So after thinking about it, Tianyue transferred Sai to another place.

"Lord Tianyu!"

Sakura Kakashi bowed to Tian Yu.

Only Naruto threw himself directly into Tian Yu's arms.

"Brother Tianyu, it's been a long time, what are you doing recently? I still want you to take me out on a mission. Well, Se Xianren, that guy takes me everywhere every day to collect the wind, and I have to follow it every time. He ran away together, if it wasn't for the sake of me being a child, maybe they would have beaten me together."

Naruto looked at Tian Yu and began to complain about Jiraiya's behavior.

After all, it is indeed somewhat unreliable.

Although he also taught Naruto his skills.

"Okay, didn't I just take you there? Just follow me this time. Let me tell you about our next move. We are going to the land of water to arrest Sanwei. Now Sanwei has no one to support him. It is very beneficial to our actions, but at the same time, we entered the country of water this time, and we did not get the consent of Kirin Village."

"So everything has to be careful and keep a low profile as much as possible. If you encounter ninjas in Mist Ninja Village, try to avoid them if you can. If you can't avoid them, knock them out. If you don't have a last resort, don't make trouble. Out of life."

Tian Yu ordered.

"Okay, I can finally leave Konoha to play."

When Naruto heard this, he nodded heavily.

But what he cares about is whether he can leave Konoha and go to other countries.

When Kakashi and Sakura heard this, they couldn't help frowning.

"Lord Tianyu, do you mean that we want to take all the tailed beasts into our pockets?"

Sakura asked eagerly.

Hinata is a matter of the new one Ototo Shuri.

Although it has not been announced.

But you are not fools.

Occasionally when training together, you can still find clues.

But Konoha has already issued a seal order.

They couldn't tell even if they knew.

It's just that everyone is still a little unhappy.

Especially Sakura and the others.

They come from commoners, and if their strength is not good enough, it is very likely that they will never turn around in their entire lives.

Sakura is lucky.

She was assigned to a class with Sasuke and Naruto.

Tian Yu is Naruto's eldest brother.

And Sasuke is valued by Tian Yu.

Needless to say, Kakashi has long since become the mainstay of the village.

In such an environment, Sakura also got her wish and worshipped Tsunade and learned medical ninjutsu from her teacher.

But she knew it wasn't enough.

With her strength, even if she learned strange powers, she couldn't compare to Naruto and Sasuke.

Just make yourself stronger.

And what can make a person stronger, in addition to the hard work of the day after tomorrow, there is only one left.

That is the human pillar force who became the tail beast.

And among their younger generations.

Hinata has become one of the main pillars of the tail.

So is it their turn next?

If she can, does she have the opportunity to become a human pillar force?

"Almost, collecting all the tailed beasts is also a very important thing for me, so you have to do your best next."

Tian Yu nodded.


Sakura wanted to say something else.

But when he saw that Tian Yu and the others were about to leave, Sakura had to swallow the words.

Say no more.

"Tianyu. Don't forget, if you go to Wujin Village, go look for a woman named Gulian. The child he is with is named Yukimaru, and that child can lead you to Sanwei."

Orochimaru looked at Tian Yu and said.

"Do not worry."

Tian Yu nodded.

Then he turned around and left the Hokage office with this kind of person.


After Tianyu went out, Tsunade understood why Tianyu suddenly wanted to arrest Sanwei.

"Orochimaru, how exactly did you tell Tian Yu?"

Tsunade covered his fists and questioned Orochimaru while laughing.

"That's it, Tsunade, I remembered, there seems to be some unfinished business in my lab, I'll go back now."

Orochimaru glanced at Tsunade in fear, then turned around and wanted to leave.

"Come back to me."

"I tell you, next time you dare to provoke Tianyu to do these things, I will definitely shave all your hair out."

Tsunade looked at Orochimaru and said.

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Orochimaru could only nod his head helplessly.


At their speed.

From Konoha to the Land of Water, it takes at least five days for Kirin Village.

But fortunately, Tian Yu used the technique of Flying Thunder God to bring them to the Land of Waves, which is the closest to the Land of Water.

Starting from here can save them a lot of time.

The Land of Waves is also a place full of memories for Naruto.

"Brother Tianyu, since we are here, why don't we go see Dazna and the others, I want to see if they are doing well now."

Naruto looked at the bridge that had already been built, and couldn't help but said to Tian Yu.

"Okay, let's go!"

Tian Yu nodded.

This can be regarded as the place where all his plans began, and it is also very miss for Tian Yu.

"Let's go."

Naruto cheered, and then rushed into the village like a cannonball.

"Naruto, wait for us."

Sakura and Kakashi shook their heads when they saw this, and followed Naruto helplessly.

As for Tian Yu.

He was the first to rush to the village when he finished talking to Naruto.

A hut by the sea.

This place is no longer the dilapidated hut they lived in before, but has been renovated into a very good log cabin.

All the equipment inside is complete.

Even the boat was replaced with a bigger one.

Dazner is now sitting on the bow unwinding his nets.

In the big blue net, there are many fish densely packed.

Chapter 341 The Old Land of the Country of Waves

"Uncle Dazna, we're here to see you, but you've gained a lot today."

Naruto rushed to Dazna first, looked at him and smiled.

"Ah, it's Naruto, you've grown a lot taller, you look a lot stronger than before."

Dazner smiled when he saw Naruto like this.

"That's right, I have been training hard every day since I went back. Whether it's at home or in the village, I'll follow it well. The serenity training, and my big brother, oh, yes, this time Tianyu big brother also Come to see you."

Naruto said and walked over to Tian Yu and them and smiled.

"Is Lord Tianyu also here?"

When Dazna heard this, he looked at Tian Yu.

Immediately excited.

After all, if there is no seventh class, the country of waves does not know what it will be like.

I'm afraid that the people who have been made by Cardo have been in trouble now.

How can these people live a good life?

"Yes, uncle, long time no see."

Tian Yu looked at the uncle in front of him and said with a smile.

What happened before, but only a year has passed.

But looking back now, it feels like a lifetime away.

In the past year, many things have happened in Konoha, the three generations of Hokage died, and Danzo also died.

Konoha's forces were completely shuffled.

The current Konoha will be better than before.

"Yeah, it's been a long time, you should come to the country of waves this time for a mission, if there is anything that can help you, just tell me, all of us are now thinking of repaying the wood. Ye's Ende, yes, I caught a lot of fish today, don't leave at night, stay and eat, I will call everyone over and let everyone thank you."

Dazner said with a smile.

"You don't need to eat. We have important business now, and now we must rush to the country of water, but can you find us a boat? Uncle?"

Tian Yu asked with a smile.

"Of course, now that we are here, the most important thing is a boat. You can go to the land of water. I will send you there tonight. Recently, there are some problems in one of the oceans, and the sea water has become very turbulent. If If you go directly, ordinary boats will be involved."

"Only find some sailors who are familiar with the road to cross the trail. I just came back from fishing in that place. I am very familiar with it, so let me take you there."

When Dazner heard this, he didn't say much.

A boat was arranged directly, ready to send Tian Yu and the others away.

"Then thank you uncle."

Tian Yu smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, yeah, if there was no uncle, we would still have to go all over the world to find a big ship, and even if we found it, if we didn't know the news, we might have to suffer some hardships in the sea."

When Naruto heard this, he also smiled.

"Where, if it is a ninja from another village, if they come to us to find a boat, maybe this is the case. After all, our country of waves is now conducting trade with the five major countries, and there is a lot of business to do. Well, it's not that easy to free up a boat."

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