
"Tianyu, how many times have I said it, if you want to make the eye of Sangouyu evolve into the most perfect kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, then the samples of the Uchiha family are indispensable, especially the samples of the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye. , Sasuke's writing wheel eye is just Ergou jade, and studying his power can only produce defective products, ordinary writing wheel eyes."

"There is no way to exert stronger power. Only by obtaining a sample of the kaleidoscope Shaker's eye can make the things I research stronger. Zhishui's eyes are very special, and the samples of his eyes cannot be easily extracted, otherwise it will be If he hurts his eyes, once Bie Tianshen is abolished, the loss will be huge."

"So, our next target is only Uchiha Itachi. Of course, if you don't want to give me Uchiha Itachi's samples, you can also give me Uchiha Madara's samples. Anyway, they are all the same as kaleidoscopes."

Orochimaru looked at Tian Yu and said a lot of words in one breath.

"I said Orochimaru, are you tired? Come to my house early in the morning to find me. I haven't eaten breakfast yet, and I heard a lot of words from you. It's rare for you to be able to leave the laboratory."

Tian Yu looked at Orochimaru and said helplessly.

This guy got a sample of Uchiha Itachi's Kaleidoscope Shaker in order to get him to agree to it.

Came to his house early in the morning.

Soft and hard foam.

There is a lot of posture, if he doesn't agree, he will just stay.

It really gave Tian Yu some headaches.

"Not tired, of course not tired, I have been working in the laboratory for 24 hours continuously, my purpose is to get Uchiha Itachi's writing wheel eye sample, as long as you promise me, then I will leave immediately and come back. Go to the laboratory and never bother you again!"

Orochimaru looked at Tian Yu and said with bright eyes.

"You bastard!"

Tian Yu felt even more helpless when he heard this.

Chapter 339 The news of the three tails

This guy did everything he could to get a sample of Uchiha Itachi's kaleidoscope Shaker.

"You man!"

Tian Yu looked at Orochimaru and couldn't help shaking his head.

"Tell me quickly, do you agree or not, Tianyu, don't forget, I did a lot of good things for you before, those scrolls of life and dead men, you owe me one. Favor, then I want to use this favor to ask you to help me get a sample of Uchiha Itachi's kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, it should be possible."

When Orochimaru saw that Tian Yu had not agreed, he changed a routine and began to play the favor card.

"you really…"

Tian Yu was speechless again.

After all, if he remembered correctly, among the things he made, he helped to get samples.

Those samples of reincarnation eyes, but he personally went to Yuren Village to defeat Penn Liudao and took them.

But it's no use talking to Orochimaru now.

However, if Orochimaru can get a sample of Uchiha Itachi's Kaleidoscope Shaker, it will indeed be a good thing for future experiments.

"Okay, okay, I promise you, after Uchiha Itachi's surgery is over, and if his body gets better, I'll tell you, but don't make any crooked ideas, can he turn around for you? container!"

Tian Yu looked at Orochimaru and warned.

"Don't worry, I don't want a sick body as my own container, I just need to get a sample and that's enough."

Orochimaru couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

"Oh, yes, in fact, I have something to tell you when I came here this time, and I almost forgot."

Orochimaru planned to return to the laboratory after receiving Tianyu's promise.

But when he took a few steps, he looked back at Tian Yu as if he had remembered something.

"Go ahead!"

Tian Yu nodded.

"Now there is one tail in the village, and the second tail is now. It is in the hands of Yunnin Village, that village is not easy to provoke, but the current three tails have no one's strength, the fourth generation of Mizukage Yakura of the fog ninja village. After death, Sanying has always been in a wild state. It is much easier to deal with tailed beasts without help. Moreover, among my subordinates, there is also a Yukimaru that can resonate with Sanwei. If you need it, you can do it. Now take the three tails into your hands."

"This will save the organization from worrying about it."

Orochimaru looked at Tian Yudao.

Hearing this, Tian Yu recalled what happened in the original book.

Shortly after Ichio Shouhe was arrested, Erwei Youlu was captured, and the undead duo Jiaodu Feiduan was taken away.

But now that both the angle and the flying section have died in his hands, it is estimated that there will be other people who also arrest Erwei.

They will also do something to the three tails.

