People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 145 Maoshan Corpse Refining Technique [Please subscribe]

"The sixth world is about to begin!"

As soon as the voice fell, Zhang Jingyun's vision suddenly went dark, and he disappeared instantly, being pulled into an unknown space again.

When you close your eyes and open them, the world changes.


"Quick, quick, quick! Please call in Daozhang Zhang!"

Noisy sounds rang in Zhang Jingyun's ears, and the next second, Zhang Jingyun felt a big hand pushing repeatedly on his body.

"Taoist priest, don't sleep. Quickly cast a spell to subdue the evil ghost!" The hurried voice gradually brought Zhang Jingyun's consciousness back to reality.

Zhang Jingyun slowly opened his eyes.

With a flash of light in his eyes, an invisible force bounced away the person who pushed him, and the servant who called him was frightened and backed away.

"What happened?"

Zhang Jingyun was confused, but at the same time, his mind was slightly shaken, and another strange memory poured in, like a slideshow.

At the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China, ghosts and ghosts were absurd.

Maoshan Taoist?

Cast a spell... to subdue evil spirits?

Many doubts, with the injection of this memory, suddenly became clear. This time Zhang Jingyun traveled to a world of ghosts and Taoism.

He is a Maoshan Taoist priest.

It is said that he is a disciple of Maoshan, but in fact it is just a branch, not even a serious disciple, but it is still better than Yemaoshan.

The orthodox Maoshan disciples naturally come from Maoshan. Speaking of Maoshan, Maoshan was called Juqu Mountain in ancient times. It has beautiful scenery, twists and turns, and natural caves and ruins.

Maoshan has always been considered by many to be the prototype of Tao Yuanming's "Peach Blossom Spring". For Taoist disciples who value the environment where they practice, Maoshan has great appeal.

During the Eastern Jin and Southern Dynasties, Maoshan had already become a Taoist resort in the Jiangnan region. After decades of hard work, Maoshan finally became the center of the Shangqing Sect of Taoism. Since then, the Shangqing Sect has also been called the "Maoshan Sect". That is to say, he is called "Maoshan Taoist".

Zhang Jingyun learned from the memory he just obtained that his predecessor had never been to Maoshan, and there were no orthodox Taoist priests registered in Maoshan to formally accept disciples.

However, the previous master did know some Maoshan Taoism and had some ability to catch ghosts and enchant demons. Such people also call themselves Maoshan Taoist priests when they walk outside.

As for Yemao Mountain, it is in a line of its own.

The founder of Yemaoshan only learned a little bit of Maoshan Shu, which was considered a superficial formal education, and then he taught himself a lot of extracurricular knowledge and became a line of his own.

The founder of Yemaoshan deserves to be called a genius. He has a low foundation but great achievements and is extremely talented. Because of his great contribution to the Maoshan dharma lineage, the founder of the Maoshan sect has always recognized this sect.

It's just that regular Maoshan disciples don't accept Yemaoshan, and Yemaoshan's Dharma is not upright in front of regular disciples. However, in terms of the strength of Taoism, the masters of Yemaoshan's Dharma lineage may not be inferior to regular Maoshan disciples in terms of their magic skills.

However, this was only the image of Yemaoshan at the beginning. Later, this group of people was mixed, and there were more and more bad apples, which greatly tarnished the image of Maoshan.

Especially after the emergence of some Taoist priests who used witchcraft to do evil and seek wealth and death, Yemaoshan almost always describes demons who use witchcraft and ghosts to do evil.

Naturally, people like the former master do not call Ye Maoshan, but regard themselves as true Maoshan disciples. Maoshan disciples are not surprised by these people.

Generally speaking, as long as you keep your mind upright and don't do bad things, it doesn't matter if you use Maoshan's name. But if you use Maoshan's name to do anything wrong, then you have to play.

For the predecessor master.

Zhang Jingyun really didn't find any evil deeds he had done in his memory. The old Taoist priest was also half-empty. He was good at catching monsters, exorcising ghosts, telling fortunes, drawing talismans and even reading Feng Shui, but he was not good at anything.

