Chapter 9 Guard Times Thirteen Fan Sanfan Team -Captain City Maruyin

At this moment, the ninja who was broken in the throat had a response at this moment. serene.

This is that I didn’t respond to death. I died ~

The blood splattered on the face of a few ninjas next to it, and the blood temperature was hot and shudder!


Just kidding?

What happened just now?

“Guru ~”

The sound of saliva swallowing throat knotting and creeping sounded unexpectedly. More than a dozen beams of eyes stared at the figures of hundreds of meters away. The eyes did not dare to blink at all, for fear of the illusion of just now?

“Is that knife extended?”

“Hundreds of meters? How is it possible, it’s an illusion!”

“But Hase is really dead, the throat was worn by the blade hole, how could this be an illusion ~”

More than a dozen ninjas in the entrance and exit look at each other. Sure enough, they should go back to the village just now instead of staying at the entrance and exit to abide by their duties. Otherwise, how could they encounter such incredible attacks.

“Who are you?”

Ido Tomo Toshiro, who was stationed in the village, looked dignified, and did not wipe the blood stains splashed on his face at all. He was afraid that he would lie down and lay the corpse. The knife was very strange. It is horrible that the speed is fast, and it is almost blinking.

“Can you answer him?”

There have been a long time without letting the god guns drink blood, and sniffing the cold flavor of the hot blade across the hot blood, and the rare touch of the Shimaru Yin face showed a touch of intoxication. He turned his head to look at the president of Nai.

Inspirational to be behind the scenes, you should cover your identity at all times ~


The monotonous script does not meet the director’s aesthetics,


I wear a mask on my face!

“Only when everyone calls the villain can we hide our identities, and isn’t we justice? Captain Shimaru, I think you want to answer his question, you just need to follow your heart!” Answer.

“Always emphasize the justice of their own justice and the shape of a good person.

The desire to vomit his heart under the suppression of Shimaru Yin, in his long life, encountered various people, but he always penetrated the camouflage performance, and even entered the play to hypnotize himself. Play with men in the palm of the hand.


At this moment,

Shimaru Yin suspected that he was meeting the second man with the same characteristics in his life.

Lan Ranyukuke used a lie to deceive the entire corpse soul world. Hui Ye was aware of the same play to play with the entire ninja world? Which step would you do?

Why do I have to follow this character every time?

Is this fate! Intersection Intersection


What role should I play this time?

“I am the captain of the Thirteen Fan Sanfan Sanfan team, Shiwan Yin!”

Shimaru Yinli lips pour a thin line, and the eyes that narrowed into gaps were swallowed, short -broken purple hair covered her cheeks, and the black and white opposite dysentery was automatically automatically. The signature smile was revealed, and whispered softly: “Trouble the way to open the road, think about your life!”

Thirteen of Guard?

Strange titles, I haven’t heard of it at all, is it the unknown community?

Strange costumes, weird knives, and the short man wearing the mask seemed to be the leader in the two. It was abominable. Just two people, where the courage to come from dare to put on the words.

Is that knife?


“When did you sneak into Wuyin Village? How long has it hidden here? What is the purpose?” Fujiko Toro tried to set out more information on the enemy, and at the same time delayed the time. Gesture, issue a series of fighting instructions.

Sixth siege formation, one group of three people, interfere with the sight, the glyph running short distance, close -up battle, priority attack the knife, seizing the knife, no matter how to live and die.


Shimaru Yin Yuguang glanced at Eye Ye Ye, and said with a smile: “There is no such thing. If you have to say it, maybe just because of the fate chose to start here again ~ Finally, give you the last sentence. The upcoming prelude is to die, there is no value! ”


Fujiko Shiro drank a low.

All the ninjas are scattered at the same time, running irregularly, the enemy who faces hundreds of meters away from hundreds of meters is rapidly Mercedes -Benz. At the same time, the hands are printed in their hands. The shadow was swallowed, and there was a sound that was swallowed together.

Basic skills of fog hidden ninja: Misty Spell+Silent Murder

The murderous murder in the haze of the five fingers was hidden, and the killing intentions in all directions were piercing, as if they had to eat the two people around the center, from beginning to the end of the pills of the end of the city, standing in place like a sculpture.


He sang the long -lost emancipation in his groaning: “Kill him, the gun!”

The white light flashed away, and the training was like a blood line, and only hearing the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground. Taking the city pill and silver as the original point, the endless sound in the smog. He was just a stable flat short knife. , Carefully adjust the perspective, listen to the sound of thirsty and bloody breathing.





Personal holes are worn, blood flows; the soul is annihilated, and the soul is silent only to the world’s notes. Repeatedly repeated in the haze, which makes the living person creepy, and this horror is just fleeting, and then ended.

Only Hui Yeyu saw the indifferent mask on his face, and Shimaru Yin did not move too much.

The dense fog was dispersed, and the corpse lying around the ground was all on the arc with a radius of 50 meters. This is the kindness of the city Maruyin. He allowed these stupid bodies to move forward together when he died.

Too far,

Can’t feel the groan of death;

too close,

Blood splashed on the shoes.


Blood mixed with the meat foam from his throat, and as the first to initiate the charge, Fujiko Shiro left a sigh of relief. This was definitely the intention of Shimaru Yin. This squinting heart was not as big as the needle.

“Why can you see it?” A fist -sized hole was revealed on the chest, and the crushed internal organs rushed out. Fujito Siro lying on the ground, looking up at his head with his last strength, and asked unwillingly.

The fogging technique+silent killing technique, Fujiko Shiro even performed the technique of water separation in the haze. So many layers of insurance but did not disrupt the enemy’s vision. Murderless killing.

Whether it is hiding, or a glyph running, or dividing the body, it will be invalid. As long as one foot is stepped on the edge line of the 50 -meter radius, it will be shot instantly. At a distance of 50 meters, this is intentional!

Is it to satisfy some kind of bad taste ~

The Captain of the Thirteen Fan of the Guard, Shimaru Yin is a horrible monster!

“It seems that my vision is very good!”

The eyes were stitched, and the light blue pupils were like shallow streams, clear and bottom, and indifferently reflected the face of Fujiya Shiro. The man finally wanted to hear the truth from the silver mouth of Shimaru.

If you want to cover the eyes of death with haze, you are really a genius creative ~

“Monster!” Fujiko Toshiro gritted his teeth.

“Wrong, it’s death!” Shi Wan Yinyou said.

“This person is bad, I am going to die, and I still use the name of the god of death to lie to me.” The last idea of Fujiko Siro’s soul, gritted his teeth and spit out his last words, “You deceive people!” , Soul dissipates.

“.” Shimaru Yin’s heart silently argued: “It is rare to tell the truth, not being believed, hehe ~”

Hui Yenai was weird, and I received a prompt at the same time, [you have achieved achievements.]

Mengxin reached achievements [signing], walking towards the countless universe, grasping all the truth, the handsome handsome of the screen seeking a monthly ticket, rewarding ~

Thank you cold and warm 6500 for reward!

Start two more today!

(This chapter is finished)

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