"Well, hard work."

Tian Yu said with a smile.

Tsunade's favor, he has to remember.

Just when Tsunade began to give Uchiha Itachi initial treatment, and Tianyu was just about to leave,

With a creak, the door of the top ward of Ninja Medical was suddenly pushed open,

A man with long black hair appeared in front of Tian Yu, Tsunade and others,

His golden snake pupils shone under the hospital lights, and his body, as always, had that gloomy aura that made people tremble uncontrollably.

This person, of course, is Orochimaru.

His eyes swept across Tsunade and Tianyu briefly, and then fell on Uchiha Itachi's body behind them.

In his eyes, a more intense light suddenly bloomed,

Like a hunter who saw his beloved prey,

At your fingertips.

"Orochimaru, what are you doing here?"

Tsunade put down the matter at hand and asked Orochimaru first.

Chapter 331 Itachi's Experience

Although already reconciled.

I also know that Orochimaru was actually forced by Danzo and Sarutobi Hijen when he left the village.

If Orochimaru does not leave, it is very likely that he will die in Konoha.

But even so, Tsunade's attitude towards Orochimaru was not much better.

After all, Orochimaru's disrespect for the deceased has already angered Tsunade.

The art of reincarnation of dirty soil.

Although it was created by Senju Tobirama.

But in the end it is a blasphemy to the dead.

"Hehe, don't be so angry, of course I have something to do here, I heard that you brought back Uchiha Itachi!"

It's rare for Orochimaru to have a good temper with Tsunade!

Even the words are a little amiable.

When talking about Uchiha Itachi, his eyes shine even more.

It was Uchiha Itachi that made Orochimaru interested in the Uchiha family and the Shaker.

It is also Uchiha Itachi's ability that makes Orochimaru sighed at the power of Xueji Boundary.

Now Uchiha Itachi was finally brought back to Konoha.

How could he not come and take a look.

And if you can.

He also hopes to study Uchiha Itachi's writing wheel with his own hands.

Perhaps this will make his research even more perfect.

"Who did you hear from? The news is well-informed. I didn't expect you to be able to get this news in Konoha now. It seems that your efforts are really not in vain!"

Tsunade laughed when he heard what Orochimaru said.

Orochimaru used to be from Konoha, but not now.

The current Orochimaru can only be said to be a scientist hired by Konoha to conduct research.

Neither Konoha's ninja nor Konoha's villager.

But he was able to know such news as Uchiha Itachi, so he could see Orochimaru's intelligence capabilities.

"Of course I saw it with my own eyes, Uchiha Itachi was brought back by Tian Yu and the dried persimmon ghost shark. I saw it with my own eyes. To be honest, I was really happy to see Uchiha Itachi come back, so Tsunade , let me meet Uchiha Itachi, I really want to ask him, where does that power come from, and whether there is some incredible power in his blood."

"The most important thing is that his eyes are extremely powerful. If I can, I even want to get a sample, so that my experiment will become flawless, and I can create an experimental body that makes the world tremble. "

When Orochimaru talked about his experiment, his tone became excited.

The whole person is like a mad scientist.

If Orochimaru wears black-rimmed glasses, it will look even more similar.

"Don't even think about it, Uchiha Itachi's current physical condition can't tolerate any interruption, let alone cooperate with you to do experiments, it is difficult for him to get out of this room now, and at least within three months, he will The eyes of the man can't open the writing wheel."

"Forcibly opening it can only overdraw his life. If Uchiha Itachi is tossed to death by you, then you go and explain to Tianyu yourself. I want to see if Tianyu will make you into a snake pot. !"

Tsunade looked at Orochimaru and sneered, then refused directly.

"Oh, this..."

When Orochimaru heard this, he laughed.

Indeed, Tian Yu's strength is very strong, and Tian Yu seems to be obedient to Orochimaru on weekdays, giving whatever he wants.

But if Orochimaru really did something wrong with Uchiha Itachi.

The first person to settle accounts with him was definitely Tian Yu.

As for this second one.

Either Shisui or Sasuke.

Fortunately, Sasuke can send it at will.

But Shishui, Shishui's power is not weaker than Uchiha Itachi.

