could break Jiraiya's four ribs.

Even Tian Yu doesn't have the confidence to directly face the next step,

Therefore, he turned slightly to the side, and easily avoided Tsunade's fist.

The strength gap between him and Tsunade is too great now.

Such an attack, for him,

It is really easy to resolve, without the slightest effort.

"Having been Hokage for so long, your temper is still so grumpy."

Tian Yu's forehead was covered with black lines, and he complained to Tsunade very dissatisfied,

"Okay, okay, just pretend I didn't say anything about the reincarnation of the dirty earth."

"That guy Uchiha Itachi, you should try your best to treat him."

Such an attitude of Tian Yu,

Tsunade, who had just gone berserk, felt a lot better in an instant.

She put her hands around her chest, snorted at Tian Yu with a bit of arrogance, and said:

"Okay, go get busy, I'll leave it to me for the time being."

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