People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 115 Settlement, system rewards [Please subscribe]

"Return immediately?"

The voice of the system sounded in Zhang Jingyun's mind. After experiencing three worlds, his cultivation reached its peak, and Zhang Jingyun had no further progress.

In Jin Yong's martial arts world, Zhang Jingyun's strength has almost reached the ceiling level, and even Gou Ge, who practices Taixuan Jing, may not be his opponent.

Brother Gou, who is extremely talented (and illiterate), has mastered the Taixuan Sutra. It is certainly a great opportunity. Others are practicing martial arts, but Brother Gou has already become an immortal.

However, Zhang Jingyun is not like this.

The six major sects and even the Mingjiao practice martial arts step by step. Even Zhang Wuji, who is extremely talented and can be called the son of destiny in the world of Yitian, does not practice with spiritual springs and fairy peaches in the green valley of Kunlun Mountain like Zhang Jingyun.

Zhang Jingyun has been able to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth for cultivation. The so-called cultivation of qi and cultivation of immortality is not much different, so why can't he compare with Brother Gou?

Dog Brother had to step on a piece of wood to cross the river in the air. Zhang Jingyun was even better than him, and it was no problem to walk on the waves.

Zhang Jingyun is not opposed to returning to the main world.

The level of combat power in Jin Yong's martial arts world is not high, and compared to Huang Yi's novel Shattering the Void at Every Turn, there is still a gap.

The magical skills such as the God of War Illustrated Book, the Secret of Immortality, the Heavenly Demon Strategy, and the Cihang Sword Manual are generally much more powerful than the magical skills in Jin Yong's martial arts world.

Perhaps the next mission world level will be higher, and the strength may increase faster, but Zhang Jingyun did not return to the main world immediately.

There are still many good things in Yitian World. Zhang Jingyun used the remaining time to arrange the places for his beloved relatives and friends such as the girl in yellow shirt.

Although Zhang Jingyun ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor.

In fact, he had already told Huang Shinv and others that when his martial arts reached his level, he would break the void and go to another world at any time.

Therefore, both Huang Shi Nu and Song Yuanqiao were prepared, and the world would not be in chaos as soon as Zhang Jingyun left.

In the original plot, Zhang Wuji could have proclaimed himself emperor, but Zhu Yuanzhang took advantage of Zhang Wuji's absence to launch a coup and seize the position of leader of Mingjiao.

Moreover, Zhu Yuanzhang relied on the huge power of the Ming Cult to raise a powerful army. Only in this way could he quickly make a fortune and defeat many opponents, and finally put down the conflicts and wars in the world and establish the Ming Dynasty.

Yitian World was a bit too dark on Zhu Yuanzhang, and Zhang Jingyun had no choice but to be on guard. With Wudang's strength, it was unlikely that such a thing would happen.


Zhang Jingyun passed on what he had learned to Huang Shannu and Song Yuanqiao, and at the same time informed the two closest people about the location of the Kunlun Mountain Green Valley.

The secret of the green valley in Kunlun Mountain cannot be told to outsiders. With the character of the girl in yellow shirt, she will definitely like to practice here. Maybe many years later, this green valley will become the Eternal Spring Valley that Zhang Jingyun cherishes.

"Yes, Xiaoyaozi comes from the Changchun Valley of Immortality. There is a spiritual spring in the valley that contains the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. Drinking it can keep you young and immortal. Isn't this too similar to the Green Valley of Kunlun Mountain?"

Zhang Jingyun was so blessed that perhaps in the Tianlong world, the so-called Xiaoyaozi was a descendant of a future generation in Cui Valley who practiced the techniques he taught to Shatter the Void.

"Haha! It would be interesting if that were the case."

Zhang Jingyun no longer thinks so much. Before returning, he plans to bring something valuable with him. The spiritual spring in the green valley is a good thing and contains a lot of spiritual energy.

Unfortunately, Zhang Jingyun's system space is not large, only one cubic meter. Even if it is filled with spiritual spring water, how long can it last for Zhang Jingyun's cultivation?

"There is no need to bring money and the like. The main world is connected to other mission worlds, making money is getting easier and easier, and I am less and less interested in money..."

Zhang Jingyun wasn't showing off when he said this.

In the past, Zhang Jingyun did need money, because cultivation is a process of burning money. Only by eating well can you absorb energy better. This is the reason why the poor in culture and the rich in martial arts are poor.

But as Zhang Jingyun's cultivation has reached the current level, ordinary dietary supplements and medicinal supplements have become less and less effective on Zhang Jingyun. Only rare treasures like Lingquan and Xiantao can help Zhang Jingyun.

And these things cannot be bought with money.

