People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 142 Settlement, system rewards [Please subscribe]

Return to the real world.

The system prompt sounded in Zhang Jingyun's mind, "Congratulations to the host for completing the system task. The rewards are being settled, please wait..."

Various memories flashed rapidly in Zhang Jingyun's mind, like a marquee, until all the memories were browsed through.

[Current Progress: Spirit Cage World]

[Task bar: Task one, breed pacesetters, task two, kill the pole-eating beasts. Note: The more pole-devouring beasts you kill and the higher the level, the richer the reward will be. 】

[Task rewards: 1. "Nine Methods of Xuannv", 2. Crystal Meditation Method, the hidden task "Capture the Tower" has been completed, please check the corresponding rewards in detail. 】

Scenes of memories emerged in Zhang Jingyun's mind. Zhang Jingyun completed the task of breeding pacesetters in less than half a year, and was accidentally re-elected for two years.

This kind of task is really a reward for a talent like Zhang Jingyun. The legend of Zhang Jingyun is still circulating in the Golden Hall.

Many people at the lighthouse brag about how powerful they are, like being able to perform seven breeding missions a day. They are so boastful that they are overwhelmed by the task.

Zhang Jingyun is different. Since he took charge of the Golden Hall, he has set an example and is hands-on in everything. He is always on the front line for every task.

Performing more than ten missions every day for several consecutive months is a myth in the lighthouse. I don’t know how many people admire Zhang Jingyun.

This is the result of his deliberately keeping a low profile.

That was a breeding mission that Zhang Jingyun carried out publicly. In private, he also carried out special breeding missions with Jing Nan and others, but no one knew about these.

Therefore, the degree of completion of the task of breeding pacesetters is almost at its peak in Zhang Jingyun's opinion, and others cannot compare with him at all.

Zhang Jingyun looked at the mission reward.

"Xuan Nu's Nine Techniques? What is this?"

It sounds like a skill, Zhang Jingyun thought about it, and clicked on the detailed introduction of the reward to view it. Unexpectedly, he was instantly addicted to it!

Zhang Jingyun's guess was correct. This was indeed a skill, and it had a great origin. Even Zhang Jingyun found this skill incredible.

First of all, the word Xuannv is taken from the Nine Heavens Xuannv. In Chinese myths and legends, the Nine Heavens Xuannv was the teacher of the Yellow Emperor and helped the Yellow Emperor defeat Chi You.

The Nine Methods of Xuannv is the most essential part of the mysterious book "Xuannv Sutra", and it is the most authentic dual cultivation secret method of Xuanmen.

Huangdi once asked Xuannv for advice on the secret method of dual cultivation, and Xuannv of the Nine Heavens taught her the "Xuannv Sutra". Huangdi benefited a lot from reading it, and finally he ascended to heaven.

The Nine Methods of Xuannv are the essence. The so-called nine methods are actually nine postures. Using these nine postures during dual cultivation can understand the way of yin and yang.

The Nine Methods are mysterious and profound. It is said that they are the Nine Heaven Mysteries. They evolved based on the postures and movements of animals combined with their own conditions, so they are named after nine animals.

Xuannv's nine methods are: dragon's roll, tiger's step, ape's fight, cicada's attachment, turtle's soaring, phoenix's flight, rabbit sucking hair, fish catching scales and crane crossing neck.

Zhang Jingyun was obsessed with it as soon as he saw it.

During this year of hard work in Lighthouse, the results were brilliant, but such blind squandering of energy still put a lot of pressure on Zhang Jingyun.

It was timely to obtain Xuannv's nine methods.

The most important thing is that Zhang Jingyun now knows that double cultivation is not about the number of times, but about the quality. Quantitative change is not as good as qualitative change.

Xuannv's Nine Techniques can just improve the quality of dual cultivation. In the past, one dual cultivation would only have 0.2 attribute points. As Zhang Jingyun becomes stronger and stronger, this dual cultivation efficiency is actually holding him back. Zhang Jingyun also hopes that the efficiency of dual cultivation in the future will be comparable to that of Zhang Jingyun. Bai Yuekui is a double practitioner.

