People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 125 Vatican, the Bearer of Light [Please subscribe]

Central command hall.

Morgan left Zhang Jingyun alone and said in a deep voice: "I have seen your ability, but your request..."

"The city lord doesn't want to regret it, does he?"

Zhang Jingyun frowned, and Morgan shook his head: "I will do what I promised you, but you also have to understand the lighthouse.

After all, you are also a part of the lighthouse in the future. Like other managers, it is necessary for the lighthouse to continue sailing. "

Zhang Jingyun said: "Don't worry, City Lord, I won't take the benefits of the lighthouse in vain. If you have any ideas, just say so."

"You can guess even if I don't tell you. I want to know how you killed the Extreme Devouring Beast and whether it is possible for others to master this technique."

Zhang Jingyun was not surprised by Morgan's question. If he didn't want to know the secret, Zhang Jingyun would suspect what he was planning.

Zhang Jingyun said, "It is not difficult to kill the pole-devouring beasts. They all have a core in their bodies, and the core is their life.

If the core is broken, the Devouring Beast will definitely die.

However, the core in the body of the Devouring Beast is not fixed. I am a practitioner, and I have the ability to lock the core in an instant. For you, it is difficult! "

"If others cannot master this method, they will not be able to change the current situation of the lighthouse. Is it possible to reach your level through practice?"

Regarding Morgan's words, Zhang Jingyun could only shake his head: "Practice is not a day's work, but there will be certain changes after decades.

However, the current power of the lighthouse is not weak. Although it cannot lock the core of the pole beast, you can use stupid methods. "

"Stupid way?"

Morgan was stunned. Zhang Jingyun had been prepared for a long time. He could see the core with the help of golden eyes. It was impossible for others to master this ability.

But the core must be inside the body of the Devouring Beast.

"Eviscerate the temporarily killed pole-devouring beast, and the core can be found no matter how much you move it. You can train a group of people to do the last-ditch attack behind the hunter."

Zhang Jingyun's words suddenly made Morgan look strange. Good guy, this is such a stupid method. Why has no one dismembered the Devouring Beast before and studied it?

Although the weapons and equipment in the lighthouse are not as good as those in the old world, it is easy to get some high-power electric saws and cut open the body of the beast.

The core is not hard and can be shattered with a pistol. However, Beacon has always known that the Devouring Beast has the ability to resurrect and cannot study the corpse.

"In addition, Lord City Lord, I seem to have discovered that you promulgated the three survival rules of the lighthouse many years ago. This decision is very meaningful."

Zhang Jingyun said meaningfully.

Morgan's face changed slightly, and he was a little worried. Could it be that Zhang Jingyun really discovered something? But Zhang Jingyun had just arrived at the lighthouse a few days ago.

"The three laws are just for better survival. In the apocalypse, we have no choice. You are probably overthinking." Morgan said casually.

"No, the city lord forgot that I am a cultivator and am surprisingly sensitive in some aspects. For example, the pole-devouring beast on the ground does not attack humans indiscriminately.

They will preferentially attack people with high mood swings. These people are living targets in their eyes, like beacons in the dark.

And you don’t know that the three survival rules of the lighthouse promulgated by the city lord can suppress human emotions and increase the survival rate, right? "

Zhang Jingyun said teasingly.

Morgan sighed and said, "Practitioners in the old world, your powers of observation are really surprising. It would be great if all the people in the lighthouse were practitioners like you."

Zhang Jingyun has already said this, but Morgan still doesn't know that the secrets of the three laws cannot be hidden from Zhang Jingyun.

"Yes, the Devouring Beast will indeed give priority to attacking humans with high mood swings. For this reason, I will establish a light and shadow society to detect everyone's light and shadow value."

In the original plot, when Charles first appeared, Fanti, the Light Bearer, held a detection instrument to detect the light and shadow values ​​​​of the people in the hall.

The light and shadow value should be the change of human emotions, from 0 to 100, 0~20 is normal, 20~40 is fluctuation, 40~60 is danger, 60~80 is depravity, and above 80 is abyss.

This means that when your mood swings to about 40, you will fall into a dangerous situation and easily attract attacks from the Devouring Beast. The further you go, the more dangerous it becomes.

Elites like Mark.

It is completely possible to control the light and shadow value below 20. The lighthouse priests have always been ruthless and have received strict training. The light and shadow value is terrifyingly low.

