People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 147 I have a bold idea【Please subscribe】


With a thank you in his ears, Zhang Jingyun lowered his head and saw "Tomb of Dong's Xiaoyu" and "Xiantong Seventh to Twenty-seventh Year" engraved on the tombstone.

After all, Zhang Jingyun is also a folk archeology enthusiast, and he must know that "Xantong" should be the reign name of Yizong of the Tang Dynasty, and it only lasted fifteen years.

Now is the period of the Republic of China. The last emperor was Pu Yi, and the previous emperor should have been Guangxu. This is a very obvious historical error.

But considering that the film director is from Xiangjiang, Zhang Jingyun can understand it. After all, the history of directors there is very bad.

Fortunately, there is a supernatural power to repair the loopholes. It was only after Zhang Jingyun came to this world that he discovered that the last emperor was really Xiantong before.

Zhang Jingyun can only say that he is awesome.

After taking a deep look at Dong Xiaoyu's tombstone, Zhang Jingyun turned back down the mountain and found a place in Renjia Town to inquire about the news.

Renjia Town is large in size, with a large immigrant population. It is influenced by Western culture. You can see many Western gadgets on the streets, and people are always amazed.

"The Republic of China is here again."

Speaking of the Republic of China, Zhang Jingyun is still very familiar with it. He traveled through the Republic of China several times before, once killing the last emperor Pu Yi and once killing the Queen Mother of the West.

Zhang Jingyun has the final say whether the Republic of China will be chaotic or not.

But there is no need to distract from these things this time. Compared with rebellion, cultivation is more important. Zhang Jingyun wants to see what the benefits of this world's cultivation system are.

Find a place to have a cup of tea.

Zhang Jingyun asked about Uncle Jiu by the way, and sure enough, people in the town had a very good reputation for Uncle Jiu's style, and they were full of praise when talking about Uncle Jiu.

Zhang Jingyun asked for some details.

For example, what is Uncle Jiu’s full name?

The waiter thought about it again and again, but he really couldn't tell. He was used to calling him Uncle Jiu, so he couldn't remember his name. The waiter asked others before telling Zhang Jingyun.

Uncle Jiu's full name should be Lin Jiu. More than ten years ago, he moved to Renjia Town and opened a charity village in the west. He would usually be asked to take care of funerals for any family.

Occasionally, if something supernatural happens in the town, Uncle Jiu will be asked to take action, but the waiter can't tell what Uncle Jiu's abilities are.

Zhang Jingyun didn't get the information he wanted.

If he was simply Uncle Jiu in Mr. Zombie’s world, then he would remember clearly that Uncle Jiu’s original name was Lin Fengjiao, also known as Lin Jiu, and he was an orthodox Maoshan disciple.

But if the roles played by various Uncle Jiu are mixed, Uncle Jiu may not only be Uncle Jiu, but he may also be Uncle Ying, Taoist priest Yimei...

"Uncle Jiu, Uncle Ying, tsk tsk!"

After Zhang Jingyun determined that this was the world of Mr. Zombie, he already felt strange. His predecessor, the old Taoist priest, had mentioned the various Dharma lines of the Maoshan Sect.

Among them, the senior brother of the Maoshan sect who is based in Maoshan is named Shi Jian, who is extremely famous. He is one of the few masters in the Maoshan sect who has mastered the thunder method.

Shi Jian's name was well known even to old Taoist priests, but Zhang Jingyun was confused. Did he remember that Shi Jian was not a character in another work of Uncle Jiu?

Shi Jian has deep magical power and is ruthless.

In particular, he practices the thunder method and is good at rubbing thunder with his hands. He even claims that he is invincible below the immortals and is invincible above the immortals. He is nicknamed the King of Thunder and Lightning.

Shi Jian's lightning skills have indeed reached their peak, almost reaching the Taoist level. In the final battle with Uncle Jiu, he also died under his own lightning skills.

It was after noticing these that Zhang Jingyun decided to inquire about Uncle Jiu's background, but unfortunately he didn't get anything useful.

Zhang Jingyun didn't care that much.

