People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 152: Plantain becomes a spirit, look at Feng Shui [Please subscribe]

"Uncle Jiu, it's not good! Come and have a look!" An anxious voice came from outside the house, and then an unkempt man was seen rolling and falling in the house.

Zhang Jingyun and Uncle Jiu looked at each other.

Uncle Jiu's apprentices Wencai and Qiu Sheng heard the commotion and poked their heads out to see the person with a puzzled look on their face. This was Al Fang from the town, and he had a younger brother at home, Al Ping.

"Afang, what happened?"

Uncle Jiu asked. Al Fang's legs were still shaking a little. He stood up holding on to the stool next to him. Unexpectedly, the vase on the stool fell and hit his head and he fainted.


Uncle Jiu was helpless when he saw this.

He turned to Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng and said, "You have seen it, sometimes, I know you are in a hurry, but don't be in a hurry! Otherwise, what is this?"

Wencai and Qiu Sheng looked at each other.

It's really better to listen to your words than to listen to them.

"This Al Fang must have encountered something difficult. It's best to wake him up and ask him. If it's too late, it might be too late."

As Zhang Jingyun spoke, he came to A Fang and stretched out his hand, tapping him twice. An internal force entered his body and he quickly woke up.

Uncle Jiu looked surprised. Zhang Jingyun's skill was very mysterious. With his eyesight, Uncle Jiu didn't even feel the fluctuation of the magic power.

Zhang Jingyun used internal power, which was different from magic power. As a Taoist, Jiu Shu could not feel it. In fact, although magic power was powerful, internal power should not be underestimated.

Sometimes internal strength is very useful.

"Uncle Jiu, go and save my brother!"

Ah Fang woke up and without saying a word grabbed Uncle Jiu's trouser leg and shook it hard, almost pulling the pants off. Uncle Jiu quickly comforted him and agreed.

"Don't panic, take me to have a look."

Soon, everyone went out under the leadership of A Fang. During this period, Zhang Jingyun was practicing talismans in Yizhuang, so he would naturally go with him when encountering such a thing.

On the way, Al Fang told what happened.

It turns out that there is a banana forest near the two brothers' house. The banana trees in it are several meters high, and there has always been nothing unusual.

But just now, the banana forest was suddenly haunted by ghosts. It seemed to come to life and eat people in sight. Aping was "swallowed" by the banana forest.

Now I'm afraid the situation is already in danger.

The situation was critical at that time. A Fang vaguely saw a red shadow. He didn't know whether it was a human or a ghost. Anyway, the banana forest was definitely not clean.

The group soon arrived at Al Fang's home.

Brothers A Fang and A Ping lived in a simple wooden house, surrounded by acres of banana trees. The lights in the room were still on and the food was still hot.

Zhang Jingyun moved his nose slightly and sniffed lightly.

Uncle Jiu asked: "What's wrong?"

"There is Yin Qi!" Zhang Jingyun said seriously.

I don't know if he has been entangled with Dong Xiaoyu for too long, but Zhang Jingyun is particularly sensitive to the scent of ghosts. He can feel it as soon as he smells it, and he is very precise.

Zhang Jingyun also smelled it in this room.

Although Uncle Jiu didn't smell it, the talisman on his body was slightly warm, which obviously meant that there was something unclean here.

After checking inside the house, everyone came outside and soon discovered two thin red lines under a rear window, extending into the banana forest.

There were two red candles tied to the thin red thread. The candles were half lit before being extinguished. They looked like they were getting married.

Between the two red lines, you can vaguely see traces of dragging on the ground. As expected, Aping was dragged into the banana forest from here.

"Jingxuan, what do you think?"

Uncle Jiu squatted on the ground and twisted some soil to observe, and then looked at Zhang Jingyun. Zhang Jingyun had known about this banana forest since he saw it.

"With the red thread pulling and the red candle accompanying me, uncle, there must be a female banana tree that has become a spirit." Zhang Jingyun showed a smile on his face.

"Why does the female banana tree become a spirit?"

Wencai and Qiu Sheng asked curiously.

Uncle Jiu had a dark look on his face, "You two idiots, don't you understand what they are saying? Why are banana trees male and female?"

A female ghost parasitized one of the banana trees, creating the illusion of flowers and candles in the bridal chamber to attract men into the banana forest to absorb the yang energy. "

Wencai and Qiu Sheng touched their heads and did not dare to say anything. Afang next to him had a bad feeling when he heard Uncle Jiu's words: "Uncle Jiu, please save Aping!"

Uncle Jiu sighed.

After such a long time, everyone present was probably aware of A Ping's ending. Zhang Jingyun's gaze finally landed behind a few banana trees.

Zhang Jingyun stepped forward and peeled off the banana tree. First, his pale arms dropped, and then a man who looked like A Fang fell to the ground.

"Ah Ping!!"

Seeing this bad news, A Fang burst into tears.

Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng brought the two brothers back to the house, leaving only Zhang Jingyun and Uncle Jiu standing expressionlessly in front of the banana forest.

"Evil ghosts harm people and they really don't know how to live or die."

Uncle Jiu's eyes were rare and sharp.

