People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 114 Shattering the void, the end of return [1w please subscribe]

"Senior brother, I really can't hide this from you."

Zhang Wuji's words were like a stone that started a thousand waves. All the sects were shocked. Who would have thought that this young man was actually the son of Zhang Cuishan and Yin Susu.

"Wuji! You are still alive!"

On the Wudang side, Zhang Cuishan couldn't help but be excited, and Mingjiao was on the side. Only then did Yin Susu and even Yin Tianzheng understand why Zhang Wuji defended Mingjiao so much.

"No wonder, no wonder he also knows the Seven Injuries Boxing. I guess it was taught to him by Xie Xun!" Kongtong Five Elders immediately wanted to understand the reason.

Zhang Jingyun said: "You call me Senior Brother and you still recognize yourself as a Wudang disciple. Are you going to do anything to me?"

"Senior brother, I can't watch the Mingjiao be destroyed."

Zhang Jingyun nodded.

"Then you are a member of the Ming Cult."

Zhang Wuji said quickly: "No, I am not, Senior Brother Song. Although I am not a member of the Ming Cult, my mother and grandpa are. How can I stand by and watch?"

Zhang Jingyun shook his head slightly and said, "Junior Brother Wuji, you have to make a choice. Since you are hesitant, why don't I give you an idea?"

"Please give me some advice, senior brother!"

Zhang Jingyun stretched out his hand and pointed at Yang Xiao and others and said, "You are better off as the leader of the Ming Cult than they are without a leader, and you can live more peacefully in the world, don't you think?"

Zhang Wuji thought about it and realized that this was indeed the truth: "But I am so young, how can He De be the leader of the Ming Cult?"

Yang Xiao and others spoke at the right time: "Mr. Zhang, you have mastered the Mingjiao's magical power of moving the world, and if you are not the leader, who should be?"

Zhang Wuji thought for a while and asked Zhang Jingyun: "Brother, if I become the leader of the Ming Cult, will this grudge end?"

Zhang Jingyun shook his head and said: "How can it end? The resentment between the Mingjiao and the six major sects is too deep. How can the unrelenting hatred be resolved in just a few words?"

Zhang Wuji sighed, "Senior brother, please forgive me. Without you, I wouldn't have the skills I have. I will always remember this kindness.

But today the situation is pressing and I have to take action. I just hope that if I am lucky enough to defeat my senior brother, how about asking the Wu-Tang Clan to stop here? "

"Excellent, the martial arts competition must be justified. You represent Pingjiao and I represent Wudang. This is why we have a reason to take action. I will do as you say."

Zhang Jingyun's words reassured Zhang Wuji, "Thank you, senior brother. Senior brother didn't interrupt the recovery but asked me to take the first move."

"After I met a famous family in Kunlun Mountain, the descendants of Master Nandi Yideng learned magical skills such as Yiyang Finger. Junior brother, be careful."

Zhang Jingyun used his index finger to exert force, and his finger power burst out. The two were several feet apart, and Zhang Wuji felt the strong finger power coming.

"No! The Sunflower Manual was taught by my senior brother. He must know the shortcomings of the technique, so he used long-range attacks to deal with me!"

Zhang Wuji held the iron sword to resist Zhang Jingyun's finger force. In an instant, the sound of clanging could be heard continuously, and Zhang Wuji's figure flashed in the field, as fast as a swimming dragon.

"What a great one-yang finger magic skill!"

Naturally, the six sects have heard of the name of the Southern Emperor. More than a hundred years ago, the five masters of the Central Plains had a sword debate at Huashan, and they were ranked high and low. What a wonderful story is this?

Zhang Wuji was quite embarrassed. Zhang Jingyun's finger force was so powerful that every finger felt like a heavy hammer hitting his body, causing his internal energy to surge.

"Senior brother's internal strength is probably stronger than mine. If this continues, it will be difficult not to mention defeating senior brother, but to remain undefeated."

Zhang Wuji fought against the six major sects alone. Even if he tied, he would have achieved his goal, but in front of Zhang Jingyun, Zhang Wuji felt that even a tie would be difficult.

This can't go on.

Zhang Wuji took the initiative and used extremely fast movement techniques. Footprints up to an inch deep were left on the empty field. Only in this way could he sustain such great speed.

On the other hand, look at Zhang Jingyun.

Flying like a fairy, compared to Zhang Wuji's simple speed, Zhang Jingyun's movement is a bit more beautiful, which is pleasing to the eye.

It reaches the extreme and also has many changes. It can be said that no light skill in the world can compare with it.

"Qingshu's body skills can be seen in Tiyunzong's moves. In addition, there is Qinggong from the Ancient Tomb Sect. There is no way to judge the other kind of Qinggong."

The woman in yellow shirt looked at it and said.

As a descendant of the Ancient Tomb Sect, she knew a lot about martial arts in the world, but she had never heard of the light skill of Lingbo Weibu.

"Senior brother, if you just use your finger power to grind me down, I can't do anything to you, senior brother. In this way, I won't be convinced even if I lose."

Zhang Wuji's face turned red.