After drinking tea, Zhang Jingyun first found a place to stay. With the scorching sun in the sky, the female ghost Dong Xiaoyu would naturally not show up, otherwise she would definitely be gone.

Considering that he might stay in this world for a long time, Zhang Jingyun simply bought a house. Anyway, the old Taoist priest left a thousand oceans behind and earned 500 oceans from catching ghosts in the past few days. He couldn't even use the savings in the system space.

With a place to live, Zhang Jingyun did not waste time and prepared to seize the time to practice. During the day when he was offering incense, he alerted Dong Xiaoyu, and there might be a big fight at night.

It just so happened that Zhang Jingyun had not formally practiced the Maoshan method for a few days after he came to this world. His system panel was already ready to try.

Thinking together, open the data panel.

Zhang Jingyun looked at the attribute points.

[Attribute points: 1024]

This was his accumulation in the spirit cage world for more than a year, and he had to work hard to accumulate so many attribute points.

There are more than a thousand attribute points, not to mention practicing the Maoshan method, it is almost enough to practice the suppressive techniques of various Taoist sects.

[Beginner’s introduction to the method of lighting and energy gathering]

With a thought in his mind, he generated skills in the skill bar, and Zhang Jingyun was ready to practice, and he could add some practice at any time.

Before adding some points, Zhang Jingyun also wanted to see if he had any talent for cultivation, so he picked up the light gathering method and pondered for a moment.

Many of the exercises contain Taoist terminology. For ordinary people, if they want to practice through this book of gathering light and energy, it will be no less difficult than watching Dao Zang's self-enlightenment exercises.

Not everyone can compare with Huang Shang.

However, Zhang Jingyun has been practicing Taoism for so many years and is no stranger to Taoist terminology. He even has some basic skills after being influenced by Zhang Sanfeng in Wudang Mountain.

After Zhang Jingyun briefly observed the method of gathering light and energy, he was still not sure whether he had the talent to practice Taoism, because it depended on whether he could develop magic power.

In today's era, from the perspective of cultivation environment, it is far inferior to that of the ancient world, and may be closer to the Age of Ending Dharma as time goes by.

Uncle Jiu's moral character is already very high.

However, one of his two apprentices is more useless than the other. Qiu Sheng is not bad, he can do some boxing and kicking, and can help Uncle Jiu when necessary, while Wen Cai can only hold him back.

These two people have been with Uncle Jiu for so many years, but they still haven't developed any magic power. This shows that not everyone has the talent for cultivation.

"Building the foundation in a hundred days is the most direct way. You will know if you can cultivate the magic power once you try it." Zhang Jingyun thought in his heart.

Of course, there are also many people who develop magic power after a hundred days, but whether they have talent or not, these hundred days of practice are enough.

"There's a problem..." Zhang Jingyun suddenly thought, "If I didn't have the talent to practice Taoism, I wouldn't be able to practice magic in a hundred days.

But I can add a little bit of practice. As soon as I add a little bit, the skills will naturally start and I will have magical power. Isn’t this something out of thin air, indirectly giving me the talent for cultivation?

If in the world of cultivating immortals, cultivators value spiritual roots, and I don’t have spiritual roots, but I can rely on the system to practice the magic of cultivating immortals, wouldn’t this mean that I have spiritual roots in disguise? "

If you think about it carefully, this is really the case.

Zhang Jingyun looked strange. In a sense, the system was so unreasonable. No matter what bullshit talent he had, he didn't need it at all.

talent? That's nothing!

The corner of Zhang Jingyun's mouth curled up. After all, the world is huge, but the system is the biggest. At the moment, he didn't want to think about building a foundation for a hundred days, and just started recklessly!

First, add an attribute point.

The skill bar did not move at all, indicating that there were not enough points. Zhang Jingyun tried to add two attribute points and three attribute points in sequence.

Finally, when five attribute points are added.

The skill bar changes for a while.

[Introduction to the Daylighting and Energy Concentration Method]

"Five attribute points are much more expensive than internal strength."

