It seems that if the sound is a little louder, it will blow people away.

"Ghost shark, in fact, you don't have to be so careful, I'm not that fragile yet, in fact, I'm fine."

Itachi looked at him and couldn't help but smile.

And the dry persimmon ghost shark, looking at Uchiha Itachi at this moment.

However, he found that the chakras all over his body had been sealed.

In other words, Uchiha Itachi at this moment is already an ordinary person, according to his current physical strength.

Even a child can easily beat him.

At that moment, the dried persimmon ghost shark had a complicated expression on his face.

"Isn't it funny? I, who had been insisting on it all the time, felt that I suddenly fell down and tossed myself into this state."

On the contrary, Uchiha Itachi couldn't help laughing when he looked at him like this.

"Itachi, you..."

The dried persimmon ghost shark was suddenly speechless.

"Don't feel sorry for me, all of this is my own choice, and to be honest, I am really happy to see Konoha like this, although Lord Tianyu has said that I don't have to do it for the two of them. I blame myself for everything, but in the past few months since I left the Akatsuki organization."

"I have been practicing outside, and I have seen a lot. There is a village where a family faced the same choice as I had, but the eldest son of that family did not give up, and always communicated between the family and the village."

"There was even a battle between the family and the village, but he still didn't give up. In the end, the result was good. The village and the family finally reached a reconciliation and stopped fighting. Although there will be friction, I believe that we will continue to communicate. everything will be fine."

"After seeing this scene, I have been thinking, if I hadn't agreed to their conditions, if I had made another choice, would everything have been different, but later, I only now understand that there is no if , then we must cherish the present, no matter whether my injury can be healed or not, and then whether I can survive or not."

"I all hope that I can die as a Konoha ninja in the end. This is the greatest comfort to me, so, ah, stay well."

Uchiha Itachi smiled.

His remarks also made the dried persimmon ghost shark suddenly enlightened.

"Itachi, you are still the same Itachi!"

The dried persimmon ghost shark looked at Itachi and smiled.

The two of them said nothing, the ghost shark seemed to say nothing.

But in fact, Uchiha Itachi has already seen through the mind of the ghost.

After all, the two of them have been partners for several years.

"I'm still saying that, since you've changed your mind, you don't have to be so pessimistic. Don't forget that Lord Tianyu is omnipotent, and your injury will definitely be healed."

The dried persimmon ghost shark said.

"It's rare, I actually heard this sentence from your mouth, but I will, the scenery of Konoha is so good, I haven't seen enough, I also want to be able to continue to accompany Sasuke, although it will be difficult at first. , but I believe that over time, he will forgive me."

Itachi smiled.

"Visit time is over, let the patient rest."

A doctor came in, looked at the dried persimmon ghost shark and said.

"Okay, then I'll go first, and I'll see you when I have time."

After the ghost shark nodded, he left directly.

Uchiha Itachi watched the ghost shark leave.

Silently sighed.

Feel the powerlessness in your body.

Itachi closed his eyes.

"Really, I hope to live!"

Itachi said as if he was muttering to himself.


Konoha Office.

Shishui came over.

First, after bowing to Tian Yu and Tsunade.

Just started asking about Uchiha Itachi's condition.

"Lord Tsunade, what's up with Itachi?"

Shisui was worried about Itachi's body.

"His health is very bad. He hasn't received good treatment for his injuries for a long time. Coupled with the load caused by the writing wheel eye on his body, it can be said that the mountains and rivers are almost exhausted. Even if I try my best, I can only Thirty percent sure."

Tsunade didn't want to hide Shisui.

He directly told Itachi's physical condition.

"Master Tsunade, please, you must save Itachi, he can't have an accident."

When Shishui heard this, he directly looked at Tsunade and Tianyu and asked.

Anyway, Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Sasuke are the last relatives of Uchiha Shisui in this world.

If anything happens to the two of them.

The Uchiha clan really declined.

Maybe they will disappear directly from this world in the future.

How ridiculous.

Two families of Konoha were created, but after a few decades, both Konoha disappeared.

It's a joke when you say it.

"Don't worry, I'll do my best, but you need to be prepared."

Tsunade looked at Shisui Road.

"I see."

Shishui nodded.

