People are in the heavens, breeding pacesetters

Chapter 153 Priest Vampire【Please subscribe】

"No wonder, it turned out to be your handiwork, Uncle Master." Zhang Jingyun looked at Uncle Jiu and said, the latter's face was red and he seemed to be in a happy mood.

Zhang Jingyun was not surprised by the village chief's words. This small mountain village seemed ordinary, but it was said that there had been many powerful people in the village, which proved that it was a treasure place with excellent Feng Shui.

The pattern of the golden dragon spitting points is not something that ordinary people can arrange, so Zhang Jingyun knew from the time he came to the village with Uncle Jiu that the Feng Shui pattern here was most likely the handiwork of Uncle Jiu.

What Zhang Jingyun said earlier about Feng Shui is indeed the truth and not adulterated. Such professional knowledge must not have been taught by an old Taoist priest.

Zhang Jingyun also relied on his personal experience of many tomb archeology, combined with the accumulation of the secret techniques of 16-character Yin and Yang Feng Shui.

It can be said.

What I have achieved today is all due to my own efforts.

Of course, Zhang Jingyun just complimented him casually. He not only told the village chief about the wonderful Feng Shui pattern, but also gave Uncle Jiu a lot of face, and was full of worldliness.

As expected, Uncle Jiu laughed heartily and said, "Yes, I arranged the layout of the golden dragon spitting beads. It has been more than 20 years ago. Today is a return visit to the old place."

The village chief said at the right time: "We trust Uncle Jiu. Since we asked Uncle Jiu to do Feng Shui inspections, our village's development has been unparalleled in the local area, and it is very prosperous."

Even foreigners built churches in our village, and two priests came. Unfortunately, the two priests suddenly ran away for some reason.

In recent years, our village has become even more unsettled, so I immediately thought of Feng Shui, so I invited Uncle Jiu to come and see it. "

Uncle Jiu nodded and said, "Don't worry, village chief. If it's really a feng shui problem, I'll take care of it and I'll definitely solve it for you."

"Thank you, Uncle Ninth."

Uncle Jiu looked at Zhang Jingyun again and said, "To be honest, I didn't expect your Feng Shui skills to be so high. So based on your experience, what do you think is wrong?"

"The core of the golden dragon spitting beads pattern is the dragon bead, so there is another dragon bead here. Whether there is a water problem depends on the dragon bead." Zhang Jingyun said.

The Dragon Ball is the core of the entire Feng Shui formation. When Uncle Jiu designed this pattern, he must place the Dragon Ball in a safe and secretive location.

If Zhang Jingyun is given some time, he can find it, but since Uncle Jiu is here, there is no need to bother.

"follow me."

Uncle Jiu motioned for everyone to follow him and walked to the water pool, which was right under the stone ring formed by the stream washing the rocks.

I saw Uncle Jiu extending downwards along the center of the stone ring and turning over a black stone in an ordinary place in front of the pool.

Below is a round and round pebble, which is obviously the so-called dragon ball. If it is made from mutton-fat jade, it can better support the Feng Shui pattern. However, such a large mutton-fat jade dragon bead is already a national treasure.

"The pearls are round and the jade is round, the house is fat and the house is round. This is the dragon ball. But now the dragon ball is dull in color and has cracks."

Zhang Jingyun bent down and turned the dragon ball in a circle.

Sure enough, you can see a big crack under the stone, which extends to half of the surface of the dragon ball. You can also see black gas filling the crack.


Zhang Jingyun and Uncle Jiu looked at each other with solemn expressions. It was obvious that there was something wrong with the water when the dragon ball became like this. However, even if there was something wrong with the water, it could corrode half of the dragon ball and be filled with black air, which was beyond the normal range.

"Village Chief, the problem in your village is serious! There is a problem with the water here." Zhang Jingyun said, pulling out a water plant from near Longzhu.

You can see that the upper part of the aquatic plant is green, but the roots are black and rotten. The water here must be polluted in some way.

"Qiu Shengwencai, let them catch two fish...these two unworthy things." Uncle Jiu looked around and did not see the two of them, and he didn't know where they went to have fun.

"Uncle, I'll do it."

After Zhang Jingyun finished speaking, he stood up and stood in front of the pool. Uncle Jiu tilted his head and looked curious. He also wanted to see what Zhang Jingyun was capable of.

The next second, I saw Zhang Jingyun slapping out a palm, and another palm in the air rippled on the water surface, as if someone threw a big firecracker into the pool and exploded.


Water splashes and bubbles puff out.

White fish floated up one after another with their white bellies turned over. Zhang Jingyun put back his hand and stood up. It was just a chopping palm force, but his internal strength was a little stronger.

"I am ashamed of my nephew's methods!" Uncle Jiu looked horrified. This ability was no longer something he could do with his magic power. Of course, it could also be that his magic power had not been refined enough.

"Uncle Master, thank you. In fact, before I started practicing Taoism, I also learned some inner martial arts, but there is still a gap between my Taoist magical powers."

