"But this is your Konoha, you have helped us so much, not to mention sending you to the land of water, even if you let me give you the boat, but it's a pity, Tatsuya. Boy, I was always talking about wanting to see Brother Naruto and Brother Tianyu, but he went out to fish with the little three in the past two days."

"It looks like I can't see it anymore."

Dazner was a little emotional.

But he was still very happy.

After all, I saw my long-lost benefactor.

"There will be opportunities in the future!"

Tian Yu smiled.

"Then wait a minute, I'll pack up, and I'll send you off."

Dazner smiled.

Then go to pick up the fish from the fishing net.

When they were almost finished, they rocked the boat and sent Tianyu and the others to leave the port.


The sea was already foggy and white.

Can't see around clearly.

But Dazna knows this sea well.

So sailing at night is not a big deal.

"Brother Tianyu, look, there are a lot of fish."

Naruto pointed at the fish on the side of the boat and said in surprise.


Heavenly Royal. Look in the direction of Naruto's finger.

I did see a lot of fish.

The schools of fish were all swimming towards other places, and they didn't look like they were swimming, but rather like they were running for their lives.

And these fish schools were not followed by some big fish predators such as sharks.

This is a little strange.

"Oh, it's a pity that you can't catch fish this time. Otherwise, if you put the fishing net down, you will return with a full reward."

Dazner still felt pity when he looked at the school of fish.

After all, such schools of fish gather, and it is not too easy to catch them.

Hearing this, Tian Yu was stunned.

Then he walked in front of Dazner.

"Uncle, tell me, are the recent fish schools like this?"

"Yeah, I don't know what happened to this ocean recently. The climate of ocean currents is changing rapidly, and some freshwater fish have come here. Although there are not many, I can still see one or two of them every time. What's more important is that these schools of fish are gathered together and are very easy to catch, which is much easier than before."

Dazner spoke out like what happened to the ocean recently.

"Lord Tianyu, did you think of something?"

When Kakashi saw Tian Yu like this, he asked anxiously.

"It's nothing, but it should be similar to what I guessed."

Tian Yu shook his head, then nodded again.

"Okay, let's not talk about this, we'll be in the country of water soon, you all hurry up and prepare, Orochimaru gave us the contact information with Red Lotus, and when we go to the country of water, we must contact Red Lotus and that person as soon as possible. The kid named Yukimaru, remember, this time our action can only succeed, not fail, and we must be sure to win with one blow."

"Otherwise, it would be detrimental to Konoha's reputation if the people who were mistaken for us caught our traces."

Tian Yu reminded.


Naruto Kakashi Sakura and the others nodded heavily.

Dazna meets Tianyu. They look so cautious.

Stop chatting with them.

Instead, it accelerated the speed of the ship.

Bypass dangerous places in the ocean.

through the reef.

After a day and a night of traveling, they finally came to a port in the Land of Water.

The port originally belonged to a small village.

But then Mist Ninja Village launched the blood fog method.

In this way, it spread to other villages.

Chapter 342 Red Lotus

Slowly now the village has been abandoned.

No one lives in the village now.

Occasionally some people pass by and leave quickly.

After all, there was a massacre in this village before.

The villagers inside were basically killed.

Passing by here every night can hear the ghosts roaring.

No one dared to approach.

"It's here, it's here!"

Dazna stopped.

"Thank you uncle, you can go back now, you don't have to wait for us here, we will find another way when we go back, and, be careful when you go back, it's 10,000 yuan, go, Naruto, Kakashi , Sakura."

Tian Yu and Dazna thank you.

After putting down some money for him, they rushed to the village of Kirin with the famous people.


Dazner watched, and the back they left sighed.

He didn't want money.

But Naihe couldn't catch up.

Looking at the empty villages around, listening to the roar of the surrounding wind.

Dazna, he turned around and turned to the Land of Echoes.

After all, he would be very scared after spending a long time alone in this haunted village.

"Lord Tianyu, this time you can tell me what you were thinking when you saw those fish on the boat before?"

Kakashi walked to Tian Yu and asked directly.

"Of course, Sanwei should be in the active period recently, and the activities of Sanwei are known through those fish schools, which disturbed many fish groups that originally lived in the lake water, forcing them to flee to the sea, and they were finally caught by some ocean currents. When you get caught up in the sea, this also means that Sanwei's whereabouts will soon be tracked by Mist Ninja Village, and we have to speed up."

"It will take at least half a day to go to Wu Ninth Village from here. I hope everyone can work hard and don't hold back."

When he said this, Tian Yu glanced at Sakura.

To be honest, if it weren't for the fact that Sakura was a member of the seventh class, Tian Yu would not have brought Sakura.

After all, he never had a good impression of Sakura.

Sakura in the original book has always been a guy who can only hold back.

And he's a double dog.

Although at the end of the fight against that silly white sweet, Sakura also played a role.

But that didn't make Tian Yu not hate her.

It's just that he is in the village now. If he hates a person outright, that person will definitely be isolated by the whole village.

Then it's not right.

In addition, this guy Sakura is a person who doesn't matter, so it's just like whether you bring it or not.

Naturally, Kakashi went to look at her.


"Don't worry, Big Brother Tianyu, we won't hold you back."

Naruto is very confident.

He didn't learn for nothing these days.

Now, with his strength, he can completely handle a Jōnin.

Coupled with Kakashi-sensei and Xiaoying, they will definitely become stronger in the future.

And he has to surpass Sasuke, by far.

In this way, Sasuke will not be said to be the tail of the crane.

I can also show that guy Sasuke how strong he is.

On the contrary, after looking at Tianyu's eyes again, Sakura couldn't help biting her lip.

Although Tianyu didn't explicitly say who was holding the team back, Sakura understood.

That person was talking about herself.

In fact, she has been working hard these days to learn medical knowledge with Tsunade.

The purpose is to become stronger and not drag everyone down.

But now it seems that although there are some results, it is still a bit unqualified to keep up with Naruto and Kakashi.

This makes Sakura yearn for the tail beast even more.

If she can become the man of the three tails.

Does this mean that she can become stronger?

"it is good."

Tian Yu nodded, and everyone went on the road together.

No one spoke along the way.

Everyone tried to keep their breath as low as possible.

In this way, after a long journey, they finally came to Mist Ninja Village.

However, it is said that it is the village of Wu Ninja, and it is only near the village of Wu Ninja.

There is a lot of fog around here.

Visibility is low.

"Send a message to Red Lotus."

Tianyu looked at Kakashi.

"it is good."

Kakashi nodded.

Then a flare was fired directly into the sky.

This flare is specially made and will not show any light and color under the sun.

But Guren was able to detect the special traces of this flare.

When he knows, he will take the initiative to come to contact.

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