The more you play, the more you win.

"A three!"

"I can't afford it!"

"A king bomb!"


Ye An controlled several little people, and felt that he was becoming more and more flexible in controlling them. They seemed to have their own consciousness, and they were becoming more and more skilled in playing Landlord. He only needed to spend a little time to control them.

"A pair of A!"

"What is this?" A voice suddenly sounded.

Ye An was startled, and several little people playing cards fell to the ground, and then climbed up crookedly.

Ye An opened his eyes and saw Mu Yuchan lowering her head, curiously looking at the little people and the cards with strange patterns.

"Hello, Senior Sister Shishi." Ye An stuttered a little when he spoke.

This female devil is still so elusive. He has already set up a formation at the entrance of the cave, but it has no effect at all.

The female devil picked up a card with her slender fingers and asked again: "What is this?"

"Uh, this is a kind of card. It can be played by three people. Four people can also play it. I figured out a way to train puppets." Ye An said a little embarrassedly.

Mu Yuchan looked at him, then looked at the card, and a hint of interest appeared in her eyes.

"Teach me." She said so.

"Oh, okay."

In the next few minutes, Ye An explained to her in detail how to play Landlord, and introduced each card.

With the female devil's cultivation, she can remember it in one go.

"I almost remember it all. Let's play it." Mu Yuchan felt very novel. She had never played this kind of thing since she was born.

"Uh, there are only two of us." Ye An glanced at her.

Mu Yuchan grabbed a puppet: "Don't we still have it?"

She placed the puppet on her left hand and made him sit.

Ye An's mouth twitched. Isn't this equivalent to himself?

Mu Yuchan narrowed her eyes slightly: "You won't collude secretly, will you?"

"No, no." Ye An shook his head quickly.

"It's better." Mu Yuchan snorted softly.

Then, she started to deal the cards.

In the first few rounds, Ye An relied on his experience of 100 billion happy beans in his previous life to win a few times.

But when Mu Yuchan became more and more proficient, he couldn't do it anymore.

The calculation ability of this female devil was terrifying, and she calculated every step for him.

After more than a dozen rounds, he kept losing, unless he got a very good card, he could win once.

In this way, the two of them and the puppet played for a whole day.

Ye An gnashed his teeth and couldn't help but smash the table.

"A three, I win again!" Mu Yuchan threw down the last card in her hand, her big eyes curved into crescents, and she smiled as innocently and pure as a girl.

Ye An gritted his teeth and took out six spiritual stones, three of which were his, and the other three were still his.

Losing money was a small matter, but the feeling of not being able to win back made him crazy, and he felt like he was going crazy.

"Senior sister, you are too good, I can't beat you." Ye An was dejected.

Mu Yuchan smiled sweetly, with beautiful curved eyes, small and exquisite nose wings, and a beautiful arc at the corners of her rosy lips.

Ye An stared at her in a daze, and was a little stunned for a while.

Noticing his gaze, Mu Yuchan turned her head slightly, her smile slowly withered, and a faint blush appeared on her cheeks: "Okay, let's stop here today, I came to you for something."

"Oh." Ye An immediately came back to his senses and looked away.

The female devil is really beautiful, a little more beautiful than the rich woman.

But the two have completely different temperaments. The female devil is pure and cold, and extremely mysterious, while Wan Yushuang is mature, charming, and charming. They are both rare beauties in the world.

The blush on Mu Yuchan's face slowly faded, and then she said, "Have you cultivated the spiritual medicine I asked you to cultivate?"

"I have cultivated it." Ye An took out five Xuanlin Jade Flowers, and planned to keep the rest for himself.

Mu Yuchan took the spiritual medicine and looked at him deeply.

Each one is a thousand-year-old spiritual medicine, and even a spiritual plant husband at the Jindan level may not be able to cultivate it.

"What else?" She looked at Ye An with pure eyes, her eyes were like black gems, with a kind of heart-shaking clarity.

"What else?" Ye An smiled dryly.

"What do you think?" Mu Yuchan looked at him steadily.

