They are rivals, but also close friends who share the same belief.

It's just a pity that in the end, the mentality of both of them has changed.

Madara Uchiha wants to break the pattern of this world.

But he himself became complacent in the end, unable to hear the opinions of others.

In the end, this is the situation.

As he spoke, the words 60% appeared on the last book.

This also means that the success rate of this operation has reached 60%.

Compared with the initial 30%, it has doubled.

"Grandpa, don't say that, you really worked hard at the beginning, so let's continue to let Uchiha Itachi recuperate, and then for this operation, I'll give you a shot."

Tsunade smiled.

Speaking of which, Tsunade had already passed away when she was seven or eight years old.

Followed by Senju Tobirama, who inherited Hokage's position.

But in the next time, the world began to war rapidly.

Tsunade's childhood quickly passed, and he began to enter the war.

So Tsunade hasn't actually seen it before, Senju Hashirama performed medical ninjutsu.

"Okay, it just so happens that I can pass on some knowledge to you."

Qianshouzhuma nodded.

"That couldn't be better!"

Tsunade immediately laughed when he heard this.

Uchiha Itachi's surgery plan has been decided.

It's just that because of his health, he has to rest in Konoha for about half a month before he can continue the operation.

And during this period of time, Tian Yu was not idle either.

After going to save Gaara before, the system has given him everything to build Gaia's shield.

So Tianyu recently started to forge Gaia's shield at home.

Needless to say, the previous attributes of this shield were gone.

Totally absolute defense.

Even the strongest force in this ninja world can defend against it.

It deserves to be called the earth shield.

The defense is amazing.

"Ding Ding Ding!"

As Tian Yu kept hitting the forging hammer.

The whole picture of Gaia's shield is also revealed little by little.

With the end of the last forging.

Chapter 334 The Action of Xiao's Organization

The Gaia shield was also built.

There is a layer of golden light on Gaia's shield, and strange patterns are engraved around it.

These lines can rebound part of the power back when absorbing power.

At the same time, the people here will not feel the impact of the power at all.

It can be regarded as a perfect absolute defense.

Tian Yu looked very satisfied with the shield in his hand.

Now when the war starts in the future, he can protect them under the shield for the first time.


Two flowers bloom, one on each side,

On Konoha's side, he was still preparing to treat Uchiha Itachi for his injuries.

Rainy Village.

At this time, Xiao organized all the members to gather.

"Er-wei's man Zhuli has left Yun Ren Village and intends to carry out a very secret mission, and we can just use this opportunity to attack her and take Er-wei over."

Black and White Jue appeared from the ground, watching everyone speak slowly.

Black and White's mission in Akatsuki's organization is to gather intelligence.

His special abilities allow him to lurk where others cannot.

This kind of ability also makes the intelligence of Xiao's organization one step faster than others.

"Oh, very good, so how many people are there with Zhuri Niojin this time?"

Nagato asked.

"Not much, it's just one class, three people, plus him a total of four people, the remaining three people have the strength of the shinobi, but the three of them don't have any special blood line limit, they are just very ordinary Jōnin, Yuki, because of the strength of the two tails, can explode with shadow-level strength if the battle breaks out. This time, the capture of the two tails should not be underestimated, and it must not fail."

Black and White replied.

They have failed twice in a row in the previous Konoha plan to capture Ichi.

As the saying goes, it is repeated again and again, and it cannot be repeated.

If they fail again this time, it will also be a great blow to the morale of their Xiao organization.

"Then let's go. The last time we arrested Yiwei, we were not able to complete it. This time we will be brought on stage to capture Erwei."

Deidara still didn't give up and wanted to catch Erwei.

"No, this time Nagato you go in person."

Obito still refused Deidara's request, and instead asked Nagato's Penn Liudao to arrest Erwei in person.

After all, what they want this time is a complete crushing victory, and there can be no accidents in the middle.

"it is good!"

Tiandao of Payne's Six Paths nodded.

"I will also go with me, and I will make sure that this mission is foolproof."

Xiao Nan also nodded.

"Well, let's go, this time only to succeed, not to fail."

Obito nods.

"If this is the case, there may be some trouble in Yunren Village. You must know that the village is a very warlike village. If they know that we have captured the two tails, they may take revenge on the small organization. ."

Black and white absolutely speaking.

"So we have to send people to Yun Renzhi to draw their attention away. I think it's more appropriate for you, Ah Fei, to go there in person."

Black and white laughed.

Black and white must do some tricks on the two-tailed person Zhuri in the dark. When the two-tails absorb and enter the outsider golem, he must leave a backhand.

So this is absolutely impossible for Obito to discover.

Otherwise, Obito will perceive the truth of the matter.

Obito is a very attentive person and strong.

You can play a lot of people in the palm of your hand.

Black and white absolutely had to plan ahead.


Obito nods.

In fact, although Yun Ren Village is strong, how to say Raikage's strength is not enough to see.

In addition to the strength of the three generations of Raikage, it is barely visible.

Others are a generation after another.

For Obito, it's not a big problem to stop them all.

"Then it's settled!"

Black and white nodded with a smile.

"Hey, what about me and the Red Sand Scorpion? I know we made a mistake when we captured Ichiro-Juri last time, but we don't have to use us anymore!"

Deidara couldn't bear his temper, looking at them and said hurriedly.

"It's not that you don't need you, it's that the time has not yet come. The task of arresting Sanwei can be handed over to you, but it must be after we bring Erwei back!"

Open with soil.

This sentence can also be regarded as a reassurance for Deidara and the Scorpion of the Red Sand.

Tell them they won't give up easily.

"Okay, then I'll be here waiting for your good news."

Deidara was excited.

I can't wait to set off to arrest Sanwei in the next moment.


The one who escaped part of the roots of Tian Yu's pursuit in the forest of death.

After passing through the forest of death, after leaving the country of fire.

All the way to the country of thunder.

Cloud Nin Village.

At this time, these people have long been in the dust, and they look extremely embarrassed.

But fortunately in the past, the roots and Yun Ren Village still had some contacts.

Not to be sent out as if they were beggars.

"I want to see Raikage-sama."

The leader who took the lead directly took out the contact token that was at the root at that time.

When the guard saw this man, he wanted to make a fool of himself.

But I didn't expect this person to take out the root contact token.

Everyone already knew about Konoha's situation.

During the Chunin exam, Danzo colluded with Akatsuki to overthrow Naruto's rule.

But in the end, it was reported, and the scandalous things he did, even the three generations of Hokage Sarutobi Hidden killed himself in front of everyone.

It can be said that the current Konoha is the **** of ninjas, and Tsunade, the granddaughter of Senju Hashirama, rules.

Completely different from the previous Konoha.

is a new village.

And the roots of Danzo are being completely cleaned up by today's Konoha.

Originally they thought the roots had long since vanished in another purge.

Unexpectedly, there are still residual forces left.

This is really unexpected.

"If you want to see Lord Raikage, with your current strength, aren't you afraid that we will arrest you and send you to Konoha? Konoha should be arresting you everywhere now!"

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