People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 124 Court Meeting, Dawn Hall [Please subscribe]

Yellow sand filled the sky and the earth trembled.

Waves of blue energy pulses shot out from the ground roars on the hills on both sides of the transport convoy. They were about as powerful as an electromagnetic pulse sniper rifle.

"Damn it, the speed of the Devouring Beasts is too fast. With such skill, they have blocked our retreat. They are getting smarter and smarter." Ran Bing couldn't help but say.

"If the Devouring Beasts are idiots without intelligence, how could humans become like this? They still know how to capture the king first before catching the thief."

Everyone felt the same way about Xuefeng's words.

The Devouring Beasts are actually very smart. In past battles, their united combat strategies and attack patterns can be seen to be well organized.

These roars are an example. The snake dogs from before rushed to the spaceship to attack the hunters. After learning that the hunters had the ability to kill the polar beasts, these roars did not bubble up and attack, but instead ambush the humans on their retreat. .

At the beginning, Dihou didn't even attack immediately, but prepared to put humans into the attack circle before starting the fight. This was obviously a tactic.

Fortunately, Zhang Jingyun noticed in advance and opened fire. After killing two ground roarers, the other ground roarers knew they were exposed and began to attack the transport convoy.

With preparations in hand, the Hunter team began to counterattack. Several Gatling guns and Vulcan cannons turned into crushers and tore apart the ambush Geohowler.

Zhang Jingyun used an electromagnetic sniper gun to shatter the core. The two sides attacked back and forth. It was very special for a flesh-and-blood creature like Dihou to shoot pulse beams.

Looking at the blue energy pulse, Zhang Jingyun estimated that if the protective energy was turned on, he could resist it with his strong internal strength. This was not an exaggeration.

It's not normal to be unable to block this kind of attack.

Not to mention Zhang Jingyun’s martial arts skills.

Let's talk about Zhang Jingyun's internal strength cultivation. On the top of the light, he stood on the spot and let the masters of various sects attack. He cast Hunyuan with all kinds of methods and transformed the internal strength that countless martial arts masters had penetrated into his body into his own internal strength. It lasted for more than a thousand years?

In terms of internal power, Zhang Jingyun used the Great Yin and Yang Fu to form a three-foot Qi wall with internal power, and his defensive power was invincible.

In terms of body protection, it is estimated that only artillery attacks can put pressure on Zhang Jingyun, and he can almost ignore ordinary weapon attacks.

Zhang Jingyun copied Feixue's electromagnetic sniper rifle again. There were hundreds of meters between the convoy and Dihou, and neither his internal strength nor his martial arts had such a far range to attack.

The electromagnetic sniper rifle is very suitable for Zhang Jingyun.

As his cultivation level continues to improve, some skills have not been used for a long time, such as American Iai style and even gun fighting.

Zhang Jingyun has a talent for precision.

As long as the gun is in hand, there is nothing that cannot be hit. Zhang Jingyun's face suddenly became excited and ferocious, and the sniper rifle fired continuously, shooting out streaks of blue light.

The electromagnetic sniper rifle used by Feixue on the lighthouse was already the most advanced individual combat weapon. If placed in the main world, it would absolutely crush all sniper rifles.

In this way, as the transport convoy flew all the way, the roar of the ambush on the hills still could not prevent everyone from returning, and the hunter team suffered slight losses.

More than a dozen people died on the Chenmin side.

However, the reason why the dust people died was because they did not receive strict training, and their ability and quality in battle were far inferior to those of the hunters.

Zhang Jingyun did not let down his guard.

The roar was nothing, the big one behind was the nightmare for everyone present. Sure enough, the ground shook violently.

A huge giant-toothed double-jawed beast appeared in the field of vision, with a huge body, a ferocious human face, and six beast legs that were disproportionate to the giant body...

All of them made everyone present feel frightened!

"Holy shit! It's so big!"

The crowd screamed as the giant beast galloped forward, crushing several small houses with ease, and directly knocked the seven or eight-story building to its side.

Along the way, yellow sand rolled up all over the sky.

Facing such a huge monster, the hunter team felt despair in their hearts. Many mortals even buried their heads in their arms, praying for the protection of the Lord of Light and Shadow.

Zhang Jingyun's eyes were bright.

What he paid attention to was the core on the chest of the beast. The giant core, which was larger than a basketball, was spinning inside the body of the king-level beast.

Blooms with dazzling blue light.

If the core is broken, even a king-level pole-devouring beast will undoubtedly be killed on the spot. But can Zhang Jingyun break this giant core?

Zhang Jingyun's eyes suddenly glowed with purple-gold light. In an instant, the movements of the Devouring Beast were several times brighter in his eyes. Within the scope of the spiritual energy field, Zhang Jingyun's speed was unmatched.

