People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 144 The Sixth World [Please subscribe]

"Python, dragon?"

Zhang Jingyun was extremely surprised. He didn't even know that there was such a monster hidden in the green valley of Kunlun Mountain. Now that he thinks about it, he is still a little scared.

Although Zhang Jingyun's golden pupils could see through things back then, the distance they could see was limited, and they couldn't use spiritual energy to explore living things like they can now.

The Lingquan is unfathomable, and Zhang Jingyun didn't even get to the bottom of it. Naturally, he didn't know there was a monster hiding underneath. He had been practicing next to the Lingquan for five years, but the monster never appeared once?

"Who are you and how did you enter the Valley of Immortality?"

At this moment, a crisp voice sounded. Zhang Jingyun turned his head and saw a little girl with bright eyes and white teeth. She looked about sixteen or seventeen years old, with skin as smooth as gel and black hair in a bun. She was not afraid to see Zhang Jingyun, but her voice was a little cold. , at first glance, it is the style of the Tomb Sect.

As soon as Zhang Jingyun turned around, the girl saw her face clearly. She felt as if she had been struck by lightning. After being stunned for a moment, she suddenly turned around and ran away, shouting as she ran, "Master, Master is back."

"Zhiruo, your master has been shattered and passed away long ago. Could it be that you are blinded again." A familiar voice sounded in Zhang Jingyun's ears.

Immediately afterwards, a figure in yellow walked over. She had a light and cold aura, like a goddess who could not eat the fireworks of the world. Her manners were dignified and her appearance was peerless. No one in the world could be better than the girl in yellow in appearance.

Seeing Zhang Jingyun, the woman in yellow shirt was obviously surprised, followed by unabashed joy, and then she gently threw herself into Zhang Jingyun's arms.

"You're back!"

The voice of the woman in yellow shirt was as sweet as before. She threw herself into Zhang Jingyun's arms and felt the warm and soft breath before she was sure that this was not a dream.

Zhang Jingyun said softly: "I'm back."

Since Zhang Jingyun shattered the void and left a few years ago, the world has been full of legends about him. The Wudang Sect's status has skyrocketed, even crushing the Mingjiao and becoming the well-deserved number one sect in the world.

There is no other reason. First, there is an old immortal in Wudang. He is over one hundred and ten years old, but he is getting younger and younger as he lives. A few years ago, his hair was as white as snow. After that, every time I see this old immortal, he has a few more strands of black hair. hair.

Zhang Jingyun also knew that Zhang Sanfeng's high level could not only be described in terms of combat power. In fact, in some aspects, Zhang Sanfeng's ideological level was far inferior to even Zhang Jingyun's.

Less than three years after Zhang Jingyun left this world, Zhang Sanfeng had already reached the realm of heaven and man. It seemed that he could break the void and leave at any time.

In addition to Zhang Sanfeng, the legendary figure of the Wudang Sect is naturally Song Qingshu, who died in front of countless disciples. This is also Zhang Jingyun's identity in the Yitian World, the first disciple of the third generation of Wudang.

There is Zhang Jingyun in front of Shattering Void.

After the unification, martial arts became popular in the Ming Empire, and countless people studied martial arts one after another, trying to break through the innate realm and move towards the path to immortality.

After all, Zhang Jingyun really ascended to the throne after becoming emperor. Compared with longevity, Wang Tu's hegemony seemed less important, and the country was once peaceful.

However, it is not easy to practice martial arts, and it is difficult to break through the innate, let alone break the void. Zhang Jingyun's myth of breaking the void is only possible to be recreated by Zhang Sanfeng in the contemporary era.

After Zhang Sanfeng, Zhang Wuji may have a chance, but that will be a hundred and eighty years later. Although Zhang Wuji broke through the innate talent in his early twenties, the realm after innate talent did not depend on chance.

Therefore, when Zhang Jingyun, a man who had already become an immortal, appeared in front of everyone again, even the woman in yellow shirt felt incredible.

