People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 146 Female ghosts are also romantic [Please subscribe]

"Master, have a good journey..."

Although Zhang Jingyun and the old Taoist priest have never met, he has inherited the identity of his predecessor and received many benefits. This incense is what the old Taoist priest deserves.

I put three sticks of incense on the grave of the old Taoist priest and said some words beside the grave, which was considered as a farewell to him.

Speaking of which, it’s not a bad idea for an old Taoist priest!

What he wanted in his heart was to find a good acupuncture point and be buried in a geomantic treasure land after his death so that he could practice well in the next life. However, it was difficult to find a good acupuncture point and the old Taoist priest failed to do so.

But he met Zhang Jingyun.

Although the old Taoist priests can catch monsters, exorcise ghosts, tell fortunes, draw talismans, read Feng Shui, etc., it is difficult for them to master all kinds of skills and they are not good at learning.

Feng shui looks pretty good in this regard.

The old Taoist priest traveled far and wide and found a good hole called Qingying Dianshui. This hole is three feet long and only three feet can be used. It is one foot three wide and only four feet can be used.

Therefore, the coffin cannot be laid flat and must be buried according to law.

The meaning of legal burial is that the coffin is buried vertically in the ground, which means that if the ancestors are buried vertically, the descendants will be great. It is a pity that Ren Weiyong forced the auspicious hole to be bought, which offended the old Taoist priest.

Zhang Jingyun shook his head and sighed, "It's a pity that the dragonfly's point of water has become a fatal hole. I'm afraid the ancestors were buried vertically and the descendants were hardened."

Good points are hard to find. Since then, the old Taoist priest has never found a better Feng Shui treasure place. This is related to his Feng Shui level of half a bucket of water.

Although Zhang Jingyun does not know Maoshan Taoism, in terms of Feng Shui ability, the old Taoist priest is really not as good as Zhang Jingyun.

"I think back then I was also a folk archeology enthusiast. I was good at finding dragon acupoints, yin and yang, and feng shui. It's okay to find a feng shui treasure place for you to bury."

Zhang Jingyun knelt several times on the grave of the old Taoist priest. This auspicious land had good feng shui and was a beautiful place where wind and water could be stored, so the old Taoist priest was not at a loss.

After finishing the funeral arrangements for the old Taoist priest.

Zhang Jingyun inherited a house from an old Taoist priest, as well as more than a thousand yuan that the old Taoist priest had accumulated through trapping ghosts and exorcising evil spirits, as well as several "magic weapons".

to be honest.

During the Republic of China, 600 yuan was already a huge sum of money. During this period, the purchasing power of the country was very strong. One yuan could cost more than 300 yuan.

A thousand oceans is more than 300,000.

Zhang Jingyun remembers that in the plot of Mr. Zombie, Uncle Jiu’s apprentice Qiu Sheng went to buy glutinous rice, and fifty pounds of glutinous rice only cost five yuan.

The five yuan here is not five oceans. Under normal circumstances, one ocean can already buy a banquet in a hotel.

Mr. Zombie World comes to mind.

Zhang Jingyun is quite funny.

This is probably one of the most famous novice villages in the world. Uncle Jiu, the head of the novice village, is revered by countless travelers as: Saint Master of All Realms.

This title is really too loud.

Even Zhang Jingyun was a little curious. The dignified Ninth Uncle, known as the Saint Master of All Realms, didn't even know that he had taught so many powerful people who had surpassed the level of heaven. What's more, unfortunately, he had taught so many time-travelers, but few of them came back to guide him. Uncle Jiu’s.

"According to the normal process, shouldn't I either cheat or spend a lot of money to become a disciple of Uncle Jiu, then learn Taoism, conquer Ren Tingting, eliminate Old Master Ren and become the winner in life?

Why did he become a disciple of the Taoist Priest Maoshan with Two Swords and wait for Mr. Ren to turn into a zombie and absorb his blood relatives before harvesting the fruits and refining corpses to channel spirits? "

Zhang Jingyun shook his head, this was a change of tactics.

A time-traveler has to have a fight with Ren Tingting. He has almost become a member of the world... Bus, if one day all the time-travelers from all the worlds come to a party and find out that everyone’s wife is Ren Tingting, I’m afraid it won’t be the case. We have to fight until all the avenues are wiped out.

