Beautiful environment and complete facilities.

Maybe Naruto was really tired, so he went straight to sleep after he got to the room.

Deidara and the Scorpion of the Red Sand stood aside and talked boringly.

As for Kakashi, he was sitting at the door, holding Intimacy Heaven in his hand, watching with relish.

However, it seems that his attention is all on the book, but in fact he still has a part of his attention to monitor Deidara and the red sand scorpion.

This is Kakashi's habit.

There is nothing wrong with being cautious.

"Lord Tianyu, you are back, how are you talking?"

Kakashi asked Tianyu immediately when he saw Tianyu coming back.

"It's okay, it's a good talk, after all, it didn't break down!"

Tian Yu smiled.

"That's good."

Hearing this, Kakashi finally put down the big stone in his heart.

The crowd talked for a while.

Dinner was served here in Kirin Village.

After they had dinner, they went to rest.

Tian Yu and the others finally lived in Wu Nin Village for five days, and solved a lot of things here, and finally returned to Konoha.


After Naruto and Kakashi reported the news, Tian Yu brought Deidara and Chisha to see Tsunade.

"Tianyu, you said you wanted to give me a surprise, but I didn't expect this surprise to turn into a fright. Why did you bring the two of Xiao's organization to Konoha?"

Tsunade looked at Deidara and the Red Sand Scorpion with a look of shock.

After all, Akatsuki and them are enemies.

"It's really a surprise, because the two of them have now decided to join Konoha."

Tian Yu said to Tsunade with a smile.


Hearing this, Tsunade was a little surprised.

He really didn't expect these two to join Konoha.

"Is it the same as the dried persimmon shark? And how did you do it?"

Tsunade asked impatiently.

"Yes, the two of them don't have to be treated the same as the dry persimmon ghost shark before, just let them do some things within their ability, of course, before fully gaining our trust, you can also be afraid that Anbu will monitor them. As for me How you did it, that's a secret."

Tian Yu looked at Tsunade with a smile and said.

Not afraid of Deidara at all, and the Red Sand Scorpion heard this.

After all, even Deidara and the Red Sand Scorpion wouldn't say much when they heard it.

Because if it were, they would have done the same thing as Tian Yu.

Chapter 351 Submission to Konoha

For a submissive like them.

If Konoha really believed them without reservation, then they would feel a little surprised.


Tsunade nodded when he heard this.

Deidara and the red sand scorpion were also taken down by the people arranged by Tsunade.

The two of them will not experience the treatment before the dried persimmon ghost shark, but will be arranged in a house with a good environment.

Access is still free, but there is an Anbu surveillance 24 hours a day.

In this regard, they have no doubts.

After the two left, Tian Yu took out the scroll that sealed the three tails.

Then he told Tsunade what he had said to Terumi Mei before.

"You mean, Konoha is going to give them resources now."

Tsunade was a little surprised, after all, how could a tailed beast be able to get this thing in exchange?

Mist Ninja Village is not stupid either.

"I also promised to give them the Scroll of Life, so don't worry, this thing is not very important to me, Orochimaru can create new things at any time, and now the most important thing is the tailed beast. We have already caught him, so we must show his strength for him."

"You can't just keep it wild like this."

Tian Yu smiled.

"Okay, everything is up to you, but this person Zhuli's choice, who do you want to choose? The Hinata clan can be ruled out, and then the three families of Yamanaka, Nara, and Qiu Dao are not suitable for the person Zhuli of the tail beast. !"

"The only ones left are Xiao Li, Sakura, Shino, Inuzuka, your sister Tian Tian, ​​and even Sasuke."

"Of course the Uchiha clan can't be the renzhuli of the tailed beasts, and if you are confident that you won't let your sister become renzhuli, then you can only choose one between Xiao Li Xiaoying, oil girl Shino and Inuzukaya. ."

Tsunade looked at Tian Yudao.

"Well, there are only four of them, but Xiao Li is very strong in physical skills, but very weak in ninjutsu. Even if Sanwei can stay in his body with peace of mind, he is not suitable for using ninjutsu and can be passed. , and then there are only oil left, Nishino Xiaoyin, and Inuzuka Ya."

"The Inuzuka family, their family can cooperate with the ninja dog they manipulated since childhood. If he becomes the three-tailed man Zhuli, it may conflict with their family's secret techniques. The same is true for the oil girl Shino, the chakra of the tailed beast is extremely good. Powerful, if you make him a three-tailed human pillar, the bugs in his body may change, so it is not suitable."

