People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 126 Breeding Mission [Please subscribe]

“Light conceives all living beings, and all living beings follow their shadow!”

Lighthouse, hall of light and shadow.

Meeting of Light and Shadow Charles came towards me.

The Light and Shadow cultists standing on both sides chanted devoutly that everyone in the lighthouse must believe in the Lord of Light and Shadow, even the hunter team.

The Light and Shadow Society is the most powerful in the lighthouse. The number of believers alone far exceeds that of the hunters, and the believers who can appear in the Light and Shadow Hall must be superior citizens.

Charles walked up with his head held high. As the leader of the meeting, he held great power. Especially in recent years, the Lord Morgan's health had become worse and worse, so Charles was taking on more and more responsibilities.

Originally, Instructor Elon, who was responsible for genetic optimization and population supply, was already very old, and the department he was responsible for would normally be handed over to Charles.

It’s just that Charles didn’t expect it.

A survivor from the old world unexpectedly appeared halfway, and this survivor from the old world also brought unexpected surprises to the lighthouse.

Humans can actually kill the Extreme Devouring Beast!

In the past few decades, the lighthouse has tried countless times, but they have been unable to kill the poleeater. Charles even said openly that cold mechanical equipment cannot solve the crisis faced by mankind, and only the Lord of Light and Shadow can save mankind.

The appearance of a survivor from the old world seemed like a slap in the face to Charles, but as long as he said it differently, it would be that Zhang Jingyun's arrival was the result of the protection of the Lord of Light and Shadow!

"A long time ago, humans thought they could surpass the gods, but they caused disasters that destroyed the world. It was the Lord of Light and Shadow who saved us and brought us to the lighthouse!"

Charles turned to face the members of the Society of Light and Shadow and began an "inspiring" speech. A trace of madness could be seen on his face. This was not a performance. It could be seen that Charles truly believed in the Lord of Light and Shadow.

"Therefore, I am here!"

Below, the devout believers said in unison.

"Under the protection of the Lord of Light and Shadow, we are able to survive in this devastated world where monsters are rampant! Without the Lord's help, everything is in vain!"

"Therefore, I am here!"

Charles was nearly insane.

Hundreds of believers also had blazing eyes.

"The cold combat equipment cannot allow the hunters to completely eliminate those ferocious monsters. Fortunately, we sincerely implore the supreme Lord of Light and Shadow to send the survivors of the old world to the lighthouse, so that the hunters can keep their survival supplies intact. Bring it to us!"

"Therefore, I am here!"

The believers in the audience believed Charles's words. If Zhang Jingyun were here, they would be stunned. Huang Mao is indeed a master of pyramid schemes.

The hunters worked hard to bring back survival supplies. Charles said a few words and attributed the credit to the believers' devout prayers to the Lord of Light and Shadow.

Even Zhang Jingyun, who was brought to the lighthouse by the hunters, became the protector of the Lord of Light and Shadow, and everyone still believed in this.

This is the power of language!

"Master, the Light Bearer has sent back the news that Zhang Jingyun has agreed to meet you." Sharif, a big dog wearing a mechanical device next to Charles, reminded.

"The Light Bearer's ability to do things is really trustworthy!" Charles was in a good mood. This survivor of the old world was of great significance to the lighthouse, and he had to win it over to his camp.


Zhang Jingyun followed He Guangzhao to the Light and Shadow Hall. From the morning when He Guangzhao stared at him, he became very energetic. Later, He Guangzhao refused to leave.

In the end, Zhang Jingyun decided to come over in person. He and Charles would have intersections sooner or later, so it would be better to come earlier and talk things through directly.

I haven’t entered the light and shadow hall yet.

Zhang Jingyun saw hundreds of believers coming out. He heard from the light bearer that Charles presided over the prayers of the Light and Shadow Society every morning. It was really surprising that he ended the prayers early for himself today.


The light bearer paused, and the detector suddenly showed a drastic change in light and shadow values, reaching the edge of danger.

In this case, as a manager, the Light Bearer must find out the person and teach him a lesson, but it will take some time to lock in the identity.

The light bearer subconsciously looked at Zhang Jingyun.

The light and shadow values ​​changed drastically. It was probably him. After all, Zhang Jingyun had a "heavy criminal record". Especially in the morning, his light and shadow values ​​were close to 60.

That is already the edge of the abyss.

Zhang Jingyun's face darkened when he saw her doubting him. He was just retaining his nature, not that he couldn't control his emotions.

If Zhang Jingyun is willing.

Just keep the light and shadow value at zero.

"You're going too far. Am I the kind of person whose mood changes a lot?" Zhang Jingyun said unhappily.

