But Bucky didn't seem to know him at all.

  Taking advantage of Steve's daze, he kicked him away with one kick.

  Steve froze in place, not regaining his senses.

  Just watched Bucky disappear in a few moments.


  In the hospital, Nick is undergoing surgery.

  Steve stood outside the operating room, watching the unconscious Nick through the glass as he was being treated by the doctor.

  A face is cloudy and sunny, and I don't know what to think.

  Da da da.

  At this moment, there was a sound of hurried footsteps.

  Here comes Natasha.

  Looking at Nick who was unconscious, Natasha seemed a little unbelievable.

  After a long while, 09 sounded.

  "Can he make it through?"

  "do not know."

  Steve's voice was also low.

  Nick just fell in front of him, and it was Bucky who shot.

  Didn't Bucky fall off the cliff and die 70 years ago?

  Why, why is it appearing now?

  Could it be that he, like me, has been frozen for 70 years?

  There was chaos in Steve's mind.

  There are more and more questions.

  In fact, he already had a vague guess.

  Nick had told him before that Pierce had started a research program for super soldiers.

  Plus Nick was having an accident because of Project Insight.

  Project Insight, Pierce, Project Super Soldier, Bucky.

  An increasingly clear vein formed in his brain.

  "Who is the killer?" Natasha asked blankly.

  Hearing this, Steve almost blurted out.

  But he held it back.

  After thinking about it, he gave a vague answer.

  "Super soldier, moves quickly and has a lot of strength."

  Natasha kept looking at Nick in the operating room, not noticing the abnormality on Steve's face.

  But when she heard the killer was a super soldier, she turned her head.

  "Super soldier? Ross's man?"

  She also knew that General Ross had been studying super soldiers, and when she heard this information, she immediately thought of him.

  "No." Steve said, "Nick thought it was General Ross, but he thought it was not."

  "Who is that?"

  Natasha couldn't help frowning when she heard the words.

  At this time, the doctor in the operating room shook his head.

  He put down the scalpel in his hand and walked out.

  Natasha didn't wait for Steve to answer her question, and immediately chased after him.


  But before she could ask, the doctor spoke first.

  "I'm sorry, Chief Nick's injury is too serious, we are powerless."

  The doctor shook his head and said sorry.

  Natasha was stunned for a moment.

  Chief Nick...

  She couldn't believe it at once.

  "Natasha, how is the director?"

  At this time, Hill and Coulson both arrived.

  Seeing this expression on Natasha's face, she suddenly had a bad feeling.

  "Director, is he..."

  Coulson asked quickly.

  At this time, in the operating room, the conversation between the two nurses in charge of recording sounded.

  "What's the time now?"


  "Well, record, time of death, 1:03."

  Coulson was stunned.

  Nick... is actually dead?

  Hearing this, he rushed into the operating room at once.

  Rush to Nick's bed.

  And when his hand just touched Donick's body.


  Several blood arrows suddenly shot out from his body!

  The sudden activation of the identification technique made Coulson grin in pain.

  But when he received the information transmitted back in his mind, his eyes suddenly lit up again.

  "Nick isn't dead!"

  He yelled.


  Natasha and the others, who were still immersed in sadness, rushed in immediately.

  Coulson was already excited at this time.

  "Nick, Nick he..." He was incoherent with excitement.

  It took a while for everyone to understand.

  It turns out that Coulson's blood metrorrhagia identification technique identified Nick's current state - still alive!

  Suddenly, everyone was excited.

  "Quick, call the doctor!"

  Hill's reaction was faster, and he rushed out and called the doctor back.


  "Strange, it just became clear that all the vital indicators have disappeared."

  The doctor re-examined Nick, also confused.

  come back to life?

  No, it must have been a mistake in the inspection just now.

  "Doctor, how are you?"

  Hill asked hopefully.

  But the doctor still shook his head.

  "I'm sorry, although it is true that he is not dead, but in my opinion, it is only a matter of time."

  The doctor explained: "I can't do anything about his condition. Although the fatal wound caused by the bullet did not take his life immediately, it was only a matter of perseverance. I couldn't save him."

  After speaking, the doctor looked at everyone apologetically and left again.

  This time, everyone looked at each other.

  All at once helpless.

  It turns out... it's just a white joy.

  "No, the hospital can't save him, but someone can!"

  But Coulson suddenly raised his head suddenly.

  Hearing this, Natasha and the others looked at him immediately: "Who?"

  "Boss!" Coulson confidently said Su Yang: "Don't forget, Thor's driver..."

  After his reminder, everyone immediately reacted.

  This all happened not long ago, they all remembered at once.

  So, Coulson hurriedly called in a few agents.

  Everyone used a stretcher to carry Nick, and also requisitioned an ambulance from the hospital to rush to Su Yang.

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