In fact, his proud body skills were useless, and he had no choice but to provoke Zhang Jingyun to compete openly with him in swordsmanship.

"Junior Brother Wuji has not grown up in vain in these years. You have learned all the cunningness of the Fifth Senior Aunt." Zhang Jingyun used Void Step and retreated several feet out of thin air.

Zhang Wuji's pressure suddenly subsided and he looked at Yin Susu, but as Zhang Jingyun said, if he hadn't listened to his damn words all these years, he would have been deceived all the time.

"Senior Brother, your Yiyang Finger is indeed very powerful, but it is difficult to defeat me. Why not show off your true skills and decide the winner happily?"

Zhang Wuji breathed a sigh of relief.

"Originally, I still have a skill that uses invisible sword energy that I haven't used yet. It's an advanced skill with Yang Finger called Six Meridians Divine Sword."

As he spoke, Zhang Jingyun casually shot out a few sword auras. The invisible sword aura easily penetrated the boulders on the cliff, and the power was astonishing.

The Ming Cult and even the six major sects all looked shocked. Yin Tianzheng, the eldest White-browed Eagle King, felt a bone-chilling chill flash across his body.

"It is actually a martial art that transforms sword intent into sword energy. It uses energy to move the sword and kill people invisible. The Six Meridians Divine Sword is said to be invincible among swords!

Good grandson, you can’t beat him.

Just let me wait... to fend for myself. "

The White-browed Eagle King signaled Zhang Wuji to stop.

Zhang Wuji still shook his head, "Please take action, senior brother. Even if I die today, I will die before my mother and grandfather!"

"Junior Brother Wuji is very stubborn. Unfortunately, you can't stop the Six Meridians Divine Sword, and you can't stop my Dugu Nine Swords."

Zhang Jingyun flipped his wrist, took out his sword, and immediately launched the Dugu Nine Swords, advancing without retreating. Every move was an attack. The enemy had to defend, so of course he didn't have to defend himself.

Zhang Wuji saw that Zhang Jingyun's sword moves were mediocre, so he used the sword skills in the Sunflower Book. Unexpectedly, a moment later, he suddenly felt familiar.

"Looking at the enemy's first opportunity, it's the same as that person just now!" Zhang Wuji thought of White Ape, whose swordsmanship was only superficially learned from Zhang Jingyun.

Now facing the real master, Zhang Wuji's pressure doubled, and he truly understood the terror of Dugu Nine Swords. Zhang Jingyun's moves were endless, and every change was something Zhang Wuji had never seen before.

Zhang Wuji relied on the astonishing speed of the Sunflower Book to perform forty moves. When the sword was already slightly suffocated, he immediately channeled all his internal energy into the iron sword.

As soon as the sword came out, there was a faint sound of wind and thunder.

Zhang Jingyun, on the other hand, was relaxed and comfortable from beginning to end, because his martial arts had reached a level unimaginable to ordinary people.

It is rare to meet an innate master who is good at using swordsmanship. Once Zhang Wuji inspired him, all the mysteries and subtleties of Dugu Nine Swords were fully displayed.

At this moment, even if Dugu Qiubai comes back to life, or if Feng Qingyang comes in person, the power of the Dugu Nine Swords may not be as powerful as Zhang Jingyun.

Zhang Wuji's sword skills became more and more sluggish. After fifty moves, his body's internal energy reached its limit, and the sword moves in his hand seemed to be stuck in a quagmire.

Bang! The iron sword in Zhang Wuji's hand was knocked off, and the top of his head was filled with white mist. This was the result of the internal force operating to the extreme.


Zhang Wuji spat out a mouthful of blood, which was red with black. He staggered a few steps and knelt on one knee. He had completely lost the fight.

"Wuji, are you okay?"

White-browed Eagle King Yin Tianzheng quickly helped him up, but saw that Zhang Wuji became lively again after taking two breaths.

"What's going on? I'm fine?"

Zhang Wuji was also quite puzzled.

But I heard Zhang Jingyun say: "You practice the Great Shifting Divine Art of the Universe, and integrate the internal power of the Sunflower Book and the Xuanming Divine Palm from yin to yang.

But they don’t know that the magical power of moving the universe has its flaws. You have just broken through the innate realm and it has not yet appeared. If you continue to practice in the future, you will unknowingly lose the balance of yin and yang. "

It turned out that Zhang Jingyun discovered that Zhang Wuji's internal energy seemed to be stagnant and impure in some places, which was extremely secretive to others.

But Zhang Jingyun has golden eyes.

The flaws can be seen almost at a glance.

If Zhang Jingyun had competed with internal strength from the beginning, Zhang Wuji would have been defeated instantly. After dozens of rounds of sword fighting, Zhang Jingyun defeated Zhang Wuji and at the same time expelled the toxins accumulated in his body.

Zhang Wuji reacted instantly, "I understand, there were 19 blocked places on the seventh floor of the Great Shift of the Universe.

Although I use my wisdom to make up for it, how can I eliminate all hidden dangers due to the complicated techniques? If I don't get guidance from my senior brother today, it will be a disaster in the future! "

This should have been a happy thing.