"The Nine Techniques of Xuannv, tsk tsk, the ancients were so powerful. They have thoroughly studied these things. Some of the secret techniques of dual cultivation in later generations are actually just picking up the wisdom of others."

Zhang Jingyun quickly memorized the Nine Techniques of Xuannv. This secret technique of dual cultivation was passed down by Xuannv of the Nine Heavens. Huangdi, one of the first ancestors of China, also practiced this.

Xuanmen secret techniques naturally have extraordinary effects, and are essentially the pursuit of immortality, so this technique can also extend lifespan, and even ascend to immortality.

This kind of Kung Fu is completely different from national martial arts and internal Kung Fu. It practices the Tao of Yin and Yang, and it no longer belongs to the category of martial arts in terms of quality.

In the past, many martial arts were comparable to some immortal cultivation techniques, such as the Bahuang Liuhe Self-respecting Kung Fu, which can rejuvenate youth and prolong life. In the final analysis, this is still internal power, and it is far from the real immortal cultivation techniques.

On the other hand, Zhang Jingyun estimated that the Nine Mysterious Women's Techniques might be the real immortality cultivation techniques. The world in myths and legends may not necessarily be the real world.

"Huangdi Neijing" also said: "People in ancient times lived a hundred years in the spring and autumn, but their movements did not decline... they grasped the heaven and earth to grasp the yin and yang, breathed the essence, and independently guarded the gods. Their muscles were as one, so they could live long in the world..."

There is a huge gap between the world described in the Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon and the main world. These nine methods of Xuannv may have miraculous effects in the spirit cage world.

The concentration of spiritual energy in the spirit cage world is the highest since Zhang Jingyun traveled through multiple mission worlds, and the cultivation effect is the best.

In fact, the main world is not suitable for practicing the Nine Arts of Xuannv, and it is not suitable for the Republic of China and the late Qing Dynasty. The green valley of Kunlun Mountain in the world of Yitian Slaying Dragon is good.

It's a pity that the spirit cage world cannot be returned for the time being.

Otherwise, Zhang Jingyun would definitely try it with Bai Yuekui.

Zhang Jingyun turned his eyes to look at the second reward, "Crystal Meditation Method, why does it sound a little familiar?"

As his mental power became stronger and his soul transformed, Zhang Jingyun quickly remembered where he had heard this name.

The crystal meditation method is related to Wang Chao. Of course, the relationship is not too big. It is a meditation practice method and a mainstream practice method that was born after the great changes in the world of Dragon and Snake.

The force value of the world of dragons and snakes is already very high in the world of martial arts. Breaking the void and seeing the gods are indestructible, which is comparable to the gods on land.

In fact, the world of dragons and snakes is just the beginning. In the era after Wang Chao, the world has changed greatly and has truly entered the era of immortality.

Crystal meditation is the most basic practice method. Through meditation, you can enter deep sleep and continuously improve your vitality, thereby achieving the purpose of evolution.

In the era after Wang Chao, spiritual practice was the norm, college life was mainly about practicing crystal meditation, and life evolution was what everyone pursued.

Crystal Meditation emphasizes spiritual practice.

Through: sitting meditation, meditation, meditation, guidance, etc., training can make the heart strong, the mind concentrated, and better control of breathing, heartbeat, pulse and other body functions. When the crystal meditation method reaches a profound state, The phenomenon of "deep sleep" will occur.

Deep sleep is a very magical state, similar to the Chinese people's unity. In a hazy state, you can better feel the power of heaven and earth.

Even in the era after Wang Chao when everyone was cultivating immortality, Taoist masters such as Chen Tuan and Zhang Sanfeng were still highly respected.

Ancestor Chen Tuan once taught the Hidden Dragon Sleeping Alchemy Technique, which went against the principles of spiritual practice and practiced in sleep, thus creating a new school.