Zhang Jingyun was secretly dumbfounded. He added some practice points to his internal strength, starting from one attribute point and gradually increasing it. Five attribute points were required to start practicing Taoism. The threshold was very high.

But with the introduction of lighting and energy gathering method.

Zhang Jingyun felt a strange energy line, traveling along the path, passing through the frontal lobe, pineal gland, and pituitary gland of the brain, and finally injected into the sea of ​​spirit.

The brain is the divine organ, and the essence of it is the Yin Yao. Yin and Yang are multiplied together, and it is easiest to accompany the spirit. The method of collecting light and energy follows the law that Yin moves first, and Yang changes later. As long as you grasp the spiritual changes, you will open the door to spiritual practice. .

The method of gathering light and gathering energy, lighting means keeping thoughts and thoughts. Zhang Jingyun felt that the bones in his forehead were being torn off, and now there was a scorching sun hanging in the sky, shining with radiance.

After thinking about the scene clearly for a moment, he closed his eyes slightly and looked inwards with Zhang Jingyun's divine light, which attracted the scorching sun and passed through the upper Dantian of his brain, and a stream of Qi was generated from the Niwan Palace.

Niwan Palace is the upper Dantian, between the eyebrows, at the intersection of Yintang point and Baihui point. It is also the location of the sea of ​​spirit, which the ancients also called the sea of ​​consciousness.

Gathering Qi in Niwan Palace also means condensing mana. Other cultivators have worked hard for hundreds of days, but they still don’t know whether they can gather mana.

And Zhang Jingyun was there in a moment.

Just complete the most difficult step on the path of spiritual cultivation.

Zhang Jingyun is no longer unfamiliar with the method of gathering light and energy. What he practices during the day is the light of the sun, which is the most powerful power of the sun. Therefore, it is necessary to collect the light of the full moon at night to neutralize it. The combination of yin and yang is the right way.

Zhang Jingyun's practice of gathering the light of the blazing sun was very smooth. The method of gathering light and energy states that if he feels that his forehead is hot as if it is on fire, he should stop practicing immediately.

If the masculinity is too strong, the Niwan Palace will be burned. The Niwan Palace is the upper Dantian and also the sea of ​​consciousness. Once the sea of ​​consciousness is damaged, the soul will be severely injured and the path will be ruined.

But Zhang Jingyun didn't feel this way.

As he started practicing, he felt that his forehead was warm and extremely comfortable. He had a comfortable feeling like his soul was soaking in a hot spring. He continued to practice for an hour.

"Am I born to practice Taoism?"

The instructions say that you should stop practicing after half an hour and wait until the temperature of your forehead is the same as that of your body before you can continue practicing. However, the temperature of Zhang Jingyun's forehead has never changed.

After another half hour, Zhang Jingyun's forehead still showed no sign of heating up, but Zhang Jingyun still stopped practicing the technique.

Because Zhang Jingyun is ready to continue adding more points.

"System, add more!"

Zhang Jingyun was sure that adding more points would not cause any harm to his body, so he could practice boldly with confidence, and the attribute bar changed again.

[Proficient in lighting and energy gathering]


[The method of lighting and energy gathering is perfect]

After continuously upgrading, a total of twenty attribute points were consumed. There was a bang in Zhang Jingyun's mind. He collected the light of the blazing sun and gathered it into Qi in the sea of ​​consciousness. Finally, he used the sea of ​​consciousness as a furnace and used Qi as a guide to ignite the fire in the furnace.

At this moment, a cluster of flames is shining brightly in the sea of ​​consciousness, and the heat is scorching, which means that practicing the method of gathering light and energy has reached the point of entering the hall.

In the Niwan Palace, the rich magic power slowly condensed. Even the old Taoist priest who had a hard time practicing the method of gathering light and energy did not have such pure and strong magic power.

The cultivation of mana lies in accumulation over time.

Normally, the consumption of the human body will also affect the quality of mana, just like time corrodes the soul, but Zhang Jingyun does not have this process at all, and his mana condenses instantly, making it a bit more pure than ordinary people who practice Taoism.

"I don't know what level my current magic power level is, and how it compares to Uncle Nine. There may be a fierce battle at night so I can give it a try."

