The originally thin figure was illuminated by this golden light, which made Sol feel a little terrified.

  A powerful energy surged up in Zhang Yang's body.

  Kama Taj, who was originally windless, did not know when a strange breeze blew up, blowing Zhang Yang's hair and blowing the monk's uniform on his body.

  This feeling... made Sol have an ominous premonition in his heart.

  "Zhang, Zhang Yang, what are you doing, shouldn't we be finished?" Sol asked Zhang Yang who was standing in front of him with his eyes closed at the moment.

  Sol didn't notice that his voice was trembling.

  To be honest, this is not Sol's original intention, but I don't know why Sol has an invisible pressure in his heart now.

  This pressure made Thor's voice tremble uncontrollably.

  It's just that Zhang Yang didn't seem to pay attention to Sol, and the energy of Zhang Yang's body was still increasing, and that golden light was also flowing in Zhang Yang's body.

  Sol was a little confused at this time.

  He felt that he might have hit the wrong stick just now.


  How does he feel now that he smashed Zhang Yang's stick as if he had smashed Zhang Yang's light?

  "Zhang Yang, we have something to say..." Sol looked at Zhang Yang with some embarrassment.

  At this point, Saul's ass was still bleeding, but he couldn't care less.

  Sol always felt that at this time, he might need to run away.

  He's probably messing with the wrong person...

  Sol thought, and quickly turned around.

  At this moment, a deep voice was heard behind Sol: "The sword of the king... unsheathed..."


  What the hell?

  Your sword was still unsheathed when you hit me just now?

  What about unsheathing?

  What are you teasing me?

  Sol couldn't help thinking and turned his head hesitantly.

  At this moment, Zhang Yang suddenly opened his eyes, and a golden light overflowed in Zhang Yang's eyes.

  Zhang Yang held the sword in both hands and slowly raised the sword in his hand. As Zhang Yang raised the sword, the golden light on the sword became stronger and stronger...

  No, it's not that the golden light on the sword is getting stronger and stronger... but the sword in Zhang Yang's hand is getting longer and longer!


  Sol was not mistaken, the sword in Zhang Yang's hand was getting bigger and longer.

  As the golden light became stronger and stronger, the sword in Zhang Yang's hand pointed directly at the sky.

  Sol looked at it, and the sword turned into at least a hundred meters long sword.

   This... Zhang Yang... Are you going to make a big move?

  I fuck...?

  Too much, too much, we just fight!

  Do you need to zoom in?

  Sol thought to himself, but at this moment, the sword in Zhang Yang's hand seemed to be ready to slash at Sol.

  At the same time, Zhang Yang shouted out five words: "Victory and oath!"

  It ended with the roar of Zhang Yang.

  Zhang Yang waved the long sword in his hand, which was [-] meters long in the golden light, and slashed at Sol.

  Huge energy ripped through the air.

  The sword light suddenly appeared, and the sword energy was awe-inspiring.

  This blow went from top to bottom, setting off a raging hurricane that slashed straight away.

  Wherever the long sword went, everything was destroyed, and with a loud "Boom", the entire Kama Taj couldn't help trembling.

  With this sword, Zhang Yang slashed [-] meters, splitting the training ground into two halves within [-] meters.

  There is a wide and long gap in the middle.

  Berkeley:  …

  Masters:  …

  Thor:  …

  Mom, Mom.

  At this moment, Sol, who escaped from Zhang Yang's sword, looked at the endless gap not far away.

  Looking at the messy Kama Taj.

  Watching the collapsed Kama Taj building.

  Looking at the ground smashed by Zhang Yang's sword, his eyes were about to fall out of fright.

  Opening his mouth wide, Sol patted his frightened little heart.

  At this moment, he could even feel his own hands shaking.

  Killing crazy...killing crazy...

  Zhang Yangshen is so crazy that he has already killed...

  No, take it too seriously, really, brother, you take it too seriously!

  Let's just have a fight... it's really a fight. Let's learn from each other.

  Why are you giving me a big trick? !

  If you go down with this sword, I may have to lie down for half a year, right? ?

  No... At this moment, the more Saul thinks about it, the more wrong it is.

  He felt as if he had been tricked.

  God special.

  Didn't you say it was just an ordinary sword?

  Sol Mullen looked at the black smoke that Zhang Yang left on the ground and the Kama Taj building destroyed by Zhang Yang.

  This Nima is called ordinary?

  Or did you make it yourself? ?

  I don't know why, but Sol suddenly felt that it would be good to be stabbed twice in the butt.

  Really... If I had just endured it for a while, maybe this sword would not have been there.


  Sol's frightened soul was half gone.

  And this time.

  Not only was Sol surprised, but all the mages onlookers were also stunned.

  It was a stunned surprise.

  Originally they thought that Zhang Yang was a genius, but now they found out that Zhang Yang is not only a genius, but maybe a future Supreme Mage...

  At this moment, everyone's gazes were all without exception, and they all looked at Zhang Yang in unison.


  Terrible so-.

Chapter 91

  Under the astonished eyes of everyone, the golden light on Zhang Yang's body faded, and the sword in his hand returned to its original state.

  Looking at the mess, as if Kama Taj had just been bombed, Zhang Yang was also a little stunned.

  This sword...

  Zhang Yang couldn't help but looked down at the sword in his hand.

  Zhang Yang doesn't seem to have thought that the sword in his hand seems to be quite powerful? ? ?

  This power, although it can't be compared with the abnormal artifact like the infinite original stone, it should be quite bluffing.

  Zhang Yang thought to himself, and suddenly saw Kama Taj, who had been cut into a mess by himself.

  This... what if the Supreme Being comes back? !

  Thinking about it, Zhang Yang couldn't help but be taken aback.

  I couldn't think of a good way for a long time, I waved my hand, forget it, no matter what, the Supreme Mage always has a way.

  Thinking so, Zhang Yang raised his head and set his eyes on Sol who was sitting on the ground not far away.

  So he walked towards Sol.

  At this time, Sol also seemed to have noticed Zhang Yang's movements. Seeing Zhang Yang coming, Sol hurriedly stood up from the ground with no expression on his face.

  "Sol..." Zhang Yang looked at Sol and seemed to want to say something.

  But hesitated.

  Just when Sol smashed down with his mace and blocked Zhang Yang with his sword, he suddenly felt a huge energy in the sword in his hand echoing some kind of magical energy in his body, and Zhang Yang himself didn't know what was wrong. The strange magical energy in the whole body seemed to be ignited.

  So there was the blow of victory and the oath.

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