"What shall we do!"

Deidara was a little angry.

This Tianyu, every time they come out to make trouble when they go out on a mission.

It's just not getting along with the two of them.

"What else can we do? Hurry up and leave, otherwise the two of us will become flying segments and angles!"

After the red sand scorpion said this, he turned around and was about to leave.

Chapter 345 Seal the Three Tails "Up"

Where there is life, there is hope.

"What, let's just go back like this? You have to figure it out for me. The last time we arrested Yiwei, we failed. This time we didn't take any shots, so we went back in a daze. punish?"

"Last time, Xiao Nan spoke for us, but this time, even Xiao Nan will be disappointed with us."

Deidara looked at him in disbelief when he heard the words of the red sand scorpion.

After all, the failure of their mission is one of two things, not three.

And Uchiha Madara's temper, they know.

If he really irritated him, the two of them would definitely have nothing to eat.

"So, let me think about what you can do. If you have one, I can listen to you, if you are sure to defeat Tianyu."

The Red Sand Scorpion looked at Deidara. said angrily.

Tian Yu's strength is very powerful, and his strength alone is enough to be worth tens of thousands of people.

Even his power can surpass that of the **** of ninjas, Senju Hashirama in the future.

His power has reached the pinnacle of the ninja world, which cannot be described by the super shadow level.

How are they going to fight him like this?

I am afraid that even if they perish together, it is impossible.

"I don't care, even if I can't come up with an idea, I absolutely can't go back, otherwise we will be punished."

Deidara couldn't say anything, but they absolutely couldn't go back like this.

"Okay, let's observe for a while to see if we can find opportunities, but I advise you to give up this idea. If you want to court death yourself, don't pull me."

The Red Sand Scorpion nodded helplessly and agreed to Deidara's words.

The two stood by the side, not daring to make a sound.

Waiting for the opportunity.


Heaven is here.

Sakura is taking care of Yukimaru, who is lying in Guren's arms.

The whole person seemed extremely weak.

"How's it going?"

Guren looked at Sakura eagerly and asked.

She and Yukimaru have been dependent on each other for so many years. If something happened to Yukimaru, she really didn't know what to do.

"There's nothing wrong. According to his physical condition, he should be overworked. He is healthy now, but he needs to rest well after returning, and he can't be tired any more."

Sakura checked Yukimaru and said after her body.

"it is good!"

Guren nodded immediately after hearing this, then turned to look at Yukimaru.

"After going back these few days, you have to give me a good rest, and you must not run for me again, do you hear me!"

Guren looked at Yukimaru and warned.

"Well, don't worry, Sister Red Lotus, I will definitely work hard to take care of my body. Don't forget that I still want to live with Sister Red Lotus. Since my mother died, Sister Red Lotus is me. The dearest person, I will definitely listen carefully to what Sister Honglian has to say."

Yukimaru smiled.

Although his face was pale, he looked very happy.

"Yes, you just have to be good. Brother Tianyu also said just now that your body will recover as long as we catch the three tails, and you will be able to run and jump at that time. I tell you. , if you have the opportunity to come to Konoha, I will definitely invite you to eat Yile Ramen, it is simply the best food in the world."

Naruto smiled brightly, looked at Yukimaru, and said uncontrollably.

"Well, I'm looking forward to it."

Yukimaru loves Naruto.

Naruto's body has a feeling of sunshine, warm and comfortable.

Just when the four of them were talking while the Guren Naruto Yukimaru Sakura and the others were talking.

Kakashi was standing aside, alerting the ninjas that were likely to appear around him at any time.

After all, they were making a lot of noise just now.

If Kirin Village finds out.

They will definitely send ninjas here.


At the same time, the Mist Ninja Village.

Terumi Mei is discussing matters with his subordinates.

Nowadays, the fog ninja village has already abandoned the blood fog method, but because it lasted for too long, the village is now green and yellow.

There are only dozens of ninjas who can exert their strength.

The rest haven't grown up yet, and they can't carry the beam.

"Mizukage-sama, if we can, I think we can find someone to be the three-tailed man Zhuli. Since the death of the fourth-generation Mizukage-sama Yagura, the three tails have been in a wild state, because the village has not experienced recovery before. Three tails."

"But now that we have this ability, it's time to take back the three tails. In this way, not only will there be an extra shadow-level powerhouse in the village, but we can also have more chips because of this. Now the situation outside is very complicated. ."

"Cloud Ninja Village, Rock Ninja Village, Sand Ninja Village, and even Konoha may start a war at any time. So we have to take some precautions here."