"How can we find a way to lure her out?"

Zhang Jingyun looked at the banana forest in front of him. It was at least dozens of acres of land. If it were an ordinary female ghost, he could use his golden eyes to determine the location.

But the female ghost parasitic on the banana tree is different. It is equivalent to the banana tree being the body of the female ghost. As long as she doesn't show up, Zhang Jingyun can't do anything.

"It seems that only a boy's body can draw out the female ghost. Nephew, I see that you are young, so you should still be a boy, right?"

Uncle Jiu had an idea and looked at Zhang Jingyun.

"A boy's body? I'm really not that."

Zhang Jingyun is helpless. Cultivating Taoism attaches great importance to the virgin body. Many people think that cultivation without breaking the body is faster. In fact, there is some basis for it.

At the right time, Wencai and Qiu Sheng came side by side.

Zhang Jingyun and Uncle Jiu could tell by looking at each other that these two were genuine boys. Qiu Sheng had a chance to lose his virginity.

Fortunately, Zhang Jingyun saved him.

Dong Xiaoyu was surrendered in advance.

In the original plot, Qiu Sheng was considered a fierce man, able to compete with Ning Caichen and win the title of the most powerful undead knight.

Precisely because of Zhang Jingyun's penetration, Qiu Sheng retained his virginity. He and Wen Cai needed one of them to attract the female ghost.

In the end, Qiu Sheng took over the important task.

After all, Qiu Sheng's martial arts has two skills. In the same sect, Zhang Jingyun will also give him guidance on practicing the national martial arts Neijiaquan when he has the opportunity.

"Master, how to attract female ghosts?"

Qiu Sheng asked boldly and carefully.

Uncle Jiu said: "First, hang your hairpin in red and dress up like a groom, then use a red rope to be a matchmaker and tie up dragons and phoenix candles.

Then light the dragon and phoenix candle, throw one end of the red rope into the banana forest, take the other end into the house and tie your toes, remembering not to tie the knot.

Finally, you must gather your energy and pretend to sleep. Whenever the female ghost appears, you will yell. Wencai hides under your bed and uses a magic weapon mirror to look at the female ghost to death. "

Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai went to prepare after listening.

Zhang Jingyun looked at the two and couldn't help but ask Uncle Jiu: "Uncle Master, do you think they can succeed? Do you want my help?"

Uncle Jiu believed in his two apprentices and said confidently: "The two of them can solve such a simple matter without any accidents."

Zhang Jingyun looked strange.

The attributes of Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai are bound to lead to accidents. Didn't Uncle Jiu realize it after so many years? Just like Uncle Jiu, there are always ghosts around him.

Standing next to Uncle Jiu, Zhang Jingyun became more and more convinced that contacting Uncle Jiu was the most correct decision. Not long after that, he encountered a ghost again.

The task of subduing demons and eliminating demons will be successfully completed.

Zhang Jingyun and Uncle Jiu were hiding in another room. He used his golden eyes to observe the situation in the room and was always ready to lend a helping hand.

About half an hour later.

Qiu Sheng almost fell asleep while wearing the big red hairpin. Wen Cai huddled under the bed holding the magic weapon mirror and looked at it very calmly.

Just then, a gust of wind blew by.

Uncle Jiu didn't react, but Zhang Jingyun saw that the banana tree hanging from the red string hanging at one end of the banana forest outside the door was strangely blooming!

The red rope moved slightly, and the dragon and phoenix candles flickered.

The red rope tied to Qiu Sheng's toes tightened, making Qiu Sheng tremble with fright. His sleepiness suddenly disappeared without a trace, and his breathing became stagnant.

He opened his eyes wide and saw a pair of big white legs, straight and slender, shining brightly in front of him. Looking up, he saw a pair of white legs.

An fallen female ghost in red was dangling above his head, and the red clothes on her body were as hazy as gossamer.

"Holy shit!" Qiu Sheng's chest was rising and falling.

This female ghost was quite exciting. Qiu Sheng's spirit tensed up for a moment. The female ghost was staring at him from above, and ten long nails were brushing against Qiu Sheng's face.

How dare Qiu Sheng yell?

He could only smile innocently, and when the female ghost was not paying attention, he quietly reached out and gestured to Wencai under the bed, indicating that Wencai could use the magic weapon mirror to look at the female ghost.

However... Wencai remained motionless.

He actually fell asleep with his eyes open while holding the mirror.


Zhang Jingyun laughed when he saw this scene!

Qiu Sheng gestured wildly, like a convulsed chicken claw. Seeing that there was no response, the female ghost's tongue still licked his face. Qiu Sheng slapped Wen Cai on the face. Wen Cai woke up and crawled out of bed on his knees. Bottom, use a magic weapon mirror to shine.


The female ghost screamed and wanted to fly away.

Soon after, Zhang Jingyun jumped out and stared at Uncle Jiu from left to right. The female ghost didn't know that she was being plotted.

Seeing that Uncle Jiu was holding a copper coin sword that glowed with gold, and he didn't look like someone to be trifled with, the female ghost in red immediately took aim at Zhang Jingyun.

"Get away!!!"