But when Zhang Wuji thought that he had lost to Zhang Jingyun and that everyone in the Mingjiao would be doomed, he suddenly became disheartened.

"Mom, Grandpa, I'm useless!"

Zhang Wuji's eyes were red, and Yin Tianzheng smiled: "Before I die, I can see my great grandson achieve such an achievement, and I will die without regrets.

Zhang Wuxia, take good care of Wuji. "

Yin Tianzheng no longer calls Zhang Cuishan his son-in-law, for fear that Mingjiao and Wudang will get involved, and Zhang Cuishan will be implicated again.

As for Zhang Wuji, he is the son of Zhang Cuishan after all. For the sake of Wudang, the six major sects will not kill Zhang Wuji.

At the right time, on the Shaolin side, Kong Zhi spoke up again: "Please invite Huashan and Kunlun sects to kill the demon sects present one by one.

Wudang and Emei sects were responsible for the search. Don't let anyone from the Demon Cult escape... Zhang Wuji asked Zhang Wuxia to take him back to Wudang for correction.

The Kongtong sect prepared kerosene to burn down the demon sect's lair. The Shaolin disciples sat there and chanted sutras for the salvation of the martyred disciples of the six major sects and the dead and injured members of the demon sect. "

Shaolin was originally the leader of this crusade against the Ming Cult, and Kong Zhi was the representative of the Shaolin side, so it was not inappropriate for everyone to have him give orders.

Until Zhang Jingyun stopped everyone and said, "Wait a minute, who said I want to annihilate Mingjiao? Besides, Shaolin Temple has been defeated, how can you still speak?"

Kong Zhi felt ashamed when Zhang Jingyun said this, "Song Shaoxia, you defeated Zhang Wuji and made great contributions to the six sects. But what is your purpose of claiming credit and being arrogant to stop us from annihilating the demon sect?"

Zhang Jingyun said, "I just want to ask you, is it true that everyone in the Ming Cult should be killed, and everyone in the six sects is a good person?"

"You know what you're asking, why do you still need to say it?"

The one who spoke was Shaolin’s Emptiness Monk.

Zhang Jingyun glanced at his defeated general ten years ago, and then said in front of everyone: "I don't agree with the words of the monk Emptiness.

All Mingjiao people deserve to die. So, let me ask you, Peng Yingyu, a member of the Mingjiao Five Disciples, led an uprising against the Mongolian Tatars and killed countless enemies. Is this a bad person?

The six sects are all good people, so Xian Yutong and Ban Shuxian, one of you killed his senior brother, and the other forced people to feed poison, are you good people? "

"It's just an example."

Kong Zhi said calmly next to him.

"That's weird, why is it that Shaolin is not an exception, and a high-ranking monk comes out to kill the Mongolian Tatars?" Zhang Jingyun said sarcastically.

"Monks are not allowed to kill!"

Kong Zhi said with his hands clasped together.

"Many people died at the hands of monks."

Zhang Jingyun said coldly.

Kongzhi recited the Buddha's name and said, "If I don't go to hell, who will go to hell? Buddha will forgive us."

Zhang Jingyun smiled, "When you were killing people, you said, I won't go to hell. But when it was time to kill Tatars, you stopped killing. Is this what the master said as a human being?"


Kong Zhi obviously cannot defeat Zhang Jingyun.

"Song Shaoxia, why are you so arrogant?" The person who spoke was Master Jue. She acted upright and was naturally not afraid of criticism.

Zhang Jingyun said: "I'm not messing around. There are millions of Mingjiao followers. If Mingjiao is eradicated, who will fight against the Yuan Dynasty? Emei?"

Master Miejie was speechless.

The six major sects adhere to the principle of not infringing upon the Yuan Dynasty. Otherwise, they would have been eradicated by the Yuan Dynasty long ago. Therefore, so far, only the Mingjiao has truly resisted the Yuan Dynasty.

"What do you want, Young Master Song?"

Kong Zhi couldn't help but ask.

Zhang Jingyun said, "Although I am young, I also know that the six major sects and the Mingjiao are all Han people. If we fight among ourselves here, we will only benefit Yuan Ting in the end.

In the world of martial arts, there are constant disputes and internal strife. Today I boldly invite the six major sects and the Mingjiao to stop fighting, find out the whole story, and fight against the Yuan Dynasty together. "

The words fell.

Haha, hehe, hoho, hurrah, heehee, hoho...all kinds of loud laughter broke out among the six major sects.

"The six sects have suffered countless casualties. The demon sect's thieves owe a blood debt as deep as the sea. Hehe, you want to send us all back with just a few words?"

"It's not fun to say this!"

"Song Qingshu, although you have made contributions to the six major sects, but you dare to say this, who do you think you are? The supreme martial arts master who has obtained the dragon-slaying sword?"

Zhang Jingyun took a deep breath and looked around and said: "Do you all think that a knife can make a person become a martial arts supreme? Wrong! You can become a martial arts supreme without that knife."

