"That's not necessarily true. As long as you exchange your sincerity for your sincerity, you will be able to succeed. What's more, today's Konoha is no longer the world of hundreds of years ago, and you shouldn't look at it with colored eyes."

Tian Yu smiled.

What Sanwei said, Ichiao also said it once.

And now, Ichito Shuri is doing well in Konoha.

With Yiwei's successful case, Tianyu believes that sooner or later, the three will be too. Willingly stay in Konoha.

Sanwei didn't care about Tian Yu's words.

Tian Yu didn't say anything more to Sanwei, and took out the seal scroll to temporarily take Sanwei away.

"Melting escape, magma flow."

A hot magma smashed to Tian Yu's location almost in an instant.

And this ninjutsu also stopped Tian Yu's action to recover the three tails.

"The Shield of Gaia."

Tian Yu didn't have time to dodge, and took out Gaia's shield to block all the ninjutsu.

By the way, the three tails were also protected.

After ninjutsu disappeared.

Tian Yu put Gaia's shield aside, then raised his head and looked at the woman who used ninjutsu on him.

"The fifth generation of water shadows, long time no see, you are still so beautiful and charming."

Tian Yu looked at Terumi Mei and said with a smile.

"Haha, brother Tianyu likes to tell jokes so much, but you are telling the truth, I am very happy!"

Terumi Mei laughed when she heard Tianyu's words.

Being called a beauty, she is naturally in a good mood.

"If you're happy, why don't you explain what's going on? Why did you attack me directly when we first met?"

Tian Yu asked with a smile.

"This, it's very simple, because you want to shoot Sanwei, you are holding a scroll that seals Sanwei, tell me, where are you going to take Sanwei?"

Terumi Mei's face changed instantly when she heard Tian Yu's words.

At the moment, Deidara and Chisha who are in the grass seem to have found an opportunity.

"The water shadows are here. It seems that a great conflict will break out in a while. At that time, we may be able to fish in troubled waters and take Sanwei away."

The Red Sand Scorpion looked around and said.

If you want to take the three away, in addition to sealing it up and taking it away, it is to send his entire huge body out together.

If the former wants to seal it, it will take a while, and Sanwei can't struggle yet.

Fortunately, the current three tails have been subdued by Tian Yu, even if they do it, the three tails will not resist.

But the bad news is.

This fifth-generation water shadow is obviously aimed at Sanwei.

If they want to fish in troubled waters, they have to wait for a perfect moment.

And it has to be a success, never a failure.

Otherwise, the two of them will probably have to accept the flanking attack of Tianyu and Shuiying.

Tian Yu is already very strong, and the two of them together are not opponents of others.

If a water shadow is added to this, it will undoubtedly make their situation worse.

Chapter 347 Talking about Conditions

"it is good!"

Deidara is not a fool.

After hearing the words of the red sand scorpion, it was also the first time to nod.

The two continued to watch everything in the grass.

Waiting for the opportunity to take the initiative.


"Since you've seen it, I'll tell you the truth, I'm taking Sanwei back to Konoha."

Tian Yu looked at the photo, and Mei Mei said without hesitation.

"Bring him back to Konoha, Sanwei belongs to Mist Ninja Village, even if the current Sanwei has no strength, but I don't think this is the reason why you want to bring him back, now Konoha's strength is strong enough, you still If you want to bring back all the decimals, do you really want Konoha to become the master of the world?"

When Terumi Mei heard this, she gritted her teeth.

The current form of the Five Great Powers is inherently special.

Konoha can be said to be the strongest on the bright side right now, and then there is Yun Ren Village, that village is decorated with physical skills, and its physical strength is very strong.

In addition, their thunder shields contain some blood and the limit ninjas are also very powerful.

There is also the tradition of their village, which can be said to be very united.

The attitude towards the tailed orc Zhuli is also completely different.

This is a heartbreaker.

As for Rock Ninja Village, the two-day scale Onogi is now in charge of Rock Ninja Village, although he is just an old man now.

But it has blood following elimination.

As soon as the dust escapes, if there is no ability, it will be turned into ashes and disappear.

Sand Ninja Village doesn't need to be said now. The previous Sand Ninja Village was really strong, but without the four generations of Kazekage, plus the attacking Konoha forces suffered heavy casualties.

Sand Ninja Village is probably the weakest village on the bright side.

But because of the alliance with Konoha, other villages could not attack him.

The stronger Konoha has become over the years, the more fearful other villages are.

