Chapter 47 The malicious from the root

Thousands of miles in the sky, the disgusting sunlight overlooks the ground, penetrates the cracking gaps on the ground, and occasionally the stink mice hiding in the sewer will be shadow. Do not hesitate to kill and return the fresh corpse to the owner.

Time pushes to 2 weeks.

Muye Yin Village, root.

In the cold and humid prisons, the body was scattered, and the blood was hanging. He was tied with countless nail holes, and various cruel torture changed the test of him.

Ninjas cultivated by the roots are no human.


No one can keep his mouth like a bottle under the torture of the roots, let alone a Caotan Village spy that has been exposed, expressing his information cleanly, and then greeting death is his best ending.

“Did you vomit?”

“Of course, people’s mouths are the most strict places in this world.”

“What did you say?”

“The spy of Cao Rancun was in secret contact with Uchiha, and a transaction had been reached secretly. During the period of the Zhonglin Test, the delegation of Cao Ren Village would bring a thing called a bliss into the village. Then secretly open this box with Uchiha’s power together. ”

“Box of Bliss, what?”

“A treasure that Cao Ren Village has been guarded by generations. After opening the box, you can make a wish, but if you want to open the box, you need to use the extremely evil Chakra, so Cao Rencun finds Uchiha cooperation to discuss the investigation. In addition to the tail beast, the attributes of Clar are the Ca Kella of the Uchiha family, and it is naturally full of cold and evil atmosphere. ”


The above is the intelligence learned from the essence of the Cao Ren Village after the roots. This confidential intelligence was quickly passed to the hands of the True Trump of the root leader.

The face was wrapped in a bandage, and only a yin -eyed eye village group hid the intelligence in his hand. The uncertain expression was exposed on his face. “Uchiha really can’t relax the vigilance at all times. Outside the village colluded with it. ”

The members of the roots next to each other have all eyes and noses, and their own guys have never done any concealment of Uchiha’s maliciousness and precaution in Uchiha.

“Box of Bliss, Cao Ren Village, Hum, a small ninja village dare not know life and death, then it is no wonder that the old man is ruthless.”

Zhicun Tuanzang, the backhand closed the intelligence, and the haze’s murderous intention was exposed on his face: “This intelligence does not need to report to Naruto. Below, send someone to secretly rob the team of Caotan Village halfway, bring the box of bliss boxes, Come back to the roots. ”

Theoretically, the root is also the intelligence agency of the wood leaf information, which is under the jurisdiction of the Naruto ape flying sun. Only fully obey his order.


Behind this is also the result of indulgence of Naruto and the elders.

Naruto represents the will of the fire of wood leaf, the light on the bright side; the roots are the coldness of the wood leaf rooted under the soil, and it is the shadow in secret.

Light and shadow seem to be clear, but in fact, it is the intertwined wrapped of branches and roots. From the beginning of birth, it has never been tightly integrated.

4 days later.

On a relatively deserted soil road in the country of Fire, a group of grass wearing a puppet -dressed bucket was running along the road.

The pavement has the accumulated cement, and the footsteps passing by stepping out the splashing mud spots, splashing to the quiet bushes on both sides of the road.

A long tube of Akioson was tied to his back. He walked silently, and a pair of eyes turned not like humans to turn high -frequency. The 4 weeks of wind and grass moved quickly.

“I smelled the taste of food from around, and the distance was very close. They came over.” The voice of No. 1 appeared in Akagison’s mind. There was a rare expectation in the cold tone.

“Know, don’t let me really die.” Aki Mason’s pupils contracted, and his body stopped his head in a hurry, and he wiped it with a bitterness.

In the field of vision, the gray ninjas in the bushes on both sides suddenly emerged, and they killed them without saying a word.

Several unrepided Cao Ren was immediately attacked by the throat, and the bloody blood reflected the red ribbon in the sun and died.

Suddenly attacked, and almost no resistance ushered in a downside massacre, and even the time when most of the grass endured could not be done, they could only cover my throat and fell into the muddy blood pit.

Akiosen breathed a little bit, not because his companion was slaughtered, but because the bloody smell permeated in the air stimulated his taste buds to secrete saliva.

The head shakes left and right to avoid the chopped blade, Akagi Mori’s throat emit a depressed roar, kicking under his feet, the whole person hit the opponent’s chest, and the right hand was distorted into a meat sickle instantly. Then, the meat sickle cracked a sharp teeth and swallowed the heart to bite.

“What are you doing?” Aki Masun was startled by his right hand.

“Who let this idiot split your head all the time, and you can’t live if your head is broken, and I am too hungry.” No. 1 swallowed a heart, and the hunger was slightly relieved.

“Plan, plan, in case you messed up.” Akamori was a little crazy, and No. 1 usually performed very reasonable, cold, how do you feel a bit out of control today?

“Rest assured, I blocked my eyes with my body, and it was hidden by stealing. They couldn’t see it.

Pushing the bodies on the chest of the chest on his right hand, Aki Mori watched the other gray ninja slamming in front of him, cutting a knife to his head.

A touch of impatience appeared on Akagi Sen’s face, so he hit the man’s arms again, and then after a crazy twist, the two fell softly to the ground together.

The ninja’s chest was crushed into thin, his eyes were ragingly staring, and Akamori lay softly on him, and the position of the vest was stabbed out of the short knife.

Akagison felt the weirdness of the organs in the chest, avoiding the blade of the cut -off body, and then felt that the muscles of the whole body became soft, the respiratory muscles were smooth and rigid, and the heart and pulse fell into a state of false death.

after awhile.

Someone rolled Akagisen’s body over the face with his feet, and his voice said coldly: “It’s dead!”

“Where is the Box of Bliss?” Someone asked.

“I don’t know what you are talking about?” A Cao Ren’s face with captive captives replied.


The sound of the metal cut the throat, and the corpse fell heavily on the ground.

After a while, the cylindrical cylindrical on Akagi Sen was removed, and there was a voice: “Seal the scroll, find it, the bliss box should be sealed in the scroll.”

“Clean up and evacuate immediately.”

Akamori was lying on the ground and motionless, and the body he pressed under his body was pulled out and took it away. Only Ca Nun Village’s own body was left at the scene.

When he left, Aki Musen was replenished with a pronged sword on his back, and he pressed heavily on his back.

Very professional.

The sound of footsteps gradually gone, and the cold wind blowing through the corpse of the ground, one of the corpses’ arms were strangely twisted and entangled with the sword on the back, and pulled it out.

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recommend! Absolutely beautiful!

(This chapter is finished)

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