Zhang Jingyun's words were extremely rude, as if he regarded himself as the supreme martial arts master. However, among the six major sects, Wudang obviously would not take action against him, and the other sects knew that they did not have that ability.

"We admire Song Shaoxia's martial arts very much, but if you want to be the supreme master of the martial arts world, you have to make sure that all of us are convinced." Kong Zhi said calmly.

"Although you are good at martial arts, you want to be the supreme king of martial arts, but I, the Kunlun sect, don't recognize you!" He Taichong and Ban Shuxian saw that Zhang Jingyun had exposed the scandal between the two of them, how could they recognize him as the supreme master of martial arts?

"The Huashan Sect only recognizes the Chongyang Patriarch."

The Huashan Sect is a branch of the Quanzhen Sect, so it is reasonable to recognize Wang Chongyang.

The Emei sect also said at the right time: "The supreme martial arts master, who slays dragons with his precious sword, relies on the sky and never comes out. Who can compete with him? Emei only recognizes Patriarch Guo Xiang."

The Kongtong faction remained silent. There was no strong man in their ancestors, just Mu Lingzi, who could not survive even Zhang Sanfeng.

On the Shaolin side, Kong Zhi had a smile on his face, "The world's martial arts originated from Shaolin. Patriarch Bodhidharma faced the wall for nine years and created the two classics of Yijin and Marrow Cleansing. Does Song Shaoxia think he is more powerful than Patriarch Bodhidharma?"

"Although Bodhidharma is powerful, I am not less powerful!" Zhang Jingyun said leisurely: "It doesn't matter, since the experts from all sects have said so!

Then I will follow the example of Patriarch Bodhidharma.

I stand still here and allow you to attack me, no matter one person, ten people, or a hundred people. If you defeat me, you will never mention the matter of being the supreme king of the martial arts world again. "

In the past, Patriarch Bodhidharma relied on the indestructible power of the Vajra to allow countless martial arts masters to attack him continuously for two days and two nights before he achieved supreme fame.

Zhang Jingyun's words really aroused everyone's blood. The five elders of Kongtong immediately said: "If you win, the Kongtong sect will recognize you as the leader of the martial arts alliance!"

"Arrogant! My Yitian Sword is not bad at all!"

Master Miejie held the Heavenly Sword in his hand and trembled all over.

"You underestimate the world's heroes!"

The chests of the two elders of the Huashan sect were rising and falling, and they were motionless and ready to be attacked. Is it really polite to say this?

"Amitabha, if Young Master Song regrets it, it's still too late! I'll treat you as a joke!" Kong Zhi said with a frown.

"No need to say more!"

As soon as Zhang Jingyun finished speaking, he immediately fell in love with his eyes. In fact, he had already activated his supreme internal power - the Great Yin and Yang Fu of the Emperor and the Empress of the Earth.

This ancient and unparalleled internal skill and mind method refines the two qi of yin and yang, casts the mixed element with all methods, and the internal force circulates and improves on its own.

Automatic body protection, Vajra indestructibility, endless life, and the unity of heaven and man. It is no worse than Bodhidharma's Vajra Indestructible Body magical power.

In an instant, masters from various sects came out.

Even the Mingjiao side was dumbfounded. Zhang Jingyun had already secured the victory, and everyone in the Mingjiao was only angry at his thought.

But I didn't expect this to be the final result.

Zhang Jingyun used his supreme magical power to withstand everyone's attacks. If he didn't die, he would be the supreme martial arts master. This would be much harder than snatching the dragon-slaying knife.

"Senior Brother Song, are you so strong?"

Zhang Wuji had a bitter look on his face. He could see clearly that Kongtong Five Elders simultaneously used the Seven Injury Fist to hit Zhang Jingyun's body, but the punch was as powerful as a mud cow entering the sea.

The two elders of the Huashan School used anti-Liangyi sword techniques, but they didn't even leave a mark on Zhang Jingyun's body. They used the Eagle-Snake Life-and-Death Fight but were knocked back several feet.

Kunlun sect He Taichong and his wife used the Liangyi sword technique and stabbed around Zhang Jingyun non-stop. However, the sword tip seemed to be close at hand, but in fact it was like a chasm in the sky.

"Master Miejie is about to draw the Yitian Sword!"

There was a cry of surprise from the crowd.

I saw Master Miejie coming slowly. In her hand, she held an ancient sword about four feet long. On the scabbard were two words inlaid with gold wire: Yitian!

The surface of the scabbard faintly emits a layer of green energy.

The sword has not been unsheathed yet, but it has already seen something extraordinary!

"Master Tai, you used the sword given by my ancestors to hurt my husband. Are you so ungrateful that you are worthy of being the leader of a sect?"

It was the girl in yellow who spoke.

She knew that the Yitian Sword was not an ordinary weapon. It had its own sword energy and was already a divine weapon, which could make up for the gap in realm when facing the enemy.

Master Miejie was slightly startled: "Your ancestor? Patriarch Guo Xiang of the Yitian Sword sect, what does it have to do with your ancestor? How can you say you are ungrateful!"