The Light Bearer is wearing a mask, otherwise, Zhang Jingyun will definitely give Zhang Jingyun a big eye roll. The light and shadow values ​​​​were high twice just by her.

"How dare you say this."

The Light Bearer couldn't help but say, and then twisted his waist and hips. He didn't care about looking for the person with the violent fluctuations, and took Zhang Jingyun straight to see Charles.

Zhang Jingyun glanced at the crowd.

Sometimes, his eyes are more accurate than instruments. Eyes are the windows to the soul, and Zhang Jingyun can easily capture changes in emotions.

Among the believers of the Light and Shadow Society was a commoner. Although she was wearing the robe of a believer, she was completely useless in front of the Golden Eyes.

"What are the common people doing among the superior people?"

Zhang Jingyun shook his head and then entered the hall. Along the way, he could see rows of straight sculptures of different shapes.

There are also many murals, which should have metaphors. Zhang Jingyun doesn't know much about religion, so he just treats them as a show of excitement.

"These are the revelations of the Lord of Light and Shadow to mankind. If you are interested, I will be happy to tell you about the greatness of the Lord of Light and Shadow."

Seeing that Zhang Jingyun was curious about these murals, Charles came over from a distance and said. He had yellow hair, his body was immaculately groomed, and he had a pair of white gloves on his hands. His voice was calm and he was smiling.

"I'm not interested in."

Zhang Jingyun said without hesitation.

These statues seem to have a unique style, but Zhang Jingyun is not interested in the Lord of Light and Shadow. Although the Lord of Light and Shadow may be a humanoid pole-devouring beast standing at the top of the spiritual cage world!

Charles was not angry but said to himself: "The Lord of Light and Shadow tells us that everyone in the world is a sufferer nailed to the wall in a cave.

Everything we see is a shadow cast from the wall. Only by breaking free and walking out of the cave can we see the truth! "

Zhang Jingyun chuckled and said, "Master Huishou, you don't think I don't know Plato's metaphor of the cave, do you? Do you think people in the old world are uneducated?"

Charles was obviously taken aback.

Zhang Jingyun continued: "Imagine being in a cave. There are a group of prisoners who have been there since childhood, bound by chains and unable to turn their heads.

The prisoners could only see shadows on the cave wall in front of them. Behind them and above them there was a fire, a path across the cave, and a low wall along the path.

Just like the screen of a puppet show, some specific people carry various instruments and walk through the path behind the wall. The firelight projects the instruments onto the cave wall in front of the prisoners.

These appliances are physical models of reality, and the prisoners in the cave will naturally believe that the shadow is the only real thing.

And when the prisoners come out of the cave and see the real world, they will think that the real world is just a shadow on the wall!

The so-called metaphor of the cave is telling a truth: the ideal city-state is unique, and only true philosophers are suitable to be the rulers of the city-state. So, do you think you are that philosopher? "

Zhang Jingyun looks at Charles as if he is mentally retarded. The survivors of the apocalyptic world have come up with a set of fallacies from nowhere. Do you really think that anyone can be deceived?

What Charles meant was obvious.

He just wanted to be the city lord of the "ideal city-state" of Lighthouse. He thought he was a philosopher, but in fact he didn't know that he was just a clown.

A broken lighthouse made Charles scheming and scheming all day long, and his scheme was only so big.

Zhang Jingyun revealed what was on Charles' mind. After a brief moment of surprise, his expression returned to calm, and he said openly, "Why not?"

Zhang Jingyun was speechless. This girl was so thick-skinned. For a moment, he was reminded of a certain celebrity, with a disgusting "simple" look on her face.

"Only the Lord of Light and Shadow can save mankind, and I am the person chosen by the Lord of Light and Shadow. Why can't I shoulder this important task?" Charles said calmly.

Zhang Jingyun remained silent. His words seemed like brainwashing, but in fact, what Charles said was not unreasonable. When he was a child, he was indeed saved from the mouth of the Devouring Beast by the Lord of Light and Shadow.

During the escape when he was young, there were many people traveling with him, but only Charles was saved by the Lord of Light and Shadow. It was hard not to make him think that he was the one chosen by the light.

"Didn't you invite me to dinner? Where is the food?" Zhang Jingyun didn't want to discuss the magical Lord of Light and Shadow with him.

It's like arguing with a fool.

A fool will bring your IQ down to the same level and then beat you with years of experience.

"plz follow me!"

Charles stretched out his hand gracefully.

When the two came to the dining table, they could see that there was a lot of "exclusive" food on the table that ordinary people couldn't eat even if they had some contribution points.

"Steak, red wine?" Zhang Jingyun smiled.

Charles is a person who enjoys it.

"Let's be honest, what do you want from me?"

Zhang Jingyun was not polite and ate everything Charles had given him.