After thinking for a long time, Zhang Jingyun finally focused on the spiritual spring, "The spiritual spring water contains the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. If we can find a way to purify it, so that a small amount of water can contain more spiritual energy, it can be filled into one cubic meter."

Zhang Jingyun immediately started experimenting, and found that the matter was simpler than he imagined. He only needed to boil the spiritual spring water and evaporate it, and in the end, a pool of emerald green viscous liquid would be left.

Compared with ordinary spiritual spring water, this green liquid contains richer spiritual energy, and its effect is almost a thousand times more than that of the same volume of spiritual spring water.

This can be regarded as bringing back thousands of cubic meters of spiritual spring water, which is equivalent to compressing the volume, and finally forming one cubic meter of enhanced spiritual spring water.

Zhang Jingyun called it spiritual fluid.

In addition to the spiritual liquid, Zhang Jingyun collected antiques as usual and let the golden pupil absorb a large amount of spiritual energy. Zhang Jingyun also did this in the previous two worlds.

"System! Come back!"

Everything was arranged, Zhang Jingyun thought, and the communication system returned to the main world. The next second, Zhang Jingyun's eyes went dark.

"Ding! Mission accomplished, return begins."

A system notification sounded in my mind, the next second. Zhang Jingyun disappeared. When he closed and opened his eyes, the world had changed.

Return to the real world.

The system prompt sounded again in my mind, "Congratulations to the host for completing the system task. The rewards are being settled. Please wait..."

Memories of twenty or thirty years flashed rapidly in Zhang Jingyun's mind, like a marquee, until all the memories were browsed through.

"【task bar:

Main mission, peak of martial arts (completed)

Side mission 1. No regrets (completed)

Side mission 2, Revitalize the Huashan Sect (Completed)

Side mission 3, expel the Tartars (completed)

Hidden mission: Clearance (completed)]"

"The mission is settled, and the comprehensive evaluation is [A]. Rewards will now begin. Side mission 1 reward: System space upgrade.

Reward for side mission 2: Bahuang Liuhe’s only self-respecting gong. Reward for side mission 3: "Fist Sutra" handwritten by martial arts emperor Wang Chao.

Hidden mission reward: ‘Reverse Tiangang’ fate, main mission reward: choose one of four reward modes, please click to check for details. "

The system's beeps kept ringing in his mind, and Zhang Jingyun's face flushed, because rows of small golden characters flashed alternately in front of his eyes.

Five rewards!

A total of five rewards, happiness came too suddenly. In the previous mission world, there was either one reward, or two or three.

Five rewards were unthinkable.

Zhang Jingyun immediately looked at the rewards one by one. When he saw the space upgrade of the first reward system, he suddenly twitched the corner of his mouth.

Good guy, the baby is dead and you have to nurse him.

Click to receive the reward, and the next second the void shook. Zhang Jingyun opened the system space and saw that the space that was originally only one cubic meter was rapidly expanding.

The length, width and height are all expanded to ten meters.

It was originally one cubic meter. After an upgrade, the volume expanded a thousand times. If there was such a large space before returning, how much spiritual liquid could it hold!

"The Lingquan won't help me refine it, will it?"

Zhang Jingyun shook his head. Anyway, the mission world will slowly thaw, and then you can go back to get the spiritual spring water.

The water flows slowly, and Kunlun Mountain is the ancestor of all mountains. How much aura has it accumulated over the endless years? The spiritual spring will definitely not dry up so easily.

Come back to your senses and look at the second reward.

Zhang Jingyun's heart moved, and he thought: "Hey, I went to the Lingjiu Palace twice, but I couldn't find the Bahuang Liuhe Sovereign Art. I really couldn't find it without wearing iron shoes. It took no effort at all."

Receive rewards and unlock unique skills.

Bahuang Liuhe's unique skill is extremely powerful and must be practiced based on the best internal skills, but at the same time there is an inconvenience.

It means that you need to rejuvenate once every thirty years. After rejuvenation, your skills will return to their original form. If you want to restore your skills, you need to practice again every day.

When recovering the power, one day of re-cultivation is equivalent to a year, and the sole focus of the power is on the triple burner meridian of Shaoyang of the hand, which is related to the endocrine system. You must drink raw blood for practice at noon.

"It takes thirty years to rejuvenate, thirty days to recover, sixty years later, it will take sixty days to recover...after all, there are still some flaws."

Zhang Jingyun shook his head slightly. The Sovereign Skill was not perfect, but his previous conjecture could be verified through the Sovereign Skill.

That is, using Bahuang Liuhe's Self-respecting Kung Fu, Bei Ming Shen Kung, and Xiao Wu Xiang Kung to deduce the supreme Kung Fu of the Xiaoyao Sect - the Eternal Spring Kung Fu.

However, there is plenty of time to verify the skills.