However, the giant core is inside the body of the Devouring Beast and is protected by a body several meters thick. Unless Zhang Jingyun can kill it with one strike, the Beast will react and there will be no chance to attack the core.

Not only that, it is not easy for Zhang Jingyun to get close to the double-jawed beast. The distance is so far, and it will take time even if the speed is fast.

That is at this time!

Zhang Jingyun suddenly discovered that the king-level pole-devouring beast seemed to be disturbed by some force, and its huge body suddenly froze in place.

The convoy of Mark and his entourage passed majestically under the Devouring Beast. Mark turned around and saw the white-haired woman standing on the shoulders of the King-level Devouring Beast.

If Zhang Jingyun is a survivor of the old world because the dormant cabin escaped the power of doomsday, then this woman with short white hair is a real survivor on the ground.

The shock to Mark was no less than that of Zhang Jingyun, maybe even a little more intense, because what she stood under was a king-level pole-devouring beast.

The king-level pole-devouring beast seems to ignore the white-haired woman, or is this king-level pole-devouring beast controlled by the white-haired woman?

Mark wasn't sure.

Zhang Jingyun, on the other hand, firmly seized this opportunity. No matter how Bai Yuekui affected the double-jawed beast, he could take advantage of this opportunity to attack.


Zhang Jingyun rose from the ground like a cannonball. In an instant, the super transport vehicle under his feet paused for a moment.

Then, all four wheels exploded. Mo Cheng, driving the transport truck with all four wheels emitting sparks, watched in confusion as Zhang Jingyun ascended to the sky.

Yes, it was like he was ascending to heaven.

Whether it was Mark Ran Bing or Feixue Erica, their breaths froze when they saw this scene, and their eyes widened in unison.

Even the cold white-haired beauty in mink was shocked when she saw the scene in front of her. Her eyes intersected with Zhang Jingyun's in the air for a moment.

The momentary gaze seemed to be frozen, and Zhang Jingyun's perfect face was deeply engraved in the white-haired woman's mind.

Zhang Jingyun raised his sword, instilling his lifelong skills into it. The dark dragon-slaying sword burst out with purple divine light and slashed towards the core of the king-level pole-devouring beast.


The surging Qi set off a violent wind in the air, causing the white-haired woman's short hair to dance, adding a bit of sassiness to her already delicate and fair face.

The dragon-slaying sword cut out a vast amount of sword energy, and a thick white mist suddenly rose above Zhang Jingyun's head, as if it could fly away at any time.

This is the phenomenon of internal force operating to the extreme.

Zhang Jingyun could hear a sound of gold and iron clashing, and the dragon-slaying knife broke through the body of the king-level pole-devouring beast, and cut downwards bit by bit.

The body of the king-level pole-devouring beast was really hard. Zhang Jingyun used his whole life's skills, coupled with Bai Yuekui's influence, to open a huge hole.

"Close, very close!"

The meridians in Zhang Jingyun's body were running to the extreme, the dragon-slaying knife was trembling, and the several-meter-thick king-level pole-devouring beast's body was slashed by Zhang Jingyun.


A blinding blue light shot out.

The huge core was spinning inside his body, Zhang Jingyun looked ferocious, and used his last bit of strength to slash the dragon-slaying knife down hard.

"He can actually lock the spirit breath seed of the double-jawed beast!" Bai Yuekui finally showed a shocked look, and Gujing Wubo's eyes were filled with waves.

Spiritual Breath Seed is the core. This is the name given by ground survivors. Marking Spirit Breath Seed is also a unique technology of ground survivors.

However, even Bai Yuekui's team would find it difficult to mark the soul breath seeds of the king-level pole-devouring beasts, otherwise the king-level pole-devouring beasts would have been destroyed long ago.


A loud noise resounded throughout the world.

Zhang Jingyun suddenly flew upside down in the air.

At this moment, there seemed to be some kind of energy fluctuation, which was far beyond Zhang Jingyun's imagination, and Zhang Jingyun was directly hit for dozens of meters with his knife.

The king-level pole-eating beast left traces on its core. Zhang Jingyun changed his color in shock. How difficult is it to kill the king-level pole-devouring beast?

With a lifetime of skill and an unparalleled dragon-slaying knife, Zhang Jingyun only left a trace of white marks on the core. Of course, without the protection of flesh and blood, Zhang Jingyun might actually be able to kill the king-level pole-devouring beast by slashing straight into the core.

The white-haired woman reacted after a brief shock. Zhang Jingyun broke open the body of the king-level pole-devouring beast, revealing the spiritual breath seeds inside.