"Can you come back after the void has been shattered? Which world did you go to after the void was shattered? Is there anyone more powerful than you? Are you not in danger?"

The series of questions from the girl in yellow warmed Zhang Jingyun's heart. A person as cold as her knew that she was so close to him.

"It's a world full of monsters. It's very dangerous. There are people who are more powerful than me, but not many. But these people must cooperate because they have a common opponent."

Zhang Jingyun doesn't know much about Shattered Void. He doesn't know whether it will be broken into the same world, but it will definitely not be in the spirit cage world, and those who are broken away will not come back.

Zhang Jingyun is an exception.

In fact, if Zhang Sanfeng shatters the void and leaves, he will be unprecedented and unprecedented. Even Zhang Jingyun does not know which world he will go to.

"Although it is a bit dangerous, there are also many rewards. I have obtained the inheritance of the ancient Yellow Emperor, and I just want to pass it on to you. Let's practice together."

Zhang Jingyun immediately passed on the Xuannv Sutra to the Yellow-shirted Girl. The couple had a similar mind. When they heard that it was the inheritance of the Yellow Emperor, the Huang-shirted Girl was even more awe-struck.

The sound of collision sounded for the first time in the palace.

After Zhou Zhiruo listened to the exercises outside the door for a while, she left this place of right and wrong with a blushing face. By the time the two of them finished practicing, it was already afternoon.

[Practice once, attribute points +0.6]

Zhang Jingyun's face was filled with joy. Sure enough, he was right. The higher the cultivation level, the better the cultivation effect. The girl in yellow shirt has now officially broken through the innate realm. This is the normal dual cultivation mode.

In the evening, Zhang Jingyun went to see Zhang Sanfeng.

Zhang Sanfeng, with long hair that is half black and half white, is sitting cross-legged in a small courtyard practicing. The method he practices is Pure Yang Wuji Kung Fu, but it incorporates many of the unique internal skills left by Zhang Jingyun. It has become the same as the original Chunyang Wuji Gong. The difference is huge.

"Qingshu, can you come back?"

Zhang Sanfeng's face is rosy, without a trace of wrinkles. He is getting younger as he lives. Only in this way can he become a martial arts legend.

"Master, my Broken Void is different from you. Being able to come back is a special case and cannot be taught to others. So if you go away in Broken Void, I'm afraid you won't be able to come back."

Zhang Sanfeng was not sorry, but laughed heartily: "After all, you have good luck. Ever since you first opened Suhui, you have been different from others. How about it, do you remember what happened in your previous life?"

Zhang Jingyun nodded: "I am Qingshu in this life. In my last life, it was fate. Like you, my surname is Zhang and my given name is Jingxuan."

"Ha, my surname is Zhang Hao, the Zhang family also has an emperor." Zhang Sanfeng laughed after saying this, and Zhang Jingyun couldn't help but laugh out loud. There really has been no legitimate emperor named Zhang since ancient times.

Oh, there is the Jade Emperor Zhang Bairen.

"Grand Master's kung fu is becoming more and more perfect. He has reached the realm of heaven and human beings. When will he be ready to break into pieces and leave?" Zhang Jingyun asked.

"Originally, it could have been done a year ago, but that day, the old Taoist Fu Ling felt that there were still some common things that he didn't understand, so he kept putting it off. Now it seems that it is you who should do it."

"Is this happening?" Zhang Jingyun was slightly surprised.

Zhang Sanfeng's martial arts realm is really not as good as his own, but in terms of ideological realm, he can be compared with Patriarch Chen Tuan, Zhang Ziyang, and Zhang Daoling. He even went straight to Laozhuang.

It’s not surprising to realize anything.

"Master, I saw a dragon under the spiritual spring. With your strength, you should be able to compete with it. Have you ever fought with it?"

Zhang Jingyun suddenly asked.

Zhang Sanfeng nodded: "When I broke through two years ago, I caused confusion in the spiritual energy of the spiritual spring, and that's why I accidentally drew out the dragon.

