The person who stopped him was Mordo.

  At this moment, Mo Du doesn't look very good at Zhang Yang, but seeing that Mo Du is no longer in a wheelchair, it is estimated that his injuries are almost healed.

  "Hello, Senior Brother." Saluting to Mo Du, Zhang Yang smiled awkwardly: "Senior Brother is injured."

  Mordo: "..."

  Not to mention the injury, Mordo might be better.

  When it comes to the injury, Mordo's whole person is not well.

  What a god!

  If it wasn't because of Zhang Yang, how could Modu sit in a wheelchair for two or three days in a row and dare not even go out? !

  I think he is learning magic anyway!

  And he is the biggest senior brother of Kama Taj, but he was trapped in a wheelchair by this guy Zhang Yang? !

  If Mo Du is not angry, there will be a ghost!

  At this moment, Modu's face became even worse. Looking at Zhang Yang, he almost gritted his teeth and said, "Don't change the subject, I asked what you just did?! Why is Saul's ass burning?!"

  Modu had just been inspecting the training ground, and suddenly saw that the sky on the side of the fighting field was not right, and heard Sol roar: "The power of Thor."

  That's what got me here.

  As soon as he came over, Mordo found that when Sol used the power of Thor, Zhang Yang seemed to throw a magical energy at Sol.

  And then... Saul's ass started to burn.


  Zhang Yang hesitated for a while.

  Remembering what Sol looked like just now, he suppressed his smile, shrugged, and was about to speak.

  At this moment, Wang seemed to sense the movement outside the fighting arena, and hurriedly walked over: "Senior Brother."

  Wang's voice slightly diverted Moro's attention, and at the same time interrupted Zhang Yang's answer.

  "Big brother, what's wrong?" Wang first bowed to Mo Du, glanced at Zhang Yang, and then asked Mo Du.

  "What's wrong? You ask him! I don't know what he did just now! It made Saul's ass burn!" Mordo said to him.

  This made the king stunned for a moment.

  He looked at Zhang Yang and asked involuntarily, "You caused the injury on Sol's buttocks?"

  Zhang Yang was a little embarrassed, nodded and said, "I'm just practicing the Hoggs ancient body that my master taught me. As for his butt injury, I really didn't expect it."


  "The ancient body of Hoggs?!"

  After Zhang Yang said this, Wang and Mo Du almost exclaimed in unison.

  Karma Taj is always at the level of a king.

  Almost everyone knows the magic of Hoggs' Old Body.

  Essentially, what this magic does is modify reality!

  This magic, seriously, can't be said to be strong, it can only be said to be perverted!

  After learning it, it is definitely a perverted to the extreme magic.

  It's just that this magic entry requirement is too difficult. It's not that Wang and Mo Du have never thought about learning it, but neither of them has been recognized by God, so they are still practicing.

  According to the words of the ancient one, it is to accept the test of God.

  When God thinks that the two of them are qualified, they can officially learn this magic.

  But what did you just say?

  Said he was practicing Hoggs Old Body?

  What does practice mean?

  Could it be that Zhang Yang has been approved by God?

  Wang and Moro looked at each other.

  "What do you mean, the Supreme Being is teaching you the magic of Hoggs' ancient body?" Coming back to his senses, Mordo looked at Zhang Yang and asked.

  He tried to keep himself calm, so his tone was unusually calm.

  "Well." Zhang Yang nodded and said, "Master asked me to practice more."

  Mordo: "How long have you been studying?"

  Zhang Yang: "Just learned."

  "..." Mordo: "Then you successfully modified reality?"

  Zhang Yang: "Well, I can modify some very basic things, and the modification time is about one or two minutes."

  "..." Mordo: "Then what did you just modify on Sol?"

  Zhang Yang: "I modified the power of the god of thunder that he summoned, and used all the energy in me to turn the power of the god of thunder that he attracted into fire. However, the modification time is not long, and it is reasonable to say that it should be restored soon. .But it may be because the fire fell on Sol's clothes, so it ignited directly."