Charles said: "I need your help, how about joining the Light and Shadow Club? I can make the decision and give you 50,000 contribution points every month, plus high-level three-dimensional and Light and Shadow Club privileges."

"Fifty thousand contribution points? You're really willing to spend money on a high-level three-dimensional thing. This thing is rare, and it also comes with privileges! Tsk tsk!"

"So what you mean is..."

Zhang Jingyun didn't answer and asked instead: "Do you know why I chose to manage Chenxi Hall instead of going to other departments?"

Charles was confused. Zhang Jingyun was so powerful that he chose to manage the thankless Chenxi Hall. Isn't this a waste of talent?

Now Zhang Jingyun was reminded.

Charles suddenly realized!

"Haha, that's it. I didn't think well. I forgot that you are a survivor of the old world, and you still retain the habits of the old world's desires."

Charles originally wanted to say bad habits, but then he thought about it, considering that Zhang Jingyun was from the old world, so he temporarily changed it into a habit and restrained himself.

"I'm really not interested in joining the Light and Shadow Guild, so don't embarrass me, but if I help you, the guild leader's conditions won't impress me... I'll have to pay more!"

Zhang Jingyun said bluntly.

Charles had already understood. He took out a piece of paper, wrote a line of words in front of Zhang Jingyun, and then pushed it in front of him.

Zhang Jingyun glanced at the white paper and read: Fanti, the Light Bearer, has not yet carried out the breeding mission. It is up to you to decide who you will carry out the breeding mission with at night.


Zhang Jingyun looked up at Charles.

Seeing Zhang Jingyun's expression as usual, Charles thought that he was not satisfied with the gift. Could it be that he had misunderstood the other party's meaning?

However, the next second, Zhang Jingyun smiled and said, "It's not impossible, then let's do what the leader wants. I still have to leave beforehand."

Zhang Jingyun left with satisfaction.

The Light Bearer looked at his back and reminded, "Master Huishou, his light and shadow value was a little high just now."

Charles picked up the wine glass and said disapprovingly: "Don't worry about him. I thought this survivor of the old world would be difficult to deal with, but I didn't expect that he would be bound by those low-level desires."

Those who bear light don't know why.

At this time, Charles said calmly: "Light Bearer, do you believe in the Lord of Light and Shadow?"

The light bearer hurriedly opened his mouth and said: "Master Huishou, light conceives all living beings, and all living beings follow their shadows. I have deep faith in the Lord of Light and Shadow."

"Very good. I believe the Lord of Light and Shadow can feel your piety. Get ready and go to the Golden Hall to perform the breeding mission at night. This is the Lord's arrangement."

At this moment, the Light Bearer's delicate body trembled slightly, and then she regained her composure. She would definitely carry out Charles's words without compromise.

"Yes, Sir Huishou."

Charles was very satisfied with the Light Bearer's attitude, "Go ahead, don't forget, you are the Light Bearer of the Light and Shadow Society, this is just a task."


The Light Bearer stood up and squirmed away. After everyone left, a look of sarcasm appeared on Charles's face: "Like women? Low-level emotions!"

Zhang Jingyun's existence was originally a destabilizing factor, but now, Charles felt that he had caught Zhang Jingyun's weakness.


Lighthouse, central command hall.

Mark reported the situation to Lord Morgan alone. He found a survivor on the ground, a white-haired woman.

"City Lord, please allow me to lead the hunters to explore!" Mark requested.

"Now that the Mana ecology continues to spread, there is no way to survive on the ground. Mark, the lighthouse cannot afford any losses now. Zhang Jingyun has brought a method to kill the pole-devouring beast. We can't take risks!"

Lord Morgan said slowly.

Mark was really curious about the white-haired woman. After all, he was standing on the shoulders of the king-level pole-eating beast. If he found him, maybe the lighthouse could return to the ground.

But what Morgan said makes sense. Now that Zhang Jingyun has joined the Lighthouse, there is already hope of returning to the ground, so why take the risk?

Mark thought for a while and finally gave up the risk.

After Mark left, Morgan fell into deep thought: "She is still alive, white-haired woman, is she still human?"

Mark would be shocked if he were here.

Morgan actually knew the white-haired woman for a long time.


"There are such learning materials on the lighthouse?" Zhang Jingyun was shocked when he saw the mixed male and female pairs playing on the tablet.

"Hey, have you gained some experience?"

Beside Zhang Jingyun, Instructor Elon smiled slyly and said, This is a real learning material. It is the most exciting set of many learning materials prepared inside the lighthouse for people who are performing breeding missions for the first time.

The study duration is two and a half hours.

It is also a rare high-quality infantry material.

In the evening, I will carry out the breeding mission with the Heguangzhe. Zhang Jingyun will come to the Golden Hall now. From now on, he will be the boss here.