This is a good opportunity to kill the double-jawed beast.

Uh-huh! She immediately pulled out the Tang Dao!

However, the king-level pole-devouring beast will not be slaughtered by others. The moment the white-haired woman took action, it also regained its wisdom and connected to the Mana ecology.

The wounds on his body healed instantly.

The spiritual breath seeds were also transferred accordingly.

The Tang sword in the white-haired woman's hand also burst into blue light, and the sword flashed through the body of the Devouring Beast, but there was no Spiritual Breath Seed inside!

Zhang Jingyun turned around in the air and landed on the ground. When he raised his head, he could see the regret on Bai Yuekui's face. If he and Zhang Jingyun cooperated tacitly, maybe the two of them could really kill the king-level pole-devouring beast.

It's a pity that the opportunity is only this once.

Bai Yuekui sheathed the Tang Dao and glanced at Zhang Jingyun with a blank expression, then turned around, leaving only her mink cloak and chic back.

She seemed to want to get in touch with Zhang Jingyun, but she was thinking about something, hesitated, and finally walked away gracefully with her white and straight legs.

Zhang Jingyun did not step forward rashly.

Bai Yuekui and these ground survivors are not simple. They seem to have been following the lighthouse and they can meet Mark and others every time.

No contact today, but I will definitely do so in the future.

"We will have in-depth communication sooner or later. However, this woman's situation is not good. Her aura is much weaker after just one sword blow."

Zhang Jingyun was thoughtful.

Obviously, the cost of Bai Yuekui's actions is not small. Unlike Zhang Jingyun, she can take action at will. Every time she takes action, there will be irreversible damage.

"You've already become an immortal, but you still have this kind of drawback?"

Zhang Jingyun remembered that the survivors on the ground hid underground, built a secret base, and used blue ore and blue lake water to practice, which was very much like cultivating immortals.

But if you can't take action at will after you become an immortal, in Zhang Jingyun's eyes, you are not as good as yourself. Maybe when you have mastered the martial arts to the point where you can break the void, see the gods and be indestructible, and your internal strength reaches its peak, Bai Yuekui will not be his opponent.

"Are you okay?"

While Zhang Jingyun was thinking, a dark red mecha came over very quickly, holding a saw chain blade. It was Mark who was driving the exclusive mecha Daybreak.

"It's okay!" Zhang Jingyun jumped on Mark's back, sat behind the heavy three-dimensional mecha, and turned around to meet Ran Bing's clear eyes.

"How did you do it? That's a king-level one. Only the electromagnetic gun in the center of the lighthouse can threaten the king-level pole-devouring beast. You don't even have a three-dimensional body!"

Ran Bing asked curiously.

The appearance of Zhang Jingyun broke the inherent concept. First, humans could kill the Extreme Devouring Beast, and then Zhang Jingyun had a bloody battle with the King-level Extreme Devouring Beast.

Everyone's worldview was directly shattered.

"This is the result of practice. In the old world, there were many people like me. It's just that I took a few more steps than them and was a little more powerful."

Zhang Jingyun's words made Ran Bing look suspicious, "A bit more powerful? I think it's 100 million points. Can you teach us?"

"Ran Bing, don't ask blindly."

Mark suddenly reminded that the king-level pole-devouring beast was chasing the white-haired woman all over the world. Even Zhang Jingyun couldn't care about it, so everyone took the opportunity to retreat.

Ran Bing pursed her lips. She knew it might be impolite to ask, but who could bear it in the face of such terrifying abilities?

"It's okay to teach you, but in the old world, accepting disciples is a very strict process, and the master will test his disciples' martial arts many times.

Not everyone can just learn Kung Fu from a teacher. If you want to learn Kung Fu, you must first get the teacher's approval. However, I am a very casual person, and as long as I have a good character, I will be easy to accept. "

Zhang Jingyun said casually, which made the two people's eyes light up. Mark's re-three-dimensional speed was very fast. When he reached the lifting platform, many snakes and dogs could be seen surrounding it.

The lifting platform was about twenty meters in the air. Snakes and dogs couldn't get up without wings. Mark took off and flew directly to the lifting platform.

Zhang Jingyun's eyes flashed. This mecha was a bit clumsy, but it had a lot of functions. If it had enough energy, it would be pretty good against the Devouring Beast.

It's a pity that the lighthouse doesn't have many dimensions.

As the lifting platform rose, everyone returned in triumph. The crowd shouted for Mark and the Hunters. Whether they were ordinary people or superior people, they all looked at Mark with admiration.

"Captain Mark has won the hearts of the people."

Zhang Jingyun’s words made Mark feel ashamed, and he replied: “If it weren’t for You this time, the hunters would never have been able to collect so many materials.