Zhang Jingyun didn't think too much.

Although he can't do without women as long as he practices, but as Zhang Jingyun's strength improves, ordinary women can no longer help him much.

Dual cultivation only has 0.2 attribute points at a time, which is too low. Only powerful or special women can arouse Zhang Jingyun's interest.

After Zhang Jingyun determined that this was the world of Mr. Zombie, he also checked the system tasks. There was only one, which was to slay demons.

Basically there are no restrictions.

Therefore, you can still participate in this world based on your preferences. You can do whatever you want. As long as you improve your strength as much as possible, don't worry about anything else.

Therefore, the task entrusted to Zhang Jingyun by the old Taoist priest was to go to Renjia Town and use Maoshan Corpse Refining Technique to avenge Mrs. Ren. Zhang Jingyun had reservations.

It depends on whether this is good for him.

Zhang Jingyun roughly understands the plot of Mr. Zombie. It is nothing more than Mrs. Ren, the father of Ren Fa, the richest man in Renjia Town, who offended the Feng Shui master. The Feng Shui master told him to move the grave in twenty years, otherwise a disaster will come.

Twenty years later, Ren Fa asked Uncle Jiu to preside over the relocation of the grave. Old Master Ren woke up in Yizhuang and turned into a zombie. He killed Ren Fa and wanted to kill Ren Tingting. However, Uncle Jiu and his disciples arrived in time to repel him. Everyone worked together to kill Mr. Ren completely!

Maoshan Corpse Refining Technique is not a witchcraft.

But Zhang Jingyun doesn't care about this when the corpse he forged wakes up and wants to kill his blood relatives, but there is still a ninth uncle in Renjia Town.

Uncle Jiu is an orthodox disciple of Maoshan, and his status is not low. Even the eldest brother of the Maoshan sect, Shi Jian, who is extremely powerful in martial arts, will look at Uncle Jiu a few times.

If refining corpses would offend Uncle Jiu, it would be better not to do it. However, Zhang Jingyun discovered that among the inheritance left to him by the old Taoist priest, Maoshan corpse refining technique was complete. The armored corpses made using the corpse refining method described in it had amazing combat power and Being able to channel spirits is a great help on the path.

Along the way of cultivating Taoism, conquering demons and demons is just a process. The ultimate goal is to achieve perfect merit and become a flying immortal. This is the path to immortality.

Therefore, Zhang Jingyun cannot ignore the powerful armored corpse that is helpful to the road. Moreover, the old man is a zombie that was bred in the Dragonfly Pointing Water Cave. After refining the corpse, there is even a chance to transform into a flying zombie.

Zhang Jingyun understands the levels of zombies very clearly. Zi Buyu divides zombies into eight levels: purple zombie, zombie, green zombie, zombie, flying zombie, prone zombie, wandering zombie and non-bone.

Zi Zhan has the lowest cultivation level and his body appears purple. The liquid was dyed purple and spread all over the body after death. The body did not rot, but had corpse air on the body.

The black zombie is slow to move and very easy to deal with. It is extremely afraid of sunlight and is also afraid of dogs.

Green zombies, whose body exudes green, jump quickly like purple zombies and black zombies. They are not afraid of domestic animals and are slightly afraid of sunlight.

Thick hair grows on the stiff body, which is made of copper and iron. The higher the cultivation level, the stronger the body, the agile movement, and the leaping speed.

Some people are not afraid of others.

The powerful ones are even afraid of the sun.

Fei Zong is a thousand-year-old zombie who has been successful in cultivation. Some are even good at magic. Their bodies are not broken, and ordinary flames cannot harm Fei Zong at all.

They are lying corpses, wandering corpses, and do not turn into bones. They are successful in cultivation. They are different from mountain spirits and wild monsters. Their combat power is comparable to that of a successful Taoist master. If you encounter them, run away quickly.

Purple zombies and black zombies are the most common zombies. People like Uncle Jiu can be killed in minutes. Green zombies and hairy zombies are already alien species. If you want to kill them, you have to prepare in advance to deal with them.

If he encounters a flying zombie, Uncle Jiu probably won't be able to do it. This kind of flying zombie is indestructible and ordinary Taoist magic has no effect. Senior brother Shi Jian is here, and he might be able to destroy it with thunder.