"I don't understand why the city lord didn't tell everyone this secret. If he had known that it would be safer to control his emotions, so many people wouldn't have died.

The people will also understand the lighthouse, from the bottom of their hearts, and agree with the three laws of survival. With all due respect, if you do this, you are laying mines for the lighthouse. "

Morgan heard all Zhang Jingyun's words, "Why don't I know this truth? For this reason, I even executed my most outstanding disciple with my own hands."

More than 20 years ago, Zhang Jingyun had already heard about what happened between Hong Kou and Li Xiao. They did not agree with the three laws of survival and even fell in love in public. In the end, they were sentenced to be burned in public by Morgan.

Hongkou is Mark's sister.

Of course, Hongkou and Mark are not related by blood. Mark's life experience has a lot of origins, which Zhang Jingyun doesn't know much about.

Zhang Jingyun waited quietly, and Morgan said after a moment: "I'm afraid that when this secret is known to everyone, as long as a traitor appears, the lighthouse may be destroyed.

Emotional changes, if someone takes advantage of them, can attract the Extreme Devouring Beast at any time. Who can guarantee that everyone is of the same mind in the apocalypse?

If someone doesn't want to live anymore, is dissatisfied with reality, and attracts a large number of pole-devouring beasts to attack, how many times can the lighthouse survive? My implementation of the three major survival rules is actually suppressing human nature, and contradictions are inevitable.

Which commoner in the world doesn’t hate the three laws of survival? Because of genetic defects, they are completely different from the common people. Who can guarantee that they will not go crazy and take revenge? "

Zhang Jingyun can understand.

If the lighthouse wants to operate, it must first control the population. If ordinary people also have the right to reproduce, then who will decide which people to abandon?

It is true that excellent genes mean a higher survival rate, and it is also true that the three laws suppress human emotions.

And this kind of system will inevitably have class conflicts. Using genes to determine the upper and lower classes will definitely arouse the dissatisfaction of the majority of people.

If you want to survive, you must suppress your emotions, and Morgan is afraid that the truth of the three laws will be known to everyone, which will bring crisis to the lighthouse.

This is an unanswerable question.

That's why he hid it from everyone.

In Zhang Jingyun's view, Morgan, as a leader, has tried his best to keep the lighthouse running, and his ability is worthy of recognition.

In this doomsday environment, being led by someone else may not necessarily make the lighthouse a better place, but he doesn't understand that this high-pressure model is a powder keg.

Sooner or later it will explode.

Unless the lighthouse people master the ability of the ground camp, that is, Bai Yuekui's ability to be nearly invisible in front of the pole-devouring beast.

Zhang Jingyun also noticed that when they encountered the pole-devouring beasts, they didn't seem to see Bai Yuekui at all, and none of the pole-devouring beasts attacked her.

This ability is called the return state in the ground camp. It controls the emotional changes so that the pole-devouring beast cannot sense humans.

"It's not difficult for me to control my emotions."

Zhang Jingyun suddenly thought that since he has been practicing to this day, he has countless magical skills, and he has also dabbled in emotional control skills.

“The Twelve Shao Si Gong of the Ancient Tomb Sect specializes in cultivating emotions. They pay attention to: less thinking, less thoughts, less desire, less happiness, less anger, etc. After practicing to a certain level, it may not be as bad as the Guiyuan state.

Moreover, the lighthouse people are suppressed by the three laws, which is equivalent to exercising this ability since childhood. They are more suitable for practicing the Twelve Shao Si Kung Fu, and they will make rapid progress after practicing. "

Zhang Jingyun thought to himself that if there is a chance in the future, he can teach Mark and others how to practice. The humans in the lighthouse are like ice cubes. This is a professional counterpart!

"One more thing." Morgan suddenly said: "Although the Morning Hall will be under your control from now on, you can't be unscrupulous..."

Zhang Jingyun suddenly said in a cold voice: "Lord City Lord, this is the agreement you and I have made. Are you teaching me how to do things?"

Morgan twitched the corner of his mouth. When the Golden Hall was mentioned, Zhang Jingyun seemed to have changed. He didn't want others to tell him what to do.

"You misunderstood." Morgan shook his head and said: "Managing the Hall of Dawn is not just who you want to perform breeding tasks with you. You can't take all the women in the lighthouse as your own, right?"