Zhang Jingyun turned around and looked at the third reward first. This was a book of internal boxing, which might seem ordinary at first glance.

After all, Chinese martial arts and internal martial arts can be called a hundred flowers contending. Which sect has not written relevant boxing scriptures? But this Boxing Sutra is very different.

"Is this the Boxing Sutra handwritten by Wang Chao?"

Zhang Jingyun started practicing Chinese martial arts and internal martial arts. The Romance of the Dragon and the Snake and Wang Chao have long been famous. How could you not have heard of them?

"That's wrong. Which world is this Wang Chao?" Zhang Jingyun suddenly realized that Wang Chao didn't only appear in the world of Dragon and Snake.

In the world of Emperor Xinghe, Wang Chao and Ba Liming are both the top strong men, capable of destroying the world and controlling the laws at every turn. They are ridiculously strong.

In the world of Emperor Xinghe, the so-called breaking the void and seeing the gods are indestructible, which is only the initial stage of cultivation. There is no telling how many realms there are beyond.

Zhang Jingyun quickly looked through the boxing scriptures.

It contains Wang Chao's summary of the training methods of Xingyi Quan, Baguazhang, Tai Chi, Baji, Wing Chun, Wudang Neijia and other boxing techniques.

Wudang Toad Diao Jin, Tai Chi's old Silk Winding Jin, Tai Chi's new Silk Drawing Jin, giant python spitting elixirs, dragon and snake combined attack on the heart, etc.

In addition, there are various fighting techniques, such as dragon and snake attack, which is the ultimate move of Xingyiquan, and Pegasus Stepping on Swallow, which is the ancient fatal move. Wang Chao explained these techniques thoroughly.

"The state of national martial arts, Ming Jin, Dark Jin, Hua Jin, Dan Jin, Gang Qi, Breaking the Void and Seeing God's Immortality, will be gone as you go up. It's a pity."

Zhang Jingyun sighed slightly, and then calmed down. With his current cultivation level, it was of great help to have the inheritance of national martial arts that leads directly to the realm of breaking through the void and seeing the gods and being indestructible.

How could you not be satisfied?

Just talking about Wang Chao in Dragon Snake, his physical strength is much higher than that of Jin Yong's martial arts. For example, there is a stomping style in Wang Chao's Boxing Sutra.

The old-fashioned Tai Chi's open-frame Vajra Cone Tao is used, and it has a radiating and spreading force, not the dull, penetrating force that penetrates the ground.

Wang Chao stamped his foot, and the planks exploded piece by piece, and then even the reinforced concrete under the planks were squeezed and knocked into pieces. A large area in the center of the dojo exploded.

Zhang Jingyun cannot achieve this kind of destructive power now, let alone the master of Jin Yong's martial arts. If you have to compare, Zhang Jingyun can only reach this level.

"Guoshu and internal strength are still two cultivation systems. Originally, it would be difficult to improve my national martial arts and internal martial arts when I reach the realm of divine transformation. This time, the system has been upgraded."

Zhang Jingyun was convinced and looked at the next reward. The fourth reward was the hidden reward he got after the Xiuchundao world destroyed Huang Taiji and the Qing Dynasty.

"Reverse the fate of Tiangang? What's the use of this?"

Zhang Jingyun was slightly startled.

He knew very well how to rebel against Tiangang. He first killed Pu Yi, then the Queen Mother of the West, and then Huang Taiji, all of which were actions against Tiangang.

Zhang Jingyun clicked on the reward introduction and said that rebelling against Tiangang can be a just and awe-inspiring act of not yielding to evil forces such as fierce gods and ghosts, or it can also be a disobedience to the righteous force of subduing demons and monsters.

He has a destiny that is contrary to Tiangang.

There must be a hidden reward for doing something against Tiangang.

Zhang Jingyun suddenly realized, "This weird fate clearly forces me to do something. If I commit the following crimes, I will challenge my disciples, contradict my leaders, and gather people to rebel. They are all actions against Tiangang. No wonder no female master can escape my opposition." !”


The last reward is also the main mission reward. If nothing else, it should be the highest quality among the five rewards.

Zhang Jingyun took a closer look.

The next second, a skill panel appeared in front of him. From top to bottom, four rewards were arranged in order. Zhang Jingyun could choose any one as the final reward.

Looking at the first option, it is an item reward: [Blood Knife]. The user can use this knife to kill the opponent and absorb part of the life force for his own use. Note: The blood knife has the flaw of confusing the mind. The user is not strong enough and is easily affected by the blood knife. .

Zhang Jingyun frowned slightly, "This doesn't seem like a good thing. By killing the opponent and absorbing the opponent's life force for his own use, the magic sword is nothing more than that."

