In the morning, Cocolia woke up in Klipperburg's room.

She felt relaxed and all the anxiety she had felt disappeared.

The room was warm as spring. The quilt slipped off her body, unable to cover the beautiful view. She stretched lazily.

"Today is really relaxing."

Recalling that dream, Cocolia rarely felt shy,"I actually had that kind of dream, oh." She stroked her chest with her right hand, but her heavy heart did not feel the coldness of the past, which surprised her. She looked at her white right hand with surprise.

The star core was not only talking in her sleep, but also affecting her.

Her right hand had been covered with frost in the recent period of time, keeping the temperature low.

This morning, the icing phenomenon disappeared?

"It's just a dream." But can a dream be so real?

Recalling word for word, the first half of the conversation, the second half of the memory is pink.

The dreamer is really fierce, he directly filled himself up like a cream puff.

The amount of water output is huge.

I feel as if I am on a happy life by flattering myself. I am really happy to throw away my worries.

My face is burning,"Why do I think about these things."

I couldn't help rubbing my plump thighs, but I felt that the sheets were very cold. I looked down and saw that the map of Beloberg was quite conspicuous on the sheets, and my face became even more embarrassed.

There was a knock on the door,"Mother, are you awake?"

"I'm awake, you... Bronya, wait a minute, I'll get up right away."

He got up quickly, dressed, and hid the sheets and cushions.

After tidying up, he opened the door.

The girl with gray curly hair walked in,"Mother,"

"Bronya, what's wrong?"

"I still think the blockade of the lower area should be lifted. It has been so many years. If it is not lifted, they will really die, even if the Silver Mane Guards are sent out."

For this matter, Bronya tried more than once to make Cocolia change her mind, but was rejected in the end.

Cocolia believes that only by guarding the upper area can everyone be protected.

The lower area does not need the Silver Mane Guards. After the blockade, the automatic robots can protect everything there.

The rifts are appearing more and more frequently in the city. This is also a helpless move, and the news of the depletion of the earth marrow energy cannot be spread from the lower area. Otherwise, the people in the upper area will be in turmoil, and unnecessary troubles will arise.

Cocolia, who wanted to scold her daughter, looked at Bronya's worried eyes and endured it. The muttering of the star core came to her ears again.

【Embrace us, we will give this world a new life]

Star core, yes, there is a star core!

Cocolia suddenly woke up, recalling the words of the dream master,"Bronya, you, want to lift the blockade of the lower area?"

"Yes, mother!"

The daughter's answer was sonorous and powerful. Cocolia understood that her daughter had always been excellent and would become an excellent great guardian. She should surpass herself.

She should also pave the way for her.

It was not advisable to believe in the star core. Perhaps, she could find a new way.

"Bronya, do you know that the earth's marrow energy is about to be exhausted, the cold wave continues to invade, and the rift appears inside Beloberg. It won't be long before Beloberg will perish."

"How could this happen?……"Bronya asked in disbelief:"Why is the situation so serious?"

"Because we can't get out." Cocolia smiled bitterly and said,"The cold wave kept Beloberg alive for seven hundred years, but it also trapped us for seven hundred years. For seven hundred years, the population has been in this city, relying on the energy of the earth's marrow to supply heat. No matter how huge the mineral vein is, it will be exhausted after seven hundred years of mining."

"The Rift has also begun to erode Beloberg, the Amber King's power is weakening, and we are isolated and helpless."

"I am a sinner and not a competent Great Guardian. Bronya, I give the choice to you. What do you want to do?"

"No matter how difficult it is, we should not give up the fight!"

Bronya said firmly:"That's how Beloberg got through it, and we will fight to the end!"

"Yes." Cocolia gently stroked her daughter's cheek,"You are grown up now, go and do what you want to do."

"Mother, you……"

"Because you have grown up, I should let go. He is right, you are already an excellent Great Guardian."


Who is he?

Bronya did not dwell on it too much. She just wanted to lift the blockade of the lower area, integrate the forces, and then fight against the rift and the cold wave.

Looking at her daughter's back, Cocolia smiled,"It's my job next."

There will be a lot of things to deal with when lifting the blockade of the lower area, and it may not be possible to leave it all to Bronya.

Let someone expose his own mistakes, then resign and help Bronya take the position and become the 19th Great Guardian.

"Regardless of the outcome, I will fight for a way out for Bronya." Cocolia's eyes became firm, and she looked out the window at the pure blue sky,"Starry Sky Train……"

If the Star Train cannot seal the Star Core and relieve the cold wave, then she will do everything she can to get Bronya to the Star Train.

Of course, she doesn't know that the Star Core will affect the Star Train's star track, she just hopes that Bronya can survive somewhere else.

【Why? We can let your daughter live in the new world.】

"I will no longer believe in the new world you promised."Cocolia said in a deep voice:"If it weren't for your arrival, Beloberg, no, Yaloli VI would still be prosperous."

According to the records of the first-generation Great Guardian, Alisa Rand, Yaloli VI once exchanged what it had with civilizations outside the planet and was a very popular tourist civilization.

But the arrival of the star core changed everything.

The arrival of the antimatter army forced a large number of outsiders to leave, and those who did not want to stay in the local area also migrated to the interstellar. Now the people of Beloberg are the descendants of those who were willing to stay and fight.

Indeed, it was Alisa Rand who made a wish to the star core, and the cold wave that came down saved Yaloli VI and gave Beloberg a chance to breathe.

But if there had been no arrival of the star core, where would all these troubles come from?

"I won't pay attention to you anymore, Bronya is my pride."

Cocolia ignored the mumbling and began to pave the way for her daughter.

The next work will be difficult, and Bronya still has a lot to do.

As long as she can survive, then everything is nothing.

Bronya, my dear daughter, I hope you can be safe.

Dream Master, I hope you won't lie to me.

If you succeed, let Beloberg continue, and Cocolia's life will be yours.

At the same time, Lin Ze welcomed the fireworks that had not been seen for a day. ps: Yanzu, you are too awesome, the little author will never break his promise, and will update more. Is there anyone who can help break the zero? At present, the reward and urging are still empty.

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