"At the foot of Zhongnan Mountain, there is the Tomb of the Living Dead, the Condor Heroes and the Heroic Couple, and they have disappeared from the world! What the world doesn't know is that the Yitian Sword was smelted from the gentleman's sword of Yang Guo's ancestor and the lady's sword of Xiao Longnu's ancestor.

My ancestor gave two swords to the hero Guo Jing so that they could be passed on to Guo Xiang. But today you want to use them to kill my husband. Isn't that ungrateful? "


Master Miejie is in a dilemma.

Zhang Jingyun suddenly said to the girl in yellow, "Madam, don't worry, Master is so compassionate. You are helping me become the supreme master in the martial arts world."

The woman in yellow shirt looked suspicious.

Master Miejie had no expression on his face, but he was thinking in his heart, "Martial Arts Supreme? Even if you are the real one, you will never be able to block the edge of the Yitian Sword!"

With the thought in mind, Master Miejie pulled out the Yitian Sword. In an instant, the sword energy was flowing freely, and a frost-like sword light shot out from the sword body.

Master Miejie did not hold back, and used all his inner strength to unleash a sword beam of ten feet. Nine feet of this sword beam was actually the power of the Yitian Sword, and the remaining one foot of sword beam was the embodiment of Master Miejie's cultivation.

However, even though the sharp sword light was slashed down, it was firmly fixed three feet away from Zhang Jingyun, and everyone suddenly realized.

It turns out that it was not Zhang Jingyun who had become a copper skin and iron bones, but that he protected his body with Gang Qi, which penetrated directly outside his body and invisibly formed a three-foot Qi wall.

The sword light of the Yitian Sword was quickly wiped out by the Gang Qi. The Gang Qi shrouding Zhang Jingyun's body was Zhang Jingyun's accumulation over the years.

The two qi of yin and yang are intensively cultivated, and finally Tai Chi combines yin and yang, using all kinds of methods to create the Hunyuan, and the vajra is indestructible. This is the effect of the Gang Qi to automatically protect the body.

"Song Shaoxia's cultivation is already unprecedented!" Master Miejie was stunned and said nothing. Wudang just sent Zhang Wuji. At such a young age, he could stop the masters of the six major sects.

Now that an even more powerful Zhang Jingyun has emerged, Master Miejie feels extremely silent for a moment. He wonders when the Emei Sect will have such a genius who can fulfill the long-cherished wish of the ancestors of all generations and bring glory to Emei.

Zhang Jingyun stayed there for three days.

Without eating, drinking or sleeping, it lasted one day longer than Bodhidharma. For three days, masters from various martial arts schools came in droves, wanting to try Zhang Jingyun's magical skills.

Even the Mingjiao masters, after being healed by Zhang Wuji, also asked for Zhang Jingyun's consent to test. Whether it was one person or ten people working together, if the internal force penetrated Zhang Jingyun's body, it would be like a bull in the sea.

If he were to attack with a weapon, he would be blocked by the Gang Qi three feet away like the Yitian Sword. Today, all the sects have finally recognized Zhang Jingyun's cultivation level.

This also echoes Zhang Jingyun’s words.

Even without the dragon-slaying knife, he can still be the leader of the martial arts alliance.

"It turns out that there is such a realm above the innate!" Zhang Jingyun's figure moved slightly, but it pulled a mysterious and mysterious force, making the few people guarding him almost unsteady.

You must know how much cultivation Song Yuanqiao and others are, they are the best among the innate, and the girl in yellow shirt has even stepped into the innate realm.

What kind of force can make them unable to stand still? The girl in yellow shirt moved slightly and subconsciously reached out to grab Zhang Jingyun.

However, Zhang Jingyun was right in front of him.

But the girl in yellow didn't catch anything with her hand.

Zhang Jingyun was so close yet seemed so far away. This short distance made it impossible for the girl in yellow shirt to grasp the hem of her clothes.

"Don't worry!"

Zhang Jingyun's complexion changed slightly. He suppressed the internal force in his body and all the strange changes dissipated. Only then did the woman in yellow shirt touch Zhang Jingyun.

It turns out that although Zhang Jingyun has been motionless for the past three days, allowing the world's masters to attack him, in fact, the strong internal force that these people have penetrated into his body has been returned to its original state by the yin and yang energy in Zhang Jingyun's body.

It turns into pure internal force and integrates into the body.

This is the true meaning of Wanfa casting Hunyuan.

Zhang Jingyun seems to have suffered greatly from the attacks of various sects, but in fact, in a cycle of cause and effect, Zhang Jingyun also used their various internal powers to build himself.

Since three days.

The internal force that penetrated Zhang Jingyun's body was so vast. All the methods cast Hunyuan into one unified body. Zhang Jingyun's realm bottleneck was suddenly broken!

No attribute points are used to upgrade skills.

This time, Zhang Jingyun really relied on himself to break through to a realm above the innate. This realm is the realm of Shattered Void.

The powerful cultivation level made the surrounding space unstable. At that time, Zhang Jingyun could shatter the void with just one thought, so the woman in yellow couldn't touch him.