Zhang Jingyun doesn't have that much energy.

"You have special genes. In the name of studying the genes of the next generation, I can let a small number of women perform breeding tasks with you alone. This is my bottom line."

Morgan knew that Zhang Jingyun was from the old world and retained his family values. If the woman he selected was allowed to perform breeding tasks with others, it would be equivalent to cuckolding himself, and he would not accept it.

It just so happens that Zhang Jingyun has a rare super gene. It is a good reason to study whether the next generation can inherit this gene, and no one else can say anything.

"How many women...are there?"

Zhang Jingyun thought for a while, and what Morgan meant was that he wanted to choose some women, basically giving them to him, or the ones he picked.

When Morgan saw Zhang Jingyun's vigilant look, he suddenly looked helpless. As a man, how many people could he deal with no matter how demanding he was? Aren't you afraid of dying from exhaustion?

"How about five?" Morgan asked tentatively.

Zhang Jingyun immediately shook his head, who was he looking down on? Five people were enough? He still has so many traditional martial arts that he has not yet practiced, which is when he is short of attribute points.

"Ten, not even one less."

Zhang Jingyun said firmly, then turned around and left, not giving Morgan a chance to bargain. In addition, Zhang Jingyun had not said a word.

Except these ten people belong to themselves.

As a superior citizen, he has also made great contributions to the lighthouse, so he naturally has the rights of other superior citizens and can go to the Golden Hall to perform breeding tasks.

Ten people are his, he deserves this, but the forest of the Golden Hall cannot be lost. Only children make choices, Zhang Jingyun wants them all.

Leave the central command hall.

Along the way, Zhang Jingyun was thinking about who to attack first, when suddenly someone jumped out to block him. When he saw the pair of Q-bombs in front of him, he knew who it was.

It was Erica.

"Zhang Jingyun, this time we can come back safely, thanks to you. We will celebrate in Captain Mark's room tonight, and you have to come too."

Erica said with hope.

"Celebrating? It hasn't been so lively for a long time. Okay, I will come." Zhang Jingyun agreed. Although the lighthouse has a curfew at night and alcohol is prohibited, no one will disturb Mark in Mark's room.

Erica was jumping happily like a little rabbit. Zhang Jingyun felt relaxed and happy, thinking that this little loli was also eighteen years old and had not entered the Golden Hall...

"Although you haven't received your Shanmin ID card yet and are technically a guest of the lighthouse, I still want to remind you that your light and shadow value is on the high side."

A cold voice sounded, followed by a sexy and voluptuous figure. Her solid top showed coldness and restraint, but the clothing on her lower body was extremely sexy and unrestrained.

Zhang Jingyun has two completely opposite styles: cold and unrestrained. Zhang Jingyun can't see the slightest abruptness. She twists her hips and steps on the man's heart with every step she takes.

Zhang Jingyun could only say.

Cuteness is worthless in front of sexy.

"Light Bearer!" Erica subconsciously stepped back. Even though she had a high status as a hunter, she was obviously very reserved in front of Fanti, the Light Bearer.

Zhang Jingyun looked at the famous He Guangzhe. Her upper body was tight, but her heart was rising and falling, making people dizzy.

In addition, what Zhang Jingyun admires most is the super texture brought out by the rhythm of the hips and the squeezing of the muscles when the bearer walks.

"This woman... is so awesome!"

The light bearer came over and took out a testing instrument. You can see that the value on it is 51, which is Zhang Jingyun's light and shadow value.

This value is already a dangerous level.

Zhang Jingyun has never deliberately controlled his emotions. He always follows his heart and does not throw away mistakes when he sees them. It is normal to be a little excited.

"It was only 42 just now, and now it's rising again. Your light and shadow value needs to be controlled immediately." The light bearer said to Zhang Jingyun.

Erica saw Zhang Jingyun's gaze from the side, and followed it to see... the Light Bearer's buttocks. Erica immediately entered sage mode.

"No wonder he liked to look at my neck before. It turns out he wasn't looking at my neck, but... Humph! Doesn't this bad guy understand the rules of the lighthouse at all? You need to communicate with him more in the future to avoid getting into big trouble."

At this time, Erica could only feel anxious. She couldn't tell Zhang Jingyun in front of the Light Bearer not to look at others casually, right?

She is not as shameless as Zhang Jingyun.

