People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 140 Coalition Mission Completed [Please subscribe]

Zhang Jingyun licked his lips and seemed to have some aftertaste. Erica looked shy, but she quickly realized that Zhang Jingyun was saving her.

"You can even cure scarlet infection?"

Erica couldn't help but be surprised. After being infected with scarlet pigment, there was basically no way to save her. At that time, Erica even thought about ending it as soon as possible to avoid becoming a monster.

After humans are infected by scarlet pigment, they will become insane and crazy, and the life essence in their bodies will slowly drain away, and their mood will change drastically. They will become the first targets of spinegu and pole-devouring beasts.

Under normal circumstances, after the emotional value reaches the abyss, it will be useless even if the gods come. Erica's light and shadow value has approached eighty, which is a fallen level.

Fortunately, Zhang Jingyun saved Erica's life. After realizing this, Erica felt that being kissed twice by Zhang Jingyun was not that serious.

Even Erica's interest in Dawn Hall has increased a bit. This little loli must have been influenced by others.


After successfully rescuing Erica, Zhang Jingyun was not idle, and finally thought of meeting Charles to completely resolve Mark's matter.

On the way, Zhang Jingyun was still thinking.

Scarlet pigment can actually enhance mental power, so it is also a kind of spiritual resource, but why do everyone avoid scarlet pigment?

Through personal experience, Zhang Jingyun understood that first of all, scarlet pigment is a hallucinogenic substance. Not everyone's mental power is as strong as Zhang Jingyun's and can easily resist the invasion of fantasy.

Secondly, scarlet pigment is a very complicated thing. Zhang Jingyun could vaguely see some memory fragments of others from the scarlet pigment.

So Zhang Jingyun thinks.

Scarlet pigment may be a memory carrier.

Scarlet can only be released by the spine. This means that the memory in the scarlet should belong to the spine. Where does the spine come from?

From what we have learned over this period of time, it is already clear that the birth of spine Gu is related to meat and soil. This is the result of research by Bai Yuekui and others.

If you are careful, you will notice the change of flesh and soil. When humans are absorbed by the source of life, they turn into flesh and soil. However, the flesh and soil seen in the past are not complete.

Incompleteness does not mean missing arms or legs.

It's all flesh and earth, the women's spines are ruptured, as if something has come out, and the men's brains are ruptured, and there's nothing inside.

Therefore, the spinal cord is composed of the spine and brain of a person who has turned into flesh and earth. The memory of the flesh and earth during his lifetime should be sealed in scarlet pigment.

In the world of spirit cages, you often hear phrases such as: "Body! They are all bodies", "We are all trapped here"... almost all humans parasitized by the spinal cord will say these words.

The meaning of the body is very simple. It is the parasite. The body is regarded as the prison of the soul by the consciousness of the spine. These consciousnesses are actually trapped.

So why are they trapped?

According to the lighthouse records, people parasitized by spinegu generally have easy consciousness, and there are even examples of parasitists actively driving the three-dimensional world.

This shows that Spinal Gu must have been a human being during his lifetime.

Spine Gu parasitizing humans is logically equivalent to taking away their bodies, and they should be freed, but they are not satisfied with parasitizing ordinary humans.

So, the results are clear.

The people the spine Gu wants to parasitize are definitely not ordinary people. Their targets should be people like Bai Yuekui, the so-called ASH - advanced human species.

Only when the spine Gu parasitizes these evolvers can some kind of qualitative change occur. Perhaps they become pole-devouring beasts like Mark. Perhaps many high-level pole-devouring beasts on the earth were actually transformed into advanced human species after the great catastrophe. It's done.

As Zhang Jingyun thought, scarlet pigment is actually a catalyst that promotes the evolution of life. However, humans are not enough to rely on scarlet pigment to evolve. Instead, they were infected by scarlet pigment and turned into flesh and earth.

Only people like Zhang Jingyun can use scarlet pigment as a training resource. Bai Yuekui can also do it. Shan Da and others are still not close, but they can already initially resist scarlet pigment and even peek into the memory in scarlet pigment.

Zhang Jingyun can confirm this.

In the original plot, Mark evolved into a pole-devouring beast and met Bai Yuekui when he came to the ground. He didn't say anything, but Xia Dou and others already knew what happened to him.

Mark is special.

He was transplanted from a spinal voodoo and evolved into a pole-devouring beast. Unlike ordinary pole-devouring beasts, Mark can release scarlet pigment, which contains his memory.

The setting of the spirit cage world is still too complicated, and Zhang Jingyun has not fully understood it, but knowing this information can already do something.

Zhang Jingyun arrived at the central command hall unknowingly. Outside the door were guarded by Sharif, the big dog of the Light and Shadow Society, and Victor, the commander-in-chief of the city defense army.