After being nourished by the dragonfly's water acupoint, Mr. Ren wakes up as a black zombie. After absorbing the blood of his loved ones, it doesn't take long for him to transform into a green zombie or even a hairy zombie.

This zombie has high growth potential.

So Zhang Jingyun became interested. An armored corpse could deal with a master like Uncle Jiu, and would have the opportunity to transform into a flying zombie in the future. It was really a good thing.

Maoshan Corpse Refining Technique is not a witchcraft.

In the past, many Maoshan ancestors sacrificed and refined armored corpses. Some armored corpses were sacrificed and refined by generations of people. They were regarded as the top combat power of Maoshan. They were used to protect the Tao, which gave them a full sense of security.

Instead of being eliminated by Uncle Jiu's magic, Mr. Ren would really be better off practicing for Zhang Jingyun. Who would dislike having a loyal thug by his side?

Besides, Mrs. Ren already had a grudge against the old Taoist priest, and Zhang Jingyun's use of him to refine corpses was also a cycle of cause and effect, and no one could find fault.

As for Ren Fa and Ren Tingting...

Zhang Jingyun looked calm. In the original plot, Ren Fa was directly killed by Mrs. Ren. He was not the Holy Mother, so why did he care about others when he had nothing to do.

Ren Tingting still looks beautiful.

It is also a good material for refining corpses.

How they end up in the future depends entirely on their own fate. Whether they live or die, it has nothing to do with Zhang Jingyun anyway. Just leave it to fate.


Zhang Jingyun then sorted out the relics.

A large hole seal of the Shangqing Dynasty symbolizes the authority of the Shangqing Dynasty and is used by the Shangqing Sect. The Maoshan method originated from the Shangqing Dynasty, so Maoshan talismans often use this seal. The spells ordered by the Maoshan Patriarch and the Maoshan Immortal Master can be used.

Paper, pen, ink, and sword are commonly used items. The paper is yellow paper, the pen is a brush, the ink is black ink and an ink fountain, which are used to draw talisman and practice. The knife is a kitchen knife, which is used to kill chickens and drain blood. The sword is a mahogany sword.

"This peach wood sword is real."

Zhang Jingyun touched the mahogany sword, his pupils shrank, and a spiritual energy floated from the sword into his eyes. It was made of forty years of mahogany heart, so it was pretty good.

"The soul-catching bell?"

Zhang Jingyun picked up a copper bell with a handle. The end of the handle is called a "sword" and is in the shape of a "mountain", which is a symbol of the Three Purities of Taoism.

In the movie, you can see that Taoist priests often shake bells. This thing is also called Sanqing Bell, Dharma Bell, and Dharma Bell. Taoist priests in Maoshan call it the soul-stirring bell. When casting spells, they shake it with the handle with one hand. The tinkling sound means that It is "vibrating the Dharma bell, bringing gods and ghosts together".

The soul-catching bell left by the old Taoist priest was carefully cultivated. It is a real magic weapon and can be used to control zombies. The soul-catching bell is also used by the Maoshan corpse exorcism line.

However, the functions of the soul-catching bells of the corpse exorcism line are simple. They can control ordinary zombies. It is okay to be a corpse exorcist. The soul-catching bells of the corpse-refining line need to control psychic zombies and must be cultivated with mana all year round.

"This old Taoist priest really has some skills."

Zhang Jingyun could see that the old Taoist priest's abilities were all reflected in the corpse refining technique, and there was no clue about his predecessor over the years.

In the words of an old Taoist priest.

He felt that his predecessor's talent and Maoshan Corpse Refining Technique were average and he would not achieve much in this life. If the deadline was not approaching, he would not have entrusted his predecessor with corpse refining.

All that remains is the altar cloth and the rug.

They are all used for cooking. This piece of Shangqing ancestral altar cloth and step gang blanket are used for the step gang step bucket. The step gang step bucket, also known as the step gang step, has been passed down for ancient times.

It is said to be derived from Yubu.

When Dayu was controlling the floods, he discovered a big bird on the coast of the South China Sea that could forbid spells. The big bird could move boulders by walking with a strange pace.