Sure enough, Zhang Jingyun said with a normal expression: "You have already said that I am a guest, so just wait until I become a minister before you take care of me."

After Zhang Jingyun said that, he looked at him unabashedly, as if he wanted to take a look at the light bearer. Since the light bearer still couldn't care about him, why couldn't he look at him enough?

The Light Bearer has always been wearing a mechanical mask on her face, and her expression cannot be seen. She didn't react much to Zhang Jingyun's words.

"I'm here to inform you that tomorrow morning, the leader of the meeting will invite you to come over and have a chat." The Light Bearer said in a calm tone.

Zhang Jingyun thinks that her light and shadow value will not exceed 10. Although this girl looks very tempting, Zhang Jingyun is told to meet that bullshit leader with just one sentence...

It can only be said that she saw the wrong person.

"Ha, he wants to see me and wants me to go there in person?" Zhang Jingyun's words filled Erica's eyes with admiration. It was so awesome. This was the first time someone didn't take the meeting of light and shadow seriously.

Zhang Jingyun added at the right time: "Don't be too arrogant. If you want to see me, come in person. And you have to see if I'm in the mood. Let's go, Erica."

After saying that, Zhang Jingyun took Erica and left. This little guy was addicted to watching the excitement. He must have started to imagine Zhang Jingyun fighting the Light Bearer, right?

The Light Bearer looked at Zhang Jingyun's leaving figure, tilted his head wearing a mechanical mask, then turned around and left with an enchanting step.


Zhang Jingyun came to Mark's room.

The elites of the hunter team gathered here, using Mark's name. At night, no matter how much people caroused, the Law School would turn a blind eye.

Zhang Jingyun did not come empty-handed.

I brought two large boxes of Maotai.

Although the treatment of hunters in the lighthouse is very high, not everyone here tonight has drunk alcohol, and their eyes glowed green when they saw the two boxes of wine.

Even Erica and Ran Bing drank a bottle of wine. Of course, the result was that one held Zhang Jingyun and vomited while the other held Mark and vomited.

"Did you see it too?"

Mark asked suddenly, and Zhang Jingyun naturally knew that he was asking Bai Yuekui. At that time, the hunter team was running away for their lives. After Mark and Ran Bing broke up, the two of them must have seen Bai Yuekui, and the others should not have seen it.

"What's wrong with that white-haired woman?"

Mark couldn't help but ask: "Are you and that person the same kind of person? You both have the ability to surpass human limits."

"She and I follow two different cultivation systems, but I can tell that she has a physical problem and there should be some kind of hidden danger."

Mark thought Zhang Jingyun was stronger, but in fact, he couldn't let Zhang Jingyun break through the body of a king-level pole-devouring beast as easily as Bai Yuekui.

At present, Bai Yuekui is still stronger.

"I can teach you some introductory skills. Once you master them, it will be easier to deal with the Devouring Beast." Zhang Jingyun taught Mark the Twelve Young Masters' Si Kung Fu.

This skill is the most needed to control emotions. The rest of the internal skills, Jiuyin Manual, have a quick version, but in Zhang Jingyun's opinion, this world is more suitable for practicing the internal martial arts of the dragon and snake world.

Mark himself also has a foundation in kung fu.

Relatively speaking, the martial arts improve their strength quickly, but no matter how these people improve, they are still far from being able to deal with the Devouring Beast alone.

The next day.

Zhang Jingyun woke up from his room.

He woke up automatically when he noticed someone coming in. Only the lighthouse has the right to enter other people's resting area.

The person in front of Zhang Jingyun was He Guangzhao.

Still as sexy as yesterday.

Zhang Jingyun raised his head and faced her waist: "What are you doing? Do you think it's appropriate to break into a man's room like this?"

Zhang Jingyun only wore a pair of boxer briefs, revealing his strong body, and his perfect muscle lines were admired by even the gazers.

"The leader of the meeting invites you to dinner and wants to chat with you. In addition, I would like to remind you again that your light and shadow values ​​​​are a bit high."

The light bearer expressed her intention in a calm tone. She did not have any emotional fluctuations, although what she saw seemed to be a baby's arms.

Zhang Jingyun: "..."

"Do you know it's morning?"

Zhang Jingyun was speechless. This girl was still staring. Even though he was thick-skinned, he couldn't resist it. He bent over and put on his clothes.

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