The dead body was buried, and the dead body was buried.

In a corner of Yuzhou.

In a deserted place, a figure suddenly appeared, just out of thin air.

Duan Yi looked around blankly, with great fear in his eyes and a look of pain on his face.

"Am I dead?"

Looking around, he pinched himself hard, it hurt!

"I, I'm not dead?!"

"I'm not dead? Hahaha!"

The great joy of surviving the disaster made him laugh like a madman and dance on the spot.

"Wan Yushuang! And that little bastard, do you think I'm dead? Just wait, I'll kill you sooner or later!"

Thinking of the pain he just experienced, his eyes were full of malice.


A gust of wind blew, and he felt cold all over.

Duan Yi then realized that he had nothing on him except his clothes.

"Leave here quickly, I want to find my father!"

He turned into a beam of light and disappeared from here.


On the other side, Ye An came down from the Blazing Fire Peak, feeling a little annoyed.

That idiot second generation didn't die, and there was something like a substitute puppet on his body, which he didn't expect.

"Shit, this kind of person can't survive more than three chapters, how many chapters is it?" Ye An cursed in his heart.

He breathed a sigh of relief when he returned to the cave.

Although he didn't suffer any injuries, this battle was definitely the most exciting and dangerous one.

The reason for his success was entirely because of his magical seed!

"My magical power is still too poor. That seed can only be regarded as a semi-finished product."

The reason why the seed can be planted on Xu Kaiyuan is because he hid it on the Destruction Talisman.

Only the breath emitted by the Destruction Talisman can conceal the existence of the seed.

Wan Yushuang took the Destruction Talisman to Xu Kaiyuan's side and deliberately activated it slightly. On the surface, it was to make Xu Kaiyuan feel timid and dare not act rashly.

In fact, it was to build a plank road in the open and cross Chencang in secret, and successfully plant the Tao seed on Xu Kaiyuan!

Fortunately, it succeeded in the end. Xu Kaiyuan only thought that it was the power of the Destruction Talisman that made him feel stinging, and he didn't expect it was because of the existence of the seed.

When he noticed it, it was too late.

"There are still too many shortcomings. If it is fully developed, once the seed is activated, it will instantly devour the enemy's mana and flesh and blood, making them unable to even counterattack, but Xu Kaiyuan did it before death."

However, judging from the final effect, this magical power is indeed very perverted. The huge blood-colored flower is terrifying and beautiful.

Ye An felt more and more that the person who created this magical power was somewhat abnormal.

In general, he was extremely satisfied with this magical power, which was too abnormal and too powerful.

"Strive to cultivate the magical power to perfection as soon as possible." Ye An was full of expectations for the great magical power, and then he took out a few storage rings: "Let's check the spoils of this battle first."

Killed two Jindan, three foundation building, and a second-generation idiot.

Presumably, their wealth would not disappoint Ye An.

The first thing he opened was Xu Kaiyuan's storage ring.

There was another mountain of spiritual stones inside, and what surprised him was that there were more than fifty high-grade spiritual stones!

This was already 500,000 low-grade spiritual stones!

There were also more than 2,000 medium-grade spiritual stones, which was equivalent to more than 200,000.

"I'm rich, I'm rich."

With an excited heart and trembling hands, Ye An almost couldn't help jumping up.

What he didn't know was that the middle and high-level puppets all had to be driven by middle-grade and high-grade spirit stones, so Xu Kaiyuan would collect so many.

"The golden belt for killing and arson, the ancients were not deceiving me."

Putting away the spirit stones, he took out the huge spider puppet, and the cave was almost full.

"The puppet of the Jindan period..." Ye An's eyes lit up and he admired it carefully.

This puppet was almost intact, and there was a small space in the abdomen, which could be hidden in it and difficult to detect, making it very suitable for being the sixth.

"In the future, you can refine a smaller puppet and stuff it in the belly, or directly install a cannon..."

Putting away the spider puppet, Ye An found more than a dozen puppets of the foundation-building period in the storage ring, and he accepted them all with a smile.


He suddenly found something different.

Taking it out of the storage ring, he found that it was actually a scroll with four big words written on it - Qianji Zhenjie.