Uncle Jiu shook his head: "Otherwise, today's world is no longer the same as in ancient times. Taoism has declined, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth has dissipated, and I am afraid it will enter the Age of Ending Dharma.

Your method may not be worse than Taoism.

Of course, these are not important. What is important is that you are young and have unique skills, but you are not arrogant or impetuous, which shows that you have an extraordinary mind. This is rare.

People who practice Taoism should first look at opportunities, then at the mind, and then at the core. Opportunities are elusive and cannot be forced, so the mind is particularly important. You are good. "

Uncle Jiu's words were sincere. Compared with Zhang Jingyun, his two apprentices, not to mention their minds, could not even compare with Zhang Jingyun. Of course, he couldn't be anxious even if his Taoism was so bad. It's hard to say...

"Uncle Master, look at this fish!"

Zhang Jingyun handed Uncle Jiu a half-foot-long white fish. It looked fine on the surface, but when he opened its cheeks, he saw that it was already black in color.

"I just shook the pond with a little force, and all the fish died, which means the fish themselves don't live long," Zhang Jingyun said.

"Village Chief, the water here is not drinkable."

Uncle Jiu dropped the white fish and said seriously.

"But if we don't drink mountain spring water, what will we drink?" The village chief said with a bitter look on his face. Drinking water was a big problem for the villagers.

"I'll open a well for you. You can drink from it first. Only after you figure out the root cause here and reset the feng shui can you continue to drink the mountain spring water."

After Uncle Jiu finished speaking, he and Zhang Jingyun went back down the mountain. On the way, they saw Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai, one carrying a bicycle and the other carrying a chair and package.

"Who asked you to take these?"

Uncle Jiu asked with a cold face.

Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng couldn't help crying and said, "It's Captain Ah Wei. He and his cousin are here for a trip."

Uncle Jiu saw that Awei had even brought coffee. He shook his head and said, "You are the only ones who are nosy? Let him get it by himself."

With Uncle Jiu's support, Wencai and Qiu Sheng were no longer afraid. They were about to return the things to Ah Wei when they suddenly heard the sound of falling into the water.

Then another sound like a butchering pig came to my ears: "Hurry up and pull me up, I am your captain Awei!"

Several patrolmen scrambled to save people.

There was a sexy beauty shouting anxiously next to him. Zhang Jingyun took a look and realized that this was Sandra Ng. She became Ah Wei's cousin. What about Ren Tingting?

Seeing Zhang Jingyun's confused look, Uncle Jiu said, "Ever since you helped Tingting scare Ah Wei away, Ah Wei has started to be courteous to another rich cousin."

Zhang Jingyun was speechless, "Is this okay?"

Several patrol officers found a rope and threw it into the water, and pulled Awei up. However, Awei's feet seemed to be caught by something, and it took a lot of effort for several patrolmen to pull Awei out of the water together with his belongings.

Wow! Water splashes.

What Ah Wei stood under was an abandoned fishing net. The fishing net was filled with densely packed dead bats, which exuded a foul smell and began to rot as soon as they came out of the water.

"Why are there so many bats in the water?"

Uncle Jiu's face was solemn.

Things are obviously not that simple.

Zhang Jingyun saw this scene, but the more he saw it, the more familiar it became. Before, he was surprised that Ah Wei and the cousin played by Sandra Ng, Feng Shui problems, dragon balls, bats...

This scene appeared in Zhang Jingyun's mind, thinking that Uncle Jiu's presence would bring evil fortune, and Zhang Jingyun suddenly thought of something.

"This seems to be another movie made by Uncle Ying. Seeing these bats reminded me that there seems to be a vampire buried in this mountain village!"

Zhang Jingyun thought of the plot of "One Eyebrow Taoist". Uncle Jiu came to the village to check the feng shui. After confirming that there was a problem with the water, he opened a well for the village.

As a result, the vampire controlled the bats to drag the wooden sign away, and the well digger dug out a vampire from the ground with a Holy Cross sword in his chest.

Uncle Jiu suggested burning the body.

But the two fools, Captain Awei and his cousin, coveted the gems on the Holy Cross Sword, so they burned wooden statues instead of vampires.

The result is that the vampire is resurrected, absorbs blood, and fights Uncle Nine. Uncle Nine only treats vampires as zombies from the West.

As a result, all kinds of Maoshan techniques are useless.

And in the end, the vampire didn't seem to die. In this contest between the powers of the East and the West, Uncle Jiu actually suffered a big loss. Fortunately, there was no danger in the end.

"Go around and see where there are bats."

Uncle Jiu said at the right time, Awei finally made the most of it, and took a few patrolmen to look for bats, and soon found clues in a church on the mountain.

"'s not good..."

One of the stammering patrolmen gasped, "Oh no, I found that there are only five nuns in the church. The six of us are not divided enough..."

Ah Wei quickly kicked him and pulled him away. Zhang Jingyun looked at his back with a normal expression. It seemed that the patrol captain in the town was about to be replaced.

"You're here, let's go in and take a look."

Zhang Jingyun motioned to Uncle Jiu to take a look inside the church. Uncle Jiu was a monk and was somewhat curious about the God promoted by the fat nun in charge of the church.