Dayu imitated his steps and turned them into spells, which were very effective, so they were called Yu's steps. Later, they were transformed into step-fighting steps, which could fly to the nine heavens, deliver memorials, and restrain ghosts and gods.

"The old Taoist priest is just a dabbler in how to open the altar. Among these things, the soul-catching bell is a serious magical weapon, and the others are just fake."

Zhang Jingyun put the Soul Seizing Bell close to his body.

It's a pity that he didn't develop the magic power and couldn't use it.

Speaking of which, his predecessor was also blind.

In the past few years, I have studied Maoshan Dharma as my teacher under the old Taoist priest. Do you really think that the old Taoist priest is a charlatan and does not care about the orthodox Maoshan cultivation method?

Zhang Jingyun picked up another booklet.

This is the Maoshan method, the magic system of the Shangqing sect. Shangqing is one of the Taoist traditions of the Fulu sect with the longest history. Together with Longhushan Zhengyi and Gezaoshan Lingbao, they are collectively known as the Three Mountains Fulu.

The difference between Shangqing and Zhengyi and Lingbao is that it emphasizes contemplation and specialization. This is the case in the "Shangqing Dadong Zhenjing". On this basis, various Taoist techniques of reclusive transformation are derived.

The Maoshan Dharma left behind by the old Taoist priest is quite authentic, and is called "The Method of Lighting and Gathering Qi". There is a poem that says: After cultivating the Tao, there are not many secrets. Don't waste time seeking a teacher if you are determined to learn. happy.

Among the many methods of Maoshan, the method of collecting light and energy is also a code that is not spoken or transmitted to the six ears. It is not found in the historical records of alchemy scriptures and is mostly taught orally and face-to-face.

It's just that Maoshan is not a prosperous sect now. Many Maoshan traditions are spread outside, but the funny thing is that not many people care.

The method of gathering light and energy is an orthodox method of cultivating both life and nature. It integrates the cultivation of nature and life in one furnace, repairs the losses, and uses the light energy of heaven and earth to mobilize the spiritual energy in the body.

Qi is the foundation of life, and light is the foundation of God.

Even the old Taoist priests have not mastered the method of gathering light and energy. It is an excellent method that uses breathing as a switch, thoughts as a driving force, light energy as an application, and upper Dantian as a storage method.

It integrates repairing deficits, furnace cauldron, and gathering light into one body. It cultivates both life and life, and integrates all methods. Many principles of the method are amazing. Unfortunately, it is difficult to practice the wonderful method, and few people have mastered the many methods of Maoshan.

"The Taoist techniques are so mysterious that even if you put them in front of you, it would be difficult to practice them without a famous teacher to guide you, but they are very suitable for me."

Zhang Jingyun put down the method of gathering light and energy.

The twenty-year period recorded in the old Taoist priest's suicide note is almost here. Zhang Jingyun still has to reach Renjia Town before Uncle Jiu eliminates Mrs. Ren.

It’s not too late to practice Kung Fu on the road.

In addition to the martial arts, there is also the Maoshan Corpse Refining Technique. If you want to sacrifice zombies, you must master this technique to perfection.

Find out the location of Renjia Town.

It only took Zhang Jingyun two and a half days to rush there. Mr. Ren's tomb is a good cave, where water can be touched by a dragonfly, so it must be the place with the best feng shui in the town.

No need to ask anyone else.

Zhang Jingyun used the sixteen-character Yin-Yang Feng Shui secret technique and easily found the tomb of Mr. Ren. This was his professional counterpart.

"Fortunately, Mrs. Ren has not been eliminated yet." Zhang Jingyun breathed a sigh of relief. Zombies like Mrs. Ren were not easy to find.

After making sure, Zhang Jingyun offered him a stick of incense, and then added incense to the surrounding tombs. When he passed by a tombstone that was overgrown with weeds, he suddenly noticed it.

There is a photo of a pretty woman named Dong Xiaoyu on the tombstone. She died when she was only twenty years old. It is a pity to see her.


Zhang Jingyun had just finished burning a stick of incense and paused when he heard a woman's voice of thanks, which was clear and ethereal.

"Dong Xiaoyu?"

Zhang Jingyun's heart moved. Isn't this the romantic female ghost who entangled with Qiu Sheng all night in the plot and made Qiu Sheng's feet weak?

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