And he really wants to collect tailed beasts and smash the black and white conspiracy.

Then of course not to be missed.

"Okay, don't go back to the lab yet, go to Hokage's office with me later, I'll call a team and arrest Sanwei immediately."

Tian Yu made a choice directly.

Naturally, the sooner this happens, the better.

It is absolutely impossible to let Xiao organize them to take the lead.

And this time, if he can meet Obito, maybe he can try to convince Obito.

The Eye of the Moon plan is absolutely black, the filial son wants to release a thousand-year-old conspiracy planned by his mother Kaguya Otsutsuki, who was imprisoned on the moon.

In addition, Hei Jue also tampered with the stone tablet left by the six immortals.

If you can tell Obito the truth.

All this can be stopped.

Kaguya Otsutsuki did not release it, and the tailed beasts gathered again.

After they are prepared, they can completely deal with these foreign visitors from the Otsutsugi clan.

"it is good""

After Orochimaru's request was met, he was very easy to talk.

After Tian Yu packed up his things, he came to Hokage's office with him.

"What are you talking about, this is absolutely impossible."

Tsunade refused directly after hearing Tian Yu's words.

"Why, you clearly know that this is also an excellent opportunity for Konoha!"

Tian Yu was a little surprised.

I just said that I didn't agree with him on his side this time.

Three tails, although it is said to be in a wild state now.

No one is strong.

But the place he was in was the land of water, the village of mist ninja.

If the ninja of Konoha entered the Land of Water without notifying it, it would easily cause some misunderstandings.

Plus you still have to catch tailed beasts in the past.

If the ninjas there attack you, they will cause casualties to each other.

It is very likely that the next war will start.

Although Konoha is not afraid of war now, this kind of trouble can be avoided, so try to avoid it.

Tsunade didn't want to let Tianyu take risks.

Although Tsunade also knew that, based on the strength of the current world, there should not be many people in this world who could hurt Tian Yu.

"Tsunade, I know you're doing it for me, but this time I have to go, and I have to take the seventh class, because only in this way can I complete my plan earlier and prevent Akatsuki from organizing They succeeded." Tian Yu looked at Tsunade and said firmly.


What else does Tsunade want to say?

But see Tian Yu's firm look.

Tsunade knew that Tian Yu had already made up his mind.

Then nothing can stop him.

"Okay, but promise me never take any chances!"

Tsunade nodded in agreement.

"Don't worry, you know me, and this time it's just to catch the tailed beast. Even if I meet those people organized by Xiao, I won't be afraid, maybe I can pull them to our side. Woolen cloth."

Tian Yu smiled.

Those members of Akatsuki's organization are not innocent.

Each of them has their own story.

Deidara, he just wants to prove himself and prove that he is stronger. Although the bombs he created hurt people, he also wants to get people's attention.

And the red sand scorpion.

His parents died tragically when he was a child, and Chisha Zhiscorpion is also a child who wants to be loved by his parents.

But later on, he took the wrong road and wanted to make people into puppets.

Always be with him.

Because he believes that only the eternal things are most valuable.

Not to mention Nagato and Konan.

If it wasn't for Yahiko's death, Akatsuki wouldn't be what it is now.

Then there is the soil.

Obito started out as a very sunny person.

I want to be Hokage.

We have to protect the village.

Wants to protect the people he cares about.

But then a war made him change his attitude.

There is no real peace in this world after all.

If there is, it can only be in illusion.

Chapter 340 Set off to capture the three tails

That's why Obito agreed to implement the Moon Eye plan that Madara Uchiha said.

and work hard for it.

None of these people are really bad.

They can still be redeemed.

"Go and call the seventh shift."

Tian Yu gave the order directly.

Anbu nodded on the side.

Soon, the seventh class had arrived at the Hokage office.

Sakura Naruto Kakashi naturally does not need to say more.

Although Sasuke is still training with Orochimaru, he is still a member of the seventh class.

Before Tianyu originally wanted to incorporate Sai into the seventh class.

But Naruto did not agree.

Because Sasuke is only worshipping Orochimaru as his teacher, he has not left Konoha, he is still Konoha's ninja.

If other people are also included in the seventh class, it will be a little uncomfortable for Naruto.

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