Holy golden hall!

Zhang Jingyun was finally able to contribute here, but to his surprise, the guards of the golden hall blocked Zhang Jingyun from the door.

Because he doesn't have an ID card.

Zhang Jingyun deliberately didn't get his Shanmin ID card. Who asked the light bearer to always detect that his light and shadow value was too high? Without the ID card, he was just a guest, and the light bearer had nothing to do with it.

Unexpectedly, I dug a hole for myself.

Zhang Jingyun was about to go to Jing Nan to get his identity card when he met instructor Elon. Instructor Elon happened to be looking for Zhang Jingyun to hand over the task.

Hearing that Zhang Jingyun was going to perform a breeding mission in the evening, Elon was so enthusiastic that he immediately took out his collection of materials for Zhang Jingyun to study.

"Instructor Elon, thank you so much."

Zhang Jingyun quickly sent Hua Zi.

"Hey, you're welcome to be a rarity from the old world!" Elon said as he collected the two packets of Huazi at lightning speed, and then transferred the learning materials into Zhang Jingyun's watch.

"Study materials need to be updated from generation to generation. You are the new master of the Dawn Hall. This task belongs to you. Just use your watch to record it when you perform the task."

Instructor Elon reminded: "The watch is a high-end product. When recording an impact, the picture will be stable no matter how much it is shaken, which is very convenient."

Zhang Jingyun understood.

In the golden hall, four supervisors are already in place. This is a rule, in order to prevent the men and women performing tasks from being too devoted and directly eating billions of lives.

"You can go."

How could Zhang Jingyun let people watch the battle?

The four supervisors said in embarrassment: "Sir, our mission is to ensure the success of the breeding mission. Please don't make it difficult for us!"

"Is it difficult to handle? Then don't do it! If anyone doesn't leave, just wait for the next day to carry out ten missions a day. I will personally monitor it!"

Zhang Jingyun said calmly.

Ten times, no need to die!

The four of them trembled and said, "Subordinates, please retire."

After the four people left, Zhang Jingyun put on a tulle outfit, which was almost transparent. He could just wait for the light bearer to get into position before throwing down the tulle.

After a while, the bearer arrived belatedly.

Zhang Jingyun looked over and felt his eyes spitting fire. The light bearer was also wearing tulle, and he was ten times more enchanting than his previous outfit.

When the light bearer saw Zhang Jingyun, he glanced subconsciously and saw that he was no different than in the morning. He couldn't help but turn around and reminded, "Your light and shadow value is too high, please control it."

Zhang Jingyun came behind He Guangzhe and leaned against her, trying to look down at He Guangzhe's shoulder to see the light and shadow values ​​on the tablet in front of her.

No idea.

The view was actually blocked by the mountain peak.

Zhang Jingyun smoothed away the obstacles blocking his sight and saw that his light and shadow value was more than eighty, and he had transcended the abyss and reached the fallen level.

Let’s look at the light and shadow value of the light bearer.

"18? Fanti, do you have great mood swings?" Zhang Jingyun said softly, and the tablet in the Light Bearer's hand almost dropped to the ground.

Why are you so embarrassed, with a light and shadow value of more than 80, saying that you are 18 or so? Can you put your hand down first?

"Please hurry up and carry out the breeding mission."

The Light Bearer couldn't help but say.

Zhang Jingyun smiled: "Hurry? Who are you looking down on!"


The next morning.

When the Light Bearer was eating breakfast, he stooped slightly and walked a little unnaturally. Zhang Jingyun increased his attribute points by almost three and felt naturally refreshed.

"By the way, you have to get your identity badge."

Zhang Jingyun and He Guangzhe had a meal and went straight to Jingnan's office. It was really inconvenient to be in the lighthouse without an identity card.

"You finally came to apply for an identity card."

Jingnan quickly applied for Zhang Jingyun's identity card, "There is also a watch. Only after you apply for the identity card can you be granted permission to be a civilian. You are also eligible to check some of the secrets of the lighthouse at any time."

Zhang Jingyun handed the watch to Jingnan to open the permissions. At the right time, Dr. Carrie greeted Zhang Jingyun and expressed that he wanted to draw some blood for research.

Zhang Jingyun did not refuse this trivial matter. Just as he was about to leave, Jing Nan suddenly found some learning materials while importing data into his watch.

One of them is also marked Vatican.

"The Light Bearer?" Jing Nan went in curiously and took a look. His expression changed immediately. He looked left and right like a thief, then continued reading, and finally saved a copy.


Jing Nan took a deep breath to calm down. After a while, Zhang Jingyun came back from drawing blood, took the watch and put it on naturally.

"Thank you, Commander Jingnan!"

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