Terumi Mei was really scared. One day he heard that Konoha was going to attack all the ninja villages.

Then all the ninja villages will disappear.

What face does she have to meet the modern water shadow?

Tian Yu did not deny this statement.

He just took a deep look at Terumi Mei.

"If Konoha doesn't take the tailed beast away now, someone else will take the tailed beast away in the future. If someone else is replaced, the whole world will be in crisis. What I have to do now is to protect the tailed beast. , of course, enhancing Konoha's strength is also one of them!"

"I didn't intend for you to find out, but now that you already know, I won't lie. I will definitely take away the three tails today, and no one can stop me."

Tian Yu looked at Terumi Mei and said lightly.

The Terumi Mei in front of her is as beautiful and moving as Tsunade.

But it is a few times less tenacious than Tsunade.

"Tianyu, don't you think you are too domineering? Sanwei has already been assigned since the beginning, and belongs to the Mist Ninja Village."

Terumi Mei heard this.

He was stunned for a moment, and wanted to continue fighting.

The three tails are an indispensable and important resource in the Kirin Village.

If it disappears, it will be a huge blow to Kirito Ninja Village.

"That's what happened at the beginning, and it's time to redistribute it now, and this time the ownership of the three tails is Konoha."

Tianyu looked at Terumi Meidao.

"Then if that's the case, I'll stop you even if I try my best."

Terumi Mei looked at Tian Yu and no longer hesitated.

Made a posture to prepare for battle.

"You can try it. If you do it, I guarantee that you will die extremely miserably."

Tianyu looked at Terumi Mei coldly.


Terumi Mei looked at Tian Yu, but when he wanted to perform ninjutsu, his whole body trembled.

Because she felt the Chakra oppression from Tian Yu.

It was a shuddering force.

Make her want to surrender involuntarily.

And Terumi Mei also knew that if she made a move, there was a high possibility that she would die directly here.

"Then what are you going to do? It's absolutely impossible for me to watch you take Sanwei away."

Terumi Mei's voice was filled with some crying.

Can't beat Tianyu, but Sanwei is also extremely important to Mist Ninja Village.

This is simply a difficult puzzle.

"Well, as compensation, Konoha will help Mist Ninja Village. What you want to increase is just a shadow-level power. I can give you this power."

Tian Yu looked at Terumi Mei and said.

"What, what did you say?"

Terumi Mei was stunned when she heard this.

It seems that he did not expect Tian Yu to change his tone.

"The current Konoha is actually not lacking in strength. I need the tailed beast, and I just want to complete my plan and not let that conspiracy succeed. As long as you give me the tailed beast, Konoha now has a special scroll. Called the Scroll of Fate, using the power of this scroll can resurrect a person who has died, although the current power of this Scroll of Fate can only revive a person who has just died."

"It is impossible to bring back the soul of the person who has died for a long time from the Pure Land, but this scroll is still being improved, and it will definitely be able to do that in the future. As long as I give this scroll to you, you can resurrect the water shadow of the past. , their strength is enough to protect the village."

Tianyu looked at Terumi Mei and said.

"Can you still have such power?"

Terumi Mei was a little surprised to hear this.

Because she really doesn't understand that this world still possesses such power.

Raise the dead.

It's already banned.

"Yes, the ninja world is so big. If you only care about those traditional ninjutsu, you can only sit and watch the sky. If you agree, Konoha will send you some resources. Wu Ninja Village has now experienced the blood fog method. After that, some resources should be urgently needed.”

"In addition, the bridge in the country of waves has been repaired, and it can also compete with the country of water in trade. As a port for ships to pass through, it will also take away a lot of your business. As the country's income decreases, the resources for Wu Nin Village will naturally decrease."

"And Konoha can give you these things. As long as you agree, the resources will be delivered in a few days, and the scroll of life can also be given to you immediately after the research is completed."

Tian Yu looked at Terumi Mei and smiled.


Terumi Mei was really moved when she heard this.

A tailed beast that is out of control at all and a powerful water shadow.

Everyone knows which one to choose.

Not to mention that there are still resources available after selection.

What Terumi Mei is most worried about now is whether this scroll of life is useful?

If this is just the word of the gods to coax them, it is not worth it.

"Don't worry, if you want to know about the Scroll of Life, you can go to Sand Ninja Village and ask. After all, their current fifth-generation Kazekage Gaara was rescued by me with the Scroll of Life."

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