Soon, a ninja from Yunnin Village left Raikage's office with this group of people.

"Lord Raikage, do you really believe what this root says?"

Tian Buyi looked at Lei Ying and asked.

"Whether I believe what he said or not, he did bring us information, and if this information is true, after all, it will hit Konoha for us and bring about significant effects, but if it is false, this group of People have already stayed here, so I don't mind making this place their burial place."

Rai Ying smiled.

"I see."

Tian Buyi nodded after hearing this.


A plain in the country of grass.

This is the place where the two-tailed man Zhuriyu wooden man is about to set out on a mission,

She and I will take away all the minerals that contain power in this earth.

I will prepare for the creation of ninja tools in Yun Nin Village next.

This place has always been a battleground for military strategists, and there are a lot of ores.

The ore needed for her mission this time is the rarest gold stone ore.

Not to be careless.

"You guys hurry up, don't waste time, we don't have any extra time to waste."

Look around by the wooden man.

They have killed all the miners here before

But some have escaped.

Now those people in other villages probably already know the situation here.

If they can't go any faster, it's very likely that they will attract ninjas from other villages.

When a war breaks out, it is inevitable.

In order not to discredit Yunren Village.

By the wooden man they. Actually pretending to be a traitor.

So once you are at war with others, if they are killed by others.

There is no way for Yun Ren Village to stand up for them.

"Okay, don't worry, in five minutes, the ore here will be taken away, and then we'll retreat!"

The other three people hurriedly increased the speed of their hands when they heard Yukito say this.

But the mishap still came.

These three people were suddenly blown away by a huge force.

As the three of them fell.

Their bodies were also pierced by the sharp horns of psychic beasts.

Just a face-to-face effort, these three people have already died in Nagato's hands.

"Who are you?"

When Yu Mu Ren saw this scene, he was stunned for a moment, and then immediately entered a state of combat readiness.

"You don't need to know who I am, you just need to understand that the tailed beast in your body is mine."

Nagato didn't talk nonsense with Yuki, and shot directly.

Alright, the rhinoceros psychic beast rammed directly at Yumu.

The huge body made Yumu go cold from behind.

It seems that this is not an accident, but a capture plan for him in advance.

But no matter what, he would never let the man in front of him succeed.

She will definitely protect the tailed beast.

"Then you can give it a try. I would like to see if you have the strength to get the tailed beast in my body!" "

After Yukito finished saying this, he rushed up directly.

A war broke out.

Time passed quickly.

In the blink of an eye, it was already afternoon.

The battle has also come to an end.

Yuki fell to the ground.

The whole life is dead.

And here in Nagato, it is obvious that it didn't take much effort.

The reincarnation eye's suppression of the tailed beast is overwhelming, and even if it relies on the power of the tailed beast, his strength can temporarily become stronger.

But that was only temporary.

There is also Nagato with the blood of the vortex family, plus the power of the eye of reincarnation.

His strength has already stood at the top of the world.

Except for the few people, I am afraid that no one is Nagato's opponent.

"Nagato, how are you?"

After Nagato settled the battle, Konan came to Nagato's side and asked with concern.

"It's okay. Take people away. In a while, someone will come here. I don't want our situation to be discovered."

Nagato said silently.

"it is good!"

Xiao Nan nodded.

Then take Yuki and leave with Nagato.


"What's going on over there? I seem to feel Erwei's Chakra. Could it be that someone is attacking Yuki?"

A ninja in Yun Nin Village suddenly panicked after feeling his chakra.

Their actions this time are a bit nasty, after all, the civilians of Changsha are required to take away the needed ores.

So if it is found by other people in Wu Daguo, it is likely to have some negative impact on them.

At that time, Yunren Village will become the target of all five countries.

Chapter 337 The Second Tails Captured Successfully

If it is besieged, even Yunren Village will not be able to hold on.

"How is that possible? Yumu Ren is the main force of the Erwei Ren. At best, these people in this mine are only the most powerful. They are only Jōnin. How could it be the opponent of Yu Mu Ren?"

Another ninja frowned.

"Could it be that reinforcements from other villages have arrived?"

A man also frowned.

"No, our current position is the only way for reinforcements to arrive. If reinforcements arrive, it is impossible for us not to find out."

A ninja shook his head.

"Then... what's going on here!"

"I don't know, but although I don't know, we still have to go and take a look. Otherwise, once anything happens, it will be too late."

A ninja said eagerly.


The other two nodded directly.

After unifying their opinions, they went directly to the direction of the two Youmu people.

It's just that when they came to the war scene, they found that the building had been empty for 4 weeks.

Only traces of the battlefield remained.

Gun smoke remains, but people have disappeared.

"What's going on? I can detect that there are still two-tailed chakras in the past 4 weeks, but the person has disappeared?"

A ninja looked around and said anxiously.

"There, I can feel the second tail's Chakra chasing me in that direction."

A perception ninja, after perceiving Erwei's Chakra, will directly lead someone to chase after him.

"it is good!"

The crowd nodded.

Only when they are about to rush past.

A man had stopped them in front of them.

"Who are you?"

The man looked at the person who dared to stop them with a look of shock in his eyes.

Because the person in front of him was wearing a red cloud robe, he was the culprit in the nightmare operation.

Xiao organization.

"You don't have to know my name, you just need to know that next, you will all die."

Obito sneered.


These people didn't react when they heard this.

Their bodies were pierced by Mudun.

The picture they saw before dying was the man's face.


Rainy Village.

Nagato brought the unconscious Erwei Yukito over and threw it to the ground.

At this time, Yukito was already seriously injured.

After being smashed to the ground, he woke up briefly.

"You guys, what are you going to do?"

She opened her eyes in fear and looked at the man who defeated her.

Erwei's strength was powerless in front of this man.

She is like a sandbag.

was easily knocked to the ground.

"We are the Xiao organization, the gods, and the tailed beast in your body is the power we need."

Tiandao, among the six paths of Payne, spoke to her slowly.

"Tailed beast, no, you can't do this!"

The wooden man heard this.

Although she didn't know what the plan was, she knew that if the plan could really be implemented.

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