The hunter may even sacrifice many team members, but you are the hero. I will report to the city lord. The credit this time is all yours. "

Mark is not greedy for credit, and this time, Zhang Jingyun is indeed the key to turning the tide of the battle. The Hunter defeated the Devouring Beast for the first time in history.

"No, I have a deal with City Lord Morgan. As long as he fulfills the agreement, it will be fine. Why should I ask for your credit as a hunter?"

Mark looked strange. Zhang Jingyun was so powerful. If he joined Beacon instead of being a hunter, wouldn't it be a waste of his talents?

And Mark couldn’t even think of it.

What else could he do if he wasn't a hunter?


The hunters returned in triumph and brought back a large amount of energy, enough to run the lighthouse for a year or two. Morgan even held a court meeting about it.

Zhang Jingyun, Mark and Ran Bing can all enter. As the captain of the Hunters, Mark is naturally qualified to enter the central command hall. As deputy, this is the first time for Ran Bing to follow Mark to a meeting.

As for Zhang Jingyun, he is special to Morgan.

Entering the central command hall again, I looked around and saw that there were already many people standing there, including Dr. Carrie, who had previously tested Zhang Jingyun's genes.

"Okay, let's start when everyone is here."

Morgan said looking around.

Everyone in the audience is a senior manager of the lighthouse. The old man with a white beard on the far left is Mark’s teacher and hunter chief instructor Elon, who is responsible for the lighthouse’s population supply and genetic optimization.

Dr. Carrie, Zhang Jingyun has long been in contact with, she is in charge of medical and ecological systems, and the most yellow-haired pretender is Charles, the leader of the Light and Shadow Society.

On the right of Charles is Fanti, the light bearer of the Light and Shadow Association, on the right is Jessica, the chief engineer of the lighthouse, and the rest are Zhang Jingyun.

Routine court meetings are reporting and summarizing work. This pattern was common in the old world. Zhang Jingyun had long been used to it. He just thought that Morgan would quickly announce that he would be in charge of the Dawn Hall.

Mark was always the first to report: "Back to the City Lord, the materials collected by the hunters this time are: controllable fusion energy, compressed food, rare metals and some old world combat equipment."

Jing Nan added: “It can be used by the lighthouse for a minimum of two years.”

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone present looked excited, "The hunter has only brought back half a year's worth of supplies at most in the past. He is worthy of Captain Mark!"

Mark quickly said: "Actually..."

He was about to say that Zhang Jingyun was responsible for this operation, but Morgan interrupted him directly and asked the next person to report on his work.

"As for population supply, the supply chain circulates normally. In the system of sharing children and teaching, people who are over 16 years old and have received professional training can immediately go into battle.

The genetic optimization process has also been arranged to adapt to the people, and the breeding tasks are carried out in an orderly manner. Each supply population undergoes strict training in their respective age groups. "

It was instructor Elon who spoke.

Zhang Jingyun's eyes changed.

It turns out that the lighthouse breeding mission is under the control of Instructor Elon. In the original plot, after Elon left, the responsibility of arranging the breeding mission was taken away by Charles.

Huangmao Charles also said: "Lord City Lord, those who have returned are being purified by the Lord of Light and Shadow. The people of the lighthouse are very happy under the protection of the Lord of Light and Shadow."

"Dr. Carrie?" Morgan asked.

Dr. Carrie looked helpless and said: "It's the same as before, there are insufficient experimental materials, the experimental equipment is aging, and there is also a lack of money..."

"Needless to say this, is there anything else?"

Morgan interrupted.

"There are almost no organs available for transplantation." Dr. Carrie said in a deep voice. In the past, there would be a lot of casualties among the hunters, so there would be extra organs, but this time there were unexpectedly many people coming back.

"I see your contribution to the lighthouse and thank you for your efforts. I have something to announce during today's court meeting."

"Oh?" Everyone was secretly surprised.

Morgan stood up and said: "It has been confirmed that Zhang Jingyun, a survivor from the old world, has mastered the means to completely kill the Devouring Beast."

Mark had already sent the video of Zhang Jingyun’s battle to Jingnan, and Jingnan also sent the video to Morgan to watch.

"Elon, your tasks are a bit heavy. From now on, the responsibility of managing Chenxi Hall will be handed over to Zhang Jingyun."

Elon was stunned for a moment, then said with a smile on his face: "That's perfect, old man, I'm exhausted just training those little guys."

Zhang Jingyun's heart moved. Morgan still kept his promise and really agreed to leave the Dawn Hall, the sacred golden hall, to his management.

It’s just that Zhang Jingyun didn’t expect it.

After the court meeting, Morgan stopped him again.

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