Ye An was suddenly overwhelmed, feeling that his heart was seen through, and could only tremble and take out three more spiritual medicines.

Mu Yuchan took the spiritual medicine, and then stared at him again, without saying a word.

Ye An: “…”

He also took out the last two plants.

Mu Yuchan took them and didn't look at him this time.

Damn it! How did she know that I cultivated ten plants in total? Ye An complained in his heart.

Could this female devil have perspective?

Mu Yuchan said at this time: "Well done, what do you want?"

I want you... Ye An almost blurted it out.

"Um, does Senior Sister have a pill formula to increase the mana of the foundation-building period?" This is what he wants most.

Mu Yuchan took out a few pill formulas casually: "Choose two."

Ye An was overjoyed, and then picked up the pill formula and started to choose.

He had several of them, the same as what he got from Wan Yushuang.

The female devil was suspected to be an elder in the sect, and Wan Yushuang was also an elder of Chihuo Peak. It was reasonable for the two to have the same pill formula.

In the end, Ye An chose two pill formulas.

Moreover, he has all the spiritual medicines mentioned above. After all, he killed several Jindans, and they also had a lot of spiritual medicines on them, so he could gather them all.

Mu Yuchan put away the other recipes and asked casually: "What is your current cultivation level?"

Ye An thought for a while and said: "The initial stage of foundation building."

"Really?" Mu Yuchan looked at him with a smile.

"Yes." Ye An's face remained unchanged.

I don't know if the female devil saw through it.

After hesitating for a while, Ye An asked: "Senior sister, do you know Lingmiao Garden?"

Mu Yuchan's eyes flashed slightly: "Why are you asking this?"

Ye An smiled awkwardly: "I just heard from others that Lingmiao Garden is an ancient secret realm, and it is in the territory of Wanfang Shenzong, so I asked out of curiosity."

Mu Yuchan nodded: "Yes, it is indeed in the territory of Wanfang Shenzong, but it is not a secret realm, but a medicine garden."

"Medicine garden?" Ye An was stunned.

"Yes, it suddenly appeared here a thousand years ago, causing many people to fight for it. Many Jindan died. When the medicine garden appeared, many tokens were dropped. Then someone found that they could enter Lingmiao Garden with this jade token, so the battle became more and more intense. It is said that even the existence of Yuanying stage took action in the end." Mu Yuchan's tone was flat, as if she was narrating an ordinary thing.

"Yuanying stage?" Ye An was dry-mouthed.

I didn't expect that Lingmiao Garden a thousand years ago would attract so many people to fight for it.

Wait, a thousand years ago!

Ye An keenly grasped something: "A thousand years ago, there was no Wanfang Shenzong at that time?"

Mu Yuchan looked at him with a smile: "Yes, there was no Shenzong at that time. Shenzong was established after that time."

"This..." Ye An was a little dazed for a while, always feeling that there seemed to be many secrets hidden in it that he didn't know.

"Lingmiao Garden will soon be re-emerged, and you will know these things soon." Mu Yuchan changed the subject and said, "Now, you can take off your clothes and lie on the bed."

She blushed slightly when she said this a few times before, but now she felt nothing.

Ye An: "..."

Sure enough, he couldn't escape.

He took off his clothes obediently, and then lay on the bed, letting others do whatever they wanted like a puppet.

The familiar red skirt blocked his sight again, leaving only a faint fragrance between his mouth and nose.

Then, a soft and smooth body came up, and the black satin-like hair gently brushed against his body, making him feel itchy.

A very strange thought came to Ye An's mind.

Just now, they were really playing Landlord, and now they are really playing Landlord.


Mu Yuchan's poison has been cured, but she still came.

I don't know if it's because she's tasted the marrow, or for other reasons.

She had never heard of such a poison. If it weren't for Ye An's special body, she didn't know when it would be removed.

After the first time, in addition to the Yuan Yang power that entered her body, she found that her life span had increased by a thousand years.

This was the power of the Longevity Dao Fruit, but unfortunately she didn't know it.

She felt that she was getting more and more greedy. Once or twice was not enough, so she continued to ask for more.

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