In a way, even more terrifying than Uchiha Itachi.

Bie Tianshen's illusion power, as long as he knows the name, he will feel fear from the heart.

Unconsciously change a person's mind.

It sounds scary.

"What is this, hurry up, I have already said here, within three months, you must not disturb Uchiha Itachi, as long as his surgery is not done after three months, then it will not work, wait until his body. After recovery, if you still want to fight Uchiha Itachi, go to Tianyu, and if he agrees, then I agree here too!"

"Otherwise, you don't want to disturb my patient. If you dare to come here again, I will let you taste the taste of being beaten into the sky as a meteor, and you shouldn't want to let the whole village know about your bet, right? Maid, what are you wearing as a servant?"

"Although I know that this is a bet between you two, it's up to you to believe that as a medical ninja, it's okay to silently give you some medicine to make you lose this bet, and then the whole village will Come and watch you wearing a maid and maid costume, that picture must be very beautiful."

Tsunade smiled and waved his fist, and threatened.

Looking at Orochimaru like that, he couldn't help but took a few steps back.

For Tsunade, it was even more chilling.

"Okay, okay, I'm not coming."

Orochimaru shook his head.

Turned around and left Konoha Hospital.

After leaving Konoha Hospital, Orochimaru still didn't give up.

The perfect Sharinyan that he had talked about for so many years finally came to him.

Even if he is threatened by Tsunade, Orochimaru has to give it a try.

After leaving the surgery at the door, he temporarily returned to the laboratory.

I plan to wait until the evening to see the situation.

After Orochimaru left, Tian Yu looked at Tsunade and couldn't help laughing.

He hadn't spoken before.

Just wanted to see what Tsunade would do.

The result was not what he expected.

"Actually, you don't need to talk like that to Orochimaru."

Tian Yu smiled.

"I'm used to it, there's no way to change it, but Tianyu, what I said is indeed true, I'm 30% sure, in fact, this 30% certainty is only able to heal his body, in fact, It is very likely that his strength will not reach its peak after recovery, and it is more likely that he will die directly on the operating table."

"Since I became a medical ninja, I have treated thousands of people. Among these people, there are so many people that I can't do anything about, but I really don't want to continue to be powerless now. They are all living lives. "

Tsunade was in pain.

After seeing the death of a ninja when she was a child, she wanted to become a medical ninja and save the wounded.

But later she found that after becoming a medical ninja, she would be even more powerless.

Because her medical skills cannot save everyone.

Her strength is far from comparable to Senju Hakuma.

Even watching those patients die in front of her was nothing short of torture for Tsunade.

Especially watching someone he cared about die in front of her.

Chapter 332 Thirty percent success rate

That powerless feeling.

Tsunade really didn't want to feel it anymore.

Hearing Tsunade's words, Tianyu could feel the grief in the master's heart!

He stepped forward and gently held Tsunade's shoulder.

"Don't worry, all this will pass. Sooner or later, these villagers in Konoha will no longer have to endure pain. They will live in a peaceful country after all, and I am willing to work hard for this."

Tianyu comforts Tsunade

"Well, I believe you can do it, Tian Yu!"

Tsunade laughed when he heard this.

"Come on, Tianyu, go to the office with me and see if there is any good treatment plan that can improve the success rate."

Tsunade said, and left Konoha Hospital with Tian Yu.

After Tian Yu and Tsunade left.

The dried persimmon ghost shark has been handed over, and all the work is in hand.

This is how I came to Konoha Hospital.

Push open the door of the ward.

Uchiha Itachi has woken up now.

He changed into a hospital gown.

It was also at this time that he looked at the clothes on Uchiha Itachi.

Only then did he realize that his body was extremely thin.

Although not to say that only the skeleton remains.

But the collarbone on the neck is extraordinarily clear.

You can just keep fish.

His skin was also morbidly pale.

"You're here, ghost shark!"

Uchiha Itachi withdrew his gaze from the window and turned to look at the dried persimmon ghost shark.

"Well, here I am, how are you?"

He looked at Uchiha Itachi and asked carefully.

It was like looking at a porcelain doll.

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