In Zhang Jingyun's current situation, there would not be much hidden danger in absorbing skills. After all, the great yin and yang empowers all methods to cast Hunyuan and absorb all kinds of energy.

However, the life force absorbed by the blood knife is not under his control. If it is not good, it will go crazy, and even the mind will be controlled by the blood knife.

Zhang Jingyun shook his head and looked at the second option: Super Recovery. Click to open the reward introduction: the user will recover strength, physical strength, etc. ten times faster than ordinary people.

"This skill..." Zhang Jingyun began to feel that it was useless. With attributes like super recovery, speed and strength, Zhang Jingyun would be faster if he wanted to recover.

After all, the great yin-yang talent created by Zhang Jingyun possesses the characteristics of the Nine-Yang Divine Skill's internal power that is endless. As long as the internal power is not exhausted, the attributes will not be weakened.

But Zhang Jingyun soon discovered that this was not the case. It was super recovery, not super recovery. Although his internal energy was said to be endless, it was only under certain circumstances. If the internal energy was consumed continuously, according to the law of conservation of energy, it would definitely When you run out of money.

After all, the internal power is not created out of nothing. In essence, it is transformed from the energy in Zhang Jingyun's body. It is just because of the special technique that it can be transformed quickly and the internal power can be kept full at all times.

But super recovery not only restores internal strength, but also restores energy. There are currently two ways to obtain energy, one is food supplement, and the other is absorbing the energy of heaven and earth.

This means that the super recovery skill allows Zhang Jingyun to absorb the energy of the world and restore energy ten times faster at certain moments, such as during a battle.

If Zhang Jingyun's body adapts to this recovery speed, maybe the speed of absorbing the energy of the world will increase tenfold during daily practice.

This is equivalent to a tenfold increase in cultivation speed.

In the world of martial arts, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is not sufficient, but relying on skills to increase the speed of cultivation can be regarded as a disguised form of immortality.

So this skill is also very useful.

Zhang Jingyun looked at the next option, Su Nv Jing, and raised his eyebrows. This reward was very surprising. It had a lot of background. It was the secret technique of dual cultivation practiced by Huangdi.

It can be said that Zhang Jingyun's posture improved a lot just after reading the introduction. For a while, he was quite fascinated by Su Nujing.

"Ahem, the system is the most perfect secret technique of dual cultivation, and the Female Sutra of Elements is of no use. Let's leave it to you, the breeding pacesetters."

Zhang Jingyun looked at the last option.

"Gravity! Is there such a skill?"

Zhang Jingyun's face showed a look of shock. Gravity is a skill that can change gravity. The key is that this thing is not scientific at all.

As we all know, gravity is related to gravitational acceleration. Changing the gravity of an object is actually equivalent to changing the gravitational acceleration. After all, it is difficult to change the mass. Once it changes, it will be accompanied by a large amount of energy changes.

Next time, Zhang Jingyun no longer struggled, "Nima, I already have a system panel, why should I care about whether it is scientific or not?"

The four options are correct. The side effects of the blood knife are too great, and the female menstruation is of little use to Zhang Jingyun. The only choice is super recovery and gravity.

Super recovery, as the skills continue to be upgraded, the recovery speed will also increase, twenty or thirty times... getting higher and higher.

The same is true for gravity. The change in gravity will become larger and larger as the skill improves. Imagine that the gravity suddenly changes to half of the previous one, and the speed is more than doubled?

If you double the gravity of your opponent and are caught off guard, you will definitely suffer a big loss. And as the gravity change becomes larger and larger, in the future, if you think about it together, it will be no problem even to smash the planet.

At the moment, Zhang Jingyun made a choice.


After receiving the reward, Zhang Jingyun immediately felt a huge change in his body. He could lift more than ten feet in height with one move.

Far beyond his previous light skill limit.

The speed when using Gravity Technique and Light Kung Fu at the same time is about twice as fast as before. Zhang Jingyun's speed is already beyond the human limit.

Now I am becoming less and less human.

"Exactly how much the various attributes of the body can be changed, I still have to find opportunities to test it in the mountains in the future. Although I can resist bullets now, I still have to keep a low profile in the main world."

Zhang Jingyun put away the panel. Although his strength had improved and reached a level unimaginable by ordinary people, it was not a trivial matter for him to perform too outrageously and be discovered by the relevant departments.

After coming back to his senses, Zhang Jingyun began to study the Kung Fu. With the Bahuang Liuhe Sovereign Kung Fu, coupled with the Beiming Magic Kung Fu, and the relationship between the Nine Yang Magic Kung Fu and the Xiao Wu Xiang Kung Fu, he might be able to deduce the Everlasting Eternal Spring Kung Fu.

Zhang Jingyun's heart moved.

"System, let me see where your limits are!"

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