He has been wandering around for half his life and has achieved little in Taoism. He lives a pretty good life relying on his Maoshan reputation and his ability to fool people.

But Zhang Jingyun remembered.

When his master was middle-aged, he traveled around to make a living. With his half-baked knowledge of Feng Shui, he actually discovered a treasure land of Feng Shui.

So he spent a lot of money to prepare it as a treasured auspicious cave for himself. When he died and was buried in a good Feng Shui cave, he would have great blessings in his next life and might even achieve some success in Taoism.

It's a pity that he accidentally showed off the geomantic treasure land, and when a rich and powerful local landowner found out about it, he bought it with coercion and inducement.

For those who practice Taoism, a geomantic treasure land cannot be simply measured by money. To put it seriously, it is equivalent to cutting off the path.

However, the master is also a dabbler and has no ability. He has to bow his head under power. This matter has become a problem for him.

Several times when he was drunk, he even said he would come back with revenge and make the person suffer the consequences.

But when he sobered up, the master kept silent again, as if that incident had never happened. From this point of view, he was not Ye Maoshan.

If you were a disciple of Yemaoshan, wouldn't you use Taoism to ruin the feng shui of that person's family? This kind of thing can definitely happen if a family is destroyed.

Let’s talk about the predecessor, also called Zhang Jingyun.

After being accepted as a disciple by the old Taoist priest a few years ago, he inherited the old Taoist Taoist's half-baked Maoshan Taoist skills. Only then did he realize that exorcising ghosts and catching monsters were basically all lies.

Although his predecessor was an orphan, he was very ambitious. He scorned these deceptive things and secretly swore that he would not become a Taoist priest even if he was beaten to death.

Young and energetic, he always wants to do something big.

Until the old Taoist priest took him to perform a religious ceremony to exorcise evil spirits from the youngest son of the rich man in the next town. The rich man paid fifty oceans of respect and filial piety.

My predecessor suddenly felt that being a Taoist priest would be a good idea.

Later, the old Taoist priest's legs and feet became bad.

He performed a ritual alone and earned five oceans. From then on, he firmly picked up the mahogany sword, put on his Taoist robe, and hunted ghosts and exorcised evil spirits.

Make money, not shabby.

It was okay at first. My predecessor enjoyed this kind of life. After all, I had never encountered a real ghost. I just often walked by the river and my shoes didn't get wet.

This time the predecessor finally encountered a real ghost.

He was so frightened that he fainted.

The former ghost exorcist looked at his peaceful face and thought he was asleep. However, he thought that the Maoshan Taoist priest had been frightened to death by ghosts.

Then Zhang Jingyun woke up.

"Taoist Master, help!"

Wang Yuanwai rushed to Zhang Jingyun with a bulging belly, and shrank behind him with fear on his face. Zhang Jingyun really felt the cold wind, and then a feeling of soul trembling came to his heart, and his back was faintly cold.

"Wang Yuanwai, you didn't say there was a ghost in your house!" Zhang Jingyun suddenly looked at the trembling Wang Yuanwai behind him and said jokingly.

Wang Yuanwai's legs were trembling, and he almost collapsed and said: "Taoist priest, stop joking, why would I treat you if there is no ghost!"

"That's right. It's just that this matter is not easy to handle. I am not good enough. I may have to sacrifice the ancestor's talisman to make it work, but this ancestor's talisman..."

Zhang Jingyun paused as he spoke.

The king hurriedly spoke: "Taoist Master, I'll give you more money! Please sacrifice the ancestor's talisman as soon as possible. I'm willing to pay 500 yuan. Do you think it's okay?"

"Okay, go prepare the money."

For some reason, these words came out of Zhang Jingyun's mouth as soon as he opened his mouth. Apparently, his predecessor had learned a lot from the old Taoist priest.

Wang Yuanwai hurriedly went out to prepare for the ocean, leaving only Zhang Jingyun blocking the only door, ready to fight the ghost at any time.

"Ghost..." Zhang Jingyun felt strange.

He had never experienced this novel feeling before. It was certain that it was like seeing a ghost, and he felt strangely excited in his heart.