Now that Zhang Jingyun has controlled his own cultivation, and heaven and man are one, the girl in yellow can meet him again. Outsiders find it incomprehensible, and Zhang Jingyun has to spend a lot of time explaining the reason.

However, that is not the most important thing right now.

Zhang Jingyun looked around at everyone and asked: "Everyone, I have withstood attacks for three days without moving. Am I qualified to be the leader of the martial arts alliance?"

"The agreement is made, keep your word!"

The five elders of Kongtong were the first to express their stance.

"Even the Yitian Sword can't hurt you at all. Even if Patriarch Guo Xiang is resurrected, he won't be your match. Recognizing you as the leader of the martial arts alliance is not an insult to the Patriarch."

Master Jiejie said.

The two elders of the Huashan Sect sighed and said, "If you had participated in the Huashan sword debate back then, you would have had nothing to do with the Chongyang Patriarch."

The Kunlun sect remained silent, acknowledging that the most powerful person in their sect was the Three Saints of Kunlun decades ago, He Zudao.

However, He Zudao couldn't even compete with Zhang Sanfeng, so how could he compete with Zhang Jingyun? If he couldn't beat him, he could only admit it.

On the Wudang Sect side, everyone looked very excited, and everyone in the Shaolin Temple looked ugly, because from today on, Shaolin Wudang is no longer on the same level.

"Amitabha, Young Master Song is the direct descendant of Wudang. He serves as the supreme leader of the martial arts world and performs the responsibilities of the leader of the alliance. It is also a good thing. I wonder how Young Young Master Song will deal with the Ming Cult?"

Zhang Jingyun looked at Zhang Wuji: "Junior Brother Wuji, do you and the Mingjiao also recognize me as the supreme martial arts master?"

Zhang Wuji nodded: "Uncle Yang just said that even the reincarnation of Mingzun is nothing more than this. Mingjiao is willing to listen to your orders."

Zhang Jingyun nodded and said, "Okay, then I will do the first thing and ask Master Yuan Zhen from Shaolin Temple to come out for a dialogue."

The Shaolin Temple party suddenly became angry.

Zhang Wuji also reminded in a low voice, "Senior Brother Song, Yuan Zhen is Cheng Kun, the Thunderbolt Hand of Hunyuan. He has been beaten to death by his uncle, King Yin Ye, and I can no longer talk to you."

Zhang Jingyun said: "It doesn't matter, even if it is a dead person, he must speak when it is time to speak. If you don't come out, I will drag you out!"

Zhang Jingyun's voice was so loud that everyone's eardrums hurt. In the next second, Zhang Jingyun used the skill of controlling a crane and capturing a dragon to catch a gray-robed figure in the air.

The man struggled in the air and fell to the ground, revealing his true appearance. He turned out to be a bald middle-aged man with a sinister face.

"Isn't this Senior Nephew Yuan Zhen?"

Monk Kongzhi suddenly spoke.

"Yuan Zhen! Didn't you die in the battle? I personally checked your breathing and even wounded the Yin Ye King of the Sky Eagle Sect to avenge you!"

Kongxing asked in surprise.

Yuan Zhen... no, it should be Cheng Kun, the thunderbolt hand of Hunyuan. "Two master uncles, I took a risk and injured the seven masters of Mingjiao. I was afraid of provoking revenge, so I faked my death and escaped."

Cheng Kun opened his mouth to come, but Kong Zhi blamed him and said, "What are you afraid of? Injuring a Mingjiao master is a great achievement. Even if the method is not bright, everyone can understand it."

"Haha, don't you tell me how you framed Xie Xun, had an affair with Madam Yang Dingtian, the leader of the Ming Cult, and secretly helped Xie Xun steal the Seven Injury Boxing Manual?"

Zhang Jingyun said with a smile.

Cheng Kun looked confused, "What does this mean? How could I do such a thing as a monk? How can I believe that a monster from the Ming Cult framed me?"

At this moment, Cheng Kun had made up his mind to refuse to admit it. Anyway, the Mingjiao had a bad reputation, and relatively speaking, the words of the Shaolin monks were more credible.

"You are a fake monk. All your ancestors are dead. How dare you make such nonsense? Do you dare to say that you are not the thunderbolt hand of Hunyuan?"

The Mingjiao side cursed loudly.

"Monsters of the Ming Cult, if it weren't for the protection of the alliance leader, you would have been wiped out a long time ago. If you want to accuse me, why bother? Look at everyone who believes what you say!"

Kong Chi stood up to Cheng Kun and said.

"Stop arguing!" Zhang Jingyun suddenly said loudly, "What's the problem? I'll know as soon as you ask."

Zhang Jingyun's eyes flashed with purple light.

The next second, Cheng Kun's eyes were blurred.

Zhang Jingyun asked: "Are you Yuanzhen or Cheng Kun, what did you do in Guangmingding, and the grievances between you and Xie Xun, tell me one by one."