Ao looked at Terumi Mei and said.

One of his eyes is the white eye of the Hinata clan clan found on the battlefield.

Just one, so precious.

Being able to transplant him would also prove his status in the Mist Ninja Village.

"I know, I'm also thinking about this recently, and now the village really needs fighting power. Although Changjurou is very powerful, he is the only one left. The seven big swords of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen are only recycled in the Mist Ninja Village. Five, and the rest are still out there!"

"These are all hidden dangers to us, so I took Sanwei back and forced my brows. I decided to lead the team to arrest Sanwei in person. You can go to the village to see if you can find a suitable Sanwei Renzhuli, it is best to be a Children, children are very malleable, if possible, it is better to be children.”

Terumi Mei ordered.

"Don't worry, I will try my best to find it."

Blue nodded.


After Terumi Mei nodded, she planned to arrest Mitsuo alone.

Three tails have no strength at the moment, and if they fight alone, they will definitely not be his opponent.

However, when Terumi Mei was about to leave, she felt a majestic force coming from the lake.

The internal power is extremely huge, although it is mixed with the chakra of the three tails, but this is definitely not what the three tails can exert.

"This... what's going on?"

Terumi Mei was stunned when she sensed this power.

"Anbu, hurry up and check, what is going on here?"

Qing immediately ordered someone to investigate.


When Anbu heard this, he immediately turned and left.

Ten minutes later, this Anbu returned to Shuiying's office every time.

"Lord Mizukage, there is something wrong with the lake where Sanwei is hiding. It seems that someone is fighting Sanwei there."

Chapter 346 Sealing Three Tails "Middle"

Anbu quickly told the news he knew.

"What!" Terumi Mei slapped the table on the spot when she heard this.

Sanwei belonged to Kirin Village, and now someone wants to take Sanwei away.

It simply ignores them.

"Anbu gathered for me, but I want to see who dares to move the three tails."

After saying this, Terumi Mei left the Hokage office and rushed towards the lake.

Anbu followed behind Terumi Mei.

Ao looked at Terumi Mei's back.

He sighed suddenly.

It's an eventful time in Wunin Village right now, and this kind of thing happened again, it's just a little uncomfortable. "


"Isofu Mio, now that you have become my defeated general, you must accept your fate. Next, I will bring you to Konoha, so that you can have a new person."

Tian Yu walked to Sanwei, looked at him, and said slowly.

Sanwei's huge body is more than fifty times that of Tianyu.

But at this moment, Sanwei could only lie in front of Tian Yu.

He couldn't do anything at all.

If he wanted to fight, he wouldn't be Tian Yu's opponent.

"It sounds nice, but it's just the strong prey on the weak. Since I was defeated by you, there is nothing to say. You can take me back and seal it into Ren Zhuli's body. Anyway, I have been like this for thousands of years. Don't care for another few decades."

Sanwei sneered when he heard this.

After the immortals of the Six Paths created them, their original intention was to let them help humans.

But these people sealed their power into their bodies and used them for their own use.

In the end, it was said that these tailed beasts were evil.

But it is humans who have harmed the tailed beasts from beginning to end, and if humans do not do too much, how can the tailed beasts slaughter them?

"No, I don't think you understand what I mean, I mean to bring you back and let you have a human pillar, but I will not seal you in the body of the human race, but I want you to Symbiosis, Renzhuli can use all your power, and at the same time you can use the power of Renzhuli.”

"Achieving an interdependent relationship rather than a sealed one-sided claim."

Tian Yu looked at Sanwei and said with a smile.

"Oh, then your idea is so naive, even if I was brought back by you now, as long as you choose one person, if Zhu Li does not seal me, I will make that life worse than death, and even if I promise You, but what about your villagers."

"For thousands of years, I have seen all the human feelings in this world, and I have long known that when facing a tailed beast, even your dear family, friends and even brothers will turn their faces in an instant, and they will If you think a monster lives in your body, then you will become a monster too."

"In the beginning, these people Zhuli may still have good intentions and want to live a normal life, but as time changes, they will know that what they want to get is simply a fantasy."

"No one will accept them, so later my man Zhuli either knew it by himself, and where others couldn't find it at all, he locked himself up early."

"There are some who are received by their relatives, but when they go berserk because they can't control the Chakra in their bodies, their relatives will turn into the ones who hurt them the most, because they will scream monsters , and walk away."

"I don't care about the original family affection at all, so you said, after I have seen so much human affection, do you think it is possible for me to coexist with Renzhuli? It is impossible."

Sanwei decisively refused directly, Tianyu's words.

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