As a modern person, the education he received since childhood told Zhang Jingyun that ghosts and everything else are superstitious, and everything is a paper tiger in front of Shehui Huiyi.

But time travel has happened before, and ghosts are easy to accept. Zhang Jingyun really wants to see what kind of monsters can scare his predecessor to death.


Waves of stern and desolate sounds rang in his ears, a faint candlelight loomed, and suddenly a black shadow flashed past the wall.

Zhang Jingyun turned around to look but saw nothing. Suddenly, an unknown feeling rose from behind Zhang Jingyun, and something seemed to come out of his body.

A chill spread all over his body from the soles of his feet. Only when he saw the ghost did Zhang Jingyun realize that this was completely different from his previous experience.

Turning around suddenly, Zhang Jingyun had expected it, but when he saw a pale female ghost floating in front of him with disheveled hair, it looked like she had been soaked in formalin for dozens of days. Her flesh and blood were so real that they had deteriorated. The skin on his feet was the same, accompanied by disgusting pus, which made even Zhang Jingyun tremble.

"Get away!!"

Zhang Jingyun ducked and distanced himself.

His speed seemed to shock the female ghost in front of him. With a horrified face, his empty eyes focused on Zhang Jingyun, and he followed her.

"How did the female ghost surrender?"

Zhang Jingyun subconsciously recalled the Taoist skills he learned in his previous life, such as talismans, incantations, and the peach wood sword... He lowered his head and looked at the peach wood sword in his hand.

The female ghost didn't seem to be as fast as Zhang Jingyun. He had enough time to deal with it, so there was nothing to be afraid of.

The peach wood sword waved, and a red light flashed.

The speed was so fast that the female ghost in front of her screamed until the peach wood sword slashed across her body, as if it had struck the air.

The female ghost was stunned for a moment, then sarcasm appeared on her face. The teasing and mocking flavor was so strong that even Zhang Jingyun could feel her disdain.

"This guy is a half-baked Taoist priest from Maoshan. He doesn't know Taoism at all. He even made a mahogany sword out of mahogany."

Zhang Jingyun was speechless for a while, threw the peach wood sword away, and smashed it into seven or eight knots on the ground. Then he used his martial arts so fiercely that he slapped it away with Zhiyang Palm.


The door was shattered by Zhang Jingyun's palm. The female ghost was frightened, but she was stunned again when she saw that there was no injury at all on her body.

The female ghost was obviously fooled by Zhang Jingyun.

The yang energy in Zhang Jingyun's body was staggering. He held the peach wood sword and saw that there were two brushes. In the end, he was as fierce as a tiger, and the damage was 0.5.


The female ghost came back to her senses, thinking that Zhang Jingyun was just a source of large yang energy, and after a burst of sinister laughter, she tried to bully Zhang Jingyun and pounce on him.

Zhang Jingyun threw some of the talismans he was carrying, but they were of no use. In this case, he could only rely on himself to deal with the female ghost.

It turns out.

Ghosts are immune to physical damage.

What Zhang Jingyun has learned is that he can withstand female ghosts. For a moment, he really couldn't remember that his previous master said that ghosts are afraid of masculine power.

He tried using Zhiyang internal energy, but it didn't work.

"It seems we can only use blood!" Zhang Jingyun thought. Although his previous master was only half-experienced, he did remember some methods of exorcising ghosts correctly.

Human blood, rooster blood, black dog blood, and child urine are all the enemies of ghosts. If nothing else, Zhang Jingyun can still release a lot of human blood.

Maoshan Taoist priests sometimes use blood from their fingertips, and they will also use blood from the tip of their tongue when encountering powerful ghosts, so using blood to defeat ghosts is not a joke.

Zhang Jingyun made a slit on his hand with his finger force and flicked it violently, causing blood to spatter. The female ghost immediately retreated after seeing it.

"Want to run away? I'll tell you to be jealous!"

Zhang Jingyun was like a human tank. The female ghost passed through the wall. He punched through the wall with one punch. A bloody palm was printed directly on the female ghost's back heart, sizzling!