Zhang Sanfeng also left a poem called "Hym of the Hidden Dragon".

Sleeping gods, sleeping gods, lying high on stone roots and forgetting their years, the three rays of sinking nature are self-rounded.

Once you’ve learned it, it’s true lying Zen.

Developed, true fetal essence.


These exercises all emphasize the role of sleep. One hour of deep sleep is more efficient than seven or eight hours of normal sleep.

If you ensure one hour of deep sleep every day, the effect will be to make people more energetic all day long, with excellent memory, and over time, the body will be strong and life will be prolonged.

Not only that, there are three stages of deep sleep, and each stage requires hard study. This practice system is more suitable for people with high understanding.

If some people who are born with extremely high understanding practice, they may be Taoist or Buddha-level figures, and they will be able to soar to the sky soon.

"It seems that this technique is suitable for me." Zhang Jingyun thought. He never valued understanding when practicing any technique. No matter how difficult the technique is, he can master it with just one click.

Zhang Jingyun was quite satisfied with the first two rewards.

As for the third reward…

Zhang Jingyun's heart moved, and he hid the mission reward. In fact, he had long expected that there would be a big prize, because Zhang Jingyun had received the fate of rebelling against Tiangang before.

That is to say.

As long as Zhang Jingyun does things like rebelling and usurping the throne, if he succeeds, there will definitely be rewards for related hidden tasks.

What Zhang Jingyun did in the spirit cage world was very simple. He first used the taming technique to make Charles his own, and then won the position of city lord.

This is obviously an act against Tiangang.

Zhang Jingyun succeeded.

Hidden mission rewards are coming as promised.

Zhang Jingyun raised his eyebrows when he clicked on the reward panel. As before, there were four reward options arranged in sequence on the panel.

Choose one of four bonus modes.

Zhang Jingyun can choose one of four rewards as the final reward. In Zhang Jingyun's opinion, this reward model is more humane than the system lottery.

Lottery, if it is a Teng system, it will be gg.

Looking at the first reward, the Nine Elder Immortal Capital Seal, Zhang Jingyun raised his eyebrows. He had never heard of it. He looked at the reward introduction, but he didn't know what it was. He was shocked when he saw it.

First of all, we need to find out who the Nine Lao Immortals are in Junyin? In the "Picture of True Spirit Position and Industry" written by the founder of Maoshan, Tao Hongjing Zhenjun, the Nine Immortals are ranked fourth on the left and are the assistant ministers of Taishang Laojun. Therefore, the seal engraved with his name is recognized by all Taoist sects. Heavy.

Therefore, the seal of the Nine Lao Immortal Capital is the seal of Maoshan. Seeing the seal is like seeing Maoshan. This seal is the military talisman between the Maoshan sect and its disciples. Only when this seal is in harmony can it have the effect of blessing the sect and obtain the protection of the ancestor. Otherwise, it is illegal. , all kinds of prayers are ineffective.

This is a seal. If it is a Zhenpa seal, its value is immeasurable. Of course, the value mentioned here is not how much it is sold for.

This seal is a real magic weapon.

Possessing magical power, those who wear the seal of the Nine Immortal Capitals will be able to protect themselves from wolves, tigers and monsters when they enter the mountains. When the rivers are windy and rainy, they can control the immortal officials of the caves in the world. If they wear the seal, they cannot be harmed by soldiers, tigers cannot be injured, and water cannot drown them. , in the face of great danger, good things will happen.

Of course, this kind of extraordinary effect is only available to the Maoshan sect's Zhenshu dharma seal, which is the type of mana cultivation, and is different from the Maoshan sect in the main world.

The system rewards are not so generous. They will not give him the seal of the Maoshan Sect. The Nine Elder Immortal Capital Seal in this option is just an ordinary magic weapon.

However, even ordinary magic weapons have their own merits, such as the effects of attracting good luck and avoiding evil, deterring ghosts and ghosts, and sealing talismans.