Victor saw Zhang Jingyun about to stop him.

But I saw the big dog Shalifu on the other side bending down respectfully: "Sir Zhang Jingyun, do you need me to take you to see the leader?"

Victor had a puzzled look on his face. Shalif had always only listened to orders from Charles, and he had never been so polite to anyone.

And the strange thing is that when Zhang Jingyun met Charles, Shalifu subconsciously thought it was normal and wanted to personally guide him.

This shows that in Sharif's view, Zhang Jingyun's status is not much lower than that of Charles. Now that Charles has great power, why is Zhang Jingyun so awesome?

Victor was puzzled, but Niu soon understood.


Zhang Jingyun entered the command hall. After Morgan was banned, Charles openly took over the central command hall, which symbolized the position of the city lord, and took Morgan's seat.

"Oh? You are the Lord of Dawn who is in charge of the Hall of Dawn. Since you took charge of the Hall of Dawn, you have made outstanding achievements in supplying the population of the lighthouse. Why are you free to come to my place today?"

Charles said elegantly while sitting in the city lord's seat, and at the same time motioned to several guards around him to leave, leaving space for himself and Zhang Jingyun.

After everyone left, Charles stood up and ran all the way to Zhang Jingyun without even bothering to show off.

"Please forgive me, Lord of Light and Shadow. There were too many people just now. It was my fault. I knelt down for you and listened to the Lord's instructions devoutly!"

Charles said respectfully.

Zhang Jingyun was completely reassured when he saw Charles' attitude in front of him and behind him. It seemed that the taming technique was as effective as ever, and there was no sign of resistance at all.

"What's going on with the Lord of the Dawn?"

Charles said: "You manage the Golden Hall, which is the most sacred place of the lighthouse. The newborn children are the hope of the lighthouse, and the morning light is the hope.

I publicized the Lord’s great deeds a little bit and told the world that only the Lord of Light and Shadow can create thousands of miracles a year. Gradually, everyone called you the Lord of the Dawn. "

Zhang Jingyun: "..."

"Are you going out of your way to publicize it? Keep a low profile from now on. Where is Morgan, how is he doing?" Zhang Jingyun turned around and asked.

"City Lord Morgan questions the existence of the Lord of Light and Shadow. I have found a place for him to spend the rest of his life. Please forgive him for his ignorant behavior."

Charles said hesitantly.

After all, Morgan is his father. No matter what, Charles doesn't want Zhang Jingyun to attack him, and of course Zhang Jingyun certainly won't.

After all, he was the one who fooled Charles.

Zhang Jingyun is not the master of light and shadow.

"Take me to see him." Zhang Jingyun said, and Charles opened a secret door inside the command hall and walked in with Zhang Jingyun.

In the inner sanctum, Zhang Jingyun saw Morgan. He seemed to be in good condition and was immersed in reading a copy of the Code of Hammurabi.

The Code of Hammurabi was a code promulgated by the ancient Babylonian king Hammurabi in 1776 BC.

The Code of Hammurabi is engraved on a black basalt stone pillar with a height of 2.25 meters, a circumference of 1.65 meters, and a bottom circumference of 1.90 meters, so it is also called the "Stone Pillar Law".

This illegal code is the most representative cuneiform code in human history, and it is also the first relatively complete written code in the world.

Zhang Jingyun was once a folk archeology enthusiast and had a very clear understanding of history. What is interesting is that the person who discovered the basalt pillars recording the Code of Hammurabi was named Morgan.

In fact, many people think that the lighthouse system is stupid, and say that it is reversing the course of history and jumping from a highly developed modern society to a feudal society...

In fact, the leaders of Lighthouse are highly qualified. Morgan has studied various ancient and modern legal works, and the system of Lighthouse is indeed not good.

But it is the optimal solution for this era.

"Charles, you're here."

Morgan put down the code and turned his wheelchair to look over. When he saw Zhang Jingyun next to Charles, his expression changed obviously.

"Are you together?"

Morgan suddenly realized that he knew what Charles did and how he targeted Mark, but he didn't know that Charles had also roped in Zhang Jingyun.

He had to lament Charles's clever methods.

Zhang Jingyun's expression remained unchanged, but Charles said: "You don't know that the Lord of Light and Shadow has arrived. It seems that you haven't been pious enough in these years."

Morgan: "???"

Morgan was confused, Zhang Jingyun is the master of light and shadow? Naturally, he didn't believe this. Now Morgan was only curious about how Zhang Jingyun bewitched Charles.

Zhang Jingyun did not explain, but changed the topic: "City Lord, I came to see you this time, firstly, to tell you that I will be the next City Lord.