"I am Cheng Kun and Yuan Zhen...Twenty years ago, I showed up in Shaolin to ask for the protection of Kong Jian, the divine monk. Kong Jian accepted me as his disciple and helped me resolve my grudges with Xie Xun..."

As Cheng Kun opened his mouth, the truth was revealed. When everyone heard that he had killed thirteen members of Xie Xun's family, everyone turned their backs on him.

"No wonder Xie Xun goes around killing people. Good guy, it turns out it's all your fault!"

"Bah! You're a couple of bad guys and a man, it's a pity that Yang Dingtian, the famous hero, is so angry to death from you!"

"You do all the bad things, you are really a beast!"

After Cheng Kun revealed the truth, as soon as Zhang Jingyun finished his work, he slowly recovered. Seeing the murderous eyes of everyone, he quickly asked for help from Kong Xing and Kong Zhi: "Uncle Master!"

"Shut up! I don't have a nephew like you!"

Kong Xing was extremely angry, and he was about to kill Cheng Kun. Suddenly a hand stopped Kong Xing, and it was Zhang Wuji who made the move.

"Master, there is always a wrongdoer and a debtor. Cheng Kun has done all the evil things, so it is time for my adoptive father to finish him off! Please also forgive my adoptive father for his sins."

Zhang Wuji said.

Cheng Kun realized that Zhang Jingyun had used some kind of secret technique to make him subconsciously reveal his years of planning, and he felt despair for a moment.

However, he had not been in vain for many years in Shaolin. He immediately said: "It is said in the Buddhist scriptures that you should put down your butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately. I have realized my mistake. Please ask the two uncles, out of consideration for being fellow disciples, to let me stay in the Shaolin Temple." Ended up with the rest of his life.”


Kong Zhi looked at Zhang Jingyun's half-smiling face and knew that if he agreed, he would definitely be beaten by Zhang Jingyun.

Kongxing immediately judged: "This is a dream. Brother Kongjian died because of you. You are not a Shaolin disciple at all, so just take care of yourself."


Shaolin doesn't accept anyone who puts down the dragon-slaying knife. To offend Zhang Jingyun and Zhang Wuji for Cheng Kun, just think about it, you will know how stupid it is. If Xie Xun puts down the dragon-slaying knife to Shaolin, maybe they will agree.

Zhang Jingyun continued: "Cheng Kun is one of them. The six major factions besieged Guangmingding as a result of his instigation. This person was left to be dealt with by Xie Xun. After that, Xie Xun will also be tried by Wudang to bring justice to the martial arts.

The second one is the grudge between the Wudang Sect and the Ming Cult. Yang Xiao, you knew Ji Xiaofu was engaged and took away her innocence, causing my sixth uncle to be humiliated. I will abolish your martial arts and let my sixth uncle decide whether to spare you. ! "

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Jingyun flashed in front of Yang Xiao, and before he could react, he used the Great Yin and Yang Fu to absorb all his energy.

"Senior brother, Uncle Yang also has difficulties..."

Zhang Wuji just opened his mouth, but it was already too late. Yang Xiao lost all his martial arts and instantly aged seven or eight years, and his thick black hair turned gray.

"Yin Liuxia, I have been sorry to you for so many years. Whether you believe it or not, I have been restless day and night. Today I am finally relieved. Please kill me! Xiaofu, I can go see you..."

Yang Xiao murmured, blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

"I..." Yin Liting held the long sword in his hand and hesitated for a moment. Suddenly he heard that Yang Xiao was going to see Ji Xiaofu and became angry.

"Yang Xiao, do you think that everything will be over once you die? It's not that easy! Eh? Who are you, and why do you look so like Xiao Fu?"

Yin Liting suddenly saw a young girl standing in front of him. She had a delicate appearance and looked like Ji Xiaofu, and she was a little more innocent and pure than Ji Xiaofu.

"My name is Yang Buhui!"


Regarding the dispute between Yin Liting and Yang Xiao, this is all Zhang Jingyun can do. Whether he wants to kill Yang Xiao or pretend that Yin is not at a loss is entirely up to him.

What remains is to integrate Mingjiao and the six major sects to fight against the Mongolian Tatars and complete the important task of "driving out the Tatars and restoring China".

Half a year later.

The Mingjiao, with Zhang Wuji as its leader and the White-browed Eagle King and Yin Susu as assistants, quickly ended its disintegration and once again adopted the doctrine of expelling the Tartars.

in this process.

The leader of the Mingjiao Flood Banner died in battle with the six major sects, and the new flag leader was a monk with an unattractive appearance. His surname was Zhu, whose real name was Chongba.

Later, because the name was not popular.

He named him again - Zhu Yuanzhang.

Zhu Tongyin punished the Yuan Dynasty, and Zhang was a sharp jade object. This Zhu Yuanzhang was actually Zhu Yuanzhang. Zhu Chongba compared himself to a sharp weapon to destroy the Yuan Dynasty.

As Zhu Yuanzhang emerged, the Mingjiao people also burst out with amazing fighting spirit and won every victory in the battle with the Mongolian Tatars.

