Chapter 348

Tian Yu did not hesitate to use Gaara to show up.

So far, Terumi Mei has never doubted Tianyu again.

"Okay, I promise you, but I also want you to promise that Konoha will never attack the village of Wu Ninja!"

Zhao Zhaomei nodded, but did not forget to give Wu Ninja Murakami an insurance.

After all, in the current situation, the Konoha family is dominant.

The **** of ninjas, Senju Hasuma, is still active in Konoha.

As long as he takes action, let alone a village, even a country can be wiped out.

Tianyu is the same.

"I promise you, as long as Wu Nin Village doesn't kill Konoha, then Konoha will not attack Wu Nin Village."

Tian Yu smiled and said lightly.

Although Tianyu's words seem to have promised Terumi Mei, but in fact, there is already room for manoeuvre.

After all, although Konoha didn't want to attack Konoha, if Konoha wanted to attack Konoha, of course they would fight back.

And most importantly, if Kirin Village wants to submit to Konoha.

On that day, Yu naturally raised both hands to welcome him.

"it is good!"

Terumi Mei nodded.

Then give way.

I don't care about the three tails anymore.

After the things he saw were dealt with, Tian Yu directly received the three of them into the scroll.


in the grass.

Deidara and the Red Sand Scorpion watched this scene with solemn expressions.

"I originally thought that there would be a war between the two of them, but I didn't expect Tianyu to convince Terumi Mei in a few words. It's good, it seems that we can't get Sanwei completely."

Deidara was a little remorseful.

Not being able to get three tails is still a trivial matter. After returning, he will be punished by Madara Uchiha, which is what makes him the most uncomfortable.

"This is also fate. Let's go. Since there is no hope, there is no need to stay here."

The red sand scorpion shook his head when he heard this.

Turn around and leave with Deidara.

However, the next moment the accident happened directly.

Countless ice walls appeared around them.

These ice walls formed a barrier that enveloped the entire lake.

This sudden scene made Deidara and the red sand scorpion's face become solemn.

Then both of them looked at Tian Yu in the grass.

But he found that Tian Yu was holding his arms and looked at them playfully.

Obviously, Tian Yu probably already knew that they were in the grass.

Tian Yu has been waiting for their shot.

And now, when they wanted to leave, the prison raised the barrier around it.

trapped them.

"what happened?"

Terumi Mei was stunned when she saw the barrier rising around her.

She thought it was Tian Yu who was going to go back on his actions against him.

"It's nothing, Shuiying, I want to invite you to a good show now, so please come out for the two who put on this good show, don't let me do it myself, otherwise you two will probably be hurt. Bone, how will this good show go on then?"

Tian Yu said with a smile.

The meaning in this sentence is already obvious, that is, it is aimed at Deidara and the red sand scorpion.

After the man heard this.

I was terrified.

"What should we do? Are we going to go out?"

Deidara couldn't make up her mind.

If they go out now, they will most likely die at the hands of Tian Yu.

The last time they had Gaara as a hostage, and they released the tail immediately, causing Tian Yu a little trouble before they could get away, but now, they have nothing in their hands at all. Chips, let alone hostages, not even tailed beasts.

In addition to the four weeks, it has long been shrouded in the enchantment.

Even if they want to go, it is difficult to estimate.

"Let's go, things have come to this point, and it's not something we can end if we don't want to go out. If today is the day we are destined to die, why not die vigorously!"

The Red Sand Scorpion smiled coldly.

Then he walked out of the grass without hesitation.

"Long time no see, Tian Yu of Konoha!"

The Red Sand Scorpion looked at Tian Yu.

Deidara saw the red sand scorpion, and had already taken the initiative to go out, but in desperation, she had to go out together.

After all, their hiding place has been leaked.

Continue to hide. It doesn't make any sense.

Coupled with the surrounding enchantment, their retreat has long been blocked.

"It's been a long time indeed, the scorpion of red sand, and Deidara, I didn't expect you to come here this time, and come here to capture the three tails, this is really a coincidence."

Tian Yu looked at the two and smiled.

"Yeah. It's a bit of a coincidence."

The Red Sand Scorpion nodded.

"Tianyu, kill us if you have the ability, don't talk to us like this here."

Deidara couldn't hold back his temper and said uncontrollably.

After all, now they and Tian Yu are standing here talking.

It was as if a knife was hanging over their heads, ready to land at any moment.

Make him feel uneasy.

"Why do you say this, between you and me, this is the second time we've met, and it's a fate, so why do we have to fight and kill as soon as we come up?"

Tian Yu looked at Deidara and couldn't help laughing.

This guy is an impatient.

Do everything so quickly.

In fact, Tian Yu did not intend to kill them.

Although these two people are in the Xiao organization, their nature is not too bad.

Deidara is single-minded to defeat Itachi Uchiha, and Scorpion of Red Sand, he longs for eternity.

I want to keep my parents alive.

So many wrong things were done.

It even turned some people into living puppets.

Because of this, these people can accompany him forever.

It will not disappear in an instant like the life of a living person.

"If you didn't intend to kill us, then let us go."

The Red Sand Scorpion looked at Tian Yudao.

"Let you go, this may not work."

Tian Yu smiled.

"You don't want to kill us or let us go, so what exactly do you want to do?"

The red sand scorpion is very curious.

Tian Yu's actions are against the Akatsuki organization every time.

But every time he didn't seem to kill them all.

Especially the dried persimmon ghost shark.

The guy even took refuge in Konoha.

Konoha didn't even do anything about it.

This is indeed somewhat puzzling.

After all, after you became a traitor and was sentenced to the village, if you were caught by the village, you would only end up in one end.

And that end is death.

No one can escape such a fate.

"Maybe we can sit down and say a few words in peace."

Tian Yu smiled.

"Impossible, it can't be between us."

Deidara refused without hesitation.

And the red sand scorpion didn't say a word.

Just looked at Tian Yu with disbelief.

Chapter 349 Found out

Deidara's head was a little big for a while,

Because he seemed to have absolutely no idea what Tian Yu was thinking?

Not to mention that they are mortal enemies.

But you have to sit down and have a good talk.

To be honest, he really didn't understand what was going on in Tian Yu's mind.

Could it be that this is the brain circuit of the big man?

"Don't be so full of words, Deidara, I remember your wish to join the Akatsuki organization at the beginning, just to have a lesson with Uchiha Itachi again, you want to prove that your strength is no worse than the Uchiha clan, At the same time, you have also worked **** your resistance to illusion, and you want to use it to resist the writing wheel, am I right?"

Tian Yu looked at Deidara and said with a smile.

"You're right, but so what?"

Deidara frowned.

He started to get on guard.

Because I don't know if Tian Yu will attack them from behind.

"Uchiha Itachi is now in Konoha, recuperating in Konoha. If you want, you can go to Konoha to challenge Uchiha Itachi and prove yourself."

Tian Yu said with a smile.

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