The guard immediately laughed when he saw the captain.

The former Yun Nin Village did have some collusion with the roots.

Otherwise, the people of Yunnin Village would not be able to send ninjas to Konoha to take away, the eldest young lady of the Hinata clan, Hinata Hinata.

There is no way to put pressure on Konoha in the future.

Force Konoha to give an explanation.

But now with Danzo's death, all this has long since changed.

If they are allowed to enter Yun Nin Village now, it may bring some trouble to their own village.

Chapter 335 The Arrival of the Roots

Especially Konoha.

The current Konoha is not the Konoha of the past.

If it really angered Konoha, Yun Ren Village is expected to have a big incident.

"Don't worry, we will come here this time, not only will we not cause trouble for Yun Ren Village, but we will also bring a big gift to Lord Raikage, which has always been what Mr. Raikage has been looking forward to."

The captain of the Anbu said, looking directly at the ninja guarding the gate.

"Oh, great gift!"

Hearing this, the gatekeeper ninja frowned.

"You guys wait here, I'll report to Raikage-sama."

After saying that, he turned around and left here.

These people at the root know that their treatment is different from the past, but they can only wait here.

After all, they are the ones being chased by Konoha now.

The people in front of them didn't grab them directly and send them to Konoha.

It is the last mercy.

What else can they say.


Raiying Office.

Same as Hokage.

Raikage has to deal with a lot of official documents every day.

But fortunately, he still has an assistant to help, so things went smoothly.

Today, he has dealt with a lot of things.

Just as he was about to take a break, he saw the guard push the door open.

"Lord Raikage."

The guard first saluted him.

"A group of ninjas from the village came. They said they wanted to see you, and they brought you the most anticipated gift. I wonder if you want to see them?"

The guard said directly.

"Oh, the root, are you talking about the root of Konoha?"

Raikage frowned when he heard the so-called words.


The guard nodded.

Hearing this, Raikage snorted coldly.

"That group of people are not staying in Konoha, what are they doing here with us, oh, I almost forgot that Danzo is dead, they have no place to stay in Konoha, they are being hunted down, that's why they will Come here, but my Yunren Village is not a place to take in some refugees, let them go wherever they come from, and don’t get in the way of my eyes here.”

Raikage did not promise to see them.

After all, the current root has long since become an existence where everyone shouts and kills.

He didn't know how much Konoha hated these people.

It would be bad if they took in them and brought disaster on the contrary.

"But, Raikage-sama, they said they brought a great gift."

After the guard heard this, he originally wanted to turn around and tell the people at the root of the situation, but after thinking about it carefully, he couldn't help but speak.

"I don't..."

"Lord Raikage, maybe what they brought us is the Konoha situation you want to know, now after Tsunade came to power, the intelligence personnel we sent in Konoha have been expelled from Konoha. ."

"We don't know anything about the situation there now. It's not a good thing. It's better to call them over and ask. If the information they provide is not enough for them to leave alive, just kill them."

Azabuyi smiled.

She is Raikage's assistant.

Just to think about Raikage.

And these are the root ninjas from Konoha.

If used properly.

There's a good chance there's going to be a wave.

"Okay, go and bring people to me, but remember, along the way, don't let people know, if it's not appropriate, I will execute people secretly."

Raikage nodded after hearing Tian Buyi's words.

"Yes, Raikage-sama."

After the guard heard this, he turned and left on the spot.

In front of the gate of Yunren Village.

The guard opened the door and brought in the men from the roots.

According to Raikage's instructions, he took them down a path and came to Raikage's office.

Of course, these root people also know that their identities cannot meet people.

didn't say anything.

After entering Raikage's office.

The leader who took the lead took the initiative to come forward and salute Raikage.

It's a courtesy.

"Lord Raikage!"

"Well, I heard that you brought me a big gift. What is the gift? Hurry up and take it out."

Raikage looked at the man in front of him and said impatiently.