Zhang Jingyun and Zhang Cuishan went to sea, rode on the waves, and brought Xie Xun back to Wudang. The Dragon Sword was officially controlled by Wudang.

"Wu Mu's suicide note is actually of little use. It is just the belief left by Guo Jing to everyone. After all, not even Yue Fei can save the world."

Zhang Jingyun knew it in his heart, but this world sometimes lacks such an opportunity. Wu Mu's suicide note brought everyone spiritual encouragement.

Whoever possesses it is invincible.

With the dragon-slaying knife in hand, Zhang Jingyun's name as the supreme martial arts master naturally became more resounding. A few days later, Zhang Jingyun went to Ruyang Prince's Mansion in person and brought back three heads.

It was the heads of King Ruyang and his son and daughter. King Chahan Timur of Ruyang spent ten years and wiped out a million red scarf troops with one division, regaining half of the northern half of the country for the Yuan Dynasty, with outstanding achievements.

He was regarded as a great hero who saved the building and defeated Zhongxing. Now he was beheaded by King Ruyang by Zhang Jingyun, and he was immediately besieged by countless masters of the Yuan Dynasty.

Among them were many masters of the Vajra Sect, Xuan Ming Yi Lao, and masters of the inner world. Zhang Jingyun was not afraid. Several of the Vajra Sect's goods were handed over to the Wudang Seven Heroes. Yu Daiyan used the Wudang Palm to beat the bones of the three of them into powder, even breaking the black jade. Renewing the ointment was useless, it was considered blood revenge.

The only remaining Xuan Ming elder was killed by Zhang Wuji to avenge the Xuan Ming divine palm that was in his body when he was young. As for Yuanting's great masters...

Zhang Jingyun was quite surprised.

Who is this eunuch wearing a big red robe? His speed is as fast as lightning and his inner strength is extremely strong. He is clearly using the Sunflower Book.

"Did you create the Sunflower Book?"

Zhang Jingyun remembered that the Sunflower Collection in the previous world was a version created by the eunuchs of the previous dynasty. It was not co-authored by a man and a woman. The man's name had the character "Kui" in it, and the woman's name had the character "花" in it, so it was called the "Sunflower Collection".

The Swordsman was probably from the middle to late Ming Dynasty. At that time, the Sunflower Book had been circulated for three hundred years, so the time was at the end of the Song Dynasty and the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty.

It happened that the old eunuch in red robe in front of him was not young, and he was neither male nor female. He looked very much like Dongfang Bubai, so Zhang Jingyun asked.

The old eunuch had gray hair and a face like a baby. He was probably a hundred years old and was still as fast as lightning. He was stunned when he saw Zhang Jingyun suddenly asking a question.

"What is the Sunflower Manual? The Kung Fu we use is the Xiangyang Magic Kung Fu created by our family. It has never been used on anyone outside the palace in these years!"

Zhang Jingyun was greatly puzzled. It seemed that it was no one else. He was about to kill the other party when he suddenly heard the eunuch in Dahongpao mutter.

"Sunflower Xiangyang, our Kung Fu is extremely Yang and strong, it is countless times more powerful than the Nine Yang Kung Fu of Shaolin, Wudang and Emei.

It is said to be the Xiangyang Magic Kung Fu, but others don’t know how powerful it is, but the name Sunflower Baodian sounds nice. Our Kung Fu is called Sunflower Baodian, and we call ourselves Sunflower Patriarch! "

Zhang Jingyun used the Great Void Step to escape several feet away. He looked at the old eunuch who called himself Sunflower Patriarch in front of him in surprise.

"Holy crap, Sunflower Collection was named by me?" When Zhang Jingyun was surprised, Sunflower Ancestor had already arrived.

He has mastered the Sunflower Manual for hundreds of years, and his inner strength is extremely strong. He goes to extremes and is extremely destructive. A palm strike is like a red-hot iron.

Fortunately, Zhang Jingyun is not afraid either.

His inner energy, which could be broken at any time, spurted out, knocking Ancestor Sunflower back ten feet. Ancestor Sunflower stood up and seemed to be fighting Zhang Jingyun desperately.

"Look at our Tianleizi!"

The next second, I saw him throwing several black iron pellets, which suddenly exploded in front of Zhang Jingyun, making a loud noise.

Zhang Jingyun was disgraced.

He was strong enough to withstand it, but for a time traveler to be bombarded by the natives with mines, this was too much.

"You're playing with dynamite with me, right?"

Zhang Jingyun threw all the bombs stored in the system space next to Patriarch Sunflower, and a black mushroom cloud rose in an instant.

On the empty ground, there was only a deep pit and a few pieces of red cloth, but the figure of Patriarch Sunflower was not visible.


Two years later.

The various sects headed by Wudang united with the Mingjiao and conquered most of the capital. The Mongolian nobles returned to the grasslands, but they didn't know how much of their skills were left.

In the same year, Zhang Jingyun ascended the throne in Nanjing.

"Ding! The host has reached the standard for returning to the main world. Do you want to return?" Zhang Jingyun was about to lose control of Shattered Void when he suddenly heard the voice of the system ringing in his mind.

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