"Did you miss me, dear?"

Hanabi jumped in front of Lin Ze like a detective, sniffed the smell in the room, and pinched her cute nose,"What's the smell in your room?"

"Oh, the flowers in other worlds, the scent hasn't dissipated yet."

Lin Ze evaded the question casually. Cocolia is really moist.

I thought she was married, but I didn't expect that Cocolia in this world has always been single.

It surprised him.

But unexpectedly, she would be very caring.

"What's wrong? Miss me?"

"Of course, and, once I get rid of the stuff in my stomach, I won’t dare go to the hot springs."

"So, can it have an impact?"

"Of course."

Lin Ze became excited. In this case, could he try something else?

"Okay, I'll erase your belly mark and try something else."He said, opening the skin, removing the belly mark, and changing Hanabi into a classic JK outfit.

And adding status to the clothes



【Cannot be eliminated】

"Do you like me wearing this outfit so much? Or is this your XP?"

Hanabi kicked the ground with her round-toed leather shoes. The youthful and lively look, the absolute territory formed by the over-the-knee socks and the hem of the skirt made Lin Ze look sideways.

Noticing his gaze, Hanabi laughed and said,"Do you like legs? Or feet? I thought you liked me as a person."

"I'm just a simple nerd. There's nothing good about your upper body except your face."


"Small and cute"

"If you keep talking, I won't talk to you anymore."

Hua Huo is cute, but Lin Ze knows her true nature, she is just pretending.

"I added three unavailable settings to all your clothes to see if you can take them out. If you can take them out and the settings are still there, I think I can use more means to influence the outside world."

"Haha, so, can you go out one day?"

"That would be the best. Although I can say this place is a god, it is really boring. What I want to see is living humans."

"Oh, I need to make a reminder."

"Reminder function?"

"Of course, if someone else enters the Starry Sky Train, they can remind me later."

This is also to avoid not noticing it myself.

"Can you do this, too?"

"Yes, just set up the Starry Sky Train, just like programming a program, I can directly add a program, and the Starry Sky Train can operate according to my programming."

Lin Ze poured a glass of water for Hua Huo, and tapped his fingers in the status bar to enter information.

He can also set up those NPCs in this way. The forced input command can also invalidate the rollback, but it is meaningless to do so.

After inputting the command, the NPC is still an NPC and can't react very intelligently.

They are no different from robots.

It's not that he hasn't tried to force the execution of multiple commands, but in the end he got a stuck reaction.

There was a bug, and in the end he could only roll back to restore the factory settings.

He wanted to add some fun, but it was obvious that the NPC was not that intelligent.

And he didn't learn programming, it was normal for problems to occur

【[Hua Huo, log in to the Starry Sky Train]


Looking at the prompt on the status bar, Lin Ze slapped his thigh,"Done!"

Huo Huo next to him grinned,"Don't slap my thigh, um, weird, why is it that only this part hurts?"

Huo Huo looked down and found that the part covered by the knee socks and skirt just felt the touch, but it didn't hurt. The skin of the absolute domain turned red.

"I made it indestructible. In other words, if you wear this suit, and the enemy doesn't attack your head or the parts that the suit can't cover, you should be fine. Of course, whether you can take it out is another matter."

"If I take it out with me, I can wear a piece of clothing that covers my entire body. Then, won’t I not have to fear even the Star Gods?"

"Don't show off." Lin Ze said:"Can you feel the place covered by your clothes?"

"Yes, I have"

"That's it. I guess this armor-like thing, although it has strong defensive power, should not be able to defend against blunt force attacks."

It's not impossible to shock Hanabi into Hanabi-chan through her clothes.

"Suddenly I feel less invincible."

Hanabi likes to stir up trouble, but she won't rashly commit suicide. If she dies, there will be no fun.

Of course, she is not afraid of death.

If she dies in a grand joy, she will also enjoy it peacefully.

"There should be many people in the universe who have the ability to kill people through a layer, and this is just an experiment."

"Can't you think of a solution for me? Honey, after all, you took my first kiss, you have to compensate me."

Hua Huo said coquettishly. Lin Ze is now calm and has entered the sage stage. In this state, he can apply for the position of great sage in the teaching hall. He can even think about the ultimate answer to the universe.

""What are you thinking about?" Seeing that the man was unmoved, Hanabi asked curiously

"I wonder what the ultimate answer to the universe is?"

"What is it?"


"42? Where did you get that answer? Come on, the Genius Club didn't even come up with an answer to such a stupid question, so just forget it."

"Don't underestimate me. Although my wisdom is no longer at its peak after entering university, I still have the ability to become a wise man in the world."

"There is absolutely no such possibility."

Hanabi said firmly

"Do you doubt me?"

"No, Huahuo thinks dear, you should go have some fun. Are you so unhappy to see me? You still don't smile? Do you have another woman outside?"



"Really?" Hanabi felt like her toy had been taken away.

There's a cow!

"Yes, how could I be short of women?"

Could it be those dolls?

Hanabi's eyes became compassionate,"Alas, dear, it's not easy for you either. I will come to see you often."

"It seems that you have now mastered the method of entering this world?"

"That's right." Hanabi said:"Just fall asleep, and when the body outside wakes up, I will leave here. It can be said that our time is reversed."

"I see."

Lin Ze leaned on the bed,"If one day, you can no longer come to this world, will you be sad?"

"Yes~ I will die if I can't see my dear"

"Come on, there's no sadness in your eyes, and the dialog box above your head also betrays you."

"Tsk, can’t you just take down the dialog box?"

"That won’t do. Fireworks that say one thing and mean another are the real firework. How can you have fun without me?"

"I know that my dear must have the qualifications to become the Masked Fool. If you can come out, I will definitely ask the tavern to invite you."

"Then, we will spread joy all over the world, okay, dear?"

"Oh no, little girl, get out of here, my fate is definitely going to be nothingness"


"We must believe in the aesthetics of Hei Dashuai."

Nothingness is the emptiness of the sage.

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