"Speaking of which, when Itachi left, I was thinking of going to find him, but it was delayed due to various things. I didn't expect the delay to come to the present, and his body also had an accident. It would be fine if it was me who was undercover, and it wouldn't be the same for Itachi."

Shishui is somewhat self-blame.

The burden of the Uchiha family could not be left to Itachi alone in the first place.

It should be just the two of them.

Chapter 333: Increased Success Rate

In this case, Itachi's body would not have such an accident.

"Okay, you don't have to be too harsh. It's not your responsibility in itself. Although the success rate is very low now, I will try to improve it as much as possible. In short, we will not give up."

Tsunade looked at Shisui and said.

"Thank you Tianyu-sama, Tsunade-sama."

Shishui nodded.

After salute, he left the Hokage office.

After the stop water leaves.

Tsunade flipped through the medical book, still couldn't help sighing,

These medical books are all left by the medical ninjas of the past dynasties.

But it has no effect on treating Uchiha Itachi's injuries.

"Don't worry, don't forget that there is a last resort. If it really doesn't work, maybe you can go to Orochimaru to learn the so-called method of reincarnation."

Tian Yu didn't want Tsunade to bear too much pressure, so he said with a smile.

"do not go!"

Tsunade frowned.

"Orochimaru is not a good place."

Tsunade frowned.

"It seems that I still have to invite grandpa over!"

Tsunade hesitated for a long time, but decided to invite Senju Hasuma.

Nowadays, when people talk about Senju Hasuma, they all think that Senju is the **** of ninjas.

He is a fighting ninja, very powerful.

But in fact, Senju Hashima also serves as a medical ninja.

After all, the regenerative ability of the wood dungeon cells is already very heaven-defying.

When they were led by Senju Hashirama, the injury rate of the Senju clan was low.

In other words, the death rate is higher.

After all, the opponent knows that if you don't die, you are likely to be cured after you go back.

But if you just die, no one can cure you.

Speaking of which, I don't know if it's the luck of the Qianshou family or the misfortune.

"Well, yes!"

Tian Yu nodded.

"Tsunade, I heard Tobirama say you have something to call me?"

Qianshou Hasuma pushed the door open and walked into Hokage's office, looking at Tsunade and Tianyu.

"Say that Cao Cao and Cao Cao will be here, then tell me two, I'll go first, there are still some things to come to me every day."

After Tian Yu smiled, he turned around and left the office.


Tsunade nodded.

"Grandpa, I do have something to ask you, take a look, this is Uchiha Itachi's information, his current probability of successful surgery is only 30%, but if he wants to continue to improve, I'm afraid his body will suffer don't stop."

Tsunade directly handed Uchiha Itachi's body information to Qianshou Hasuma.

"Really, let me see!"

Qianshou Zhuzhi checked through the data.

Seeing Qianshouzhuma's brows furrowed.

"This person doesn't care about his body so much. These dark wounds could have been treated right away."

"There is also this injury. At the beginning, as long as he had a good rest for half a month, he could recover well, but he never rested in the later stage, and he overdrawn chakra once in the middle. See here, the meridians have been affected. damage."

"This also means that since that time, every time he tries to use Chakra Ninjutsu higher than Grade A, his whole body will be in pain. Although he is only twenty-one years old now, his body is different from that of seventy or eighty years old. There is no difference between an old man and he doesn't know how he uses it himself."

Senju Hasuma just glanced at it and immediately understood all the injuries on Uchiha Itachi.

It even pointed out some dark wounds that Tsunade didn't notice.

"Yeah, I was also very sad when I saw his body, but now the most important thing is his physical condition, whether it can be saved."

Tsunade asked hastily.

"It's possible to save, but it's a little dangerous. We need to get rid of the hidden danger first, and the fluctuation of Chakra needs to be completely sealed, and his body needs to become stronger. Otherwise, if the operation starts , his body can't hold on, and he is likely to die on the operating table, after all, now he probably relies on the weak Chakra in his body to hold on."

Qianshouzhuma said.

"Oh, to be honest, the body of this Uchiha clansman reminds me of Madara Uchiha after the war. His body was like this back then. , Fortunately, Konoha was built in the end, and I also treated him for those injuries on his body, but unfortunately, Madara left in the end."

When Senju Hasuma talks about Madara Uchiha, there is regret in his tone.

After all, Madara Uchiha and Chishou Hashirama can be regarded as the only ones.

The two are of equal strength.

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