Zhang Jingyun thought about Dong Xiaoyu.

This romantic female ghost will not settle down even after death. She is most likely obsessed with sucking in yang energy. If she dares to come today, Zhang Jingyun will teach her a lesson.

I looked at the sun, which was about to set.

Zhang Jingyun turned out the peach wood sword of the old Taoist priest and used his magic power to cultivate it. This thing must be activated by magic power to have the effect of exorcising ghosts.

Just in time, Zhang Jingyun developed his magic power.

Around 8pm.

Zhang Jingyun felt the gloomy wind and thought: "Here we come!" Zhang Jingyun had experienced this feeling before, it was like seeing a ghost.

Just a moment later, the sinister wind disappeared again, the sinister aura also disappeared, and there was no sign of ghosts sneaking in.

Zhang Jingyun wondered if he should open his eyes.

It is recorded in Maoshan Law.

You can use willow leaves or cow tears to open your third eye. This is the so-called open third eye, and you can see some unclean things.

He had all these things, but he didn't use them immediately because Zhang Jingyun wanted to see if the golden eyes could see ghosts directly.

Last time I had a battle with a female ghost outside the King's Palace, the female ghost had already appeared, so I didn't have time to use the golden eyes, so I just wanted to try it this time.

As the golden pupils opened.

Zhang Jingyun's pupils shrank, and he could indeed see a ghost. In his sight, a figure in white was clearly visible wandering outside the door.

Looking closely at her face, her skin is as white as freshly peeled water chestnuts. She is wearing snow-white clothes that can better accentuate her figure. Her appearance is the same as Dong Xiaoyu's photo, but she looks far more beautiful in person than in the photo.

It looks like what Zhang Jingyun thought.

This female ghost Dong Xiaoyu is indeed thinking about her, but why is he lingering at the door instead of coming in to dazzle her with her beauty?

Zhang Jingyun took a closer look and smiled.

The door gods on the two doors of this house are Qin Shubao and Yuchi Jingde. It is indeed difficult for ordinary ghosts to enter.

Seeing Dong Xiaoyu being forced out by the door god Jin Guang and blocking the door with an angry look on his face, Zhang Jingyun found it quite interesting.

Immediately, Zhang Jingyun picked up a bicycle and went out. Those who ride bicycles these days are car owners, so don't think that the female ghost can pick anyone.

Dong Xiaoyu also watches people serve food.

Wencai and Qiu Sheng offered incense to Dong Xiaoyu together. Why did she choose Qiu Sheng to have a romantic relationship with her? First, Qiu Sheng is very handsome, much better than Wencai. Second, he is riding a bicycle. Can the person riding the bicycle be an ordinary person?

As soon as Zhang Jingyun went out, Dong Xiaoyu followed him. After riding a few hundred meters away, Zhang Jingyun suddenly felt that the scene in front of him changed. He happened to pass by an intersection and bumped into a young woman.

"Girl, are you okay?"

Zhang Jingyun got out of the car and helped the woman up.

"It hurts! My feet may be swollen..."

Dong Xiaoyu frowned, took Zhang Jingyun's hand, sat at the door nearby, took off his shoes and socks, revealing a jade foot. The snow-white and crystal-clear feet were really as smooth as jade and as soft as satin.

Zhang Jingyun calmly held her tiny little feet and looked at the flesh on the top of her feet which was transparent and her five toes were soft and smooth. Only the swollen ankles ruined the beauty.

"My house is nearby, can you take me home?" Dong Xiaoyu whispered with a trace of blush on her face as Zhang Jingyun held her feet.

Zhang Jingyun felt novel, this feeling was amazing, more real than real. If he hadn't been sure that Dong Xiaoyu was a female ghost, he would have thought it was a real person.

No wonder so many people are tempted by female ghosts.

It's really hard to stand it.

"It's not easy for Dong Xiaoyu to work so hard in acting. If I directly revealed my identity and killed her with a sword, it would be a bit embarrassing. Well, let me test the depth of the female ghost first."

Zhang Jingyun suddenly had a bold idea.

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