The female ghost kept screaming, and white smoke rose from behind. Zhang Jingyun's blood was more deadly than ordinary people's blood, directly burning half of the female ghost's body into a hollow.

"Master Taoist, spare your life! Spare your life!"

The female ghost dragged her broken body while begging for mercy. She was floating in the air faster than Zhang Jingyun could run on the ground.

Zhang Jingyun didn't care about this. The female ghost was ugly and fierce, so he had better kill her first. Then he slapped the female ghost on the head with another bloody palm.

The female ghost was hung directly on the wall, with half of her head missing. When she turned around, only half of her face was left, and Zhang Jingyun directly gave her physical salvation.

After a wail, the female ghost disappeared like smoke.

Zhang Jingyun looked at his palm. The wound healed quickly and returned to its original state after a while. From this, it seemed that ghosts and other things were just like that.

"It's just like enchanting ordinary physical attacks, but it can still suppress ghosts. What kind of Maoshan Taoist is this?"

Zhang Jingyun shook his head, "This ghost looks weak. A little blood can kill it. If you encounter something powerful, this trick probably won't work."

That is to say, the female ghost has been beaten to death by Zhang Jingyun, otherwise she would definitely argue with Zhang Jingyun, is that a little blood? It was like rain. After one beating, he probably lost more than half a liter of blood, right? Normal people are almost cold.

Zhang Jingyun has not paid attention to this problem. His body is powerful, beyond the limits of human beings, and his hematopoietic function is dozens of times better than ordinary people. This little blood is really nothing.

After dealing with the female ghost, Zhang Jingyun found Wang Yuanwai. The latter saw that the house was almost demolished. The inside and outside of the house seemed to be drenched with blood. Zhang Jingyun's body was also dripping with blood, and he was in awe of him for a moment.

These five hundred flowers are really worth it!

"Taoist priest, please accept it!"

"Yeah!" Zhang Jingyun left with Dayang in style. He bought roast chicken and wine in the town. The old Taoist liked this. He made sure to have a good chat with him about Maoshan when he went back.

Following the memory, I walked into a yard.

Zhang Jingyun paused.

He had excellent hearing and extremely strong sense of perception. There was indeed someone in the room, but there was no breath. When he entered the room, he found that the old Taoist priest had been dead for a long time.

Zhang Jingyun saw a book in his hand and opened dozens of pages. The old Taoist priest had always had the habit of writing things down in it.

"I didn't expect to say goodbye to the old Taoist priest just after I traveled through time." Zhang Jingyun sighed, then picked up the book and read it.

"I hate it... Twenty years ago, my predecessor Weiyong robbed me of my auspicious point, causing me to sleep in a treasureless place after my death!" Zhang Jingyun's heart moved. This old Taoist priest still missed the original Feng Shui treasure place until his death.

"Ren Weiyong's zodiac sign belongs to Yin. He died when the sun broke through the Yin and was buried in the cave where the dragonfly touches the water. This kind of corpse is just used for corpse refining.

Using the Maoshan Corpse Refining Technique, burn the earth talismans, recite incantations, dig a pit one foot deep, take a rooster and kill it, sprinkle the blood on the body, and finally bury the coffin. In addition, a Yin Bagua must be placed under the coffin. Helps absorb Yin Qi.

I told Ren Weiyong’s descendants that if they move the grave in twenty years, in fact, Ren Weiyong’s corpse will turn into a zombie twenty years later. At that time, he will kill his blood relatives first, which is the time to refine the corpse and channel spirits.

It’s a pity that my time has come, and I can’t help but ask for help. The art of corpse refining in Maoshan must not be lost, and my good disciple can go to Renjia Town to refining corpses for revenge..."

Zhang Jingyun felt a surge of divine beasts in his heart.

"Good guy, Ren Jiazhen, Ren Weiyong, damn! Old Mrs. Ren, Mr. Zombie... It turns out that the Feng Shui Mr. Ren who asked the Ren family to move their graves twenty years later, and the whole family was almost wiped out, is you!

Maoshan Corpse Refining Technique? It turns out that this is the true ability of the old Taoist priest. The old saying is indeed true. Don’t offend the Feng Shui master if you offend anyone! "

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