The dragon has lived for an unknown amount of time, and his intelligence has been developed. He can sense my good intentions, and I don't expect him to come out to harm others casually.

This was already considered a spiritual beast, so I didn’t get rid of it. Moreover, if I were to face it, to be honest, I might not be able to win with this level of cultivation. "

"It's just that if things go on like this, everything seems to be in peace. If you and I both leave, there's no guarantee that the dragon won't cause trouble. In my opinion, it's best to communicate with it."

Zhang Jingyun's words made Zhang Sanfeng's eyes light up, "Do you still have the ability to communicate with spiritual beasts? If you can use the dragon for your own use, it will be the best of both worlds."

"let me try."

Zhang Jingyun and Zhang Sanfeng immediately came to the spiritual spring. As Zhang Jingyun used his skills to stir up the spiritual energy of the world, the dragon under the spiritual spring was awakened.

After all, Zhang Jingyun's Everlasting Eternal Spring Kung Fu's ability to absorb spiritual energy is much more powerful than Zhang Sanfeng's Pure Yang Wuji Kung Fu.


The spiritual spring that was several feet square suddenly began to boil, and bubbles bubbled up. The next second, a ferocious dragon head burst out of sleep.

The huge head looks similar to that of a python at first glance, but the single horn on its head completely separates it from the python.

The body as thick as a water tank kept twisting in the air. When Jiaolong saw Zhang Sanfeng, his pupils shrank, obviously recognizing him, and finally his eyes fell on Zhang Jingyun.

It actually felt a hint of threat from Zhang Jingyun, and its two shining eyes subconsciously revealed a hint of terror.

Zhang Jingyun tried to communicate with the other party.

This is spiritual communication. In the spirit cage world, Bai Yuekui and others can even invade the spirit of the pole-devouring beast and control the other party.

Zhang Jingyun uses this method, combined with meditation, to have a hypnotic effect, allowing the other party to communicate with him calmly.

However, although this dragon had just begun to awaken its spiritual intelligence, it instinctively felt fearful and even subconsciously hostile to Zhang Jingyun when encountering this kind of spiritual communication.

Looks ready to attack at any moment.

Zhang Jingyun: "..."

It was a waste of emotion. Not only did it not achieve the effect, it actually made the dragon extremely wary. There was no way to communicate anymore and the only option was to use the taming technique.

Zhang Jingyun immediately activated his technique, and the Gangqi around his body stirred like ordinary turbulence. Zhang Jingyun's eyes flashed with blue light, which was the state of stimulating the source of life.

This is preparing to take down the opponent with one blow. In fact, Zhang Jingyun even activated the real dragon tattoo, and bursts of dragon power acted on the dragon!

Zhang Jingyun had no reservations. Even Zhang Sanfeng next to him felt great pressure. He could see through Zhang Jingyun's strength before, but now the gap is too big.


The dragon was frightened by Zhang Jingyun's aura and roared. It seemed that it was angered and could attack anytime and anywhere!

At this time, Jiaolong's body was pulled out of the spiritual spring, and suddenly he lay down in front of Zhang Jingyun without any warning. His eyes had long lost the unruly look before.

This is like a strong man who is about to teach you a lesson, kneels down in front of you with a plop, and wants to get close to you with a silly smile on his face.

Zhang Jingyun: "???"

After a while, Zhang Jingyun used the taming technique to tame the dragon and understood the cause and effect. It turned out that the dragon had been practicing here since ancient times.

It dreams that one day it can transform into a dragon and go away, but in Zhang Jingyun, it feels the aura that makes it surrender. It is sure that Zhang Jingyun can enlighten it, help it practice, and transform into a dragon as soon as possible.

Zhang Jingyun also overthought it. It was just a dragon, and it only took a thousand years of practice to become somewhat knowledgeable. If it hadn't been lucky enough to get into this spiritual spring, it would have died long ago. When it met someone like Zhang Jingyun, it would have loved to hug him.

"I really can't help you much with spiritual beast cultivation..." Zhang Jingyun was thinking and suddenly his heart moved. Didn't he just get a spiritual cultivation technique?

