People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 141 Flight and Ending Return【Please subscribe】

"Is the mission over now?"

Zhang Jingyun's heart moved, and then he thought about it. The system task this time was indeed not too difficult. The first task was to become a breeding pacesetter. It was simply a score test.

I stayed at the lighthouse for more than a year.

Zhang Jingyun broke the record of previous breeding pacesetters. The most powerful breeding pacesetter in the past was an average of five breeding missions a day, lasting for just a few months.

This capability holds great promise for island nations.

Zhang Jingyun is even more powerful, five times a day on average? Let’s take care of our health! On average, he adds two or three attribute points every day.

Of course, if it is 0.2 attribute points at a time, then with Zhang Jingyun's physical condition, such a heavy task will definitely be too much.


Zhang Jingyun is not the Lord of the Dawn for nothing. He has the final say in charge of the Golden Hall and the breeding mission of the lighthouse.

During this period, Zhang Jingyun used a little bit of his privileges. Among the lighthouse women, those who performed the breeding mission for the first time were basically surrounded by Zhang Jingyun.

Therefore, the attribute points must be increased extremely quickly, otherwise the average increase of three attribute points per day would grind an iron pestle into a needle.

In short, Zhang Jingyun's breeding model is well deserved. It can be said that he has earned it through his own hard work, and there is no water content at all.

As for the second task, killing the pole-devouring beast, this task is open-ended, and the system does not impose many restrictions on Zhang Jingyun.

Perhaps killing one Extreme Devouring Beast can be considered as completing the task, but Zhang Jingyun has killed countless ordinary Extreme Devouring Beasts so far. He has only officially killed one high-level Extreme Devouring Beast, such as the metamorphosis type or even the King-level Extreme Devouring Beast. Just a calyx beast.

It seems that the system does not have high requirements for Zhang Jingyun. Zhang Jingyun can return at any time as long as he is willing, but he did not return immediately.

In the past, when Zhang Jingyun returned to the main world, he could not control it, and he couldn't stay even if he wanted to stay a little longer.

Moreover, returning at this time has reached the minimum standard, and the mission rewards are definitely not very good. Zhang Jingyun can already kill the king-level pole-devouring beasts. Of course, he has to kill a few king-level pole-devouring beasts before returning to the main world.

"I won't be returning for the time being."

Zhang Jingyun thought and the system stopped prompting him, but he had confirmed that he could choose to return to the main world anytime and anywhere, and no one could stop him.

With this convenience, Zhang Jingyun is even more courageous. Even if he encounters a pole-eating beast that he cannot defeat, the ultimate BOSS of the spirit cage world, he can still feint a shot and return to the main world for refuge.

Of course, Zhang Jingyun is not sure whether there is such a level of pole-devouring beast in the spirit cage world. He will just ask Bai Yuekui if he has the chance.

Thinking of Bai Yuekui, Zhang Jingyun was not idle. He immediately asked Jing Nan and others to make arrangements. Zhang Jingyun and Bai Yuekui had discussed the secret signal. As long as he sent out the signal, it would mean that Bai Yuekui and others would be allowed to go up to the tower.

After Zhang Jingyun controlled Charles and continued to exaggerate, Bai Yuekui has been molded into a human hero like the Valkyrie. She is very popular in the lighthouse.

In addition, as Zhang Jingyun becomes the city lord, he can basically change the system of the lighthouse at will. Zhang Jingyun also wants to hear Bai Yuekui's opinion on how the lighthouse will develop in the future.

Two days later, Bai Yuekui boarded the lighthouse.

Zhang Jingyun knew many secrets.

In fact, this was not Bai Yuokui's first time to board a lighthouse. It was in the old world, and the lighthouse was not called that yet, but was called Tartarus.

In Greek mythology, Tartarus is synonymous with "hell", which is the ontology of the underworld. Tartarus appeared after the birth of Gaia and was the home of human souls after death. It is connected to the human world through the River Styx. In the old world, Tartarus was the air prison.

Bai Yuekui is actually a prisoner.

"Have you been in jail here?"

Zhang Jingyun twitched the corner of his mouth with a look of disbelief on his face. He didn't know much about the world of spiritual cages, but Bai Yuekui was so famous, so he knew a lot about it.

For example, Bai Yuekui's father, Bai Jingyu, is the mayor and the founder of ASH. He is almost the most powerful person in the old world. With Bai Yuekui's family background, can he still go to jail?

"That was a long time ago. Even my father couldn't have avoided disaster when it came to the world, and my actions did violate taboos."

"what have you been doing?"

"If your loved one is infected by the spores of the ground vine, you happen to have the ability to save him, but what if other people don't believe that they can survive after being infected by the spores?"

"That must be saving lives."

Bai Yuekui nodded, "At that time, the vines were invading the ground, and people didn't know how to prevent and control these creatures that emerged from the ground and spread spores to invade humans.

You should know that my field of expertise is brain science, and after humans are infected by the spores of the earth vine, their bodies are used as nutrients by the spores and then the flowers of mana grow.

