Sol only felt a stinging pain all over his body.


  This familiar feeling!

  This precise location!

  Sol was stunned.

  This sword seemed to pierce Sol's brain, and it also made the training ground quiet at this moment.

  All the mages looked at Sol with their mouths open.

  No, to be precise, he was looking at the sword stuck in Thor's body.

  Even Sol couldn't help but open his mouth wide and turned to look at the sword stuck in his ass.

  Same position, same pain.

  Sol seemed to understand something at this moment, which made him widen his eyes, and then slowly raised his head to look at Zhang Yang.

  "FUCK! That hole in Lao Tzu's ass was the one you poked last time, wasn't it!"

  After a while, Sol was furious and then yelled.

  Berkeley: ? ?

  Masters: ? ?

  last time?

  Could it be that Zhang Yang also poked Saul's ass?

  Sol's words made the surrounding mages stunned, and their faces were puzzled.

  "This..." Zhang Yang twitched the corner of his mouth, and then pulled out his sword forcefully.

  As Zhang Yang drew out his sword, Sol trembled all over, only to feel his butt tighten, and said angrily, "Fuck!"

  "..." Sol gritted his teeth: "Why did you poke it in and pull it out? No reminder?"

  Zhang Yang: "Otherwise, I'll poke in and remind you again?"

  "..." Saul's teeth rattled: "Can I give you two stabs in your butt?"

  Zhang Yang: "No!"

  "..." Sol gritted his teeth: "Then you stare at my butt every day??"

  Zhang Yang: "...EMMMMM, didn't I mean to believe it?"


  Zhang bastard!

  It turns out that you were the one who poked Lao Tzu's ass last time!

  No, the key is that you poked it last time, you can poking it again now! ?

  Are you poking enough?Addicted to poke? !

  Twice, really twice!

  You fucking poke the same place twice? !

  Everyone fights civilized fights!Is it too much to keep poking my ass!

  At this moment, Sol was a little overwhelmed, and the flushed face and the blood that rushed to the top of his head suddenly made Sol feel a little out of control.

  Sol's eyes were red, and the blue veins on his neck were bulging. He was obviously angry!

  What a god!

  Another person stabs your butt twice, are you hot?

  Look hard!

  Sol picked up the mace on the ground, clenched his hands tightly, jumped into the air, and used his milk-feeding strength to smash at Zhang Yang from top to bottom.

  "Not good!" Berkeley exclaimed.

  This sound made the hearts of all the mages onlookers tighten.

  As an Asgardian, Thor has Odin's blessing, divine protection, even without the hammer bonus.

  The height that Sol jumped in place was definitely more than five times that of ordinary people.

  That height, coupled with Sol's strength, at the moment when Zhang Yang smashed down, one can imagine how powerful it would be.

  Sol is in a hurry, and he doesn't plan to show mercy at all?

  "...It's over, it's over!" Berkeley muttered in his mouth, anxious and flustered in his heart, and his feet were softened with fright.

  At this moment, suddenly, only heard a "bang".

  For a time, the situation changed.

  At the moment when Sol jumped up, a lightning bolt connected to Sol's body.

  For a time, Sol's eyes and whole body were filled with blue thunder gods, and there was a sound of "Zizi" in the air.

  All the onlookers were stunned.

  Could this be the legendary... Thor's power?

  "My God!" Berkeley exclaimed: "Zhang Yang, run!"

  Berkeley seems to want to remind Zhang Yang to run fast, which you may not be able to resist.

  Just, it's too late.

  Blocking it now doesn't help either.

  Because Sol's falling speed is much faster than his jumping speed, with a powerful thunder and lightning power.

  Right now, the mace in Sol's hand is about to hit Zhang Yang!

  At this moment, all the mages (Wang Nuo's) stared at Sol tightly, their eyes moved with the mace in Sol's hand, until the mace in Sol's hand smashed into Zhang Yang's hand without any room. sword.

  Sol's roar came from the training ground: "Zhang Yang, you bastard!"


  The forces converge, and an invisible energy spreads out in the fighting arena.

  For a time, the yellow sand rolled in the arena, burying Sol and Zhang Yang.

  The mages were so impatient, they kept patting the sand with their eyes scattered, as if they wanted to see the result quickly.

  Watching the yellow sand in front of me disappear little by little, finally, my eyes gradually became clearer.

  The mages stared in stunned eyes as the originally raised fighting field collapsed into it.

  The collapsed center maniac.

  Zhang Yang raised the sword in his hand to block the mace in Sol's hand.

  The two were stalemate in the middle of the fighting arena.

  after a few seconds.

  I saw that the huge mace in Sol's hand shattered into pieces, fell to the ground, and turned into a pile of scrap metal.

  Sol: ? ?

  Berkeley: ? ? ?

  Masters: ? ? ? ?

  It's not Zhang Yang, are you sure you made this sword yourself, a... ordinary... sword? ? ? .

Chapter 90

  Looking at the pile of scrap copper and iron on the ground, Berkeley and the mages were a little confused.

  Not only are they dumbfounded, Sol is equally dumbfounded.

  The power of thunder and lightning, coupled with the mace from a different-dimensional beast, smashed it down at Zhang Yang.

  Zhang Yang is fine, so is his sword, on the contrary, Sol's mace is broken?

  Apart from being able to say that the sword in Zhang Yang's hand is too powerful, what else can it mean?

  This would scare even Sol.

  The previous anger and anger were all thrown away and left behind.

  Looking at the broken mace on the ground, Sol couldn't help saying: "Zhang Yang, is your sword really an ordinary sword?"

  Sol's voice just fell, and suddenly, there was a loud noise from the training ground.

  "My God, what is that on Zhang Yang?"

  "Look, Zhang Yang's sword!"

  "Oh, my God? Zhang Yang's sword is shining with golden light! In magic, golden light represents holy light, and holy light means supreme?!"

  The loud noise drew Sol's gaze involuntarily.

  Sol raised his hand and was stunned.


  Zhang Yang closed his eyes.

  His thin figure stood where he was, in the hazy and confused air.

  In his hand, the so-called ordinary sword was shining brightly at the moment.

  It's golden light.

  The string of inscriptions on the sword body began to spread, and soon, the golden light enveloped the sword body, and the golden light also poured into Zhang Yang's body.

  Zhang Yang's body was wrapped in this golden light.

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