"Then, the only person left is Sakura."

Tsunade was stunned when he heard this.

After thinking about it, Sakura is indeed more suitable.

She has no family, just a commoner, and she doesn't have any secret skills. She uses medical ninjutsu fairly well, and she has a certain resistance to illusions.

Overall, she's not very strong, but she's not weak either.


When talking about Sakura, Tian Yu's brows furrowed, obviously reluctant.

"What's the matter, you seem to have some opinions on Sakura?"

Tsunade asked suspiciously.

Although this feeling may not be noticed by others, for Tsunade, it can be seen at a glance.

"It's nothing, I just think that Sakura is a bit too double-standard in some things, just like the attitude towards Sasuke and Naruto. Sasuke was indeed stronger than Naruto in terms of family background and strength, but Naruto. Later, they caught up, and they were still in the same class, but Sakura's attitude towards Naruto was lingering and leaving."

"On the contrary, I treat Sasuke cautiously like a male **** in the palm of my hand. After all, I am Naruto's eldest brother, which really makes me not like Sakura."

Tian Yu is also not shy.

He directly stated the reason why he hated Sakura.

Hearing this, Tsunade could only helplessly shook his head.

She really couldn't say anything about Sakura's actions.

"The three tails thing!"

Tsunade looked at Tian Yu and asked.

"If she can, I will not object here. Although some of her actions are very double standards, I will not deprive her of her rights because of this."

Tianyu looked at Tsunade.

"Well, then I will arrange for someone to deal with it, and if possible, I will try to arrange for the transplant of Zhuli!"

Tsunade Road.

"it is good!"

Tian Yu nodded.

Soon, after Tian Yu and the two discussed the matter, Tian Yu left the office.

Go on his vacation.


The remote Yuinin Village.

"Is what you see real?"

Obito's voice was calm, but anyone who knew him knew that he was on the verge of rage at this moment.

"Yes, I can see it clearly, Deidara and Chisha should have returned to Konoha with Tianyu, and the two of them should have taken refuge in Konoha."

Black and white stood next to Obito and looked at him and said.

"There may be some misunderstandings in this."

When Xiao Nan heard this, he couldn't help but speak.

"Misunderstanding, what else could there be, I saw it with my own eyes, this time they are going to arrest Sanwei, but now not only is Sanwei not in our hands, even both of them have gone to Konoha, can you? Tell us that the two of them went undercover in Konoha?"

Heihe Jue heard Xiao Nan's words with some disdain.

"However, things can't be said with certainty, maybe..."

"Enough, Xiaonan, the two of them defected has become a fact, this is really interesting, the red sand scorpion in the Xiao organization responsible for dealing with the traitors, but first defected to the Xiao organization, this is really good for us. play."

Tiandao, among the six paths of Payne, said coldly.

"Who said no, the two of them swore before me that I would give them another chance, and this time they would definitely bring Sanwei back, but I didn't expect them to take the initiative to betray the Akatsuki organization this time, but I was pleasantly surprised. "

When Obito said these words, there was a cold aura around him.

Even Xiaonan and Nagato couldn't help frowning at that feeling.

Uchiha Madara's strength is indeed strong.

And once he angered him, the world might really fall into a whirlpool.

"Then what shall we do next?"

Xiaonan asked, standing beside Nagato.

"It's very simple, when the Fourth Ninja World War begins, it is the day when they repay their debts. In the next time, I will personally go to Yan Ninja Village to capture the four tails and the five tails. You are here during this time. Take a good rest here."

Obito looked at Nagato and Konan and said.

Now Obito is a little less confident.

After all, Tian Yu's hand, the bottom line, has indeed reduced the number of Xiao's organization by half.

Chapter 352 The Embarrassment of Xiao Organization

There were originally eleven people, but now there are only four of them left.

The power of Nagato's Samsara Eye is powerful.

Every shot will cause a great burden on the body.

And Xiaonan is even more unlikely to act alone.

He was in a group with Nagato.

So it seems that he has to do it himself for the next tailed beast.

"it is good!"

Nagato and Konan nodded.

To be honest, the two of them no longer have any hope for the smooth implementation of the Moon Eye's plan.

But the two of them were not willing to let go easily.

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