During this process, the brain was not affected. I used my experience in brain surgery to remove the complete brain. If I find a suitable receptor, I can actually resurrect the brain owner.

The situation was complicated at that time. Some people did not want him to be resurrected. Even my father could not support me publicly. In the end, I was arrested for illegally practicing medicine. "

"Illegal medical practice..."

Bai Yuekui twitched the corner of his mouth. This bullshit crime was even committed in the main world, and it was almost defeated by traditional Chinese medicine that has been passed down for thousands of years.

Zhang Jingyun knows the power of traditional Chinese medicine. In fact, some diseases may seem serious, but it doesn’t cost much to treat them with traditional Chinese medicine. If you go to a regular hospital for various examinations, you can earn a lot of money...

Bai Yuekui continued: "I didn't expect that after I was imprisoned in this air prison, I escaped countless disasters because of its special nature."

Bai Yuekui talked a lot to Zhang Jingyun.

Zhang Jingyun knew everything about her experiences. Bai Yuekui's experiences in the past few decades could probably be enough to write and publish several novels!

"Actually, the Mana ecology can still be defeated. The wisdom of the pole-devouring beast is not high, and the consciousness of the Mana flower is not as complex as that of humans. One day, humans will return to life on the ground." Zhang Jingyun said.

"The day is getting closer."

Bai Yuekui's words surprised Zhang Jingyun slightly, "Has Mark taken action? How is he doing now?"

"After he and Ran Bing left the lighthouse, on the road, a beast attacked Ran Bing and was killed by Mark. By the time we found them, Mark's consciousness had basically recovered."

With the consciousness of a human and the incorporation of a pole-eating beast, no one can replace Mark's uniqueness. Zhang Jingyun is interested in him, but he does not want to mutate.


Bai Yuekui's appearance at the Lighthouse and Xin Qiji caused quite a stir. The emotions of the people in the Lighthouse were not deliberately suppressed, and there were even a lot of pole-devouring beasts gathered on the ground.

If it weren't for the fact that these pole-devouring beasts were all ordinary types, Zhang Jingyun would have really wanted to blast them with a cannon and fire up the lighthouse's central electromagnetic cannon!

"Do you want to absorb the Spiritual Breath Seeds directly?"

On this day, Zhang Jingyun tried to absorb the spiritual breath seeds. He asked Bai Yuekui to help guard them. He didn't expect Bai Yuekui's attitude to change so much.

"Absorbing the spiritual breath seeds will establish a connection with the Mana ecology. It is difficult for human will to resist the erosion of the Mana ecology. You have to think carefully."

Bai Yuekui reminded Zhang Jingyun.

"Don't worry, it's not life-threatening."

Zhang Jingyun is confident that even if he cannot absorb it, at least it will not threaten his life. At worst, Zhang Jingyun will directly return to the main world.

No matter how powerful the Mana ecology is, it cannot span the world. After Zhang Jingyun finished speaking, Bai Yuekui no longer stopped him. He flipped his wrist and took out a spiritual breath seed.

The spirit breath seeds of Snake Dog are only the size of ordinary eggs. As the spirit breath seeds were taken out from the space, Zhang Jingyun's eyes flashed with purple-gold light.

He could see the smallest changes.

As soon as the spirit breath seeds are taken out, the spirit cage world and the ubiquitous Mana ecology are connected to this core, and the Mana ecosystem can resurrect the core again through the air.

However, this recovery speed is much slower, and since there is no skeleton of the Devouring Beast, it will take a long time to resurrect with only the Spiritual Breath Seed.

After staring for a while, Zhang Jingyun threw away the spiritual breath seed, chewed it into pieces, and then swallowed it with a continuous crackling sound.

It tastes like eating a piece of tempered glass.

After entering the spirit breath seeds into his belly, Zhang Jingyun practiced breathing techniques and absorbed the life essence in them. In an instant, a rich life essence poured into his limbs and bones, like pouring a basin of mountain spring water on his burning soul, completely refreshing!

Zhang Jingyun could feel that his mental power was much stronger. The speed of this almost predatory practice was very different from that of regular practice.

"It's so cool! It's so cool!"

Zhang Jingyun's soul was trembling, he was extremely excited, and he wanted to absorb a few more spiritual breath seeds, but he thought of Bai Yuekui's words, and the mana ecology would erode Zhang Jingyun's will based on the changes in the spiritual breath seeds.

So Zhang Jingyun didn't act rashly.

He waited quietly, and suddenly his mind was shaken, and he really felt a strange spiritual power pouring into the depths of his mind.

This force tried to disintegrate Zhang Jingyun's will and affect his mental power, and was finally completely assimilated by Mana Ecology.

Just as Bai Yuekui said.

This kind of spiritual power is difficult for normal people to contend with, but Zhang Jingyun is really not a normal person. Every time he travels through time, his soul becomes stronger and his mental power also improves a lot.

Coupled with Zhang Jingyun's own cultivation over the years, his will has become stronger, like a rock, unshakable.

He really didn't like the spiritual power of Mana Ecology. Zhang Jingyun even had a bold idea to "eat" the spiritual power that came to his door!