The female ghost shot away and turned into a ray of red light, preparing to break out from Zhang Jingyun's side. As long as she got into the banana forest, she would jump into the sea.


Zhang Jingyun held the magic weapon, the peach wood sword, to activate his magic power. The golden light in his body poured into the peach wood sword, and he stabbed the female ghost in red with one sword.

The golden mana instantly burned the female ghost's body, causing her unbearable pain. She thought she was being picky, but she didn't know that Zhang Jingyun was busy drawing talismans these days, but he also didn't neglect his mana practice.

The female ghost ran away like crazy. When Uncle Jiu saw it, he flipped his wrist and took out a talisman. At the same time, he silently recited: "In the paradise of heaven, there are nine chapters of laws and regulations. Tens of thousands of ghosts hide in them. They are as urgent as the laws and regulations!"

The yellow paper cinnabar talisman instantly ignited.

A strong force knocked the female ghost away!

Uncle Jiu was about to chase after him when he heard Zhang Jingyun shouting urgently.

"Uncle Master, wait a minute, let me come! There are nine chapters of laws and regulations in the heavenly garden. I am writing now. Tens of thousands of ghosts are hiding in them. They are as urgent as the laws and regulations!"

Zhang Jingyun chanted a mantra and offered up several evil-busting talismans.

Bang bang bang!

Bursts of smoke filled the female ghost's body.

The female ghost in red tried her best to escape into the banana forest, but under the attack of Zhang Jingyun and Uncle Jiu, it seemed that she was only one step away, but in fact it was like a natural chasm.

Zhang Jingyun stepped forward and inserted the mahogany sword into the ground. The female ghost disappeared in the sound of pain. Zhang Jingyun once again completed the task of subduing demons.

"Uncle Master, I learned a lot from being by your side. If there is another chance to go out in the future, I would like to learn more from you."

Zhang Jingyun said modestly!

Uncle Jiu was very pleased. In fact, Zhang Jingyun was already capable of killing female ghosts independently, but he was still willing to study hard, which was extremely rare.

"Tomorrow I will have a chance to see Feng Shui. The village chief of the next village is very worried. It is estimated that something serious has happened in the village."

Uncle Jiu's words made Zhang Jingyun's eyes light up.

According to Uncle Jiu's destiny, wherever he goes, there will be accidents, and there is a high probability that he will encounter something unclean tomorrow.


The next day, the wind was high and the sun was beautiful.

Zhang Jingyun and Uncle Jiu went to the next village to check the Feng Shui. Under the leadership of the village chief and several villagers, they came to a hilltop.

Looking around, there is a small stream splashing down, like a winding silver dragon in the mountains, emitting a sharp silver light, green mountains and green water, refreshing and happy.

A place like this feels very comfortable as soon as you arrive, with clear sightlines, long wind hunting, and good Feng Shui without having to look at it.

"Uncle Jiu, what do you think?"

the village chief asked respectfully.

Uncle Jiu looked around, and finally looked at Zhang Jingyun, "For us Taoist priests from Maoshan, mana talismans are our basic skills, and Feng Shui is also our special skill!

What do you think of the feng shui of the village? "

Zhang Jingyun said: "Master uncle is testing me, so my nephew will show his shame. If there is anything wrong, please correct me."

Looking around, Zhang Jingyun said: "Uncle, the village is surrounded by mountains. On the left is a golden plate offering auspicious gifts, on the right is a waterside pavilion in the middle hall. In front of it is a Chinese courtyard with cranes and jade, and behind it is Jingshan jade, which is exactly the symbol of the rise of wind and water. , Ding should have both prosperity and wealth!"

"But the village has been getting more and more unsettled recently. Several men suddenly died unexpectedly for some unknown reason. Not only did they not have a prosperous life, but the animals were restless and the population was ineffective. Is there something wrong with Feng Shui?"

the village chief asked worriedly.

Zhang Jingyun shook his head and said: "Wind refers to the air flow. Don't block the air. The village chief sees that there is wind on the mountain and the air flow is smooth. I think the wind must be fine."

"So there's something wrong with the water?"

Zhang Jingyun said: "It depends on the water flow."

Everyone hiked up the mountain to find the source of the water. When they arrived at a pool, Zhang Jingyun said slowly under the gaze of everyone: "It is said that only one person manages the wind, but only the water controls the wealth.

If the wind does not enter the house, there will be no prosperity, and if the water does not flow into the hall, there will be no prosperity. The water level pattern in the village is also first-rate. Looking at the waterfall splashing through the stone ring, it is the dragon's pearl spitting hole.

After the impact of the mountain stream, it eroded into a water ring, trapping the water flow and forming a golden dragon chasing the pearl. If my guess is good, there should be a dragon pearl here. "

As the saying goes, if the pearls are round and the jade is round, the house will be fat and the house will be round. It is really good Feng Shui. It must have been taught by an expert. Village chief, I wonder which master's handiwork this is? "

The village chief had a strange look on his face. He looked at Zhang Jingyun and said, "Isn't this an unnecessary question for the little Taoist priest? Of course it's Uncle Jiu, who else could it be?"

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