Ye An's eyes condensed: "This

Could it be the inheritance of the Qianji Sect? "

Opening the scroll, it was full of small characters, and the first one was puppetry.

He only read it for a while, and felt that it was much more profound and mysterious than the puppetry he had obtained before.

"Sure enough, only the Jindan stage practice is the real Qianji puppetry, and those who practice in the foundation building stage are deleted."

Ye An was overjoyed, this is more precious than hundreds of thousands of spirit stones.

And just as he opened the scroll, in an unknown secret place, a hunched figure looked at the chessboard in front of him, with many chess pieces glowing on it, like small stars.

One of them suddenly lit up.

"Is this place...Wanfang Divine Sect?" An extremely old voice sounded: "Haha, what a coincidence. "


Putting away the Thousand Machines Solution, Ye An began to check other things.

The most common thing was various refining materials, there were hundreds of them, and the quantity was not small, but there were fewer elixirs.

Ye An did find a precious elixir recipe that could increase the mana of the Golden Core Stage, but unfortunately he couldn't use it now.

After checking Xu Kaiyuan's storage ring, he opened Du Yuxing's storage ring...

More than two hours passed before Ye An finished counting all the things.

Among them, there were more than one million low-grade spirit stones!

More than 6,700 medium-grade spirit stones, and 98 high-grade spirit stones!

The total value is almost close to three million!

This huge number made Ye An stunned for a while, feeling like a dream, he suddenly went from a pauper to a millionaire.

"No wonder so many people like to kill other cultivators, this is too cool. "

The main reason is that he killed several people who were in the Jindan stage. Even if they were in the foundation building stage, they were from Baibaolou and their wealth was much higher than that of ordinary people.

Especially Duan Yi, the rich second generation, he has more than 250,000 low-grade spirit stones, richer than Xu Kaiyuan!

"Well... the rich woman also helped me a lot this time, otherwise it would not have been possible to succeed, these spirit stones must be counted as hers. "

Ye An separated a part of it and planned to give it to Wan Yushuang later.

He flipped his hand and something appeared in his hand.

This is a bead, earth-yellow in color, with mist like yellow sand surging inside, full of spiritual energy, exuding a heavy power.

This is the ancient treasure on Duan Yi.

Ye An dripped blood to recognize the master, and a message appeared in his mind.

"Tianhuang Zhengqizhu..."

This is the name of this ancient treasure. It is a treasure of earth attribute, which can release a gravity field. If thrown out, it is like throwing out a mountain, with great power.

In addition, this thing can also be used as a formation base to enhance the power of earth-attributed formations.

More importantly, this thing can also absorb various rare soils to enhance its own power!

In other words, this gem is a growth type!

"It is worthy of being an ancient treasure. "Ye An happily put it into his body.

As for Du Yuxing and Xu Kaiyuan's magic weapons, he was not very interested in them. He planned to give them to Wan Yushuang later and let her deal with them.

"Huh, there is no shortage of cultivation resources. The next step is to improve my cultivation and combat power."

At present, the only things that can best reflect his combat power are magical powers and puppets.

He has seen the power of magical powers. He has just started to use puppets, but he has already refined a few puppet-like figures.

"You can distract yourself to comprehend the puppet chapter of Qianji Zhenjie, and I have a lot of captured puppets in my hands. I can use them first. Even if it will be a little inconvenient, at least I can have more helpers."

Lingmiao Garden is about to open. If you are in it, it is always good to have more helpers.

"Controlling puppets mainly depends on spiritual consciousness. In this case, the cultivation of Yanshenjing cannot be put down. I only have 150 willow branches, and there is still a lot of room for growth. "

Thinking like this, Ye An cleared his mind, calmed his spirit, and began to practice meditation.

After more than two months, he found that the most important thing about controlling puppets is flexibility, so that the puppets have some of the master's consciousness and can act independently. In this way, it only takes a little effort to control them, and the master can do more things.

So, a very strange scene appeared in the cave.

Several little people surrounded a small stone, each holding a dozen cards, and were happily playing Landlord.

Yes, this is the method Ye An figured out.

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