With the thought, the power that invaded his mind was completely crushed by Zhang Jingyun's mental will, and then slowly absorbed by him.

The purple-gold light in Zhang Jingyun's eyes became more and more intense. The golden pupils gained a lot of benefits in the process, and the power of his controlled thoughts increased by more than 30%.

"This growth rate is more powerful than scarlet pigment!" Zhang Jingyun's eyes lit up. He would not be easily affected by Mana's ecology.

For others, the Spirit Breath Seeds can only be crushed because they are useless. So far, only Zhang Jingyun can absorb the Spirit Breath Seeds without any damage!

Zhang Jingyun opened his eyes and faced Bai Yuekui.

"Are you okay?"

Bai Yuokui blinked and asked.

"What can happen to me?"

Bai Yuekui was worried and asked again, "What kind of moves did you use for the first time you and I fought?"

Zhang Jingyun said subconsciously: "The flying dragon is in the sky?"

Bai Yuekui's expression remained normal, "It seems to be fine. I didn't expect you to be able to absorb spiritual breath seeds. Master Lai would definitely be curious to death if he knew it."

Zhang Jingyun: "..."

"Ordinary spiritual breath seeds cannot affect my will. I will absorb the ordinary spiritual breath seeds first, and I will also have a transformed spiritual breath seed from the pole-devouring beast for later use."

Zhang Jingyun said a few words and then began to continue practicing. After taking more than a dozen ordinary spiritual breath seeds into his stomach, his life essence and even mental strength increased.

By the time he absorbed the spirit breath seeds of the transformed pole-devouring beast, Zhang Jingyun's mental power had become more than ten times stronger, and his mental power could control objects weighing more than a hundred kilograms!

Zhang Jingyun is naturally quite satisfied that he has made such great progress in a short period of time, because he can now initially fly.

Because of his cultivation, Zhang Jingyun's body is denser than that of ordinary people, and his weight may be more than twice that of other people with the same figure.

Zhang Jingyun relied on the combination of mental power and gravity technique to break through the critical point and could fly at a turtle's speed.

Although it was slow, it was still flying.

Moreover, if Zhang Jingyun is given an initial speed, his flying speed will not be slow. The improvement this brings to Zhang Jingyun is no less than breaking through to a new realm.

"You can prepare to return to the main world."

Zhang Jingyun thought to himself that he had gained a lot from practicing in the spirit cage world, and now even if he returned directly to the main world, it would have no impact.

However, Zhang Jingyun still made a big deal before leaving. As the city lord, he asked everyone to come to the square to enjoy old world film and television works.

Any movie that arouses emotions, whether it is love, family, or friendship, the more intense the emotional changes of the people, the better.

The emotions that the people of Lighthouse had suppressed for many years exploded. At this moment, Lighthouse became the most dazzling prey in the eyes of countless polar-devouring beasts on the ground.

More and more pole-devouring beasts gathered under the lighthouse. Zhang Jingyun wanted this result. He even deliberately controlled the lighthouse not to rise too high, in order to let the pole-devouring beasts feel the emotions they longed for.

Finally, a roar resounded throughout the world, and a beast that was as big as a hill and had ferocious teeth on its back was pushed towards tall buildings.

"Big-toothed double-jawed beast!"

This giant pole-devouring beast was the first king-level pole-devouring beast that Zhang Jingyun had come into contact with. Zhang Jingyun failed to kill it last time, and this time, it would definitely die.

Zhang Jingyun pressed the button.

Fighting and killing was not in line with Zhang Jingyun's status as the city lord. The power of technology these days cannot be underestimated. Zhang Jingyun activated the lighthouse's central electromagnetic gun.

If this bombardment continues, its power is comparable to that of a nuclear weapon. Not only the king-level giant-toothed double-jawed beast, but also other metamorphic pole-devouring beasts are also completely annihilated by the energy beam.

Zhang Jingyun shuddered.

This is a real cannon for equality of all living beings.

Although Zhang Jingyun was very strong, he probably wouldn't be able to last long under this cannon. Seeing countless pole-devouring beasts disappear into ashes, the lighthouse's backup energy source was activated, its engine roared, and it slowly lifted into the air.

Zhang Jingyun used the central electromagnetic cannon to kill the pole-devouring beast, which was also a way to complete the task. After all, he had worked hard to win the position of city leader.

I don't know why, but with this bombardment, Zhang Jingyun felt a crisis, as if some kind of power swept over him.

Zhang Jingyun thought and returned to the main world. Anyway, he could come back to the world after completing the mission at any time. Zhang Jingyun disappeared instantly.

The next second, the time and space in front of me seemed to freeze. There was a vague human figure in the sky, ten meters high, with light blue wings behind it.


"Ding! Mission accomplished, return begins."

A system notification sounded in my mind, the next second. Zhang Jingyun disappeared. When he closed and opened his eyes, the world had changed.

Return to the real world.

The system prompt sounded again in my mind, "Congratulations to the host for completing the system task. The rewards are being settled. Please wait..."

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