"You believe in God, and we believe in the Patriarch. May I ask, will God lend you the power to conquer demons?" Uncle Jiu asked curiously.

"Hallelujah, how can believers covet the power of God? But as long as we pray sincerely, God will bless us."

Uncle Jiu frowned, then this God is not very good. The Maoshan Patriarch would borrow the power of his disciples, and sometimes he would possess the body and manifest spirits to subjugate demons.

Zhang Jingyun said at the right time: "Uncle, you are overthinking. The gods in the West are not as reliable as our ancestor, and they are of no use at critical times."

"Oh, so that's it."

Uncle Jiu was immediately uninterested, but the fat nun, seeing Zhang Jingyun belittling God, started talking non-stop. She was even more hateful than a heretic.

Zhang Jingyun ignored him because Ah Wei appeared and directly said that there were bats in the church and that he wanted to burn the church down, which scared the fat nun and made her scream repeatedly.

"We really don't have any bats here."

Zhang Jingyun pointed to a room: "Where is this place?"

"This is where the priests rest and cannot be entered. The two priests have not been back for a long time. There must be no bats inside."

"Then you have to open it and take a look to find out."

Zhang Jingyun said without doubt.

"But we don't have a room key either."

Zhang Jingyun shook his head: "It doesn't matter whether you have a key or not. I'm just telling you that we have to go in and take a look."

After saying that, Zhang Jingyun grabbed the lock.

Then, in the eyes of everyone in disbelief, the Gang Qi vibrated, and there seemed to be air currents surging in the gaps between Zhang Jingyun's fingers.

The next second, Zhang Jingyun squeezed the lock in his hand hard, and, squeaking, mud-like iron slurry squeezed out from between his fingers.

The hard iron lock was like soft yellow mud in Zhang Jingyun's hands. It was a completely different feeling in the eyes of everyone.

"Iron turns into clay?" Uncle Jiu was shocked.

Zhang Jingyun said that he had practiced a little bit.

Is this a point? I’m afraid it’s not 100 million points!

"Oh my God, Hallelujah, God, is there something wrong with my eyes? Is this something that humans can do?" the fat nun shouted directly to God.

"Uncle Master, let's go in and have a look."

Zhang Jingyun threw away the lock that turned into iron pulp, opened the door, and Uncle Jiu walked in one after another. What he saw was garlic on the floor.

There are also bunches of garlic hanging on the roof.

"This was originally the kitchen?" Uncle Jiu asked.

The fat nun was also surprised: "How can the place where the priest lives be the kitchen? There are so many garlic cloves used to exorcise demons."

Uncle Jiu didn't care. There was no Taoist skill that could be used to exorcise demons. In the world of monasticism, even the Longhushan Tianshi Mansion was not necessarily better than Maoshan in terms of exorcism skills.

"There's a body here."

Zhang Jingyun saw a dead skeleton sitting in the corner, and there was a circle of garlic on the ground around the dead bone. He explained to Uncle Jiu: "In the eyes of Western believers, garlic and silverware can exorcise evil spirits."

Uncle Jiu nodded, then looked at the fat nun and asked, "The clothes on this withered bone are the same as the photo hanging on the wall. Who is he?"

"Father Qi? He is the former missionary of the church. It turns out that he did not give up his priesthood. The church thought he had left his post without permission. Unexpectedly, Father Qi has been here to fight against evil spirits. Rest in peace, Father!"

The fat nun quickly prayed for the priest.

"Where is the other priest?"

Zhang Jingyun asked, pointing to another photo.

The fat nun said: "The Bible is burnt, the holy water is broken, and there are garlic cloves hanging all around. The priest must have lost the battle with the devil. I think the other priest must be in danger."

"No, he should have won. Otherwise, the devil is not dead. How could the villagers come and go safely in the past ten years? And he committed suicide."

Zhang Jingyun pointed at Father Qi's chest and said.

Sure enough, Father Qi committed suicide with a cross. Zhang Jingyun concluded that he was bitten by another priest who turned into a vampire, and he committed suicide because he did not want to become a vampire.

As for where the other priest is…

Zhang Jingyun knew that he would come out on his own.

Afterwards, Uncle Jiu inspected the church before leaving with peace of mind. All that was left was to determine the water source for the village and let them dig a well.

Uncle Jiu simply found the water source and asked Qiu Sheng to insert a wooden board on the ground. The rest was the villagers' business.

When Uncle Jiu went to rest, Zhang Jingyun stayed behind with an excuse. Suddenly, the color of the sky and the earth changed. The clear sky was suddenly covered by dark clouds, and a mountain rain was about to come.

Everyone who dug the well also went home to take shelter from the rain.

Zhang Jingyun turned his eyes and saw that the sky was dark. Mixed with the dark clouds, a group of bats flew silently to lift up the wooden board that held the water source and inserted it into an open space seven or eight meters away.

"It turns out the vampire is controlling the bat."

Zhang Jingyun opened his golden eyes and took a closer look. A few meters below the board, there was a corpse wearing a priest's robe. It was a vampire who was not dead.

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