Because this is the only chance for Yahiko to be resurrected.



In an abyss canyon. cold wind howls

There are five people above the cliff.

These five people had bad intentions for the shrine below.

"It's time, the ninjutsu developed for tonight, in order to release the sphinx-sama, we have been preparing for too long, and we must not fail tonight."

The leading man in black looked at his four subordinates and said lightly.


All his subordinates nodded.

With the man's hands.

These subordinates rushed directly outside the shrine below.

The guards outside the shrine naturally wouldn't let it go, and they attacked these visitors directly.

"Fire escape, let's go!"

"Wind, come wind!"

With the use of these two kinds of ninjutsu.

The guards of the shrine were caught in flames and wind.

In an instant, the raging fire drowned their bodies.

After these guards screamed, their corpses were swept into the air by the wind and smashed down.

Blood dripping.

Immediately, there was a rust-like smell all around.

When the surrounding guards disappeared, the man walked into the shrine together with several of his subordinates.

"You all stop here. The front is the gap between this world and that world. Only me who has the name of Huangquan can enter."

The man said and walked to the shrine step by step, below the darkest part.

in the deepest underground.

There is a huge beam of light.

The man walked slowly in front of the beam of light and looked at the seal spell on the sticker.

He began to chant the secret to dispelling the spell.

With the gust of wind surging around, the seal of the sprite was soon lifted.

"Have you come back to this world again?"

A very evil voice came from the darkness.

"Long time no see, sprite, welcome back."

"Huang Quan, I didn't expect it to be you. You did a good job of saving me from the seal this time. Next, you have to create a ghost army and use my power to create a ghost army. As long as these ghost armies exist, I can Together with the whole world, we will create a thousand-year dynasty."

The sprite's voice came out.

"Yes, my lord!"

Huang Quan nodded.

He has long wanted to let the sprites unify the whole world.

Naturally, he will follow his orders without hesitation.

"I need a body and a body, otherwise I won't be able to last long with my soul"

The evil voice continued

"Then get into my body"

Huang Quan nodded, and then used medical ninjutsu to cut open his body

The sprite entered Huang Quan's body without hesitation.

Subsequently, with the continuous expansion of the sprite's power.

The ghost army, which had fallen into a deep sleep for a long time, also awakened.

"Go, the next goal is to take back my real body, and kill the witch of the land of ghosts."

The sprite opened his mouth.

With the dispatch of the ghost army.

The earth will once again be thrown into chaos.


Ghost country.

Shion woke up from her sleep, she had seen sprites from her dream and escaped from the seal.

The sprite was sealed by her mother, Maitreya.

Now that her mother is dead, she has now become the land of ghosts, the new witch.

Then the matter of sealing the sprite naturally fell on her.

"Lord Ziyuan, it's not good, the seal on the cliff that seals the ghost's soul has been opened, and now the ghost army has been resurrected and is heading towards the country of ghosts, and some people are rushing to the country of ghosts, their goal It must be you, Shion-sama, so please let me **** him to leave as soon as possible."

Shion's guard said hurriedly.

The land of ghosts is a very unique country in the land of ninjas.

The king is ruled by a shrine maiden who is surrounded by guards.

The power of the country of ghosts is not very strong. Although the witch has special power, she has no fighting power.

But these guards could not resist at all, so many ghost army.

"I have predicted my future, you can't protect me, go to Konoha and invite Konoha's ninja."

Shion didn't look at the guard, but looked up at the starry sky.

Then she said lightly.


Will this nod on the spot to hear this?

Then he turned around and left the land of ghosts.

Went to Konoha.


after one day.

The guardian of the land of ghosts finally arrived at Konoha after a long journey.

"Quick, tell Hokage-sama, the sprite escaped."

After the guard had time to say these words, he fainted.

"What, sprite escaped!"

Tsunade frowned upon hearing this.

The sprites have indeed wreaked havoc on this earth.

A formidable enemy.

Back then, the sprite wanted to destroy all the five major countries and bring all the small countries in the world into his own rule.

Create a unified country.

It's a pity that he has not been able to complete it at that time, and has been sealed by the witch of the land of ghosts.

And now if the sprite comes out, it may bring disaster to the world.

And what's more serious is that the Akatsuki organization is now collecting tailed beasts all over the world, which is enough to give Tsunade a headache.

If there is another sprite.

The consequences could be disastrous.

"Go and invite Tianyu over."

Tsunade now has to discuss with Tianyu no matter what happens.


The members of Anbu got down on one knee, turned and left the Hokage office.

Soon Tian Yu was invited over.

"what happened?"

Tian Yu was a little surprised.

Because when Anbu asked him in the past, his tone was a little eager.

As if something major happened.

"Tianyu, sprites have appeared."

Tsunade looked at Tian Yu and said word by word.


Hearing the name, Tian Yu seemed to remember something.

It should have appeared in the original book, the witch and sprite of the land of ghosts.

The sprite has the ability to reincarnate the dead from the yellow spring. It can easily create ghost soldiers. Even if these ghost soldiers are knocked down, they will repair their bodies as soon as possible.

Chapter 353

It can be said to be immortal.

If you want to completely defeat the ghost soldiers, you can only seal the sprites.

And the only one who can seal her is the witch of the land of ghosts.

Just, why does it appear at this time.

Even if the sprites move, there will be chaos.

The time should also be three years later.

It seems that because of a series of butterfly effects, what should happen has been ahead of schedule.

"Tianyu, what are we going to do? Konoha's ninjas have also encountered those ghost soldiers, but they are all invulnerable, and even if they can be defeated with ninjutsu, they will still be resurrected in the end, which is extremely difficult to deal with. enemy."

Tsunade said hurriedly after seeing Tian Yu coming.

"We will gather a large army and guard the vicinity of the village. Don't let the ghost army approach. At the same time, I will personally go to the country of ghosts to protect Shion, the witch in the country of ghosts, and go to the underground palace to seal the sphinx!"

Tian Yu looked at Tsunade and said.

"Well, then please, this time the undead army is very powerful, you might as well bring Kakashi and the others, I believe they will not hold you back now."

Tsunade suggested.

"Well, I will bring Naruto and Neji, Xiao Li, as for Sakura and Kakashi, they will let them stay in Konoha for the time being, and Orochimaru has given me Sakura's physical examination report, She is fully capable of handling the power of three people!"

"So I think that the operation should be carried out as soon as possible. Don't delay any longer, otherwise there will be movement and chaos on the Sanwei side."

Tian Yu said.

"it is good!"

Tsunade nodded.

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