  When the words fell, Zhang Yang couldn't help saying: "It seems that what the master said is not wrong. If you change the reality at will, some things will cause unexpected consequences."

  Mordo: "..."


  No wonder I said that Thor is a Thor, why did he call fire.

  This is really magic.

  Just when Wang and Mo Du were stunned, Zhang Yang couldn't help but said: "Wang, Senior Brother, if there is nothing else I will go back first, I have to go back to learn more and practice more, this magic consumes too much energy."

  After the words fell, Zhang Yang left.

  Looking at the back of Zhang Yang's departure, Mo Du was a little absent-minded and asked Wang: "Why did Zhang Yang get the approval of God without training?"

  King: "I don't know."

  Mordo: "Then why do we need to hone?"

  King: "I don't know."

  Modu: "King, do you feel the partiality of God? Who are you looking down on?".

Chapter 116

  At this moment, Modu felt a little unhappy, no, not a little, but very unhappy!

  This guy Zhang Yang has only come to Kamatay and how many days?How many days has he learned magic?

  Thinking of him, he has come to Kama Taj to study magic for at least ten years!

  Speaking of training, in various places on the earth, what kind of evil spirits did he not deal with? !

  But he has not yet been recognized by God!

  Zhang Yang, after only two weeks of coming here, he was recognized by God?

  Mo Du was dissatisfied at this moment.

  "Really, King! Emperor Weishan is too partial!" Mo Du said angrily.

  Wang sighed.

  No way, who knows what God is thinking.

  "No way!" The more he thought about it, the angrier Mo Du felt in his heart: "Don't stop me, I have to find the Supreme Venerable to talk about Zhang Yang's affairs."



  Kama Taj, an ancient temple.

  Sitting cross-legged on the futon, Gu Yi was meditating. At this moment, she noticed a burst of restlessness in Kama Taj.

  Not long afterward, Wang and Mo Du came to the door.

  "Supreme Venerable." Wang and Modu saluted.

  "Well." Gu Yi opened his eyes and stood up slowly: "The two mages don't look very good. Did something happen to Kama Taj just now?"

  Gu Yi's words were obviously asking about what happened just now.

  This question is even more exciting.

  "Supreme Venerable, you are teaching the magic of the ancient body of Hoggs recently?" Mordo looked at Gu Yi and couldn't help asking.

  Gu nodded, the expression on his face unusually calm.

  "That boy Zhang Yang, he just used the ancient body of Hoggs to turn the thunder and lightning attracted by Sol into fire, and ended up burning Sol's butt!" As soon as Gu's words fell, Mordo became impatient. Announced the state of publicity.

  Gu Yi: "..."

  Is Zhang Yang having trouble with Asgard?

  This front foot used the self-created magic to align Odin's spirit body, and the back foot pitted Thor?

  Seeing that Gu Yi didn't say a word, Mordo continued: "Master, I think Zhang Yang really can't keep it! Look at him, since he came to Kama Taj, the relationship between Kama Taj and Asgard is very obvious. It's getting worse every day!"

  "Zhang Yang, don't stare at anyone, stare at Asgard every day to cast magic, if this goes on, the relationship between Asgard and Kama Taj will definitely deteriorate!"

  Modu said seriously to Gu Yi.

  As soon as Mordo finished speaking, the king snorted coldly: "If you want me to say, senior brother, you are just jealous of Zhang Yang's good understanding, this god king doesn't care, and you leave Sol in Kama Taj to practice, you are stupid. What's your heart?!"

  Mo Du was very angry, and was about to refute, suddenly, he heard Gu said: "You just said, Zhang Yang modified Thor's Thor's power with the ancient body of Hoggs?"

  Gu Yi's words made Mordo and Wang stop arguing.

  When they came back to their senses, the two nodded.

  It seems that it is.

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