Second, the lighthouse has decided to join forces with the ground base to form a coalition to fight against the pole-devouring beast. I am telling you this just because I don’t want you to be confused for the rest of your life. "

"Are you the city lord? Do you want to form a coalition army?"

Morgan was obviously stunned, and even Charles beside him was surprised by Zhang Jingyun's decision, and that his position as city lord was gone again.

"The great Lord of Light and Shadow..."

When Charles was about to ask, Zhang Jingyun rushed to say: "It is my instruction to form the coalition army. This is my test for mankind.

As for the position of City Lord, it will naturally be passed down to me after I finish saving humanity. You just need to take care of the Light and Shadow Society as before. "

Charles was convinced: "Yes!"

Morgan looked desperate. In his current state, he would definitely not be able to persuade Charles, and he really didn't expect Zhang Jingyun to hide so deeply.

Zhang Jingyun is an old-world human who climbed to the lighthouse. In essence, he does not accept this system at all. Morgan should have thought of this a long time ago.

However, Zhang Jingyun's strength cannot be underestimated. If he uses force to force the people of Lighthouse to accept his rule, he may succeed.

"Hey..." Morgan sighed slightly.

In fact, the lighthouse was no longer under his control. He had already predicted that the lighthouse would be in crisis many years ago when the Cloteau system stopped providing computing power.

For a long time, the lighthouse relied on the Croto system to seek good luck and avoid disasters, and avoided countless crises. But suddenly one day, the Croto system stopped prompting, and Morgan's ability to survive until today was already the limit.

"Is this the Cloteau system?"

Zhang Jingyun stood in front of a giant mechanical brain. This half-mechanical, half-biological brain was obviously not a species on the surface.

It should be similar to the ground vine that caused the catastrophe. They are both prehistoric species deep underground, or even alien species, so they are beyond the scope of science.

"Back to the Lord of Light and Shadow, this is the Cloto system, connected to the central system of the lighthouse. Morgan said that in the past it would provide computing power and predict future events."

"Predict the future? Tsk tsk!"

Zhang Jingyun clicked his tongue in surprise.

Charles added: "This mechanical brain can observe microscopic particles in the universe and measure the trajectories of the particles. In theory, as long as it has enough computing power, it can predict the future."

Zhang Jingyun suddenly thought of Master Lai on the ground. He also has the ability to predict the future. Is he the same species as the Crota system?

Indeed, the mechanical brain in the Crota system is not complete, only average. Maybe the other half was eaten by Master Lai.

"Let's go. Since this thing doesn't provide computing power, it's just useless. Don't worry too much." Zhang Jingyun motioned for Charles to leave.

It's just that Zhang Jingyun has just stepped forward.

The Crota system on the back foot flashed slightly, as if scolding Zhang Jingyun that you are a waste, and soon it returned to its previous dead state.

"Great Lord of Light and Shadow, what should I do with Mark? Morgan said that Mark is the real hope of mankind and cannot let him leave the lighthouse."

Charles asked Zhang Jingyun for instructions. He shook his head and said, "Mark has his place to go. Just cancel all arrangements for him and let him travel far away."

"Ran Bing applied to travel together..."

"Let her go." Zhang Jingyun said casually.

Charles nodded in agreement.

The next day, Mark's journey began quietly. He and Ran Bing went to the ground through the lifting platform to find hope.

As for the lighthouse.

Then the grand succession ceremony began.

With everyone watching and countless cheers, Charles personally announced that Zhang Jingyun, the Lord of the Dawn, would be the new city lord.

There was silence among the more than 10,000 people at the lighthouse.

Immediately, even more deafening cheers resounded through the sky, and no one expected that the new city lord would be Zhang Jingyun, who had been serving silently in the golden hall.

"How did he do that?"

Jingnan, Feixue, and Erica are each more confused than the other. Will they seize the position of city lord from Charles? Isn't this a dream?

Fanti, the Bearer of Light, seemed calmer. She had worked with Shalifu for many years and knew a lot about Zhang Jingyun.

She even felt that the Lord of Light and Shadow, whom she had believed in for many years, might really be Zhang Jingyun, and it was even more of an honor for her to be pregnant with the Lord of Light and Shadow's child.

After taking over as the city lord, Zhang Jingyun officially announced that there were still human survivors on the ground who had not yet become very powerful. The lighthouse would form a coalition with the ground to resist the invasion of the polar beasts.

Zhang Jingyun is going to invite Bai Yuekui's team to come up and contact the people of the lighthouse. This is his promise to Bai Yuekui to let her visit the lighthouse.

Until the system prompt sounds.

"Congratulations to the host for completing the hidden mission [Capture the Tower]. The host has completed the minimum mission requirements for returning to the main world. Do you want to return immediately?"

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