"According to Zhang Yang, the time to study the ancient body of Hoggs. It's only about an hour from now. Can he modify the power of Thor within an hour?" Just when Mordo and Wang were quiet, Gu Yi couldn't help it. muttered.

  This sentence made Mo Du and Wang react instantly.

  and many more!

  Zhang Yang actually modified Thor's power of Thor? !

  Wang and Mo Du looked at each other and were stunned again.

  Distinguish according to the ancient body of Hoggs.

  Even if Zhang Yang is recognized by God before ordinary people, he can use a spell to summon the ancient body of Hoggs and gain energy.

  But the crux of the problem is.

  Even if you can get energy, you still need to practice to strengthen the energy!

  But how long has Zhang Yang been studying, can he directly modify the power of Thor?

  "It seems that Zhang Yang has been practicing for a while, and the magical energy in his body has increased a lot. It is no wonder that he can use his spiritual body to split [-] clones." Gu Yi said involuntarily.

  What the hell?

  Zhang Yang also used his spiritual body to split [-] clones? !

  Gu Yi's words shocked Mo Du and Wang directly.

  "Master, are you serious?" Modu asked Gu Yi in disbelief.

  No, no, no? !

  He had only been in retreat for three days in the temple!

  Has Zhang Yang's magical energy been practiced to such an extent? !

  Spirit body divided into eight hundred clones? !

  At this rate, wouldn't he be able to surpass the Supreme Mage soon?

  "I have to say, I've never seen a mage as savvy as Zhang Yang." With a sigh, Gu Yi couldn't help but sigh.

  That said.

  Wang and Mo Du were stunned again.

  You know, it has always been difficult for them to hear compliments from Gu Yi's mouth.

  Gu Yi's words have always been pertinent.

  For disciples, neither praise nor belittle.

  To practice in peace, Gu Yi often said that this is the ordinary mind that the Master needs to practice.

  But just now, Gu Yi actually praised him?

  Never seen it before! ?

  Simple four words, but the highest affirmation.

  You know, for now, among all the mages, the one with the best talent is the ancient one.

  Otherwise, it is impossible for Gu Yi to become the Supreme Mage.

  But now, even Gu Yi is affirming Zhang Yang's talent.


· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??

  Mordo was stunned.

  Could it be that Gu Yi has decided to train Zhang Yang as a supreme mage?

  Suddenly, Mordo seemed to understand something.

  Looking at Gu Yi, Mordo couldn't help but said: "But Master, Zhang Yang's talent and understanding are very good. But Zhang Yang has only learned magic in just two or three weeks. From Dormammu to Odin, he basically provokes all of them. Once again, if you continue to learn like this, Kama Taj will definitely become the target of public criticism!"

  Gu Yi frowned, looked at Mo Du, and said solemnly, "Are you teaching me to do things?"

  It's not that Gu Yi didn't understand Mordo's mind.

  Everyone comes to Karma Taj for a different purpose.

  With such a radical and strong mind, Modu naturally wanted to become the best mage when he came to Kama Taj.

  But now, the appearance of Zhang Yang obviously compares Mordo.

  Modu will target Zhang Yang, and Gu Yi also knows that it is inevitable, but...

...... 0

  Gu Yi looked at Mo Du and said, "Mo Du, you should do your own thing well and practice meditation. As for Zhang Yang, you should not worry about it."

  Mordo was speechless.

  Knowing Gu Yi's eccentricity, Modu didn't say much, but his face sank.

  It seemed that he had some plans in his mind.

  Wang on the side hurriedly said: "Supreme Venerable, if there is nothing else, we will leave first."

  When the words fell, Wang Xingli prepared to retire.

  At this moment, Mordo seemed to remember something, and said to Gu: "Supreme Venerable. When Zhang Yang fought with Sol before, he destroyed Kama Taj's enchantment, and Kama Taj was in the public eye. It was exposed in front of me for about ten minutes. S.H.I.E.L.D. seems to have noticed it. Recently, Black Widow has been wandering outside the temple gate, and Tony Stark seems to have come to Kathmandu recently."

  When Mordo mentioned Tony Stark, Wang's heart trembled.

  Tony Stark to Karma Taj?

  Could it be because of... the Extremis virus before? !

  "Then meet them."

  It seems to think of the people over there in S.H.I.E.L.D.

  Gu Yi said involuntarily.

  These people have been lingering outside the Kama Taj Gate for too long, and it is time to make some words clear.

  After Gu Yi finished speaking, he continued to close his eyes and meditate.

  Modu and Wang saluted and retired.

  After walking out of the temple, Mo Du looked at Wang and asked involuntarily, "Wang, do you think that the Supreme Being seems to be cultivating Zhang Yang as a future Supreme Master?"

  Wang frowned and said with a look of surprise, "Isn't this normal?"

  Mo Du was stunned, did not answer Wang's question, but said to Wang: "I'm going to pick up the people from the Avengers." Chang.

Chapter 117

  "You savage and rude mortals! Give me my hammer!"

  In the dormitory of the Master Kama Taj, Sol, who was sent back by the king, was lying on the bed, roaring angrily towards the empty room, venting his dissatisfaction.

  At this moment, a casual voice interrupted Thor's roar: "Looks like we meet again, Prince of Asgard."

  Sol frowned, the person who came was Gu Yi.

  "Gu Yi! Where's my hammer!"

  Without the slightest fear, Sol roared at Gu Yi.

  The sound was so shocking that almost half of Kama Taj could hear it.

  If Kama Taj's mage, such disrespect will be severely punished, but Thor is different.

  After all, Sol has been tricked too many times at Kama Taj.

  Gu Yi just smiled, ignoring Sol's rudeness and questions and said, "I heard from Wang, your butt hurts again."

  The word "again" is used quite vividly!

 When Qi San San Sol heard this, he became furious, and his unrestrained anger became even more wanton: "Gu Yi, you have the ability to return my hammer to me! I will definitely hammer you Kama Taj!"

  It was supposed to be a clamor, but Sol was full of anger.

  However, his bare buttocks and his hands on the bed made this sentence full of joy.

  If Gu Yi had not practiced for many years with good concentration, he would have laughed out loud on the spot looking at Sol's appearance.

  "Relax your butt, I'll help you heal." Gu Yi said calmly, shaking her little fan and walking towards Sol, with a faint smile on his face, he seemed to be in a good mood.

  I saw Gu Yi walked to the bed, looked at Sol's injury for a while, shook his head and sighed: "Good ass, it's almost impossible to see now."

  Sol: "..."

  You are so special to heal your wounds!

  Why are you commenting on my ass? !

  Sol thought to himself, but Gu Yi has already started to heal Sol.

  It's a man who has been hurt three times on his butt, he seems to be used to it, he's not embarrassed at all, he just snorted at Gu Yi: "I tell you, don't think that if you help me heal, I'll let you Kama Tajji go. !"

  Gu Yi said casually: "After all, this injury was caused by your senior brother, and the treatment should be done."

  Sol snorted coldly, thinking in his heart:

  Still, you Kama Taj are a little self-aware!

  Wait, something is wrong.

  Only then did Sol realize that something was wrong. What did you just say?

  "What the hell did you just say about my injury?!" Sol looked at Gu Yi in surprise.

  "Ao, it's your senior brother, Zhang Yang accidentally turned your lightning into fire when he was practicing." Gu Yi said calmly.

  Sol: "..."


  It's you again, Zhang Yang!

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