"Lord Raikage, the gift I want to give you is not a real thing, but information about Konoha. I believe you should also be very interested in Konoha's information."

The ninja at the root looked at the fourth Raikage and said with a smile.

"Oh, intelligence, speak up!"

Hearing this, Raikage looked up decisively.

For a ninja, strength is extremely important.

But more important is information.

When you have information, even if the person is stronger than you.

But you can also avoid the disaster with your knowledge of him.

That's the importance of intelligence.

"Lord Raikage, I believe you should also know what kind of attitude Konoha has towards us now. Konoha is chasing us everywhere now. My companions and I need a safe shelter."

The squad leader did not directly tell the information.

After all, this information can be regarded as their last trump card.

It is necessary to obtain some guarantees before it can be said.

Otherwise, when all his trump cards disappear, then he can only be reduced to fish meat on the chopping board, and let others deal with it.

"You guys are quite good at bargaining, yes, I promise you, if the information you said is useful to us, I can let you continue to live in Yunren Village and protect you."

The fourth Raikage sneered when he heard this.

However, he still complied with the captain's request.

After all, the ambition of Yun Ren Village is the whole world.

Then there will inevitably be a conflict with Konoha.

But if you can get information on Konoha in advance.

This will be of some help in their future battles.

"Okay, then I'll tell you about Konoha now. Lord Danzo once dug four secret passages under Konoha, and these four secret passages were arranged in the territory of the Fire Country, relying on these four secret passages. , you can directly enter the village through Konoha's defensive formation."

"After Danzo-sama was killed, three secret passages have been destroyed, but there is still one left, and they haven't found it, so if Raikage-sama wants to plot against Konoha, you can use this last one. A secret path enters the very center of Konoha and launches a surprise attack."

"I believe this will definitely catch Konoha by surprise, and the formation that Konoha is using now has also been manipulated by Danzo-sama. You only need to use ninjutsu at a few specific points, you can completely Destroy the formation."

"When the time comes, the inside and the outside should be combined, and Konoha will naturally be captured!"

The squad leader looked at Raikage and told all the information he knew.

Chapter 336: Erwei Capture Plan

Raikage originally thought that what the team leader said would be the information of Tianyu and others.

But that's what I didn't expect to say.

But this information is also extremely important to them.

This means that if they go to war with Konoha, they can completely cooperate with each other.

Flanking from inside and out, even if Konoha can carry it over, there will be heavy casualties.

It's just that these words are the words of the person in front of them after all.

Whether it is true or not is still up for debate.

"What you said really moved my heart, but how should I trust you?"

Raikage looked at the man in front of him and asked.

"It's very simple, you can send someone to verify the secret passage I mentioned, and this last secret passage was actually prepared by Danzo-sama for himself, so that one day, he can be the first in an accident in Konoha. Leave through the secret passage for a while!"

"It's just a pity that at that time that guy from Tianyu launched a rebellion, and everything happened so suddenly that Danzo-sama couldn't use the secret passage to leave, so he hated it. Since this secret passage was established, all those who knew about this secret file, except for Everyone other than me is dead, you can rest assured."

The captain said hurriedly.

"Okay, then I'll trust you for a while, take people down, I'll arrange a place for you in the village, let you live temporarily, but you have to remain anonymous for a period of time and can't appear in front of everyone, otherwise if Let the people of Konoha discover your identity, and then I can only abandon you."

Raikage looked at them.

"Don't worry, Raikage-sama, we came to Yunren Village, we just want to get a place where we can recuperate, and we won't cause trouble here, but if you decide to attack Konoha, you must Bring us, because we want to avenge Danzo-sama and kill Tianyu."

When talking about Tian Yu, there was a strong anger in the eyes of the squad leader.

These people from their roots will be hidden in groups. Treated like a god.

When the gods in their hearts die.

Some have left with the gods, but some will inherit the will of the gods.

avenge him.


Rai Ying nodded.

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