Chapter 10 Death Greetings

[This is the first time in history. The 13th Fan of the Guard has exposed traces in the ninja world for the first time. This is the first official greeting of Jingling Ting. It has historic significance. Achievement: Death greetings! .

[You get a achievement point*1000]

[You have started an important historical process -the glory of Jingling Ting: You need to fill the new world’s lack of death, popularize and spread the history of Jingling Ting, re -recover the ancient Jingling Ting, and re -control the authority of death. And Rongguang! .

[The current opening process list is as follows:

1. The first show of death (reached)

2. The assembly of the thirteenth of the Guard (1/13)

3. The stronghold occupied by this world (0)

4. Investment of iconic buildings (0)

5, proof of history (none)


A long labeling menu appeared in front of the retina, such as a list of task lists of inferior stand -alone games. There are only a humble text title, but it is densely arranged with a long string. The rolling shaft on the right is full of pulling down for more than ten meters.

There is a row of irresponsible annotations at the bottom: [PS: The current total progress is 1%, and the settlement mark has not yet reached! .

“Unexpectedly, because Shimaru Yin reported his own house, he achieved achievements and started the historical process. It is interesting. I always feel that the mechanism of this plug -in is implying what to imply me. Then, it is to be high -profile, open up, understand! ”

When Hui Yeqian blinked, the abacus in her heart crackled: “In addition, the first show of the death of the death of the death of the Shi Shi is clearly referring to the city of Maruka. The boss, just, it is reasonable! ”

The migrant worker is forced to improve the self -worth.

The boss helped financial management behind the scenes.

No problem ~

Praise, great HR (plug -in)!

Shiman Yin wiped the blood stains on the dry sword, and when he turned his head, he greeted the hot eyes. Hui Yenai saw the joy and love in his eyes almost overflowing, giving a feeling of exaggeration and poor acting skills. The muscles are inexplicable and tense, and the tail vertebrae has a coolness.

“Is there something wrong?” Shimaru Yin asked carefully.

“No, you do it very well, I am very satisfied!” Hui Yejian used two “very” to express his full affirmation of Shimaru Yin.

“.” Shimaru Yin avoided Hui Yenai’s eyes and smiled twice.

“Unfortunately, the time is too hurry, otherwise, I will recite prayers to those who return to the pure land.” Hui Yejian saw the love in his eyes, and said that he was not willing to work hard.

It is a kind and sacred ritual to chant the dead to the dead. It can make the dead soul in peace. It is also a lofty work category. These solid basic common senses are included in the primary package of [给 给 给]. of.

A slight tremor came from the Slang Sword, and the gun expressed his dissatisfaction. He sent a private voice to Shimaru Yin’s consciousness: “He is looking down on me, and the person who was shot by the god gun could never hear the prayer. Ah ~ “”

“Hey, don’t reveal the hypocritical mask of others, it is likely to be unbearable.”

Shimaru Yin responded lightly in his heart. He had seen too many people who did not understand this sentence in the end. In the end, how do you know that lies are not some people showing the world’s largest kindness ~

“.” God Gun was silent.

“The road to the village has been cleaned up and you can leave.

Hui Yeqian saw the chaotic blood mist under the night curtain. Anyway, I lived here for 3 years. I usually haven’t felt it. I really want to leave. ~

I forgot to take the legacy of the corpse and veins;

I can let go of the hate and the hatred of the killer, but those friends who are eager to purify on the list, I can’t bear to abandon them like this;

And *** empty this woman, I transferred the opportunity that belonged to her to others, she would definitely remember me;


Just let the past follow the wind and disappear?


I will come back! Intersection Intersection

Hui Yenai saw the farewell sound listening to the air spread in the air. Sang, carefully passing the corpse to prevent blood from soaring sole, he followed the village behind Shimaru Yin.

[You have achieved achievements: defending Wuyin Village]

[Do not forget to be a god of death. Although no one can be known, you can trace the source of your armed righteous skeleton from the corpse of Wuyin Village. You use this identity to complete a rebellion and get a achievement point*500! .

[You started a hidden incident: I endorsed for the defect! (1/5)]

[I endorsed the defect: I always joined the new organization with a good kindness. At first, we got along very well, but later things slowly changed. I found a more lofty organization. They finally didn’t trust me anymore. , I can only choose to leave alone!

PS: You need to use the same righteous skeleton to complete the incident. Each time it is completed, the event reward settlement is 5 times on the basis of the last time! .

While the soles of the soles were poured into the land of Wuyin Village, while the nose was poured into the free air, Hui Ye saw a prompt from his mind that he accidentally became the spokesperson of a certain brand ~ and the endorsement fee was relatively low, but The subsequent growth space is considerable. The pace of his feet on his feet has become lighter, and his heart has begun to enjoy a beautiful tomorrow.

The current achievements are 1687 points!

One folding promotion countdown: 66H47min!

The huge and ugly head was split by a knife, and the pale mask cracked half -cut off, revealing half a human face, the face was swollen and rotten, and the surface was ulcerated with white pimples. The maggots are not adult, but the shape of the eyes, nose, and mouth is clearly enlarged, and the rotten people’s face.

The face roared crazy, but the fog on the battlefield was suddenly pressed on the pause button, caught in a deadly silent.

“The mask of these monsters seems to be a face!”

“How can it be?”

“That face seems to be a long vines!”

An uncertain muttering sound seemed to be enlarged in the human ear, and then more horrified sounds. The answer was gradually unified. The original identity of the virtual No. 1 was confirmed, and the creepy fear infected to everyone.

A monster hiding Zhang Ren’s face may be just a misunderstanding, so stripped a monster mask to see it!


The rotating big knife penetrates into the monster’s head, and then cuts the monster’s head without cutting his feet. He holds the entire mask directly with a knife, revealing a face with countless white silk rotten people. Resentment.

Rao was known as the ghost no longer cut. Standing on that face and eyes, the cold heart of steel suddenly twitched twice.

“Hey, it’s really face!”

There was a hoarse sound next to the beside, dried persimmon ghost grinning, holding a big knife with a bandage with one hand, and the murderous straightened monster’s mask. The knife was weird to expose sharp teeth, biting half of the monster’s face, and chewing in a crunchy large mouth.

“The tadpole told me that the monster was delicious. Although there was a face of a person, 90%of the body was cohesive by Chakra, which was delicious!” Dried persimmon ghost licking his mouth and said.

On the ground, a thin figure came slowly. The facial faces of the baby face were covered with yin and cold, and the four generations of eyes, water shadow, orange yakakura cold eyes swept through unknown monsters, and there was no emotional temperature in my eyes. The sound echoed on the battlefield:



“no difference!”

“All are going to die!”

Mengxin ask for a monthly ticket! Intersection Intersection

(This chapter is finished)

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