Then the danger is probably the entire ninja world.

"seal up!"

The wooden man activated the seal without hesitation.

I want to seal myself and the tailed beast together.

It can be regarded as her struggle before dying.

Seal the tailed beast with her, so that the tailed beast will turn into the purest chakra and disappear with her.

And if the tailed beast wants to reappear, at least it will have to wait for decades.

In this way, the plan of the Xiao organization can naturally be smashed.

Just a pity.

She has a good plan.

Yes but can't do it.

In front of the eye of reincarnation, Yumu Man did not have the slightest resistance at all.

When Nagato sensed her intention, he instantly controlled her consciousness.

"What are we going to do next?"

Tiandao, one of Payne's six paths, stood on top of the outsider golem and looked at everyone.

At this moment, everyone in the group has assembled.

"The order of absorbing the mantissas should be from one tail to nine tails. Now we haven't got one tail, and we can't absorb it for the time being. Chakra of the second tail will now strip the second tail from his body. I will temporarily put the second tail in my space and use it as a psychic beast, and when we catch one tail, or get the chakra of one tail, we will immediately use the magic dragon to seal it all."

Obito looked at the crowd with a yellow mask and said without hesitation.

After hearing this, everyone no longer hesitated.

Each hand seals.

A force directly enveloped the two-tailed pillar force.


The wooden man made a wailing sound.

The second tail in his body was also constantly howling.

Even the tailed beast would have to endure great pain to be pulled out of the body of Human Zhuli.

And Ren Zhuli is in such pain, his body will not be able to bear it, and he will die.

Of course, since they have already caught Erwei, they naturally don't care about the life and death of one person, Zhuli.

With the ninjutsu cast to the last minute.

Two tails escaped directly from Hitoshima's body.

The wooden man's body fell heavily on the ground.

Smash a mark on the ground.

At this point all life has been completely cut off.

Yumu is dead.

Erwei, who regained his freedom, did not have the pleasure of regaining his freedom. He watched 4 weeks with vigilant eyes.

"What do you want to do?"

Erwei looked directly at them and asked.

Ren Zhuli's strength is very strong, but the strength of the man who caught him is even stronger.

Even if he tried his best, he couldn't escape from the man's hands.

And now, like this man, there is one more person who is powerful.

There are even more people who can arrest him.

Erwei knew that the chances of him escaping from here today were very small.

But at least he has to ask clearly, why arrest him?

"You used to be a part of the outsider golem, but it was later separated because of the Six Paths Immortals. Now what we have to do is to make you become that whole again. As for our plan, you will know soon."

Obito looked at Erwei and smiled coldly.

Immediately, his eyes turned into kaleidoscopes.

Before Erwei could say a word, he was directly controlled by the Kaleidoscope Shaker.

Then there was a burst of folds in the void.

Soon Erwei was received, in the divine space of Obito.

"The next is the three tails, this tailed beast will be handed over to you, Deidara, the red sand scorpion, I hope you two can satisfy me next time, and don't have any more problems."

Obito looked at the two of them and said.

"Don't worry, there won't be any more problems this time."

"Yes, the scorpion of red sand."

Deidara turned to look at the red sand scorpion and said.

Chapter 338 The entanglement of Orochimaru

"Don't worry, I won't be merciful this time, nor will I be soft-hearted."

The scorpion of the red sand turned and left with an expressionless face.

Deidara also followed behind him and left there in silence.

"Nagato, you did a good job in capturing Erwei this time, but you used too much chakra, hurry up and rest, I don't want your body to have any more accidents, you are the most critical one in the entire evolution. ring."

Obito watched Nagato arrive.

"it is good!"

Nagato nodded.

Penn Liudao also nodded along, and then Nagato and Xiao Nan left the room together.

Only Obito and Black and White were left in the next room.

"Obito, are you sure you don't need me to watch Deidara and the Red Sand Scorpion? This three-tailed capture is also very important to us."

Black and white looked at Obito and asked with some doubts.

After all, every time apart from Obito himself, if other people go to catch the tailed beast, Black and White will definitely follow.

But this time, Obito didn't let him go with him.

It really surprised him.

"It's nothing, I just think that if the strength of the two of them is not disturbed by outsiders, they will be able to successfully bring back the three tails, so you don't have to go, and I still have the most important task to give you."

Obito did not look at black and white absolutely.

Instead, he looked out the window.

It is always raining in Yuren Village.

This light rain will never stop.

The sky around was still grey.

It's like having a soiled mood.

"you say!"

Black and white must make a respectful look.

"I want you to go to the Uchiha family and bring that stone tablet out!"

Obito said suddenly.


Black and white, stunned to hear this.

In fact, when he heard this sentence, he thought his identity had been exposed.

But soon, he calmed down.

Because Madara Uchiha is dead, he is now considered Madara Uchiha's will.

And Obito didn't have any evidence of him, so it was impossible to discover his true identity.

"I want to see what the most perfect plan that was said by Madara Uchiha looked like at the beginning, and I also want to know what happened to Immortal Six Paths."

Obito slowly opened his mouth.

There was no change in the tone of voice, it was still the same as before.

"Yes, I will bring the stone tablet of the Uchiha family, but that place is Konoha, I may have to spend a lot of energy."

"It doesn't matter, you have to be careful when you enter Konoha, so as not to be discovered. Of course, it would be better if you could gather some information about Tianyu."

Obito said.

"it is good"

Black and white absolutely nodded, and then once again hid in the soil, turned and disappeared.

In an instant, Obito was the only one left in the house.

At this time, Obito took off the mask.

The half of his face, which was full of scars, was also exposed.

It was only when he was the only one left that a trace of exhaustion appeared on Obito's face.

"Lin, are you looking at me? Do you feel unfamiliar with me like this?"

Obito muttered to himself.

It seems to be talking to himself, but it also seems to be comforting Lin who has died.

"No, you should stop looking at me, because now I feel unfamiliar with myself, my name is no longer Uchiha Obito, but no one is a man, I will start with the teacher, yes Everyone starts, so I am no longer worthy of being called Uchiha Obito, but don’t worry.”

"Wait until the day when the Eye of the Moon plan is realized, and when everyone gets real peace, I will definitely accompany you, Lin!"

Obito closed his eyes.

It has returned to the "Uchiha Madara" who kills without blinking.


At the same time Konoha.

Uchiha Itachi is still recovering, and his treatment plan has been determined.

In the past few days, Senju Hashirama has been teaching Tsunade some special tricks.

It can be said that Tsunade's strength is now much stronger than before.

And Senju Tobirama is also using his knowledge to help Tsunade to improve himself as much as possible.

So now the probability of surgery is also from 30% at the beginning to 60% later.

80% now.

It can be said that in the current operation, as long as nothing happens, Chakra disappears suddenly, or Tsunade falls into a coma, then Uchiha Itachi can survive.

And his strength can be recovered in a short period of time.

It's one of the few pieces of good news.

Of course, I am happy for this good news, except for the 4 people, Dried Persimmon Ghost Shark, Uchiha Shisui, Tian Yu, and Uchiha Sasuke.

One more snake pill.

After all, as long as Uchiha Itachi's body can get better, Orochimaru can get a sample of Sharinyan from him.

In this way, his experiment can go a step further.

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