Although he knew that the window with only 11% integrity left would probably not be able to withstand this shock, but he had to bet!

  Take a chance!


  After another charge, the impact hammer smashed down.

  "The window integrity is 1%, and the window is about to break!"

  Perhaps it was the blessing of the goddess of luck. After this crash, although the windows seemed to be completely filled with cracks, they persisted.

  The impact hammer leaves the window and repeats the charge.

  It slammed into the car window again!

  "It's now!"

  Seeing the impact hammer slammed over, at this moment, Nick burst out!

  And with his loud voice, he drank it out.

  The center console suddenly turned up, revealing a ferocious weapon inside!

  Turn the muzzle of the weapon and aim him at the broken car window.

  Nick pulled the trigger immediately!


  The shell accurately hit the armored vehicle outside and exploded suddenly.

  A burst of fire suddenly rose!

  "The propulsion system was restarted successfully, and the power system was restored."

  At this time, Nick's good luck came one after another.

  After one shot, he didn't want to fight, he started the vehicle directly, rushed out of fire, and broke through the encirclement!


  New York, Brooklyn.

  Although 70 years have passed, Brooklyn can still find many traces of history.

  Steve currently lives here.

  As usual, with the locomotive parked, Steve goes upstairs to go home.

  He lives in an old-fashioned apartment - of course, that's just what it looks like from the outside, like there's no elevator.

  When he came to the door, before the door was opened, he suddenly frowned.

  Because he vaguely heard a burst of music.

  And it came from his own room.

  "Did I forget to turn off the stereo? Or... there's someone in there!"

  Steve's ears are very sensitive 0 .........

  From the faint sound of music, he even heard the occasional cough.

  Taking his steps lightly, he reached out and pressed the doorknob and gently pushed it open.

  Without making a rash noise, Steve picked up a bat that had fallen on the ground by the door.

  Follow the direction of the voice quietly and cautiously.


  But turning around the corridor, he was stunned.

  I saw Nick leaning on the sofa with his head raised, eyes closed, enjoying the music playing on the record player.

  Nick turned his head: "You're back, Steve."

  Steve put down his bat and walked over.

  "I don't seem to have given you the key to my room."

  As he said that, he suddenly froze for a moment.

  Because he found out that Nick had bloodstains on his body, and there were cuts on his face.

  "What's wrong?" Steve stood down in front of Nick.

  Nick sighed and said, "Maybe it's related to the Insight Project."

  "Insight plan?"


  Immediately, Nick put aside the story of his being ambushed on the street.

  After fleeing the intersection in his car, Nick did not get down safely.

  But soon ushered in the pursuit.

  And this time the one who was chasing him was also a super soldier!

  Yes, definitely super fighters.

  Nick believed that he would not be wrong, because the guy with the mask and the metal arm actually ripped off the door of a taxi!

  This kind of power, only super warriors can have!

  "So you suspect someone from the military is trying to kill you?" Steve asked.

  "Not necessarily." Nick shook his head: "Maybe... the people in S.H.I.E.L.D. might be."

  Nick sat up on the sofa: "Although the super soldier serum has always been researched by the military, as far as I know, when Pierce was the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., he also started a research project on the super soldier serum."

  "That's why I didn't return to S.H.I.E.L.D. after escaping from that guy's hands, but came to you..."


  Nick was talking when Steve suddenly made a silent gesture.


  At this moment, there was a sudden sound of a window breaking.

  The two turned their heads together.

  I saw a soldier with a mask on his face and a silver metal arm suddenly jumped in from the window!

  After hearing Nick's description, how could Steve not know that this is the man who was chasing him.


  Without any hesitation, he took off the shield hanging on the wall and slammed it!

  Such a close distance, such a quick response.

  Steve almost hit a blow, but... was blocked by that warrior!

  Not only blocked, but also blocked Steve's shield with one hand and held it in his hand!

  But the warrior doesn't seem to have any interest in fighting Steve.

  The goal is very clear.

  The muzzle of the pistol held in the other hand was raised.

  Bang bang bang!

  Several consecutive shots sounded, all hitting Nick!


  Steve turned his head with a slam, and saw Nick screaming and falling down!

  And seeing the target fall, the warrior did not stop.

  He turned around and jumped to the window behind him, wanting to leave.

  Nick was killed in front of him, how could Steve let him go so easily?

  Then he jumped through the window! .

Chapter 90

  Chapter 86 Coulson's 'Blood Metropolis Dafa' has made another contribution!Elevator Raid! 【Please customize~~~】

  Taking advantage of his familiarity with the nearby terrain, Steve ran all the way, and finally caught up with him three blocks away from Brooklyn.


  However, just as he was about to rush up to him, the opponent slammed back with the shield that belonged to Steve.

  But Steve's reaction was quick, he caught the shield in the air, then rounded his arm, and smashed it back with his backhand!

  This smash is full of anger!

  In addition, the opponent turned his back to him, so he immediately smashed the opponent to the ground.

  Taking this opportunity, Steve jumped and jumped on it suddenly.

  He grabbed the opponent's shoulder, turned over, raised his fist, and wanted to smash his face!


  However, at this time, when he saw the other's face clearly, Steve was suddenly stunned.

  Although half of his face was covered by a mask.

  But he still recognized it.

  This is not his good brother Bucky, or who?

  Steve was immediately stunned.

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