This technique can be practiced not only by humans, but also by animals, and some people are more suitable for practicing it. It is the crystal meditation method rewarded by the system.

Zhang Sanfeng is the kind of person who is most suitable for practice. He is a Taoist master and few others can match him in the field of thought. Even the warriors in the world of the Emperor of Galaxy highly recommend Zhang Sanfeng and Chen Tuan. Just imagine, what would happen if Zhang Sanfeng practiced crystal meditation?

The crystal meditation method is the result of countless human spiritual masters’ continuous research. It is the safest, most effective meditation method that can expel spiritual impurities. It is suitable for all living creatures to practice. This most basic thing is often the most valuable. .

"You won't become the boss of all worlds, right?"

Zhang Jingyun suppressed his excitement and first communicated with Jiaolong: "Come, learn from me. You are a crystal full of impurities. Breathing removes impurities, and the crystal is flawless...

Got into the zone so quickly? "

Zhang Jingyun was quite surprised, but then he realized that the minds of animals were still purer than those of humans, and they were actually faster to practice. However, the entry level was difficult to overcome and needed enlightenment.

Even in the world of the Emperor of the Galaxy, there are very few psychic masters who can "enlighten" animals. All of them are powerful.

Zhang Jingyun was also able to do it because of his many skills and his lack of stress. He initiated the dragon into formal practice and relied on the aura of the valley to achieve limitless achievements in the future.

"Grand Master, my set of exercises is also suitable for you..." Zhang Jingyun then passed the crystal meditation method to Zhang Sanfeng. He didn't know what changes would be produced by practicing crystal meditation in the thinking master system recommended by countless masters in the Galaxy Emperor world.

"Oh? This set of exercises is quite suitable for me! How old is the dream? What year is it today?" Zhang Sanfeng practices crystal meditation and always feels that the concept of this exercise is very close to his own thoughts.

Slowly Zhang Jingyun subconsciously opened his mouth. Zhang Sanfeng had a sacred face and abnormal mental fluctuations. The three stages of deep sleep were easy for him.

When meditation reached its limit, Zhang Sanfeng even felt that his brain seemed to be connected with the starry sky above his head, his thoughts spread out, and his spirit began to radiate.

"Is this meditation?"

Entering the state of concentration is the first level of spiritual practice. Even in the era two hundred years after Wang Chao, there were not many people who could enter concentration. A school with 800,000 students might not be able to produce a single person who entered concentration.

Just because entering samadhi is a hundred times more difficult than the three-harmony stage of deep sleep, it requires strong mental will and spiritual power to drive away inner demons, clear the sky, and eliminate distracting thoughts. This is why people of that era respected the ancient thinking masters.

Zhang Sanfeng's one step into samadhi is comparable to decades of hard training, and he has received unexpected benefits both spiritually and physically.

A large amount of spiritual energy poured into the body, and in just a moment, Zhang Sanfeng's half-black and half-white hair completely turned into fluttering black hair. He looked middle-aged and full of heroic spirit.

Such is the case with rejuvenation.

Zhang Sanfeng was also more certain that the opportunity he felt was indeed due to Zhang Jingyun, and that this meditation method came at the right time.

If you miss it, you will miss a huge opportunity.

Seeing that Zhang Sanfeng's practice was on the right track, Zhang Jingyun passed on the crystal meditation method to the girl in yellow shirt. She used the spiritual spring to practice in the valley, and she must soon be able to break through to the realm of heaven and human beings or even higher realms.

After that, Zhang Jingyun used the spiritual spring to refine the spiritual liquid, put it in the system space and returned to the main world. He went to the world of Jing Ruyi and others, taught the skills, left the spiritual liquid, practiced dual cultivation for a few more days, and finally returned with satisfaction.

Living a small life is so nourishing.

In this way, a month passed quickly. On this day, the voice of the system sounded in Zhang Jingyun's mind again.

"The sixth world is about to begin!"

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