Zhang Jingyun touched his chin. This thing is not bad. If the other rewards are not good, it is good to get a Maoshan sect magic weapon.

Looking down, Zhang Jingyun looked at the second reward, the mighty Tianlong! The corner of his mouth suddenly twitched, what kind of weird reward is this?

After a moment, Zhang Jingyun's eyes lit up.

He has figured out that the reward for the Great Powerful Heavenly Dragon is actually to use the blood of a true dragon to tattoo a dragon-shaped pattern on the body. The blood of the true dragon can exorcise evil spirits and subjugate demons. In addition, the pattern is taken from the Eight Heavenly Dragons, so it is named the Great Powerful Heavenly Dragon. .

"Isn't this really Fahai's tattoo?"

Zhang Jingyun thought of Zhao Wenzhuo's version of Fahai. This version of Fahai was so violent that if the Buddha himself came to resolve Fahai's obsession, he might be rewarded by Fahai.

However, the tattoo on Fahai's body is related to the heavenly dragon. It is a real Buddhist secret technique. You can borrow the power of the heavenly dragon with the help of mudra spells.

Therefore, every time Fahai shouts slogans, he becomes more powerful. The secret Buddhist techniques he performs are equivalent to having Buddhist support behind him. He can borrow as much Buddhist power as he wants.

Fahai in this state is basically only one step away from achieving Arhat status. If he steps out on his own, his achievements will be even higher. However, Fahai has not stepped out, and Buddhism is still very optimistic about Fahai.

It can only be said that it is better to enjoy the shade with the big tree at your back.

The system rewarded Tianlong tattoo uses dragon blood. I don’t know which real dragon’s blood it is, but the introduction of the system reward says that depending on the compatibility between the powerful Tianlong and the host, a high degree of compatibility may have unexpected benefits.

Even if the fit is not high, just because it is dragon blood and the legendary real dragon, it can improve Zhang Jingyun's physical fitness a lot!

Zhang Jingyun lowered his eyes to look at the third reward, "Thunder in the Palm? The Taoist thunder method has incredible power after being practiced.

This thing... The threshold for practicing palm thunder is very high, and it requires a deep foundation of mana, but now I don't even know how to practice mana. "

The palm thunder that is rewarded by the system is not an immortal method. In the Battle of the Gods, the Immortal Jiejiao and the Immortal Chanjiao still used palm thunder to defend themselves. Its power is not comparable to the skills rewarded by the system.

"It is estimated that it is the thunder method of Longhu Mountain, Shangqing Sect, and Shenxiao Sect. It will have miraculous effects on some lonely ghosts and mountain spirits. It also requires a foundation of magic power..."

Zhang Jingyun shook his head. Although this skill is powerful, there is no need to choose it if you don't need it. Just choose some rewards that suit your situation.

The last reward, Zhang Jingyun's eyes are slightly focused, absolute defense, can defend three times the maximum attack, and can only be used once a day.

"Does this thing deserve to be called absolute defense? It's rubbish. Isn't it just a defensive technique similar to the Vajra Indestructible Body Magic Technique? And there are restrictions."

Zhang Jingyun shook his head.

This skill is actually not useless at all, but its effect is very limited, making it useless compared to other rewards.

Among the four rewards, Zhang Jingyun has already made up his mind that Palm Thunder is not a secret skill in certain mission worlds.

This thing is a secret technique that is easy to learn but difficult to master. It is actually easy to learn. Whether it can be mastered depends on personal opportunities.

Think about it.

Zhang Jingyun finally chose Dawei Tianlong.

He just wanted to see how well he fit with Dragon Blood. If the fit was very high, wouldn't he miss a big opportunity?

"Congratulations to the host, you have received the mighty Tianlong reward. The rewards are being distributed. Please prepare the host!" The system prompt sounded suddenly.

The next second, Zhang Jingyun felt burning pain, as if a golden dragon had penetrated his body, and there was a faint dragon roar in his ears...

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