After the signal flares were sent out, everyone took a rest in hiding.

After half an hour.

A woman with red hair and a ponytail came to them.

"Come out, I'm Red Lotus."

After the woman said this, she used her ability to condense a crystal wall on the spot.

This is the ability of the red lotus.

It's her bloodline limit.

Sure enough, there are no normal people under Orochimaru.

All of them are experts in the boundaries of blood.

Tianyu walked out with everyone.

"You are the people of Konoha that Orochimaru said, right? Orochimaru has already told me your intentions, and the one person who is indispensable to catch Sanwei is Yukimaru, but Yukimaru is not very healthy recently. Well, I can't use Chakra for a long time, so I have to ask you to moderate it, let's go, I will take you to where I live next."

After Red Lotus said this, she turned around and left without waiting for Tianyu and the others to speak.

In desperation, Tian Yu had to keep up with Red Lotus.

"Did you come here under the order of Orochimaru?"

Along the way, Kakashi asked Guren questions.

After all, they did take a lot of risk when they came to Mist Ninja Village.

If Guren has defected, it is very likely that they will be brought into the trap.

Although it is said that facing such a trap, neither Tianyu nor Kakashi will be afraid.

But it is better to avoid it as soon as possible.

"Yes, I was rescued by Lord Orochimaru on the battlefield, and later became Lord Orochimaru's subordinate. There is Lord Orochimaru's stronghold here. Although it was abandoned in the later period, I still stay here, Youguimaru. I found out that Orochimaru-sama said that there should be some kind of relationship between him and Sanwei, and I hated him very much at the beginning!"

"That kid is ill and looks like he can't live, but after spending a long time with him, I also think it's good to have a kid by my side, and now I regard him as my relative. I know that Orochimaru-sama has ordered, but I also want to ask you to pay attention."

"If there is something wrong with Yukimaru after I teach it to you, I will not let you go even if I die."

Chapter 343

"I hope you can speak up!"

Hearing this sentence, Red Lotus was relieved.

"You seem to be very concerned about that kid named Yukimaru."

Tian Yu looked at Red Lotus and said with a smile.

"It's nothing, I'm guarding the base here. He and I depend on each other for life. After a long time, some close relationships will naturally develop."

Guren didn't want to talk about her past.

After getting Tian Yu's promise, he took them to the stronghold of Orochimaru.

This stronghold is hidden in a cave that has long been abandoned.

This cave was the stronghold of Wu Nin Village at the time, and later there were some rebellions in Wu Nin Village, and it was abandoned.

Then it was occupied by Orochimaru.

Guren led them into the stronghold.

He pushed open the door of Yukimaru directly.

There are not many things in the stronghold, but it is very warmly arranged.

It's like a kid's room.

On the contrary, the place where Red Lotus lived was very simple.

In Yukimaru's room, there was a camellia made of spar on the head of his bed.

It can be seen that Yukimaru is very precious.

Take it wherever you go.

"Sister Honglian, you are back."

Yukimaru looked at Guren.

When he saw the people behind Hong Lian, he was stunned for a moment.

Then greeted with a smile.



Naruto also smiled and waved to Yukimaru.

As if feeling the sunlight on Naruto, Yukimaru didn't seem so afraid.

"Well, I'm back, Yukimaru, do you remember what I said to you before?"

Guren squatted down in front of Yukimaru, her body, and looked at him.

"Remember, Sister Honglian said that some people will come over in two days and ask me to use my ability to help them find things. I have been preparing, is that them?"

Yukimaru said innocently.

Apparently he didn't know what that unique relationship between himself and the three tails meant.

"Yes, it's them. You don't have to worry about Yukimaru. After they find something, they will leave, and then I will continue to accompany you."

Red Lotus smiled.

"Okay, I will listen to Sister Honglian."

Yukimaru smiled and nodded.

"I've already agreed with Youguimaru, please remember what you said, Lord Tianyu, otherwise I won't let you go even if I'm a ghost."

Red Lotus got up, and when she passed in front of Tian Yu, Di Sheng said such a sentence.

Tian Yu did not answer, but walked in front of Yukimaru.

As an ordinary person, since he can resonate with the tailed beast.

This is enough to explain that something unusual should have happened to the Yukimaru in front of him.

"Lord Tianyu."

Yukimaru looked at Tian Yu, a little nervous.

Yukimaru has been in poor health since childhood, and spends at least four months of the year in bed.

When he felt the powerful Chakra in Tian Yu's body, he also felt a little scared.

His body was shaking slightly.

It's an instinctive reaction.

"Don't be afraid, let's set off tomorrow, everyone rests today, and set off tomorrow to look for it."

Tian Yu rubbed Yukimaru's head.


Naruto cheered.

Kakashi and Sakura also nodded.

After all, they are going to catch the tailed beast, although they are sure about it.

But everything has to be done without fail.

"Come with me, I'll arrange a room for you."

Guren said, turned around and led them out of Yukimaru's room.


Naruto turned around and greeted Yukimaru, then followed Tianyu and the others out of the room.

The environment of this abandoned stronghold is not very good.

The room that Guren arranged for them was only roughly cleaned up.

But for ninjas, that's fine too.

Dinner is rice balls.

It is worth mentioning that these rice **** are prepared for Tianyu every day.

Put it in the space, no matter how long it is left, it will be the same as new.

Much tastier than Bingbing Pills.

Naruto ate three rice **** in one go and choked.

"Eat slowly, is there anyone competing with you to eat so quickly?"

Looking at Naruto's appearance, Tian Yu said helplessly.

"Who said that, Kakashi-sensei also ate a lot."

Naruto swallowed the rice ball in his mouth while drinking water.

"You guys."

Hearing this, Tian Yu could only shake his head helplessly.

"Lord Tianyu, the situation of Yuguimaru seems to be very special. He has a special physique that can attract Sanwei. Maybe we should investigate it."

Kakashi has been thinking about Yuukimaru's situation.

Although the tailed beast has its own body, at best it is made up of chakras.

It has no kinship with humans at all.

It can't be any descendant or something.

So there must be a reason for this connection with a human boy.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, we just need to take Sanwei back. As for this Youguiwan, don't worry about it. When I was looking at him today, I actually checked his body. His body is extremely weak, and it is impossible to To accommodate, any chakra."

"And in terms of his physical strength, he can't live to be fifteen years old. He does have three-tailed chakra in his body, and it is wrapped around his heart. It can be said that he, in fact, three-tailed is what makes his body change. Being such a culprit, it should all be related to his mother."

Tian Yu looked at Kakashi Road.

"What, Big Brother Tianyu, then hurry up and look at me, isn't that the case with Kurama?"

When Naruto heard this, he became a little anxious.

After all, there are nine tails in his body.

And recently, under the education of Tian Yu, he is also trying to talk to Nine Tails.

I want to be able to influence the nine tails.

But it didn't work out much.

After all, nine tails have lived in this world for so many years.

I have experienced it for a long time, and I don’t know how many people are pillared.

Seeing the cold and warm hearts and sorrows of the world.

Of course, it won't change because of a few words from Naruto, a little brat.

But how to say.

Nine tails will soon feel really fragrant.

After all, no matter what it is, it's actually really fragrant.

Of course that's all for later.

Not to mention for now.

"Your body is fine. Nine tails are very healthy, staying in your body."

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